blob: 6899b8dfcbe1fc5ff7aee92a8f70c5f14a10749f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1996, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "awt.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <windef.h>
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <winspool.h>
#include "awt_Toolkit.h"
#include "awt_Component.h"
#include "awt_Dialog.h"
#include "awt_Font.h"
#include "awt_PrintDialog.h"
#include "awt_PrintControl.h"
#include "awt_Window.h"
#include "ComCtl32Util.h"
#include <sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob.h>
#include <jlong_md.h>
#include <float.h>
/* Round 'num' to the nearest integer and return
* the result as a long.
#define ROUND_TO_LONG(num) ((long) floor((num) + 0.5))
/* Round 'num' to the nearest integer and return
* the result as an int.
#define ROUND_TO_INT(num) ((int) floor((num) + 0.5))
* WPrintJob native methods
extern "C" {
/*** Private Constants ***/
static char *kJavaIntStr = "I";
static char *kJavaLongStr = "J";
/* 2D printing uses 3 byte BGR pixels in Raster printing */
static int J2DRasterBPP = 3;
* Class Names
static const char *PRINTEREXCEPTION_STR = "java/awt/print/PrinterException";
* The following strings are the names of instance variables in WPrintJob2D.
static const char *PRINTPAPERSIZE_STR = "mPrintPaperSize"; // The paper size
static const char *XRES_STR = "mPrintXRes"; // The x dpi.
static const char *YRES_STR = "mPrintYRes"; // The y dpi.
static const char *PHYSX_STR = "mPrintPhysX"; // pixel x of printable area
static const char *PHYSY_STR = "mPrintPhysY"; // pixel y of printable area
static const char *PHYSW_STR = "mPrintWidth"; // pixel wid of printable area
static const char *PHYSH_STR = "mPrintHeight"; // pixel hgt of printable area
static const char *PAGEW_STR = "mPageWidth"; // pixel wid of page
static const char *PAGEH_STR = "mPageHeight"; // pixel hgt of page
static const char *DRIVER_COPIES_STR = "driverDoesMultipleCopies";
static const char *DRIVER_COLLATE_STR = "driverDoesCollation";
static const char *USER_COLLATE_STR = "userRequestedCollation";
static const char *NO_DEFAULTPRINTER_STR = "noDefaultPrinter";
static const char *LANDSCAPE_270_STR = "landscapeRotates270";
// public int java.awt.print.PrinterJob.getCopies()
static const char *GETCOPIES_STR = "getCopies";
static const char *GETCOPIES_SIG = "()I";
* Methods and fields in awt.print.PageFormat.
// public Paper getPaper()
static const char *GETPAPER_STR = "getPaper";
static const char *GETPAPER_SIG = "()Ljava/awt/print/Paper;";
// public void setPaper(Paper paper)
static const char *SETPAPER_STR = "setPaper";
static const char *SETPAPER_SIG = "(Ljava/awt/print/Paper;)V";
// public int getOrientation()
static const char *GETORIENT_STR = "getOrientation";
static const char *GETORIENT_SIG = "()I";
// public void setOrientation(int orientation)
static const char *SETORIENT_STR = "setOrientation";
static const char *SETORIENT_SIG = "(I)V";
static const int PAGEFORMAT_LANDSCAPE = 0;
static const int PAGEFORMAT_PORTRAIT = 1;
// instance variables for PrintRequestAttribute settings
static const char *ATTSIDES_STR = "mAttSides";
static const char *ATTCHROMATICITY_STR = "mAttChromaticity";
static const char *ATTXRES_STR = "mAttXRes";
static const char *ATTYRES_STR = "mAttYRes";
static const char *ATTQUALITY_STR = "mAttQuality";
static const char *ATTCOLLATE_STR = "mAttCollate";
static const char *ATTCOPIES_STR = "mAttCopies";
static const char *ATTMEDIASZNAME_STR = "mAttMediaSizeName";
static const char *ATTMEDIATRAY_STR = "mAttMediaTray";
* Methods in awt.print.Paper.
// public void setSize(double width, double height)
static const char *SETSIZE_STR = "setSize";
static const char *SETSIZE_SIG = "(DD)V";
// protected void setImageableArea(double x, double y, double width,
// double height)
static const char *SETIMAGEABLE_STR = "setImageableArea";
static const char *SETIMAGEABLE_SIG = "(DDDD)V";
// public double getWidth()
static const char *GETWIDTH_STR = "getWidth";
static const char *GETWIDTH_SIG = "()D";
// public double getHeight()
static const char *GETHEIGHT_STR = "getHeight";
static const char *GETHEIGHT_SIG = "()D";
// public double getImageableX()
static const char *GETIMG_X_STR = "getImageableX";
static const char *GETIMG_X_SIG = "()D";
// public double getImageableY()
static const char *GETIMG_Y_STR = "getImageableY";
static const char *GETIMG_Y_SIG = "()D";
// public double getImageableWidth()
static const char *GETIMG_W_STR = "getImageableWidth";
static const char *GETIMG_W_SIG = "()D";
// public double getImageableHeight()
static const char *GETIMG_H_STR = "getImageableHeight";
static const char *GETIMG_H_SIG = "()D";
/* Multiply a Window's MM_HIENGLISH value
* (1000th of an inch) by this number to
* get a value in 72nds of an inch.
static const double HIENGLISH_TO_POINTS = (72.0 / 1000.0);
/* Multiply a Window's MM_HIMETRIC value
* (100ths of a millimeter) by this
* number to get a value in 72nds of an inch.
static const double HIMETRIC_TO_POINTS = (72.0 / 2540.0);
/* Multiply a Window's MM_LOMETRIC value
* (10ths of a millimeter) by this
* number to get a value in 72nds of an inch.
static const double LOMETRIC_TO_POINTS = (72.0 / 254.0);
/* Multiply a measurement in 1/72's of an inch by this
* value to convert it to Window's MM_HIENGLISH
* (1000th of an inch) units.
static const double POINTS_TO_HIENGLISH = (1000.0 / 72.0);
/* Multiply a measurement in 1/72's of an inch by this
* value to convert it to Window's MM_HIMETRIC
* (100th of an millimeter) units.
static const double POINTS_TO_HIMETRIC = (2540.0 / 72.0);
/* Multiply a measurement in 1/72's of an inch by this
* value to convert it to Window's MM_LOMETRIC
* (10th of an millimeter) units.
static const double POINTS_TO_LOMETRIC = (254.0 / 72.0);
jfieldID AwtPrintDialog::pageID;
/*** Private Macros ***/
/* A Page Setup paint hook passes a word describing the
orientation and type of page being displayed in the
dialog. These macros break the word down into meaningful
#define PRINTER_TYPE_MASK (0x0003)
#define PORTRAIT_MASK (0x0004)
#define ENVELOPE_MASK (0x0008)
#define IS_ENVELOPE(param) (((param) & ENVELOPE_MASK) != 0)
#define IS_PORTRAIT(param) (((param) & PORTRAIT_MASK) != 0)
/* If the Pagable does not know the number of pages in the document,
then we limit the print dialog to this number of pages.
#define MAX_UNKNOWN_PAGES 9999
/* When making a font that is already at least bold,
* bolder then we increase the LOGFONT lfWeight field
* by this amount.
#define EMBOLDEN_WEIGHT (100)
/* The lfWeight field of a GDI LOGFONT structure should not
* exceed this value.
#define MAX_FONT_WEIGHT (1000)
/*** Private Variable Types ***/
typedef struct {
jdouble x;
jdouble y;
jdouble width;
jdouble height;
} RectDouble;
/*** Private Prototypes ***/
static UINT CALLBACK pageDlgHook(HWND hDlg, UINT msg,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
static void initPrinter(JNIEnv *env, jobject self);
static HDC getDefaultPrinterDC(JNIEnv *env, jobject printerJob);
static void pageFormatToSetup(JNIEnv *env, jobject job, jobject page,
static WORD getOrientationFromDevMode2(HGLOBAL hDevMode);
static WORD getOrientationFromDevMode(JNIEnv *env, jobject self);
static void setOrientationInDevMode(HGLOBAL hDevMode, jboolean isPortrait);
static void doPrintBand(JNIEnv *env, jboolean browserPrinting,
HDC printDC, jbyteArray imageArray,
jint x, jint y, jint width, jint height);
static int bitsToDevice(HDC printDC, jbyte *image, long destX, long destY,
long width, long height);
static void retrievePaperInfo(const PAGESETUPDLG *setup, POINT *paperSize,
RECT *margins, jint *orientation,
HDC hdc);
static jint getCopies(JNIEnv *env, jobject printerJob);
static jobject getPaper(JNIEnv *env, jobject page);
static void setPaper(JNIEnv *env, jobject page, jobject paper);
static jint getPageFormatOrientation(JNIEnv *env, jobject page);
static void setPageFormatOrientation(JNIEnv *env, jobject page, jint orient);
static void getPaperValues(JNIEnv *env, jobject paper, RectDouble *paperSize,
RectDouble *margins, BOOL widthAsMargin=TRUE);
static void setPaperValues(JNIEnv *env, jobject paper, const POINT *paperSize,
const RECT *margins, int units);
static long convertFromPoints(double value, int units);
static double convertToPoints(long value, int units);
void setCapabilities(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, HDC printDC);
static inline WORD getPrintPaperSize(JNIEnv *env, jboolean* err, jobject self);
static inline jboolean setPrintPaperSize(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, WORD sz);
static jint getIntField(JNIEnv *env, jboolean* err, jobject self, const char *fieldName);
static jboolean setIntField(JNIEnv *env, jobject self,
const char *fieldName, jint value);
static jboolean getBooleanField(JNIEnv *env, jboolean* err, jobject self,
const char *fieldName);
static jboolean setBooleanField(JNIEnv *env, jobject self,
const char *fieldName, jboolean value);
static jbyte *findNonWhite(jbyte *image, long sy, long width, long height,
long scanLineStride, long *numLinesP);
static jbyte *findWhite(jbyte *image, long sy, long width, long height,
long scanLineStride, long *numLines);
static void dumpDevMode(HGLOBAL hDevMode);
static void dumpPrinterCaps(HANDLE hDevNames);
static void throwPrinterException(JNIEnv *env, DWORD err);
static void matchPaperSize(HDC printDC, HGLOBAL hDevMode, HGLOBAL hDevNames,
double origWid, double origHgt,
double* newHgt, double *newWid,
WORD* paperSize);
static jboolean jFontToWFontW(JNIEnv *env, HDC printDC, jstring fontName,
jfloat fontSize, jboolean isBold, jboolean isItalic,
jint rotation, jfloat awScale);
static jboolean jFontToWFontA(JNIEnv *env, HDC printDC, jstring fontName,
jfloat fontSize, jboolean isBold, jboolean isItalic,
jint rotation, jfloat awScale);
static int CALLBACK fontEnumProcW(ENUMLOGFONTEXW *lpelfe,
int FontType,
LPARAM lParam);
static int CALLBACK fontEnumProcA(ENUMLOGFONTEXA *logfont,
int FontType,
LPARAM lParam);
static int embolden(int currentWeight);
static BOOL getPrintableArea(HDC pdc, HANDLE hDevMode, RectDouble *margin);
* DocumentProperties native support
/* Values must match those defined in */
static const DWORD SET_COLOR = 0x00000200;
static const DWORD SET_ORIENTATION = 0x00004000;
static const DWORD SET_COLLATED = 0x00008000;
static const DWORD SET_DUP_VERTICAL = 0x00000010;
static const DWORD SET_DUP_HORIZONTAL = 0x00000020;
static const DWORD SET_RES_HIGH = 0x00000040;
static const DWORD SET_RES_LOW = 0x00000080;
* Copy DEVMODE state back into JobAttributes.
static void UpdateJobAttributes(JNIEnv *env,
jobject wJob,
jobject attrSet,
DEVMODE *devmode) {
DWORD dmValues = 0;
int xRes = 0, yRes = 0;
if (devmode->dmFields & DM_COLOR) {
if (devmode->dmColor == DMCOLOR_COLOR) {
dmValues |= SET_COLOR;
if (devmode->dmFields & DM_ORIENTATION) {
if (devmode->dmOrientation == DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE) {
if (devmode->dmFields & DM_COLLATE &&
devmode->dmCollate == DMCOLLATE_TRUE) {
dmValues |= SET_COLLATED;
if (devmode->dmFields & DM_PRINTQUALITY) {
/* value < 0 indicates quality setting.
* value > 0 indicates X resolution. In that case
* hopefully we will also find y-resolution specified.
* If its not, assume its the same as x-res.
* Maybe Java code should try to reconcile this against
* the printers claimed set of supported resolutions.
if (devmode->dmPrintQuality < 0) {
if (devmode->dmPrintQuality == DMRES_HIGH) {
dmValues |= SET_RES_HIGH;
} else if ((devmode->dmPrintQuality == DMRES_LOW) ||
(devmode->dmPrintQuality == DMRES_DRAFT)) {
dmValues |= SET_RES_LOW;
/* else if (devmode->dmPrintQuality == DMRES_MEDIUM)
* will set to NORMAL.
} else {
xRes = devmode->dmPrintQuality;
yRes = (devmode->dmFields & DM_YRESOLUTION) ?
devmode->dmYResolution : devmode->dmPrintQuality;
if (devmode->dmFields & DM_DUPLEX) {
if (devmode->dmDuplex == DMDUP_HORIZONTAL) {
} else if (devmode->dmDuplex == DMDUP_VERTICAL) {
env->CallVoidMethod(wJob, AwtPrintControl::setJobAttributesID, attrSet,
devmode->dmFields, dmValues, devmode->dmCopies,
devmode->dmPaperSize, devmode->dmPaperWidth,
devmode->dmPaperLength, devmode->dmDefaultSource,
xRes, yRes);
Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_showDocProperties(JNIEnv *env,
jobject wJob,
jlong hWndParent,
jobject attrSet,
jint dmFields,
jshort copies,
jshort collate,
jshort color,
jshort duplex,
jshort orient,
jshort paper,
jshort bin,
jshort xres_quality,
jshort yres)
HGLOBAL hDevMode = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDMode(env, wJob);
HGLOBAL hDevNames = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDName(env, wJob);
DEVMODE *devmode = NULL;
DEVNAMES *devnames = NULL;
jboolean ret = JNI_FALSE;
if (hDevMode != NULL && hDevNames != NULL) {
devmode = (DEVMODE *)::GlobalLock(hDevMode);
devnames = (DEVNAMES *)::GlobalLock(hDevNames);
LPTSTR lpdevnames = (LPTSTR)devnames;
// No need to call _tcsdup as we won't unlock until we are done.
LPTSTR printerName = lpdevnames+devnames->wDeviceOffset;
LPTSTR portName = lpdevnames+devnames->wOutputOffset;
HANDLE hPrinter;
if (::OpenPrinter(printerName, &hPrinter, NULL) == TRUE) {
devmode->dmFields |= dmFields;
devmode->dmCopies = copies;
devmode->dmCollate = collate;
devmode->dmColor = color;
devmode->dmDuplex = duplex;
devmode->dmOrientation = orient;
devmode->dmPrintQuality = xres_quality;
devmode->dmYResolution = yres;
devmode->dmPaperSize = paper;
devmode->dmDefaultSource = bin;
rval = ::DocumentProperties((HWND)hWndParent,
hPrinter, printerName, devmode, devmode,
if (rval == IDOK) {
UpdateJobAttributes(env, wJob, attrSet, devmode);
ret = JNI_TRUE;
return ret;
* WPageDialog native methods
Java_sun_awt_windows_WPageDialog_initIDs(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
AwtPrintDialog::pageID =
env->GetFieldID(cls, "page", "Ljava/awt/print/PageFormat;");
DASSERT(AwtPrintDialog::pageID != NULL);
* WPageDialogPeer native methods
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPageDialogPeer
* Method: show
* Signature: ()Z
Java_sun_awt_windows_WPageDialogPeer__1show(JNIEnv *env, jobject peer)
// as peer object is used later on another thread, create global ref here
jobject peerGlobalRef = env->NewGlobalRef(peer);
DASSERT(peerGlobalRef != NULL);
jobject target = env->GetObjectField(peerGlobalRef, AwtObject::targetID);
jobject parent = env->GetObjectField(peerGlobalRef, AwtPrintDialog::parentID);
jobject page = env->GetObjectField(target, AwtPrintDialog::pageID);
DASSERT(page != NULL);
jobject self = env->GetObjectField(target, AwtPrintDialog::controlID);
DASSERT(self != NULL);
AwtComponent *awtParent = (parent != NULL) ? (AwtComponent *)JNI_GET_PDATA(parent) : NULL;
HWND hwndOwner = awtParent ? awtParent->GetHWnd() : NULL;
jboolean doIt = JNI_FALSE; // Assume the user will cancel the dialog.
memset(&setup, 0, sizeof(setup));
setup.lStructSize = sizeof(setup);
Fix for 6488834.
To disable Win32 native parent modality we have to set
hwndOwner field to either NULL or some hidden window. For
parentless dialogs we use NULL to show them in the taskbar,
and for all other dialogs AwtToolkit's HWND is used.
if (awtParent != NULL)
setup.hwndOwner = AwtToolkit::GetInstance().GetHWnd();
setup.hwndOwner = NULL;
setup.hDevMode = NULL;
setup.hDevNames = NULL;
// setup.ptPaperSize =
// setup.rtMinMargin =
// setup.rtMargin =
setup.hInstance = NULL;
setup.lCustData = (LPARAM)peerGlobalRef;
setup.lpfnPageSetupHook = reinterpret_cast<LPPAGESETUPHOOK>(pageDlgHook);
setup.lpfnPagePaintHook = NULL;
setup.lpPageSetupTemplateName = NULL;
setup.hPageSetupTemplate = NULL;
/* Because the return default flag is set, this first call
* will not display the dialog but will return default values, inc
* including hDevMode, hDevName, ptPaperSize, and rtMargin values.
* We can use the devmode to set the orientation of the page
* and the size of the page.
* The units used by the user is also needed.
if (AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDMode(env, self) == NULL ||
AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDName(env,self) == NULL) {
/* check if hDevMode and hDevNames are set.
* If both are null, then there is no default printer.
if ((setup.hDevMode == NULL) && (setup.hDevNames == NULL)) {
goto done;
} else {
if (sz > 0) {
LPTSTR str = (LPTSTR)SAFE_SIZE_ARRAY_ALLOC(safe_Malloc, sizeof(TCHAR), sz);
if (str != NULL) {
if (sz > 0) {
if (_tcscmp(TEXT("0"), str) == 0) {
setup.Flags |= measure;
setup.hDevMode = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDMode(env, self);
setup.hDevNames = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDName(env, self);
/* Move page size and orientation from the PageFormat object
* into the Windows setup structure so that the format can
* be displayed in the dialog.
pageFormatToSetup(env, self, page, &setup, AwtPrintControl::getPrintDC(env, self));
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
goto done;
setup.lpfnPageSetupHook = reinterpret_cast<LPPAGESETUPHOOK>(pageDlgHook);
BOOL ret = ::PageSetupDlg(&setup);
if (ret) {
jobject paper = getPaper(env, page);
if (paper == NULL) {
goto done;
int units = setup.Flags & PSD_INTHOUSANDTHSOFINCHES ?
POINT paperSize;
RECT margins;
jint orientation;
/* The printer may have been changed, and we track that change,
* but then need to get a new DC for the current printer so that
* we validate the paper size correctly
if (setup.hDevNames != NULL) {
DEVNAMES* names = (DEVNAMES*)::GlobalLock(setup.hDevNames);
if (names != NULL) {
LPTSTR printer = (LPTSTR)names+names->wDeviceOffset;
HDC newDC = ::CreateDC(TEXT("WINSPOOL"), printer, NULL, NULL);
if (newDC != NULL) {
HDC oldDC = AwtPrintControl::getPrintDC(env, self);
if (oldDC != NULL) {
AwtPrintControl::setPrintDC(env, self, newDC);
/* Get the Windows paper and margins description.
retrievePaperInfo(&setup, &paperSize, &margins, &orientation,
AwtPrintControl::getPrintDC(env, self));
/* Convert the Windows' paper and margins description
* and place them into a Paper instance.
setPaperValues(env, paper, &paperSize, &margins, units);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
goto done;
* Put the updated Paper instance and the orientation into
* the PageFormat.
setPaper(env, page, paper);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
goto done;
setPageFormatOrientation(env, page, orientation);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
goto done;
if (setup.hDevMode != NULL) {
DEVMODE *devmode = (DEVMODE *)::GlobalLock(setup.hDevMode);
if (devmode != NULL) {
if (devmode->dmFields & DM_PAPERSIZE) {
jboolean err = setPrintPaperSize(env, self, devmode->dmPaperSize);
if (err) {
goto done;
doIt = JNI_TRUE;
AwtDialog::ModalActivateNextWindow(NULL, target, peer);
HGLOBAL oldG = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDMode(env, self);
if (setup.hDevMode != oldG) {
AwtPrintControl::setPrintHDMode(env, self, setup.hDevMode);
oldG = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDName(env, self);
if (setup.hDevNames != oldG) {
AwtPrintControl::setPrintHDName(env, self, setup.hDevNames);
if (target != NULL) {
if (parent != NULL) {
return doIt;
* WPrinterJob native methods
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: setCopies
* Signature: (I)V
Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_setNativeCopies(JNIEnv *env, jobject self,
jint copies) {
HGLOBAL hDevMode = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDMode(env, self);
if (hDevMode != NULL) {
DEVMODE *devmode = (DEVMODE *)::GlobalLock(hDevMode);
if (devmode != NULL) {
short nCopies = (copies < (jint)SHRT_MAX)
? static_cast<short>(copies) : SHRT_MAX;
devmode->dmCopies = nCopies;
devmode->dmFields |= DM_COPIES;
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: getDefaultPage
* Signature: (Ljava/awt/print/PageFormat;)V
Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_getDefaultPage(JNIEnv *env, jobject self,
jobject page) {
// devnames and dc are initialized at setting of Print Service,
// through print dialog or start of printing
// None of those may have happened yet, so call initPrinter()
initPrinter(env, self);
HANDLE hDevNames = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDName(env, self);
HDC hdc = AwtPrintControl::getPrintDC(env, self);
if ((hDevNames == NULL) || (hdc == NULL)) {
DEVNAMES *devnames = (DEVNAMES *)::GlobalLock(hDevNames);
if (devnames != NULL) {
LPTSTR lpdevnames = (LPTSTR)devnames;
LPTSTR printerName = _tcsdup(lpdevnames+devnames->wDeviceOffset);
HANDLE hPrinter = NULL;
/* Start by opening the printer */
if (!::OpenPrinter(printerName, &hPrinter, NULL)) {
if (hPrinter != NULL) {
free ((LPTSTR) printerName);
if (!AwtPrintControl::getDevmode(hPrinter, printerName, &pDevMode)) {
/* if failure, cleanup and return failure */
if (pDevMode != NULL) {
free ((LPTSTR) printerName);
return ;
if ((pDevMode->dmFields & DM_PAPERSIZE) ||
(pDevMode->dmFields & DM_PAPERWIDTH) ||
(pDevMode->dmFields & DM_PAPERLENGTH)) {
POINT paperSize;
RECT margins;
jint orientation = PAGEFORMAT_PORTRAIT;
if (hdc != NULL) {
int units = MM_HIENGLISH;
int sz = GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,
if (sz > 0) {
LPTSTR str = (LPTSTR)SAFE_SIZE_ARRAY_ALLOC(safe_Malloc, sizeof(TCHAR), sz);
if (str != NULL) {
if (sz > 0) {
if (_tcscmp(TEXT("0"), str) == 0) {
units = MM_HIMETRIC;
int width = ::GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PHYSICALWIDTH);
int height = ::GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PHYSICALHEIGHT);
int resx = ::GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX);
int resy = ::GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY);
double w = (double)width/resx;
double h = (double)height/resy;
paperSize.x = convertFromPoints(w*72, units);
paperSize.y = convertFromPoints(h*72, units);
// set margins to 1"
margins.left = convertFromPoints(72, units); = convertFromPoints(72, units);;
margins.right = convertFromPoints(72, units);;
margins.bottom = convertFromPoints(72, units);;
jobject paper = getPaper(env, page);
if (paper == NULL) {
goto done;
setPaperValues(env, paper, &paperSize, &margins, units);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) goto done;
setPaper(env, page, paper);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) goto done;
if ((pDevMode->dmFields & DM_ORIENTATION) &&
(pDevMode->dmOrientation == DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE)) {
setPageFormatOrientation(env, page, orientation);
} else {
setBooleanField(env, self, NO_DEFAULTPRINTER_STR, (jint)JNI_TRUE);
free ((LPTSTR) printerName);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: validatePaper
* Signature: (Ljava/awt/print/Paper;Ljava/awt/print/Paper;)V
* Query the current or default printer to find all paper sizes it
* supports and find the closest matching to the origPaper.
* For the matching size, validate the margins and printable area
* against the printer's capabilities.
Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_validatePaper(JNIEnv *env, jobject self,
jobject origPaper, jobject newPaper) {
/* If the print dialog has been displayed or a DC has otherwise
* been created, use that. Else get a DC for the default printer
* which we discard before returning.
HDC printDC = AwtPrintControl::getPrintDC(env, self);
HGLOBAL hDevMode = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDMode(env, self);
HGLOBAL hDevNames = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDName(env, self);
BOOL privateDC = FALSE;
if (printDC == NULL) {
memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(PRINTDLG));
pd.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLG);
if (::PrintDlg(&pd)) {
printDC = pd.hDC;
hDevMode = pd.hDevMode;
hDevNames = pd.hDevNames;
privateDC = TRUE;
JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(printDC, "Invalid printDC", done);
/* We try to mitigate the effects of floating point rounding errors
* by only setting a value if it would differ from the value in the
* target by at least 0.10 points = 1/720 inches.
* eg if the values present in the target are close to the calculated
* values then we accept the target.
const double epsilon = 0.10;
jdouble paperWidth, paperHeight;
jboolean err;
WORD dmPaperSize = getPrintPaperSize(env, &err, self);
if (err) goto done;
double ix, iy, iw, ih, pw, ph;
DASSERT(AwtToolkit::MainThread() != ::GetCurrentThreadId());
jmethodID getID;
jclass paperClass = env->GetObjectClass(origPaper);
JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(paperClass, "paper class not found", done);
getID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass, GETWIDTH_STR, GETWIDTH_SIG);
JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(getID, "no getWidth method", done);
pw = env->CallDoubleMethod(origPaper, getID);
getID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass, GETHEIGHT_STR, GETHEIGHT_SIG);
JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(getID, "no getHeight method", done);
ph = env->CallDoubleMethod(origPaper, getID);
getID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass, GETIMG_X_STR, GETIMG_X_SIG);
JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(getID, "no getX method", done);
ix = env->CallDoubleMethod(origPaper, getID);
getID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass, GETIMG_Y_STR, GETIMG_Y_SIG);
JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(getID, "no getY method", done);
iy = env->CallDoubleMethod(origPaper, getID);
getID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass, GETIMG_W_STR, GETIMG_W_SIG);
JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(getID, "no getW method", done);
iw = env->CallDoubleMethod(origPaper, getID);
getID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass, GETIMG_H_STR, GETIMG_H_SIG);
JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(getID, "no getH method", done);
ih = env->CallDoubleMethod(origPaper, getID);
matchPaperSize(printDC, hDevMode, hDevNames, pw, ph,
&paperWidth, &paperHeight, &dmPaperSize);
/* Validate margins and imageable area */
// pixels per inch in x and y direction
jint xPixelRes = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, LOGPIXELSX);
jint yPixelRes = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, LOGPIXELSY);
// x & y coord of printable area in pixels
jint xPixelOrg = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, PHYSICALOFFSETX);
jint yPixelOrg = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, PHYSICALOFFSETY);
// width & height of printable area in pixels
jint imgPixelWid = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, HORZRES);
jint imgPixelHgt = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, VERTRES);
// The DC may be obtained when we first selected the printer as a
// result of a call to setNativePrintService.
// If the Devmode was obtained later on from the DocumentProperties dialog
// the DC won't have been updated and its settings may be for PORTRAIT.
// This may happen in other cases too, but was observed for the above.
// To get a DC compatible with this devmode we should really call
// CreateDC() again to get a DC for the devmode we are using.
// The changes for that are a lot more risk, so to minimize that
// risk, assume its not LANDSCAPE unless width > height, even if the
// devmode says its LANDSCAPE.
// if the values were obtained from a rotated device, swap.
if ((getOrientationFromDevMode2(hDevMode) == DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE) &&
(imgPixelWid > imgPixelHgt)) {
jint tmp;
tmp = xPixelRes;
xPixelRes = yPixelRes;
yPixelRes = tmp;
tmp = xPixelOrg;
xPixelOrg = yPixelOrg;
yPixelOrg = tmp;
tmp = imgPixelWid;
imgPixelWid = imgPixelHgt;
imgPixelHgt = tmp;
// page imageable area in 1/72"
jdouble imgX = (jdouble)((xPixelOrg * 72)/(jdouble)xPixelRes);
jdouble imgY = (jdouble)((yPixelOrg * 72)/(jdouble)yPixelRes);
jdouble imgWid = (jdouble)((imgPixelWid * 72)/(jdouble)xPixelRes);
jdouble imgHgt = (jdouble)((imgPixelHgt * 72)/(jdouble)yPixelRes);
/* Check each of the individual values is within range.
* Then make sure imageable area is placed within imageable area.
* Allow for a small floating point error in the comparisons
if (ix < 0.0 ) {
ix = 0.0;
if (iy < 0.0 ) {
iy = 0.0;
if (iw < 0.0) {
iw = 0.0;
if (ih < 0.0) {
ih = 0.0;
if ((ix + epsilon) < imgX) {
ix = imgX;
if ((iy + epsilon) < imgY) {
iy = imgY;
if (iw + epsilon > imgWid) {
iw = imgWid;
if (ih + epsilon > imgHgt) {
ih = imgHgt;
if ((ix + iw + epsilon) > (imgX+imgWid)) {
ix = (imgX+imgWid) - iw;
if ((iy + ih + epsilon) > (imgY+imgHgt)) {
iy = (imgY+imgHgt) - ih;
DASSERT(AwtToolkit::MainThread() != ::GetCurrentThreadId());
jmethodID setSizeID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass,
JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(setSizeID, "no setSize method", done);
jmethodID setImageableID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass,
JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(setImageableID, "no setImageable method", done);
env->CallVoidMethod(newPaper, setSizeID, paperWidth, paperHeight);
env->CallVoidMethod(newPaper, setImageableID, ix, iy, iw, ih);
/* Free any resources allocated */
if (privateDC == TRUE) {
if (printDC != NULL) {
/* In this case we know that this DC has no GDI objects to free */
if (hDevMode != NULL) {
if (hDevNames != NULL) {
static void initPrinter(JNIEnv *env, jobject self) {
HDC printDC = AwtPrintControl::getPrintDC(env, self);
* The print device context will be NULL if the
* user never okayed a print dialog. This
* will happen most often when the java application
* decides not to present a print dialog to the user.
* We create a device context for the default printer.
if (printDC == NULL) {
printDC = getDefaultPrinterDC(env, self);
if (printDC){
AwtPrintControl::setPrintDC(env, self, printDC);
setCapabilities(env, self, printDC);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: initPrinter
* Signature: ()V
Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_initPrinter(JNIEnv *env, jobject self) {
jboolean err;
initPrinter(env, self);
// check for collation
HGLOBAL hDevNames = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDName(env, self);
if (hDevNames != NULL) {
DWORD dmFields = 0;
DEVNAMES *devnames = (DEVNAMES *)::GlobalLock(hDevNames);
if (devnames != NULL) {
LPTSTR lpdevnames = (LPTSTR)devnames;
LPTSTR printername = lpdevnames+devnames->wDeviceOffset;
LPTSTR port = lpdevnames+devnames->wOutputOffset;
dmFields = ::DeviceCapabilities(printername, port,
int devLandRotation = (int)DeviceCapabilities(printername, port,
if (devLandRotation == 270) {
err = setBooleanField(env, self, LANDSCAPE_270_STR, JNI_TRUE);
} else {
err = setBooleanField(env, self, LANDSCAPE_270_STR, JNI_FALSE);
if (err) return;
if (dmFields & DM_COLLATE) {
err = setBooleanField(env, self, DRIVER_COLLATE_STR, JNI_TRUE);
} else {
err = setBooleanField(env, self, DRIVER_COLLATE_STR, JNI_FALSE);
if (err) return;
if (dmFields & DM_COPIES) {
setBooleanField(env, self, DRIVER_COPIES_STR, JNI_TRUE);
* returns 0 if print capabilities has been changed
* 1 if print capabilities has not been changed
* -1 in case of error
static int setPrintReqAttribute(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, DEVMODE* devmode) {
/* The xRes/yRes fields are only initialised if there is a resolution
* attribute. Otherwise they both will be zero, in which case default
* resolution should be fine. Consider calling getXRes()/getResY()
* rather than accessing the fields directly
jboolean err;
int xRes=getIntField(env, &err, self, ATTXRES_STR);
if (err) return -1;
int yRes=getIntField(env, &err, self, ATTYRES_STR);
if (err) return -1;
int quality=getIntField(env, &err, self, ATTQUALITY_STR);
if (err) return -1;
int printColor = getIntField(env, &err, self, ATTCHROMATICITY_STR);
if (err) return -1;
int sides = getIntField(env, &err, self, ATTSIDES_STR);
if (err) return -1;
int collate = getIntField(env, &err, self, ATTCOLLATE_STR);
if (err) return -1;
int copies = 1;
// There may be cases when driver reports it cannot handle
// multiple copies although it actually can . So this modification
// handles that, to make sure that we report copies = 1 because
// we already emulated multiple copies.
jboolean driverHandlesCopies = getBooleanField(env, &err, self, DRIVER_COPIES_STR);
if (err) return -1;
if (driverHandlesCopies) {
copies = getIntField(env, &err, self, ATTCOPIES_STR);
if (err) return -1;
} // else "driverDoesMultipleCopies" is false, copies should be 1 (default)
int mediatray = getIntField(env, &err, self, ATTMEDIATRAY_STR);
if (err) return -1;
int mediaszname = getIntField(env, &err, self, ATTMEDIASZNAME_STR);
if (err) return -1;
int ret = 1;
if (quality && quality < 0) {
if (quality != devmode->dmPrintQuality) {
devmode->dmPrintQuality = quality;
devmode->dmFields |= DM_PRINTQUALITY;
// ret of 0 means that setCapabilities needs to be called
ret = 0;
} else {
/* If we didn't set quality, maybe we have resolution settings. */
if (xRes && (xRes != devmode->dmPrintQuality)) {
devmode->dmPrintQuality = xRes;
devmode->dmFields |= DM_PRINTQUALITY;
if (yRes && (yRes != devmode->dmYResolution)) {
devmode->dmYResolution = yRes;
devmode->dmFields |= DM_YRESOLUTION;
if (printColor && (printColor != devmode->dmColor)) {
devmode->dmColor = printColor;
devmode->dmFields |= DM_COLOR;
if (sides && (sides != devmode->dmDuplex)) {
devmode->dmDuplex = sides;
devmode->dmFields |= DM_DUPLEX;
if ((collate != -1) && (collate != devmode->dmCollate)) {
devmode->dmCollate = collate;
devmode->dmFields |= DM_COLLATE;
if (copies && (copies != devmode->dmCopies)) {
devmode->dmCopies = copies;
devmode->dmFields |= DM_COPIES;
if (mediatray && (mediatray != devmode->dmDefaultSource)) {
devmode->dmDefaultSource = mediatray;
devmode->dmFields |= DM_DEFAULTSOURCE;
if (mediaszname && (mediaszname != devmode->dmPaperSize)) {
devmode->dmPaperSize = mediaszname;
devmode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERSIZE;
return ret;
static LPTSTR GetPrinterPort(JNIEnv *env, LPTSTR printer) {
HANDLE hPrinter;
if (::OpenPrinter(printer, &hPrinter, NULL) == FALSE) {
return NULL;
DWORD bytesReturned, bytesNeeded;
::GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, NULL, 0, &bytesNeeded);
PRINTER_INFO_2* info2 = (PRINTER_INFO_2*)::GlobalAlloc(GPTR, bytesNeeded);
if (info2 == NULL) {
return NULL;
int ret = ::GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)info2,
bytesNeeded, &bytesReturned);
if (!ret) {
return NULL;
LPTSTR port = _wcsdup(info2->pPortName);
return port;
static jboolean isFilePort(LPTSTR port) {
return wcscmp(port, TEXT("FILE:")) == 0;
* This is called when printing is about to start and we have not specified
* a file destination - which is in fact the 99.99% case.
* We can discover from the DEVNAMES if the DC is actually associated
* with "FILE:", which is going to occur
* 1) if the native print dialog was used and print to file was selected, or
* 2) the printer driver is configured to print to file.
* In that former case we have a conflict since if the destination is a
* file, JDK will normally supply that destination to StartDoc, so what
* must have happened is the app de-associated the job from the file, but
* the printer DC etc is still hooked up to the file. If we find
* the DEVNAMES specified is set to "FILE:"
* First find out if the DC was associated with a FILE. If it is,
* then unless that is its normal configuration, we'll get a new DC.
* If the default destination ends with ":", this is sufficient clue
* to windows it must be a device. Otherwise we need to create a new DC.
LPTSTR VerifyDestination(JNIEnv *env, jobject wPrinterJob) {
HDC printDC = AwtPrintControl::getPrintDC(env, wPrinterJob);
HGLOBAL hDevNames = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDName(env, wPrinterJob);
if (hDevNames == NULL || printDC == NULL) {
return NULL;
DEVNAMES *devnames = (DEVNAMES *)::GlobalLock(hDevNames);
if (devnames != NULL) {
LPTSTR lpdevnames = (LPTSTR)devnames;
LPTSTR printer = lpdevnames+devnames->wDeviceOffset;
LPTSTR port = lpdevnames+devnames->wOutputOffset;
if (port != NULL && isFilePort(port)) {
LPTSTR defPort = GetPrinterPort(env, printer);
if (!isFilePort(defPort)) { // not a FILE: port by default
size_t len = wcslen(defPort);
if (len > 0 && port[len-1] == L':') { // is a device port
dest = defPort;
} else {
/* We need to create a new DC */
HDC newDC = ::CreateDC(TEXT("WINSPOOL"),
printer, NULL, NULL);
AwtPrintControl::setPrintDC(env, wPrinterJob, newDC);
if (dest != defPort) {
return dest;
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: startDoc
* Signature: ()V
Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob__1startDoc(JNIEnv *env, jobject self,
jstring dest, jstring jobname) {
int err = 0;
LPTSTR destination = NULL;
if (dest != NULL) {
destination = (LPTSTR)JNU_GetStringPlatformChars(env, dest, NULL);
} else {
destination = VerifyDestination(env, self);
LPTSTR docname = NULL;
if (jobname != NULL) {
LPTSTR tmp = (LPTSTR)JNU_GetStringPlatformChars(env, jobname, NULL);
if (tmp == NULL) {
if (dest != NULL) {
JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, dest, destination);
return JNI_FALSE;
docname = _tcsdup(tmp);
JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, jobname, tmp);
} else {
docname = TEXT("Java Printing");
initPrinter(env, self);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
if (dest != NULL) {
JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, dest, destination);
return JNI_FALSE;
HDC printDC = AwtPrintControl::getPrintDC(env, self);
/* We do our own rotation, so device must be in portrait mode.
* This should be in effect only whilst we are printing, so that
* if the app displays the native dialog again for the same printerjob
* instance, it shows the setting the user expects.
* So in EndDoc, and AbortDoc or if we fail out of this function,
* we need to restore this.
HGLOBAL hDevMode = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDMode(env, self);
if (printDC != NULL && hDevMode != NULL) {
DEVMODE *devmode = (DEVMODE *)::GlobalLock(hDevMode);
bool success = true;
if (devmode != NULL) {
devmode->dmFields |= DM_ORIENTATION;
devmode->dmOrientation = DMORIENT_PORTRAIT;
/* set attribute values into devmode */
int ret = setPrintReqAttribute(env, self, devmode);
::ResetDC(printDC, devmode);
if (ret == 0) {
Need to read in updated device capabilities because
print quality has been changed.
setCapabilities(env, self, printDC);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) success = false;
} else if (ret < 0) {
success = false;
if (!success) {
if (dest != NULL) {
JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, dest, destination);
return JNI_FALSE;
if (printDC){
DOCINFO docInfo;
memset(&docInfo, 0, sizeof(DOCINFO));
docInfo.cbSize = sizeof (DOCINFO);
docInfo.lpszDocName = docname;
TCHAR fullPath[_MAX_PATH];
if (destination != NULL) {
_tfullpath(fullPath, destination, _MAX_PATH);
docInfo.lpszOutput = fullPath;
docInfo.fwType = 0;
err = ::StartDoc(printDC, &docInfo);
if (err <= 0) {
err = GetLastError();
} else {
err = 0;
else {
JNU_ThrowByName(env, PRINTEREXCEPTION_STR, "No printer found.");
if (dest != NULL) {
JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, dest, destination);
if (err && err != ERROR_CANCELLED) {
throwPrinterException(env, err);
if (err == ERROR_CANCELLED) {
return JNI_FALSE;
} else {
return JNI_TRUE;
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: endDoc
* Signature: ()V
Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_endDoc(JNIEnv *env, jobject self) {
HDC printDC = AwtPrintControl::getPrintDC(env, self);
if (printDC != NULL){
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: abortDoc
* Signature: ()V
Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_abortDoc(JNIEnv *env, jobject self) {
HDC printDC = AwtPrintControl::getPrintDC(env, self);
if (printDC != NULL){
static void DeletePrintDC(HDC printDC) {
if (printDC==NULL) {
/* Free any GDI objects we may have selected into the DC.
* It is not harmful to call DeleteObject if the retrieved objects
* happen to be stock objects.
HBRUSH hbrush = (HBRUSH)::SelectObject(printDC,
if (hbrush != NULL) {
HPEN hpen = (HPEN)::SelectObject(printDC, ::GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN));
if (hpen != NULL) {
HFONT hfont = (HFONT)::SelectObject(printDC,::GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT));
if (hfont != NULL) {
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: deleteDC
* Signature: ()V
* Called after WPrinterJob has been GCed, not before.
(JNIEnv *env, jclass wpjClass, jlong dc, jlong devmode, jlong devnames) {
if ((HGLOBAL)devmode != NULL){
if ((HGLOBAL)devnames != NULL){
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: deviceStartPage
* Signature: (Ljava/awt/print/PageFormat;Ljava/awt/print/Printable;I)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_deviceStartPage
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jobject format, jobject painter, jint pageIndex,
jboolean pageChanged) {
HDC printDC = AwtPrintControl::getPrintDC(env, self);
if (printDC != NULL){
LONG retval = 0;
HGLOBAL hDevMode = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDMode(env, self);
HGLOBAL hDevNames = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDName(env, self);
jboolean err;
WORD dmPaperSize = getPrintPaperSize(env, &err, self);
if (err) return;
// Unless the PageFormat has been changed, do not set the paper
// size for a new page. Doing so is unnecessary, perhaps expensive,
// and can lead some printers to emit the paper prematurely in
// duplex mode.
if (hDevMode != NULL && hDevNames != NULL && pageChanged) {
RectDouble paperSize;
RectDouble margins;
jobject paper = getPaper(env, format);
getPaperValues(env, paper, &paperSize, &margins);
double paperWidth, paperHeight;
matchPaperSize(printDC, hDevMode, hDevNames,
paperSize.width, paperSize.height,
&paperWidth, &paperHeight, &dmPaperSize);
DEVMODE *devmode = (DEVMODE *)::GlobalLock(hDevMode);
if (devmode != NULL) {
if (dmPaperSize == 0) {
devmode->dmPaperSize = DMPAPER_USER;
devmode->dmPaperWidth =
(short)(convertFromPoints(paperSize.width, MM_LOMETRIC));
devmode->dmPaperLength =
(short)(convertFromPoints(paperSize.height, MM_LOMETRIC));
// sync with public devmode settings
DEVNAMES *devnames = (DEVNAMES *)::GlobalLock(hDevNames);
if (devnames != NULL) {
LPTSTR lpdevnames = (LPTSTR)devnames;
LPTSTR printerName = _tcsdup(lpdevnames+devnames->wDeviceOffset);
HANDLE hPrinter;
if (::OpenPrinter(printerName, &hPrinter, NULL)== TRUE) {
// Need to call DocumentProperties to update change
// in paper setting because some drivers do not update
// it with a simple call to ResetDC.
retval = ::DocumentProperties(NULL, hPrinter,printerName,
devmode, devmode,
free ((char*)printerName);
} // sync
HDC res = ::ResetDC(printDC, devmode);
} // if (dmPaperSize == 0)
// if DocumentProperties() fail
if (retval < 0) {
/* The origin for a glyph will be along the left
* edge of its bnounding box at the base line.
* The coincides with the Java text glyph origin.
::SetTextAlign(printDC, TA_LEFT | TA_BASELINE);
/* The background mode is used when GDI draws text,
* hatched brushes and poen that are not solid.
* We set the mode to transparentso that when
* drawing text only the glyphs themselves are
* drawn. The boundingbox of the string is not
* erased to the background color.
::SetBkMode(printDC, TRANSPARENT);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: deviceEndPage
* Signature: (Ljava/awt/print/PageFormat;Ljava/awt/print/Printable;I)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_deviceEndPage
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jobject format, jobject painter, jint pageIndex) {
HDC printDC = AwtPrintControl::getPrintDC(env, self);
if (printDC != NULL){
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WEmbeddedFrame
* Method: isPrinterDC
* Signature: (J)Z
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WEmbeddedFrame_isPrinterDC
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong hdc) {
HDC realHDC = (HDC)hdc;
if (realHDC == NULL) {
return JNI_FALSE;
int technology = GetDeviceCaps(realHDC, TECHNOLOGY);
FILE *file = fopen("c:\\plog.txt", "a");
fprintf(file,"tech is %d\n", technology);
switch (GetDeviceCaps(realHDC, TECHNOLOGY)) {
return JNI_TRUE;
if (GetObjectType(realHDC) == OBJ_ENHMETADC) {
return JNI_TRUE;
default : return JNI_FALSE;
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WEmbeddedFrame
* Method: printBand
* Signature: (J[BIIIIIIIII)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WEmbeddedFrame_printBand
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong theHDC, jbyteArray imageArray,
jint offset, jint srcX, jint srcY, jint srcWidth, jint srcHeight,
jint destX, jint destY, jint destWidth, jint destHeight) {
if (theHDC == NULL || imageArray == NULL ||
srcWidth <= 0 || srcHeight == 0 || destWidth == 0 || destHeight <=0) {
HDC hDC = (HDC)theHDC;
/* The code below is commented out until its proven necessary. In its
* original form of PatBlit(hDC, destX,destY,destWidth, destHeight ..)
* it resulted in the PS driver showing a white fringe, perhaps because
* the PS driver enclosed the specified area rather than filling its
* interior. The code is believed to have been there to prevent such
* artefacts rather than cause them. This may have been related to
* the earlier implementation using findNonWhite(..) and breaking the
* image blit up into multiple blit calls. This currently looks as if
* its unnecessary as the driver performs adequate compression where
* such all white spans exist
// HGDIOBJ oldBrush =
// ::SelectObject(hDC, AwtBrush::Get(RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff))->GetHandle());
// ::PatBlt(hDC, destX+1, destY+1, destWidth-2, destHeight-2, PATCOPY);
// ::SelectObject(hDC, oldBrush);
jbyte *image = NULL;
try {
image = (jbyte *)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(imageArray, 0);
struct {
DWORD* bmiColors;
} bitMapHeader;
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biWidth = srcWidth;
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight = srcHeight;
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
int result =
destX, // left of dest rect
destY, // top of dest rect
destWidth, // width of dest rect
destHeight, // height of dest rect
srcX, // left of source rect
srcY, // top of source rect
srcWidth, // number of 1st source scan line
srcHeight, // number of source scan lines
image+offset, // points to the DIB
(BITMAPINFO *)&bitMapHeader,
FILE *file = fopen("c:\\plog.txt", "a");
fprintf(file,"sh=%d dh=%d sy=%d dy=%d result=%d\n", srcHeight, destHeight, srcY, destY, result);
} catch (...) {
if (image != NULL) {
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(imageArray, image, 0);
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(imageArray, image, 0);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: printBand
* Signature: ([BIIII)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_printBand
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jbyteArray imageArray, jint x, jint y,
jint width, jint height) {
HDC printDC = AwtPrintControl::getPrintDC(env, self);
doPrintBand(env, JNI_FALSE, printDC, imageArray, x, y, width, height);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: beginPath
* Signature: (J)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_beginPath
(JNIEnv *env , jobject self, jlong printDC) {
(void) ::BeginPath((HDC)printDC);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: endPath
* Signature: (J)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_endPath
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC) {
(void) ::EndPath((HDC)printDC);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: fillPath
* Signature: (J)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_fillPath
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC) {
(void) ::FillPath((HDC)printDC);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: closeFigure
* Signature: (J)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_closeFigure
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC) {
(void) ::CloseFigure((HDC)printDC);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: lineTo
* Signature: (JFF)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_lineTo
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC, jfloat x, jfloat y) {
(void) ::LineTo((HDC)printDC, ROUND_TO_LONG(x), ROUND_TO_LONG(y));
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: moveTo
* Signature: (JFF)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_moveTo
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC, jfloat x, jfloat y) {
(void) ::MoveToEx((HDC)printDC, ROUND_TO_LONG(x), ROUND_TO_LONG(y), NULL);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: polyBezierTo
* Signature: (JFFFFFF)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_polyBezierTo
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC,
jfloat control1x, jfloat control1y,
jfloat control2x, jfloat control2y,
jfloat endX, jfloat endY) {
POINT points[3];
points[0].x = ROUND_TO_LONG(control1x);
points[0].y = ROUND_TO_LONG(control1y);
points[1].x = ROUND_TO_LONG(control2x);
points[1].y = ROUND_TO_LONG(control2y);
points[2].x = ROUND_TO_LONG(endX);
points[2].y = ROUND_TO_LONG(endY);
(void) ::PolyBezierTo((HDC)printDC, points, 3);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: setPolyFillMode
* Signature: (JI)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_setPolyFillMode
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC, jint fillRule) {
(void) ::SetPolyFillMode((HDC)printDC, fillRule);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: selectSolidBrush
* Signature: (JIII)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_selectSolidBrush
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC, jint red, jint green, jint blue) {
HBRUSH colorBrush = ::CreateSolidBrush(RGB(red, green, blue));
HBRUSH oldBrush = (HBRUSH)::SelectObject((HDC)printDC, colorBrush);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: getPenX
* Signature: (J)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_getPenX
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC) {
POINT where;
::GetCurrentPositionEx((HDC)printDC, &where);
return (jint) where.x;
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: getPenY
* Signature: (J)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_getPenY
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC) {
POINT where;
::GetCurrentPositionEx((HDC)printDC, &where);
return (jint) where.y;
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: selectClipPath
* Signature: (J)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_selectClipPath
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC) {
::SelectClipPath((HDC)printDC, RGN_COPY);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: frameRect
* Signature: (JFFFF)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_frameRect
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC,
jfloat x, jfloat y, jfloat width, jfloat height) {
POINT points[5];
points[0].x = ROUND_TO_LONG(x);
points[0].y = ROUND_TO_LONG(y);
points[1].x = ROUND_TO_LONG(x+width);
points[1].y = ROUND_TO_LONG(y);
points[2].x = ROUND_TO_LONG(x+width);
points[2].y = ROUND_TO_LONG(y+height);
points[3].x = ROUND_TO_LONG(x);
points[3].y = ROUND_TO_LONG(y+height);
points[4].x = ROUND_TO_LONG(x);
points[4].y = ROUND_TO_LONG(y);
::Polyline((HDC)printDC, points, sizeof(points)/sizeof(points[0]));
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: fillRect
* Signature: (JFFFFIII)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_fillRect
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC,
jfloat x, jfloat y, jfloat width, jfloat height,
jint red, jint green, jint blue) {
RECT rect;
rect.left = ROUND_TO_LONG(x); = ROUND_TO_LONG(y);
rect.right = ROUND_TO_LONG(x+width);
rect.bottom = ROUND_TO_LONG(y+height);
HBRUSH brush = ::CreateSolidBrush(RGB(red, green, blue));
if (brush != NULL) {
::FillRect((HDC)printDC, (LPRECT) &rect, brush);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: selectPen
* Signature: (JFIII)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_selectPen
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC, jfloat width,
jint red, jint green, jint blue) {
HPEN hpen = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, ROUND_TO_LONG(width),
RGB(red, green, blue));
if (hpen != NULL) {
HPEN oldpen = (HPEN) ::SelectObject((HDC)printDC, hpen);
if (oldpen != NULL) {
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: selectStylePen
* Signature: (JJJFIII)Z
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_selectStylePen
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC, jlong cap, jlong join, jfloat width,
jint red, jint green, jint blue) {
LOGBRUSH logBrush;
logBrush.lbStyle = PS_SOLID ;
logBrush.lbColor = RGB(red, green, blue);
logBrush.lbHatch = 0 ;
HPEN hpen = ::ExtCreatePen(PS_GEOMETRIC | PS_SOLID | (DWORD)cap
| (DWORD)join, ROUND_TO_LONG(width),
&logBrush, 0, NULL);
if (hpen != NULL) {
HPEN oldpen = (HPEN) ::SelectObject((HDC)printDC, hpen);
if (oldpen != NULL) {
return JNI_TRUE;
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: setFont
* Signature: (JLjava/lang/String;FZZIF)Z
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_setFont
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC, jstring fontName,
jfloat fontSize, jboolean isBold, jboolean isItalic, jint rotation,
jfloat awScale)
jboolean didSetFont = JNI_FALSE;
didSetFont = jFontToWFontW(env, (HDC)printDC,
return didSetFont;
* Try to convert a java font to a GDI font. On entry, 'printDC',
* is the device context we want to draw into. 'fontName' is
* the name of the font to be matched and 'fontSize' is the
* size of the font in device coordinates. If there is an
* equivalent GDI font then this function sets that font
* into 'printDC' and returns a 'true'. If there is no equivalent
* font then 'false' is returned.
static jboolean jFontToWFontA(JNIEnv *env, HDC printDC, jstring fontName,
jfloat fontSize, jboolean isBold, jboolean isItalic,
jint rotation, jfloat awScale)
LOGFONTA matchedLogFont;
BOOL foundFont = false; // Assume we didn't find a matching GDI font.
memset(&matchedLogFont, 0, sizeof(matchedLogFont));
LPCWSTR fontNameW = JNU_GetStringPlatformChars(env, fontName, NULL);
/* Some fontnames of Non-ASCII fonts like 'MS Minchou' are themselves
* Non-ASCII. They are assumed to be written in Unicode.
* Hereby, they are converted into platform codeset.
int maxlen = static_cast<int>(sizeof(lf.lfFaceName)) - 1;
// maxlen is int due to cbMultiByte parameter is int
int destLen = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, // convert to ASCII code page
0, // flags
fontNameW, // Unicode string
-1, // Unicode length is calculated automatically
lf.lfFaceName, // Put ASCII string here
maxlen, // max len
NULL, // default handling of unmappables
NULL); // do not care if def char is used
/* If WideCharToMultiByte succeeded then the number
* of bytes it copied into the face name buffer will
* be creater than zero and we just need to NULL terminate
* the string. If there was an error then the number of
* bytes copied is zero and we can not match the font.
if (destLen > 0) {
DASSERT(destLen < sizeof(lf.lfFaceName));
lf.lfFaceName[destLen] = '\0';
lf.lfPitchAndFamily = 0;
foundFont = !EnumFontFamiliesExA((HDC)printDC, &lf,
(LPARAM) &matchedLogFont, 0);
if (foundFont) {
/* Build a font of the requested size with no
* width modifications. A negative font height
* tells GDI that we want that values absolute
* value as the font's point size. If the font
* is successfully built then set it as the current
* GDI font.
matchedLogFont.lfHeight = -ROUND_TO_LONG(fontSize);
matchedLogFont.lfWidth = 0;
matchedLogFont.lfEscapement = rotation;
matchedLogFont.lfOrientation = rotation;
matchedLogFont.lfUnderline = 0;
matchedLogFont.lfStrikeOut = 0;
/* Force bold or italic if requested. The font name
such as Arial Bold may have already set a weight
so here we just try to increase it.
if (isBold) {
matchedLogFont.lfWeight = embolden(matchedLogFont.lfWeight);
} else {
matchedLogFont.lfWeight = FW_REGULAR;
if (isItalic) {
matchedLogFont.lfItalic = 0xff; // TRUE
} else {
matchedLogFont.lfItalic = FALSE;
HFONT font = CreateFontIndirectA(&matchedLogFont);
if (font) {
HFONT oldFont = (HFONT)::SelectObject(printDC, font);
if (oldFont != NULL) {
if (awScale != 1.0) {
DWORD avgWidth;
GetTextMetrics(printDC, &tm);
avgWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
matchedLogFont.lfWidth = (LONG)((fabs)(avgWidth*awScale));
font = CreateFontIndirectA(&matchedLogFont);
if (font) {
oldFont = (HFONT)::SelectObject(printDC, font);
if (oldFont != NULL) {
GetTextMetrics(printDC, &tm);
} else {
foundFont = false;
} else {
foundFont = false;
} else {
foundFont = false;
} else {
foundFont = false;
JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, fontName, fontNameW);
return foundFont ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
* Try to convert a java font to a GDI font. On entry, 'printDC',
* is the device context we want to draw into. 'fontName' is
* the name of the font to be matched and 'fontSize' is the
* size of the font in device coordinates. If there is an
* equivalent GDI font then this function sets that font
* into 'printDC' and returns a 'true'. If there is no equivalent
* font then 'false' is returned.
static jboolean jFontToWFontW(JNIEnv *env, HDC printDC, jstring fontName,
jfloat fontSize, jboolean isBold, jboolean isItalic,
jint rotation, jfloat awScale)
LOGFONTW matchedLogFont;
BOOL foundFont = false; // Assume we didn't find a matching GDI font.
memset(&matchedLogFont, 0, sizeof(matchedLogFont));
LPCWSTR fontNameW = JNU_GetStringPlatformChars(env, fontName, NULL);
/* Describe the GDI fonts we want enumerated. We
* simply supply the java font name and let GDI
* do the matching. If the java font name is
* longer than the GDI maximum font lenght then
* we can't convert the font.
size_t nameLen = wcslen(fontNameW);
if (nameLen < (sizeof(lf.lfFaceName) / sizeof(lf.lfFaceName[0]))) {
wcscpy(lf.lfFaceName, fontNameW);
lf.lfPitchAndFamily = 0;
foundFont = !::EnumFontFamiliesEx((HDC)printDC, &lf,
(LPARAM) &matchedLogFont, 0);
JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, fontName, fontNameW);
if (!foundFont) {
return JNI_FALSE;
/* Build a font of the requested size with no
* width modifications. A negative font height
* tells GDI that we want that values absolute
* value as the font's point size. If the font
* is successfully built then set it as the current
* GDI font.
matchedLogFont.lfHeight = -ROUND_TO_LONG(fontSize);
matchedLogFont.lfWidth = 0;
matchedLogFont.lfEscapement = rotation;
matchedLogFont.lfOrientation = rotation;
matchedLogFont.lfUnderline = 0;
matchedLogFont.lfStrikeOut = 0;
/* Force bold or italic if requested. The font name
* such as Arial Bold may have already set a weight
* so here we just try to increase it.
if (isBold) {
matchedLogFont.lfWeight = embolden(matchedLogFont.lfWeight);
} else {
matchedLogFont.lfWeight = FW_REGULAR;
if (isItalic) {
matchedLogFont.lfItalic = 0xff; // TRUE
} else {
matchedLogFont.lfItalic = FALSE;
//Debug: dumpLogFont(&matchedLogFont);
HFONT font = ::CreateFontIndirect(&matchedLogFont);
if (font == NULL) {
return JNI_FALSE;
HFONT oldFont = (HFONT)::SelectObject(printDC, font);
if (oldFont == NULL) { // select failed.
return JNI_FALSE;
::DeleteObject(oldFont); // no longer needed.
/* If there is a non-uniform scale then get a new version
* of the font with an average width that is condensed or
* expanded to match the average width scaling factor.
* This is not valid for shearing transforms.
if (awScale != 1.0) {
DWORD avgWidth;
GetTextMetrics(printDC, &tm);
avgWidth = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
matchedLogFont.lfWidth = (LONG)((fabs)(avgWidth*awScale));
font = ::CreateFontIndirect(&matchedLogFont);
if (font == NULL) {
return JNI_FALSE;
oldFont = (HFONT)::SelectObject(printDC, font);
if (oldFont == NULL) {
return JNI_FALSE;
} else {
return JNI_TRUE;
return JNI_TRUE;
* Invoked by GDI as a result of the EnumFontFamiliesExW
* call this routine choses a GDI font that matches
* a Java font. When a match is found then function
* returns a zero result to terminate the EnumFontFamiliesExW
* call. The information about the chosen font is copied into
* the LOGFONTW structure pointed to by 'lParam'.
static int CALLBACK fontEnumProcW(ENUMLOGFONTEXW *logfont,// logical-font data
NEWTEXTMETRICEX *lpntme, // physical-font data
int FontType, // type of font
LPARAM lParam)
LOGFONTW *matchedLogFont = (LOGFONTW *) lParam;
int stop = 0; // Take the first style found.
if (matchedLogFont != NULL) {
*matchedLogFont = logfont->elfLogFont;
return stop;
* Invoked by GDI as a result of the EnumFontFamiliesExA
* call this routine choses a GDI font that matches
* a Java font. When a match is found then function
* returns a zero result to terminate the EnumFontFamiliesExA
* call. The information about the chosen font is copied into
* the LOGFONTA structure pointed to by 'lParam'.
static int CALLBACK fontEnumProcA(ENUMLOGFONTEXA *logfont,// logical-font data
NEWTEXTMETRICEX *lpntme, // physical-font data
int FontType, // type of font
LPARAM lParam)
LOGFONTA *matchedLogFont = (LOGFONTA *) lParam;
int stop = 0; // Take the first style found.
if (matchedLogFont != NULL) {
*matchedLogFont = logfont->elfLogFont;
return stop;
* Given the weight of a font from a GDI LOGFONT
* structure, return a new weight indicating a
* bolder font.
static int embolden(int currentWeight)
/* If the font is less than bold then make
* it bold. In real life this will mean making
* a FW_NORMAL font bold.
if (currentWeight < FW_BOLD) {
currentWeight = FW_BOLD;
/* If the font is already bold or bolder
* then just increase the weight. This will
* not be visible with GDI in Win95 or NT4.
} else {
currentWeight += EMBOLDEN_WEIGHT;
if (currentWeight > MAX_FONT_WEIGHT) {
currentWeight = MAX_FONT_WEIGHT;
return currentWeight;
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: setTextColor
* Signature: (JIII)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_setTextColor
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC, jint red, jint green, jint blue) {
(void) ::SetTextColor( (HDC)printDC, RGB(red, green, blue));
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_getGDIAdvance
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC, jstring text)
SIZE size;
LPCWSTR wText = JNU_GetStringPlatformChars(env, text, NULL);
size_t strLen = wcslen(wText);
BOOL ok = GetTextExtentPoint32((HDC)printDC, wText, (int)strLen, &size);
JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, text, wText);
return ok ? : 0;
* ETO_PDY is conditionally defined in wingdi.h as it is available
* only on Windows 2000 and later. ie it requires the application
* define that it is targeting these APIS by placing
* #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500
* and perhaps
* #define WINVER 0x5000
* before including the headers
* But this causes many problems for AWT headers subsequently included.
* So instead hard code the value of the flag as our own macro
* If for any reason this code is executed on Win 9x then this will
* not be understood and the advances array will be misinterpreted.
* So we don't use that it in that case and restrict ourselves to x advances.
* Its possible in some cases that text would then not print as expected.
* However we will not normally supply y advances so this is a less likely
* code path and its not worth worrying about in we will not in future
* support win9x - and definitely not to this extent.
#define J2D_ETO_PDY 0x2000
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: textOut
* Signature: (JLjava/lang/String;BFF[F)V
* Generate GDI text calls for the unicode string
* <code>text</code> into the device context
* <code>printDC</code>. The text string is
* positioned at <code>x</code>, <code>y</code>.
* The positioning of each glyph in the string
* is determined by windows.
* If 'glyphCodes' is true then the string is 16 bit glyph indices
* into the font, not character codes.
* strLen needs to be passed in for the glyphCodes case since its possible
* the missing glyph code may be present, and that is always zero, which
* would be misinterpreted by GDI and the string functions as null termination
* of the string.
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_textOut
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong printDC, jstring text, jint strLen,
boolean glyphCodes, jfloat x, jfloat y, jfloatArray positions)
long posX = ROUND_TO_LONG(x);
long posY = ROUND_TO_LONG(y);
int flags = (glyphCodes !=0) ? ETO_GLYPH_INDEX : 0;
LPCWSTR wText = JNU_GetStringPlatformChars(env, text, NULL);
int *advances = NULL, *xadvances = NULL, *xyadvances = NULL;
BOOL useYAdvances = FALSE;
jfloat *glyphPos = NULL;
if (positions != NULL) {
glyphPos = env->GetFloatArrayElements(positions, NULL);
/* We need to convert positions relative to the origin of the text
* into advances relative to the previous glyph.
* We expect to be able to allocate these small arrays.
* If we fail then we'll print the glyphs using their built-in advances.
* Because the array is of inter-character advances we only need
* strLen - 1 entries but Windows looks at the advance between
* the last character and the non-existent character we allocate
* space for that as well.
* We supply only the advances that are needed
* - Default advances (ie none) if GDI advances are what we want
* - Only X advances if the Y advances are all zero.
* We allocate two arrays so we can figure out on the fly which
* we need.
* Note that we have to add the 'error' or difference between the
* rounded advance and the floating point advance back into the
* calculation of the next advance else the sum of the integer-
* rounded advances will drift away from the true advance.
if (glyphPos != NULL && strLen > 0) {
xadvances = (int*)SAFE_SIZE_ARRAY_ALLOC(safe_Malloc, strLen, sizeof(int));
xyadvances = (int*)SAFE_SIZE_ARRAY_ALLOC(safe_Malloc, strLen, sizeof(int) * 2);
if (xadvances != NULL && xyadvances != NULL) {
int *inxAdvances = xadvances;
int *inxyAdvances = xyadvances;
jfloat *inGlyphPos = glyphPos;
jfloat lastX = *inGlyphPos++;
jfloat lastY = *inGlyphPos++;
jfloat errorX = 0, errorY = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < strLen; i++) {
jfloat thisX = *inGlyphPos++;
jfloat thisY = *inGlyphPos++;
jfloat xAdvance = thisX - lastX + errorX;
jfloat yAdvance = thisY - lastY + errorY;
int xadv = ROUND_TO_INT(xAdvance);
errorX = xAdvance - xadv;
int yadv = ROUND_TO_INT(yAdvance);
errorY = yAdvance - yadv;
if (yadv != 0) {
useYAdvances = TRUE;
*inxAdvances++ = xadv;
*inxyAdvances++ = xadv;
*inxyAdvances++ = yadv;
lastX = thisX;
lastY = thisY;
/* This is the advance from the last character.
* It is not technically needed, but the raster
* drivers, as opposed to the PostScript driver
* will fail to print the entire string if this
* value is absurdly large or absurdly negative.
*inxAdvances = 0;
*inxyAdvances++ = 0;
*inxyAdvances = 0;
if (useYAdvances) {
advances = xyadvances;
flags |= J2D_ETO_PDY;
} else {
advances = xadvances;
/* Done with the float array parameter, so release it. */
if (glyphPos != NULL) {
env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(positions, glyphPos, JNI_ABORT);
BOOL drawn = ::ExtTextOut((HDC)printDC,
posX, posY, // starting position for the text
flags, // glyphCodes?, y advances?
NULL, // optional clipping-opaquing rectangle
wText, // the Unicode text to draw
advances); // intercharacter advances or NULL
if (xadvances != NULL) {
if (xyadvances != NULL) {
JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, text, wText);
* Scans a 24 bit RGB DIB image looking for the first non-white line.
* On entry, if scanLineStride is negative, 'image' points at the
* bottom of the DIB, which is where the first scan line is.
* Alternatively, if scanLineStride is positive, it's a top-down
* DIB and 'image' points to the top scan line.
* 'numLinesP', on entry, is the number of scan lines in the image while
* 'width' is the number of 24 bit pixels on each line. If a non-white
* line is found in the DIB, then a pointer to the first,
* working from the bottom, non-white scan line is returned.
* and the number of remaining scan lines is returned in *'numLinesP'.
* Pixels are 3 byte BGR triples, so any byte that is not 0xff indicates
* its a component of a non-white pixel. So we don't need to combine bytes
* into pixels. Simply scan the image looking for any byte that is not 0xff
static jbyte *findNonWhite(jbyte *image, long sy, long width, long height,
long scanLineStride, long *numLinesP) {
long found = -1;
long numLines = 0;
jbyte *startLine = image;
unsigned char *inLine;
const unsigned char cc = (unsigned char)0xff;
assert(image != NULL);
assert(0 <= sy && sy < height);
assert(0 < width);
assert(0 < height);
assert(numLinesP != NULL);
for (numLines = 0; sy < height; numLines++, sy++) {
inLine = (unsigned char*)startLine;
for (long colcomp = 0; colcomp < abs(scanLineStride); colcomp++) {
if (*inLine++ != cc) {
found = sy;
if(found != -1) {
startLine += scanLineStride;
*numLinesP = numLines;
return found == -1 ? NULL : startLine;
/* Find the 1st scanline that's entirely white.
* The starting scanline pointed to by 'image' may be part way through the DIB.
* If an all white scanline is found, the return value points to the beginning
* of the last scanline with a non-white pixel. If no all white scanlines
* are found, the starting scanline is returned.
* '*numLinesP' returns the number of non-white scan lines.
* Skip the 1st scanline as its always non-white.
* If passed scanLineStride is negative, the DIB is bottom-up,
* otherwise it's top-down.
static jbyte *findWhite(jbyte *image, long sy, long width, long height,
long scanLineStride, long *numLinesP) {
long numLines;
jbyte *startLine = image;
unsigned char *inLine;
jbyte *found = NULL;
long white;
const unsigned char cc = (unsigned char)0xff;
assert(image != NULL);
assert(0 <= sy);
assert(0 < width);
assert(0 < height);
assert(numLinesP != NULL);
for(numLines = 1; sy < height; numLines++, sy++) {
startLine += scanLineStride;
inLine = (unsigned char*)startLine;
white = 1;
for (long colcomp = 0; colcomp < abs(scanLineStride); colcomp++) {
if (*inLine++ != cc) {
white = 0;
if (white != 0) {
found = startLine - scanLineStride;
*numLinesP = numLines;
return found == NULL ? startLine : found;
* Reverses the bitmap.
* Returns pointer to reversed bitmap (DWORD aligned).
* Returns NULL if unsuccessful.
* NOTE: Caller must free the pointer returned by calling free.
static jbyte* reverseDIB(jbyte* imageBits, long srcWidth, long srcHeight,
int bitsperpixel) {
/* get width in bytes.
* If the image is 24bpp, its srcWidth*3
* If the image is 8bpp, its just srcWidth
* If the image is 1bpp or 4bpp one then its rounded up to the next byte.
long imgWidthByteSz;
switch (bitsperpixel) {
case 24 : imgWidthByteSz = srcWidth * 3;
case 8 : imgWidthByteSz = srcWidth;
case 1 : imgWidthByteSz = (srcWidth + 7) / 8 ;
case 4 : imgWidthByteSz = (srcWidth + 1) / 2 ;
default : /* not expected but this is OK for any exact multiple of 8 */
imgWidthByteSz = srcWidth * bitsperpixel / 8;
int padBytes = 0;
/* make it DWORD aligned */
if ((imgWidthByteSz % sizeof(DWORD)) != 0)
padBytes = sizeof(DWORD) - (imgWidthByteSz % sizeof(DWORD));
jbyte* alignedImage = (jbyte*) SAFE_SIZE_ARRAY_ALLOC(safe_Malloc,
imgWidthByteSz+padBytes, ROUND_TO_LONG(srcHeight));
long newImgSize = (imgWidthByteSz+padBytes) * ROUND_TO_LONG(srcHeight);
if (alignedImage != NULL) {
memset(alignedImage, 0xff, newImgSize);
jbyte* imgLinePtr = alignedImage;
for (long i=ROUND_TO_LONG(srcHeight)-1; i>=0; i--) {
memcpy(imgLinePtr, imageBits+(i*imgWidthByteSz),
imgLinePtr += (imgWidthByteSz + padBytes);
return alignedImage;
return NULL;
#if 0
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: drawImageIntRGB
* Signature: (J[IFFFFFFFFII)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_drawImageIntRGB
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self,
jlong printDC, jintArray image,
jfloat destX, jfloat destY,
jfloat destWidth, jfloat destHeight,
jfloat srcX, jfloat srcY,
jfloat srcWidth, jfloat srcHeight,
jint srcBitMapWidth, jint srcBitMapHeight) {
int result = 0;
assert(printDC != NULL);
assert(image != NULL);
assert(srcX >= 0);
assert(srcY >= 0);
assert(srcWidth > 0);
assert(srcHeight > 0);
assert(srcBitMapWidth > 0);
assert(srcBitMapHeight > 0);
static int alphaMask = 0xff000000;
static int redMask = 0x00ff0000;
static int greenMask = 0x0000ff00;
static int blueMask = 0x000000ff;
struct {
DWORD masks[256];
} dib;
dib.header.bV4Size = sizeof(dib.header);
dib.header.bV4Width = srcBitMapWidth;
dib.header.bV4Height = -srcBitMapHeight; // Top down DIB
dib.header.bV4Planes = 1;
dib.header.bV4BitCount = 32;
dib.header.bV4V4Compression = BI_BITFIELDS;
dib.header.bV4SizeImage = 0; // It's the default size.
dib.header.bV4XPelsPerMeter = 0;
dib.header.bV4YPelsPerMeter = 0;
dib.header.bV4ClrUsed = 0;
dib.header.bV4ClrImportant = 0;
dib.header.bV4RedMask = redMask;
dib.header.bV4GreenMask = greenMask;
dib.header.bV4BlueMask = blueMask;
dib.header.bV4AlphaMask = alphaMask;
dib.masks[0] = redMask;
dib.masks[1] = greenMask;
dib.masks[2] = blueMask;
dib.masks[3] = alphaMask;
jint *imageBits = NULL;
try {
imageBits = (jint *)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(image, 0);
if (printDC){
result = ::StretchDIBits( (HDC)printDC,
} catch (...) {
if (imageBits != NULL) {
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(image, imageBits, 0);
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(image, imageBits, 0);
* Class: sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob
* Method: drawDIBImage
* Signature: (J[BFFFFFFFFI[B)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_drawDIBImage
(JNIEnv *env, jobject self,
jlong printDC, jbyteArray image,
jfloat destX, jfloat destY,
jfloat destWidth, jfloat destHeight,
jfloat srcX, jfloat srcY,
jfloat srcWidth, jfloat srcHeight,
jint bitCount, jbyteArray bmiColorsArray) {
int result = 0;
assert(printDC != NULL);
assert(image != NULL);
assert(srcX >= 0);
assert(srcY >= 0);
assert(srcWidth > 0);
assert(srcHeight > 0);
#define MAXCOLS 256
struct {
} bmi;
memset(&bmi, 0, sizeof(bmi));
bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(bmi.bmiHeader);
bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = ROUND_TO_LONG(srcWidth);
bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = ROUND_TO_LONG(srcHeight);
bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = (WORD)bitCount;
bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; // It's the default size.
bmi.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
bmi.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
bmi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
bmi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
jint *imageBits = NULL;
try {
if (bmiColorsArray != NULL) {
BYTE* bmiCols;
int numCols = 1<<bitCount;
if (numCols > MAXCOLS) {
numCols = MAXCOLS; /* don't write past end of struct */
bmiCols = (BYTE*)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(bmiColorsArray, 0);
memcpy(&(bmi.bmiColors[0]), bmiCols, (numCols*4));
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(bmiColorsArray, bmiCols, 0);
imageBits = (jint *)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(image, 0);
// Workaround for drivers/apps that do not support top-down.
// Because we don't know if they support or not,
// always send bottom-up DIBs.
jbyte *dibImage = reverseDIB((jbyte*)imageBits,
(long)srcWidth, (long)srcHeight,
if (dibImage != NULL) {
if (printDC){
result = ::StretchDIBits( (HDC)printDC,
} /* if (dibImage != NULL) */
} catch (...) {
if (imageBits != NULL) {
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(image, imageBits, 0);
JNU_ThrowInternalError(env, "Problem in WPrinterJob_drawDIBImage");
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(image, imageBits, 0);
* An utility function to print passed image byte array to
* the printDC.
* browserPrinting flag controls whether the image array
* used as top-down (browserPrinting == JNI_TRUE) or
* bottom-up (browserPrinting == JNI_FALSE) DIB.
static void doPrintBand(JNIEnv *env, jboolean browserPrinting,
HDC printDC, jbyteArray imageArray,
jint x, jint y, jint width, jint height) {
jbyte *image = NULL;
try {
long scanLineStride = J2DRasterBPP * width;
image = (jbyte *)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(imageArray, 0);
jbyte *startImage;
jbyte *endImage = NULL;
long startY = 0;
long numLines = 0;
if (browserPrinting) {
/* for browser printing use top-down approach */
startImage = image;
} else {
/* when printing to a real printer dc, the dib
should bottom-up */
startImage = image + (scanLineStride * (height - 1));
scanLineStride = -scanLineStride;
do {
startImage = findNonWhite(startImage, startY, width, height,
scanLineStride, &numLines);
if (startImage != NULL) {
startY += numLines;
endImage = findWhite(startImage, startY, width, height,
scanLineStride, &numLines);
if (browserPrinting) {
/* passing -numLines as height to indicate that
we treat the image as a top-down DIB */
bitsToDevice(printDC, startImage, x, y + startY, width,
} else {
bitsToDevice(printDC, endImage, x, y + startY, width,
startImage = endImage + scanLineStride;
startY += numLines;
} while (startY < height && startImage != NULL);
} catch (...) {
if (image != NULL) {
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(imageArray, image, 0);
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(imageArray, image, 0);
static FILE* outfile = NULL;
static int bitsToDevice(HDC printDC, jbyte *image, long destX, long destY,
long width, long height) {
int result = 0;
assert(printDC != NULL);
assert(image != NULL);
assert(destX >= 0);
assert(destY >= 0);
assert(width > 0);
/* height could be negative to indicate that this is a top-down DIB */
// assert(height > 0);
struct {
DWORD* bmiColors;
} bitMapHeader;
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight = height; // does -height work ever?
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; // It's the default size.
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
bitMapHeader.bmiColors = NULL;
height = abs(height);
// Workaround for drivers/apps that do not support top-down.
// Because we don't know if they support or not,
// always send bottom-up DIBs
if (bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight < 0) {
jbyte *dibImage = reverseDIB(image, width, height, 24);
if (dibImage != NULL) {
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biWidth = ROUND_TO_LONG(width);
bitMapHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight = ROUND_TO_LONG(height);
if (printDC){
result = ::SetDIBitsToDevice(printDC,
ROUND_TO_LONG(destX), // left of dest rect
ROUND_TO_LONG(destY), // top of dest rect
ROUND_TO_LONG(width), // width of dest rect
ROUND_TO_LONG(height), // height of dest rect
0, // left of source rect
0, // top of source rect
0, // line number of 1st source scan line
ROUND_TO_LONG(height), // number of scan lines
dibImage, // points to the DIB
(BITMAPINFO *)&bitMapHeader,
free (dibImage);
} else {
if (printDC){
result = ::SetDIBitsToDevice(printDC,
destX, // left of dest rect
destY, // top of dest rect
width, // width of dest rect
height, // height of dest rect
0, // left of source rect
0, // top of source rect
0, // line number of 1st source scan line
height, // number of source scan lines
image, // points to the DIB
(BITMAPINFO *)&bitMapHeader,
return result;
LRESULT CALLBACK PageDialogWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
switch (message) {
case WM_COMMAND: {
if ((LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK) ||
// If we recieve on of these two notifications, the dialog
// is about to be closed. It's time to unblock all the
// windows blocked by this dialog, as doing so from the
// WM_DESTROY handler is too late
jobject peer = (jobject)(::GetProp(hWnd, ModalDialogPeerProp));
env->CallVoidMethod(peer, AwtPrintDialog::setHWndMID, (jlong)0);
WNDPROC lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)(::GetProp(hWnd, NativeDialogWndProcProp));
return ComCtl32Util::GetInstance().DefWindowProc(lpfnWndProc, hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
* Called by the Page Setup dialog this routine makes sure the
* print dialog becomes the front most window.
static UINT CALLBACK pageDlgHook(HWND hDlg, UINT msg,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
switch(msg) {
jobject peer = (jobject)(psd->lCustData);
env->CallVoidMethod(peer, AwtPrintDialog::setHWndMID,
::SetProp(hDlg, ModalDialogPeerProp, reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(peer));
// set appropriate icon for parentless dialogs
jobject awtParent = env->GetObjectField(peer, AwtPrintDialog::parentID);
if (awtParent == NULL) {
} else {
// subclass dialog's parent to receive additional messages
WNDPROC lpfnWndProc = ComCtl32Util::GetInstance().SubclassHWND(hDlg,
::SetProp(hDlg, NativeDialogWndProcProp, reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(lpfnWndProc));
case WM_DESTROY: {
WNDPROC lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)(::GetProp(hDlg, NativeDialogWndProcProp));
::RemoveProp(hDlg, ModalDialogPeerProp);
::RemoveProp(hDlg, NativeDialogWndProcProp);
return (UINT) FALSE;
* Create and return a printer device context for the
* default printer. If there is no default printer then
* return NULL. This fn is used when printing is invoked
* and no user dialog was created. So despite its name, it
* needs to return a DC which reflects all the applications
* settings which the driver might support.
* The number of copies is the most important setting.
static HDC getDefaultPrinterDC(JNIEnv *env, jobject printerJob) {
HDC printDC = NULL;
int devWillDoCopies = FALSE;
memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(PRINTDLG));
pd.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLG);
if (::PrintDlg(&pd)) {
printDC = pd.hDC;
/* Find out how many copies the driver can do, and use driver's
* dmCopies if requested number is within that limit
int maxCopies = 1;
int nCopies = getCopies(env, printerJob);
if (nCopies < 0) {
return NULL;
if (pd.hDevNames != NULL) {
DEVNAMES *devnames = (DEVNAMES *)::GlobalLock(pd.hDevNames);
if (devnames != NULL) {
LPTSTR lpdevnames = (LPTSTR)devnames;
LPTSTR printer = lpdevnames+devnames->wDeviceOffset;
LPTSTR port = lpdevnames+devnames->wOutputOffset;
// if DeviceCapabilities fails, return value is -1
maxCopies = (int)::DeviceCapabilities(printer, port, DC_COPIES,
if (maxCopies > 1) {
devWillDoCopies = TRUE;
if ((maxCopies >= nCopies) && (pd.hDevMode != NULL)) {
DEVMODE *devmode = (DEVMODE *)::GlobalLock(pd.hDevMode);
if (devmode != NULL) {
if ((devmode->dmFields & DM_COPIES) && (nCopies > 1)) {
devmode->dmCopies = nCopies;
HDC tmpDC = ::ResetDC(pd.hDC, devmode);
if (tmpDC != NULL) {
printDC = tmpDC;
/* Not pretty that this is set in a separate place then the DC */
if (pd.hDevMode != NULL) {
AwtPrintControl::setPrintHDMode(env, printerJob, pd.hDevMode);
if (pd.hDevNames != NULL) {
AwtPrintControl::setPrintHDName(env, printerJob, pd.hDevNames);
jboolean err;
err = setBooleanField(env, printerJob, DRIVER_COPIES_STR,
(devWillDoCopies ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE));
if (err) return NULL;
err = setBooleanField(env, printerJob, DRIVER_COLLATE_STR, JNI_FALSE);
if (err) return NULL;
err = setBooleanField(env, printerJob, USER_COLLATE_STR, JNI_FALSE);
if (err) return NULL;
return printDC;
* Move the description of the page's size and orientation
* from the PageFormat object 'page' into the structure,
* 'setup' used by Windows to display the Page Setup dialog.
static void pageFormatToSetup(JNIEnv *env, jobject job,
jobject page, PAGESETUPDLG *setup, HDC hDC) {
RectDouble paperSize;
RectDouble margins;
/* Move the orientation from PageFormat to Windows.
jint orient = getPageFormatOrientation(env, page);
if (orient < 0) return;
int gdiOrientation = (orient == PAGEFORMAT_PORTRAIT) ?
setOrientationInDevMode(setup->hDevMode, orient == PAGEFORMAT_PORTRAIT);
int units = (setup->Flags & PSD_INTHOUSANDTHSOFINCHES)
jobject paper = getPaper(env, page);
getPaperValues(env, paper, &paperSize, &margins);
// Setting the paper size appears to be a futile exercise, as its not one
// of the values you can initialise - its an out-only arg. Margins are OK.
// set it into the DEVMODE if there is one ..
setup->ptPaperSize.x = convertFromPoints(paperSize.width, units);
setup->ptPaperSize.y = convertFromPoints(paperSize.height, units);
if (setup->hDevMode != NULL) {
double paperWidth, paperHeight;
jboolean err;
WORD dmPaperSize = getPrintPaperSize(env, &err, job);
if (err) return;
matchPaperSize(hDC, setup->hDevMode, setup->hDevNames,
paperSize.width, paperSize.height,
&paperWidth, &paperHeight, &dmPaperSize);
DEVMODE *devmode = (DEVMODE *)::GlobalLock(setup->hDevMode);
if (devmode != NULL) {
if (dmPaperSize != 0) {
devmode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERSIZE;
devmode->dmPaperSize = dmPaperSize;
else {
devmode->dmPaperSize = DMPAPER_USER;
devmode->dmPaperWidth =
(short)(convertFromPoints(paperSize.width, MM_LOMETRIC));
devmode->dmPaperLength =
(short)(convertFromPoints(paperSize.height, MM_LOMETRIC));
// When setting up these values, account for the orientation of the Paper
// in the PageFormat. In the margins Rect when in portrait mode,
// width is really right margin, height is really bottom margin.
if (orient == PAGEFORMAT_PORTRAIT) {
setup->rtMargin.left = convertFromPoints(margins.x, units);
setup-> = convertFromPoints(margins.y, units);
setup->rtMargin.right = convertFromPoints(margins.width, units);
setup->rtMargin.bottom = convertFromPoints(margins.height, units);
} else if (orient == PAGEFORMAT_LANDSCAPE) {
setup->rtMargin.left = convertFromPoints(margins.height, units);
setup-> = convertFromPoints(margins.x, units);
setup->rtMargin.right = convertFromPoints(margins.y, units);
setup->rtMargin.bottom = convertFromPoints(margins.width, units);
} else { // reverse landscape
setup->rtMargin.left = convertFromPoints(margins.y, units);
setup-> = convertFromPoints(margins.width, units);
setup->rtMargin.right = convertFromPoints(margins.height, units);
setup->rtMargin.bottom = convertFromPoints(margins.x, units);
// Set page size here.
* Return an array of POINTS describing the paper sizes supported
* by the driver identified by 'deviceName' and 'portName'.
* If there is an error, then NULL is returned.
static POINT *getPaperSizeList(LPCTSTR deviceName, LPCTSTR portName) {
DWORD numPaperSizes;
POINT *paperSizes = NULL;
numPaperSizes = DeviceCapabilities(deviceName, portName,
if (numPaperSizes > 0) {
paperSizes = (POINT *)SAFE_SIZE_ARRAY_ALLOC(safe_Malloc, sizeof(*paperSizes), numPaperSizes);
DWORD result = DeviceCapabilities(deviceName, portName,
if (result == -1) {
free((char *) paperSizes);
paperSizes = NULL;
return paperSizes;
static WORD getOrientationFromDevMode2(HGLOBAL hDevMode) {
if (hDevMode != NULL) {
LPDEVMODE devMode = (LPDEVMODE) GlobalLock(hDevMode);
if ((devMode != NULL) && (devMode->dmFields & DM_ORIENTATION)) {
orient = devMode->dmOrientation;
return orient;
* Get the orientation of the paper described by the printer
* handle to a device mode structure 'hDevMode'.
static WORD getOrientationFromDevMode(JNIEnv *env, jobject self) {
return getOrientationFromDevMode2(AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDMode(env, self));
* Set the orientation of the paper described by the printer
* handle to a device mode structure 'hDevMode'.
static void setOrientationInDevMode(HGLOBAL hDevMode, jboolean isPortrait) {
if (hDevMode != NULL) {
LPDEVMODE devMode = (LPDEVMODE) GlobalLock(hDevMode);
if (devMode != NULL) {
devMode->dmOrientation = isPortrait
devMode->dmFields |= DM_ORIENTATION;
* Return the paper size and margins for the page
* adjusted to take into account the portrait or
* landscape orientation of the page. On entry,
* 'setup' is a filled in structure as returned
* by PageSetupDlg(). 'paperSize', 'margins',
* and 'orientation' all point to caller allocated
* space while will be filled in by this routine
* with the size, in unknown Windows units, of
* the paper, of the margins, and an indicator
* whether the page is in portrait or landscape
* orientation, respectively.
static void retrievePaperInfo(const PAGESETUPDLG *setup, POINT *paperSize,
RECT *margins, jint *orientation, HDC hdc) {
int orientationKnown = FALSE;
*paperSize = setup->ptPaperSize;
int gdiOrientation = DMORIENT_PORTRAIT;
/* Usually the setup dialog will tell us the
* orientation of the page, but it may not.
if (setup->hDevMode != NULL) {
gdiOrientation = getOrientationFromDevMode2(setup->hDevMode);
orientationKnown = TRUE;
/* The driver didn't tell us the paper orientation
* so we declare it landscape if the paper
* is wider than it is long. Square paper is
* declared to be portait.
if (orientationKnown == FALSE && paperSize->x > paperSize->y) {
gdiOrientation = DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE;
*margins = setup->rtMargin;
// compare margin from page setup dialog with our device printable area
RectDouble deviceMargin;
if (getPrintableArea(hdc, setup->hDevMode, &deviceMargin) == TRUE) {
RECT devMargin;
int units = (setup->Flags & PSD_INTHOUSANDTHSOFINCHES)
devMargin.left = convertFromPoints(deviceMargin.x*72, units); = convertFromPoints(deviceMargin.y*72, units);
devMargin.bottom = paperSize->y
- convertFromPoints(deviceMargin.height*72, units)
devMargin.right = paperSize->x
- convertFromPoints(deviceMargin.width*72, units)
- devMargin.left;
if (margins->left < devMargin.left) {
margins->left = devMargin.left;
if (margins->top < {
margins->top =;
if (margins->bottom < devMargin.bottom) {
margins->bottom = devMargin.bottom;
if (margins->right < devMargin.right) {
margins->right = devMargin.right;
/* The Paper class expresses the page size in
* portait mode while Windows returns the paper
* size adjusted for the orientation. If the
* orientation is landscape then we want to
* flip the width and height to get a portait
* description of the page.
if (gdiOrientation != DMORIENT_PORTRAIT) {
long hold = paperSize->x;
paperSize->x = paperSize->y;
paperSize->y = hold;
margins->left = setup->;
margins->right = setup->rtMargin.bottom;
margins->top = setup->rtMargin.right;
margins->bottom = setup->rtMargin.left;
if (gdiOrientation == DMORIENT_PORTRAIT) {
} else {
* Return the number of copies to be printed for a printerJob.
static jint getCopies(JNIEnv *env, jobject printerJob)
// Because this function may call client Java code,
// we can't run it on the toolkit thread.
DASSERT(AwtToolkit::MainThread() != ::GetCurrentThreadId());
jclass printerJobClass = env->GetObjectClass(printerJob);
jmethodID getCopiesID = env->GetMethodID(printerJobClass, GETCOPIES_STR,
jint copies = env->CallIntMethod(printerJob, getCopiesID);
return copies;
* Return a copy of the Paper object attached to the
* PageFormat object 'page.'
static jobject getPaper(JNIEnv *env, jobject page) {
// Because this function may call client Java code,
// we can't run it on the toolkit thread.
DASSERT(AwtToolkit::MainThread() != ::GetCurrentThreadId());
jclass pageClass = env->GetObjectClass(page);
jmethodID getPaperID = env->GetMethodID(pageClass, GETPAPER_STR,
return env->CallObjectMethod(page, getPaperID);
* Set the Paper object for a PageFormat instance.
* 'paper' is the new Paper object that must be
* set into 'page'.
static void setPaper(JNIEnv *env, jobject page, jobject paper) {
// Because this function may call client Java code,
// we can't run it on the toolkit thread.
DASSERT(AwtToolkit::MainThread() != ::GetCurrentThreadId());
jclass pageClass = env->GetObjectClass(page);
jmethodID setPaperID = env->GetMethodID(pageClass, SETPAPER_STR,
env->CallVoidMethod(page, setPaperID, paper);
* Return the integer ID for the orientation in the PageFormat.
* Caution: this is the Java spec ID, not the GDI ID.
* In case of error returns -1
static jint getPageFormatOrientation(JNIEnv *env, jobject page) {
// Because this function may call client Java code,
// we can't run it on the toolkit thread.
DASSERT(AwtToolkit::MainThread() != ::GetCurrentThreadId());
jclass pageClass = env->GetObjectClass(page);
jmethodID getOrientID = env->GetMethodID(pageClass, GETORIENT_STR,
return env->CallIntMethod(page, getOrientID);
static void setPageFormatOrientation(JNIEnv *env,
jobject page, jint orientation) {
// Because this function may call client Java code,
// we can't run it on the toolkit thread.
DASSERT(AwtToolkit::MainThread() != ::GetCurrentThreadId());
jclass pageClass = env->GetObjectClass(page);
jmethodID setOrientID = env->GetMethodID(pageClass, SETORIENT_STR,
env->CallVoidMethod(page, setOrientID, orientation);
* Pull the paper size and margins out of the paper object and
* return them in points.
static void getPaperValues(JNIEnv *env, jobject paper, RectDouble *paperSize,
RectDouble *margins, BOOL widthAsMargin) {
// Because this function may call client Java code,
// we can't run it on the toolkit thread.
DASSERT(AwtToolkit::MainThread() != ::GetCurrentThreadId());
jmethodID getID;
paperSize->x = 0;
paperSize->y = 0;
jclass paperClass = env->GetObjectClass(paper);
getID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass, GETWIDTH_STR, GETWIDTH_SIG);
paperSize->width = env->CallDoubleMethod(paper, getID);
getID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass, GETHEIGHT_STR, GETHEIGHT_SIG);
paperSize->height = env->CallDoubleMethod(paper, getID);
getID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass, GETIMG_X_STR, GETIMG_X_SIG);
margins->x = env->CallDoubleMethod(paper, getID);
if (margins-> x < 0 ) {
margins-> x = 0;
getID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass, GETIMG_Y_STR, GETIMG_Y_SIG);
margins->y = env->CallDoubleMethod(paper, getID);
if (margins-> y < 0 ) {
margins-> y = 0;
getID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass, GETIMG_W_STR, GETIMG_W_SIG);
if (widthAsMargin) {
margins->width = paperSize->width - margins->x
- env->CallDoubleMethod(paper, getID);
} else {
margins->width = env->CallDoubleMethod(paper, getID);
if (margins->width < 0) {
margins->width = 0;
getID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass, GETIMG_H_STR, GETIMG_H_SIG);
if (widthAsMargin) {
margins->height = paperSize->height - margins->y
- env->CallDoubleMethod(paper, getID);
} else {
margins->height = env->CallDoubleMethod(paper, getID);
if (margins->height < 0) {
margins->height = 0;
* Given a RECT specifying the margins
* for the page and an indication of whether
* the units are 1000ths of an inch (MM_HIENGLISH)
* or 100ths of a millimeter (MM_HIMETRIC),
* convert the margins to 72nds of an inch
* and set them into the PageFormat insance provided.
static void setPaperValues(JNIEnv *env, jobject paper, const POINT *paperSize,
const RECT *margins, int units) {
// Because this function may call client Java code,
// we can't run it on the toolkit thread.
DASSERT(AwtToolkit::MainThread() != ::GetCurrentThreadId());
jclass paperClass = env->GetObjectClass(paper);
jmethodID setSizeID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass,
jmethodID setImageableID = env->GetMethodID(paperClass,
/* Set the physical size of the paper.
jdouble paperWidth = convertToPoints(paperSize->x, units);
jdouble paperHeight = convertToPoints(paperSize->y, units);
env->CallVoidMethod(paper, setSizeID, paperWidth, paperHeight);
/* Set the margins of the paper. In Windows' margin RECT,
* the right and bottom parts of the structure are not
* really the right and bottom of the imageable rectangle,
* but rather the right and bottom margins.
jdouble x = convertToPoints(margins->left, units);
jdouble y = convertToPoints(margins->top, units);
long intWidth = paperSize->x - margins->left - margins->right;
long intHeight = paperSize->y - margins->top - margins->bottom;
jdouble width = convertToPoints(intWidth, units);
jdouble height = convertToPoints(intHeight, units);
env->CallVoidMethod(paper, setImageableID, x, y, width, height);
* Convert 'value' a measurement in 1/72's of an inch to
* the units specified by 'units' - either MM_HIENGLISH
* MM_HIMETRIC, or MM_LOMETRIC. The converted value is returned as
* a long.
static long convertFromPoints(double value, int units) {
double conversion = 0;
switch (units){
conversion = POINTS_TO_HIMETRIC;
conversion = POINTS_TO_LOMETRIC;
assert(FALSE); // Unsupported unit.
// Adding 0.5 ensures that the integer portion has the expected magnitude
// before truncation occurs as result of converting from double to long.
return (long) ((value * conversion) + 0.5);
* Convert a measurement, 'value', from the units
* specified by 'units', either MM_HIENGLISH or
* MM_HIMETRIC to 1/72's of an inch and returned
* as a double.
static double convertToPoints(long value, int units) {
double convertedValue = (double)value;
switch (units){
//convertedValue *= HIENGLISH_TO_POINTS;
// this order of calculation is for bug 4191615
convertedValue = (convertedValue*72.0) / 1000.0;
convertedValue *= HIMETRIC_TO_POINTS;
convertedValue *= LOMETRIC_TO_POINTS;
assert(FALSE); // Unsupported unit.
//Need to round off to the precision of the initial value. FIX.
return convertedValue;
* Ask the printer device context, 'printDC' about
* its capabilities and set these into the WPrintJob2D
* object 'self'.
void setCapabilities(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, HDC printDC) {
jboolean err;
// width of page in pixels
jint pageWid = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, PHYSICALWIDTH);
err = setIntField(env, self, PAGEW_STR, pageWid);
if (err) return;
// height of page in pixels
jint pageHgt = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, PHYSICALHEIGHT);
err = setIntField(env, self, PAGEH_STR, pageHgt);
if (err) return;
// x scaling factor of printer
jint xsf = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, SCALINGFACTORX);
// x scaling factor of printer
jint ysf = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, SCALINGFACTORY);
if (getOrientationFromDevMode(env, self) == DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE) {
// because we do our own rotation, we should force
// orientation to portrait so we will get correct page dimensions.
HGLOBAL hDevMode = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDMode(env, self);
if (hDevMode != NULL) {
DEVMODE *devmode = (DEVMODE*)::GlobalLock(hDevMode);
if (devmode != NULL) {
devmode->dmFields |= DM_ORIENTATION;
devmode->dmOrientation = DMORIENT_PORTRAIT;
::ResetDC(printDC, devmode);
// pixels per inch in x direction
jint xRes = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, LOGPIXELSX);
err = setIntField(env, self, XRES_STR, xRes);
if (err) return;
// pixels per inch in y direction
jint yRes = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, LOGPIXELSY);
err = setIntField(env, self, YRES_STR, yRes);
if (err) return;
// x coord of printable area in pixels
jint xOrg = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, PHYSICALOFFSETX);
err = setIntField(env, self, PHYSX_STR, xOrg);
if (err) return;
// y coord of printable area in pixels
jint yOrg = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, PHYSICALOFFSETY);
err = setIntField(env, self, PHYSY_STR, yOrg);
if (err) return;
// width of printable area in pixels
jint printWid = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, HORZRES);
err = setIntField(env, self, PHYSW_STR, printWid);
if (err) return;
// height of printable area in pixels
jint printHgt = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, VERTRES);
setIntField(env, self, PHYSH_STR, printHgt);
static inline WORD getPrintPaperSize(JNIEnv *env, jboolean* err, jobject self) {
return (WORD)getIntField(env, err, self, PRINTPAPERSIZE_STR);
static inline jboolean setPrintPaperSize(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, WORD sz) {
return setIntField(env, self, PRINTPAPERSIZE_STR, (jint)sz);
* Return the java int value of the field 'fieldName' in the
* java instance 'self'.
static jint getIntField(JNIEnv *env, jboolean* err, jobject self, const char *fieldName) {
return JNU_GetFieldByName(env, err, self, fieldName, "I").i;
* Set the int field named 'fieldName' of the java instance
* 'self' to the value 'value'.
static jboolean setIntField(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, const char *fieldName, jint value) {
jboolean err;
JNU_SetFieldByName(env, &err, self, fieldName, "I", value);
return err;
static jboolean getBooleanField(JNIEnv *env, jboolean* err, jobject self, const char *fieldName) {
return JNU_GetFieldByName(env, err, self, fieldName, "Z").z;
static jboolean setBooleanField(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, const char *fieldName, jboolean value) {
jboolean err;
JNU_SetFieldByName(env, &err, self, fieldName, "Z", value);
return err;
* Throw a PrinterException with a string describing
* the Window's system error 'err'.
static void throwPrinterException(JNIEnv *env, DWORD err) {
char errStr[256];
TCHAR t_errStr[256];
errStr[0] = '\0';
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, t_errStr, -1,
errStr, sizeof(errStr), NULL, NULL);
* Finds the closest matching paper size for the printer.
* Parameters are in 72ndths of an inch.
* paperSize is the win32 integer identifier for a paper size.
* Requires an initialised set of printer device structures.
* Updates the printDC to specify the matched paper size.
* If the passed in paper size is non-zero, its taken to be a windows
* paper size "name", and we check that paper size against the paper
* we are matching and prefer that name over other names which also match
* the size.
static void matchPaperSize(HDC printDC, HGLOBAL hDevMode, HGLOBAL hDevNames,
double origWid, double origHgt,
double* newWid, double *newHgt,
WORD* paperSize) {
// Tolerated differences in comparing page dimensions between passed in
// "orig" media with that of Windows' device.
const double epsilon = 3.6; // (1/72) of an inch
const double tolerance = (1.0 * 72.0); // # inches * 72
*newWid = origWid;
*newHgt = origHgt;
/* 1st check if the DC/Devmode has as its current papersize a paper
* which matches the paper specified. If yes, then we can skip hunting
* for the match and in the process we avoid finding a "name" for
* the paper size which isn't the one the user specified in the page
* setup dialog. For example "11x17" is also "Ledger".
if (printDC != NULL) {
// pixels per inch in x and y direction
jint xPixelRes = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, LOGPIXELSX);
jint yPixelRes = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, LOGPIXELSY);
// width and height of page in pixels
jint pagePixelWid = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, PHYSICALWIDTH);
jint pagePixelHgt = GetDeviceCaps(printDC, PHYSICALHEIGHT);
// page size in 1/72"
jdouble paperWidth = (jdouble)((pagePixelWid * 72)/(jdouble)xPixelRes);
jdouble paperHeight = (jdouble)((pagePixelHgt * 72)/(jdouble)yPixelRes);
if ((fabs(origWid - paperWidth) < epsilon) &&
(fabs(origHgt - paperHeight) < epsilon) &&
(*paperSize == 0)) {
*newWid = origWid;
*newHgt = origHgt;
if (hDevMode != NULL) {
DEVMODE *devmode = (DEVMODE *)::GlobalLock(hDevMode);
if (devmode != NULL && (devmode->dmFields & DM_PAPERSIZE)) {
*paperSize = devmode->dmPaperSize;
/* begin trying to match papers */
LPTSTR printer = NULL, port = NULL;
if (hDevNames != NULL) {
DEVNAMES *devnames = (DEVNAMES *)::GlobalLock(hDevNames);
if (devnames != NULL) {
LPTSTR lpdevnames = (LPTSTR)devnames;
printer = _tcsdup(lpdevnames+devnames->wDeviceOffset);
port = _tcsdup(lpdevnames+devnames->wOutputOffset);
//REMIND: code duplicated in AwtPrintControl::getNearestMatchingPaper
int numPaperSizes = 0;
WORD *papers = NULL;
POINT *paperSizes = NULL;
numPaperSizes = (int)DeviceCapabilities(printer, port, DC_PAPERSIZE,
if (numPaperSizes > 0) {
papers = (WORD*)SAFE_SIZE_ARRAY_ALLOC(safe_Malloc, sizeof(WORD), numPaperSizes);
paperSizes = (POINT *)SAFE_SIZE_ARRAY_ALLOC(safe_Malloc, sizeof(*paperSizes), numPaperSizes);
DWORD result1 = DeviceCapabilities(printer, port,
DWORD result2 = DeviceCapabilities(printer, port,
if (result1 == -1 || result2 == -1 ) {
free((char *) papers);
papers = NULL;
free((char *) paperSizes);
paperSizes = NULL;
double closestWid = 0.0;
double closestHgt = 0.0;
WORD closestMatch = 0;
if (paperSizes != NULL) {
/* Paper sizes are in 0.1mm units. Convert to 1/72"
* For each paper size, compute the difference from the paper size
* passed in. Use a least-squares difference, so paper much different
* in x or y should score poorly
double diffw = origWid;
double diffh = origHgt;
double least_square = diffw * diffw + diffh * diffh;
double tmp_ls;
double widpts, hgtpts;
for (int i=0;i<numPaperSizes;i++) {
widpts = paperSizes[i].x * LOMETRIC_TO_POINTS;
hgtpts = paperSizes[i].y * LOMETRIC_TO_POINTS;
if ((fabs(origWid - widpts) < epsilon) &&
(fabs(origHgt - hgtpts) < epsilon)) {
if ((*paperSize == 0) || ((*paperSize !=0) &&
(papers[i]==*paperSize))) {
closestWid = origWid;
closestHgt = origHgt;
closestMatch = papers[i];
diffw = fabs(widpts - origWid);
diffh = fabs(hgtpts - origHgt);
tmp_ls = diffw * diffw + diffh * diffh;
if ((diffw < tolerance) && (diffh < tolerance) &&
(tmp_ls < least_square)) {
least_square = tmp_ls;
closestWid = widpts;
closestHgt = hgtpts;
closestMatch = papers[i];
if (closestWid > 0) {
*newWid = closestWid;
if (closestHgt > 0) {
*newHgt = closestHgt;
*paperSize = closestMatch;
/* At this point we have the paper which is the closest match
* We now need to select the paper into the DEVMODE, and
* get a DC which matches so we can get the margins.
if ((printDC != NULL) && (hDevMode != NULL) && (closestMatch != 0)) {
DEVMODE *devmode = (DEVMODE *)::GlobalLock(hDevMode);
if ((devmode != NULL) && (closestMatch != devmode->dmPaperSize)) {
devmode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERSIZE;
devmode->dmPaperSize = closestMatch;
::ResetDC(printDC, devmode);
if (printer != NULL) {
free((char *)printer);
if (port != NULL) {
free((char *)port);
if (papers != NULL) {
free((char *)papers);
if (paperSizes != NULL) {
free((char *)paperSizes);
static BOOL SetPrinterDevice(LPTSTR pszDeviceName, HGLOBAL* p_hDevMode,
HGLOBAL* p_hDevNames)
// Open printer and obtain PRINTER_INFO_2 structure.
HANDLE hPrinter;
if (::OpenPrinter(pszDeviceName, &hPrinter, NULL) == FALSE)
return FALSE;
DWORD dwBytesReturned, dwBytesNeeded;
::GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, NULL, 0, &dwBytesNeeded);
PRINTER_INFO_2* p2 = (PRINTER_INFO_2*)::GlobalAlloc(GPTR,
if (p2 == NULL) {
return FALSE;
if (::GetPrinter(hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)p2, dwBytesNeeded,
&dwBytesReturned) == 0) {
return FALSE;
/* If GetPrinter didn't fill in the DEVMODE, try to get it by calling
if (p2->pDevMode == NULL){
LONG bytesNeeded = ::DocumentProperties(NULL, hPrinter,
if (bytesNeeded <= 0) {
return FALSE;
hDevMode = ::GlobalAlloc(GHND, bytesNeeded);
if (hDevMode == NULL) {
return FALSE;
pDevMode = (DEVMODE*)::GlobalLock(hDevMode);
if (pDevMode == NULL) {
return FALSE;
LONG lFlag = ::DocumentProperties(NULL, hPrinter,
pDevMode, NULL,
if (lFlag != IDOK) {
return FALSE;
} else {
// Allocate a global handle for DEVMODE and copy DEVMODE data.
hDevMode = ::GlobalAlloc(GHND,
(sizeof(*p2->pDevMode) + p2->pDevMode->dmDriverExtra));
if (hDevMode == NULL) {
return FALSE;
pDevMode = (DEVMODE*)::GlobalLock(hDevMode);
if (pDevMode == NULL) {
return FALSE;
memcpy(pDevMode, p2->pDevMode,
sizeof(*p2->pDevMode) + p2->pDevMode->dmDriverExtra);
// Compute size of DEVNAMES structure you'll need.
// All sizes are WORD as in DEVNAMES structure
// All offsets are in characters, not in bytes
WORD drvNameLen = static_cast<WORD>(_tcslen(p2->pDriverName)); // driver name
WORD ptrNameLen = static_cast<WORD>(_tcslen(p2->pPrinterName)); // printer name
WORD porNameLen = static_cast<WORD>(_tcslen(p2->pPortName)); // port name
WORD devNameSize = static_cast<WORD>(sizeof(DEVNAMES)) +
(ptrNameLen + porNameLen + drvNameLen + 3)*sizeof(TCHAR);
// Allocate a global handle big enough to hold DEVNAMES.
HGLOBAL hDevNames = ::GlobalAlloc(GHND, devNameSize);
DEVNAMES* pDevNames = (DEVNAMES*)::GlobalLock(hDevNames);
// Copy the DEVNAMES information from PRINTER_INFO_2 structure.
pDevNames->wDriverOffset = sizeof(DEVNAMES)/sizeof(TCHAR);
memcpy((LPTSTR)pDevNames + pDevNames->wDriverOffset,
p2->pDriverName, drvNameLen*sizeof(TCHAR));
pDevNames->wDeviceOffset = static_cast<WORD>(sizeof(DEVNAMES)/sizeof(TCHAR)) +
drvNameLen + 1;
memcpy((LPTSTR)pDevNames + pDevNames->wDeviceOffset,
p2->pPrinterName, ptrNameLen*sizeof(TCHAR));
pDevNames->wOutputOffset = static_cast<WORD>(sizeof(DEVNAMES)/sizeof(TCHAR)) +
drvNameLen + ptrNameLen + 2;
memcpy((LPTSTR)pDevNames + pDevNames->wOutputOffset,
p2->pPortName, porNameLen*sizeof(TCHAR));
pDevNames->wDefault = 0;
::GlobalFree(p2); // free PRINTER_INFO_2
*p_hDevMode = hDevMode;
*p_hDevNames = hDevNames;
return TRUE;
Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_setNativePrintService(JNIEnv *env,
jobject name,
jstring printer)
LPTSTR printerName = (LPTSTR)JNU_GetStringPlatformChars(env, printer, NULL);
HDC hDC = AwtPrintControl::getPrintDC(env, name);
if (hDC != NULL) {
hDC = ::CreateDC(TEXT("WINSPOOL"), printerName, NULL, NULL);
if (hDC == NULL) {
JNU_ThrowByName(env, PRINTEREXCEPTION_STR, "Invalid name of PrintService.");
JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, printer, printerName);
AwtPrintControl::setPrintDC(env, name, hDC);
HANDLE hDevMode = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDMode(env, name);
if (hDevMode != NULL) {
hDevMode = NULL;
HANDLE hDevNames = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDName(env, name);;
if (hDevNames != NULL) {
hDevNames = NULL;
SetPrinterDevice(printerName, &hDevMode, &hDevNames);
AwtPrintControl::setPrintHDMode(env, name, hDevMode);
AwtPrintControl::setPrintHDName(env, name, hDevNames);
// Driver capability for copies & collation are not set
// when printDialog and getDefaultPrinterDC are not called.
DEVMODE *devmode = NULL;
if (hDevMode != NULL) {
devmode = (DEVMODE *)::GlobalLock(hDevMode);
DASSERT(!IsBadReadPtr(devmode, sizeof(DEVMODE)));
if (devmode != NULL) {
if (devmode->dmFields & DM_COPIES) {
jboolean err = setBooleanField(env, name, DRIVER_COPIES_STR, JNI_TRUE);
if (err) {
JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, printer, printerName);
if (devmode->dmFields & DM_COLLATE) {
jboolean err = setBooleanField(env, name, DRIVER_COLLATE_STR, JNI_TRUE);
if (err) {
JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, printer, printerName);
setCapabilities(env, name, hDC);
JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars(env, printer, printerName);
Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_getNativePrintService(JNIEnv *env,
jobject name)
jstring printer;
HANDLE hDevNames = AwtPrintControl::getPrintHDName(env, name);
if (hDevNames == NULL) {
return NULL;
DEVNAMES* pDevNames = (DEVNAMES*)::GlobalLock(hDevNames);
printer = JNU_NewStringPlatform(env,
return printer;
static BOOL getPrintableArea(HDC pdc, HANDLE hDevMode, RectDouble *margin)
if (pdc == NULL) {
return FALSE;
DEVMODE *pDevMode = (DEVMODE*)::GlobalLock(hDevMode);
if (pDevMode == NULL) {
return FALSE;
::ResetDC(pdc, pDevMode);
int left = GetDeviceCaps(pdc, PHYSICALOFFSETX);
int top = GetDeviceCaps(pdc, PHYSICALOFFSETY);
int width = GetDeviceCaps(pdc, HORZRES);
int height = GetDeviceCaps(pdc, VERTRES);
int resx = GetDeviceCaps(pdc, LOGPIXELSX);
int resy = GetDeviceCaps(pdc, LOGPIXELSY);
margin->x = (jdouble)left/resx;
margin->y =(jdouble)top/resy;
margin->width = (jdouble)width/resx;
margin->height = (jdouble)height/resy;
return TRUE;
Java_sun_awt_windows_WPrinterJob_initIDs(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
AwtPrintDialog::controlID = env->GetFieldID(cls, "pjob", "Ljava/awt/print/PrinterJob;");
DASSERT(AwtPrintDialog::controlID != NULL);
jclass printDialogPeerClass = env->FindClass("sun/awt/windows/WPrintDialogPeer");
AwtPrintDialog::setHWndMID = env->GetMethodID(printDialogPeerClass, "setHWnd", "(J)V");
DASSERT(AwtPrintDialog::setHWndMID != NULL);
AwtPrintControl::initIDs(env, cls);
} /* extern "C" */