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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Currency;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.harmony.testframework.serialization.SerializationTest;
public class DecimalFormatTest extends TestCase {
public void test_setNan_emptyString() throws Exception {
DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
public void testAttributedCharacterIterator() throws Exception {
// Regression for
AttributedCharacterIterator iterator = new DecimalFormat().formatToCharacterIterator(
new Integer(1));
assertFalse("attributes should exist", iterator.getAttributes().isEmpty());
public void test_parse_bigDecimal() throws Exception {
// parseBigDecimal default to false
DecimalFormat form = (DecimalFormat) DecimalFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
Number result = form.parse("123.123");
assertEquals(new BigDecimal("123.123"), result);
result = form.parse("123.123");
assertFalse(result instanceof BigDecimal);
public void test_parse_integerOnly() throws Exception {
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
assertFalse("Default value of isParseIntegerOnly is true", format.isParseIntegerOnly());
Number result = format.parse("123.123");
assertEquals(new Long("123"), result);
result = format.parse("123.123");
assertEquals(new Double("123.123"), result);
// Test the type of the returned object
public void test_parse_returnType() {
DecimalFormat form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
Number number = form.parse("23.1", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
// Test parsed object of type double when
// parseBigDecimal is set to true
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
number = form.parse("23.1", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
number = form.parse("23.1", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof BigDecimal);
assertEquals(new BigDecimal("23.1"), number);
// When parseIntegerOnly set to true, all numbers will be parsed
// into Long unless the value is out of the bound of Long or
// some special values such as NaN or Infinity.
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
number = form.parse("23.1f", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Long);
number = form.parse("23.0", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Long);
number = form.parse("-0.0", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Long);
assertTrue(new Long(0).equals(number));
// The last integers representable by long.
number = form.parse("9223372036854775807.00", new ParsePosition(0));
assertEquals(Long.class, number.getClass());
number = form.parse("9223372036854775808.00", new ParsePosition(0));
assertEquals(Double.class, number.getClass());
// The first integers that need to be represented by double.
number = form.parse("-9223372036854775808.00", new ParsePosition(0));
assertEquals(Long.class, number.getClass());
number = form.parse("-9223372036854775809.00", new ParsePosition(0));
assertEquals(Double.class, number.getClass());
// Even if parseIntegerOnly is set to true, NaN will be parsed to Double
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
number = form.parse(symbols.getNaN(), new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
// Even if parseIntegerOnly is set to true, Infinity will still be
// parsed to Double
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
number = form.parse(symbols.getInfinity(), new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
// ParseBigDecimal take precedence of parseBigInteger
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
number = form.parse("23.1f", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof BigDecimal);
number = form.parse("23.0", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof BigDecimal);
number = form.parse("-92,233,720,368,547,758,080.00", new ParsePosition(0));
assertFalse(number instanceof BigInteger);
assertTrue(number instanceof BigDecimal);
// Test whether the parsed object is of type float. (To be specific,
// they are of type Double)
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
number = form.parse("23.1f", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
number = form.parse("23.1f", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof BigDecimal);
assertEquals(new BigDecimal("23.1"), number);
// Integer will be parsed to Long, unless parseBigDecimal is set to true
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
number = form.parse("123", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Long);
number = form.parse("123", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof BigDecimal);
assertEquals(new BigDecimal("123"), number);
// NaN will be parsed to Double, no matter parseBigDecimal set or not.
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
number = form.parse(symbols.getNaN() + "", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
number = form.parse(symbols.getNaN() + "", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
// Infinity will be parsed to Double, no matter parseBigDecimal set or
// not.
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
number = form.parse(symbols.getInfinity(), new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
assertEquals("Infinity", number.toString());
// When set bigDecimal to true, the result of parsing infinity
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
number = form.parse(symbols.getInfinity(), new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
assertEquals("Infinity", number.toString());
// Negative infinity will be parsed to double no matter parseBigDecimal
// set or not
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
number = form.parse("-" + symbols.getInfinity(), new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
assertEquals("-Infinity", number.toString());
// When set bigDecimal to true, the result of parsing minus infinity
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
number = form.parse("-" + symbols.getInfinity(), new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
assertEquals("-Infinity", number.toString());
// -0.0 will be parsed to different type according to the combination of
// parseBigDecimal and parseIntegerOnly
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
// parseBigDecimal == true;
// parseIntegerOnly == false;
number = form.parse("-0", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof BigDecimal);
number = form.parse("-0.0", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof BigDecimal);
// parseBigDecimal == false;
// parseIntegerOnly == true;
number = form.parse("-0", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Long);
number = form.parse("-0.0", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Long);
// parseBigDecimal == false;
// parseIntegerOnly == false;
number = form.parse("-0", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
number = form.parse("-0.0", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
// parseBigDecimal == true;
// parseIntegerOnly == true;
// parseBigDecimal take precedence of parseBigInteger
number = form.parse("-0", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof BigDecimal);
number = form.parse("-0.0", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof BigDecimal);
number = form.parse("12.4", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof BigDecimal);
// When parseBigDecimal is set to false, no matter how massive the
// mantissa part of a number is, the number will be parsed into Double
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
number = form.parse("9,223,372,036,854,775,808.00",
new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
assertEquals("9.223372036854776E18", number.toString());
number = form.parse("-92,233,720,368,547,758,080.00",
new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
assertEquals("-9.223372036854776E19", number.toString());
// When parseBigDecimal is set to true, if mantissa part of number
// exceeds Long.MAX_VALUE, the number will be parsed into BigDecimal
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
number = form.parse("9,223,372,036,854,775,808.00",
new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof BigDecimal);
assertEquals(9.223372036854776E18, number.doubleValue(), 0);
number = form.parse("-92,233,720,368,547,758,080.00", new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof BigDecimal);
assertEquals(-9.223372036854776E19, number.doubleValue(), 0);
// The minimum value of Long will be parsed to Long when parseBigDecimal
// is not set
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
pos = new ParsePosition(0);
Number nb = df.parse("" + Long.MIN_VALUE, pos);
assertTrue(nb instanceof Long);
// The maximum value of Long will be parsed to Long when parseBigDecimal
// is set
pos = new ParsePosition(0);
df = new DecimalFormat();
pos = new ParsePosition(0);
nb = df.parse("" + Long.MAX_VALUE, pos);
assertTrue(nb instanceof Long);
// When parsing invalid string( which is neither consist of digits nor
// NaN/Infinity), a null will be returned.
pos = new ParsePosition(0);
df = new DecimalFormat();
try {
nb = df.parse("invalid", pos);
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
fail("Should not throw NPE");
public void test_parse_largeBigDecimal() {
DecimalFormat form = (DecimalFormat) DecimalFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
final String doubleMax2 = "359,538,626,972,463,141,629,054,847,463,408,"
+ "713,596,141,135,051,689,993,197,834,953,606,314,521,560,057,077,"
+ "521,179,117,265,533,756,343,080,917,907,028,764,928,468,642,653,"
+ "778,928,365,536,935,093,407,075,033,972,099,821,153,102,564,152,"
+ "490,980,180,778,657,888,151,737,016,910,267,884,609,166,473,806,"
+ "445,896,331,617,118,664,246,696,549,595,652,408,289,446,337,476,"
+ "354,361,838,599,762,500,808,052,368,249,716,736";
Number number = form.parse(doubleMax2, new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof BigDecimal);
BigDecimal result = (BigDecimal) number;
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(Double.MAX_VALUE).add(new BigDecimal(Double.MAX_VALUE)),
public void testMaximumFractionDigits_getAndSet() {
DecimalFormat form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
// getMaximumFractionDigits of DecimalFormat defaults to 3
assertEquals(3, form.getMaximumFractionDigits());
assertEquals(310, form.getMaximumFractionDigits());
// Deliberately > 340. The API docs mention 340 and suggest that you can set the value
// higher but it will use 340 as a ceiling.
assertEquals(500, form.getMaximumFractionDigits());
assertEquals(500, form.getMaximumFractionDigits());
assertEquals(500, form.getMaximumFractionDigits());
assertEquals(0, form.getMaximumFractionDigits());
public void testMinimumFractionDigits_getAndSet() {
DecimalFormat form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
// getMinimumFractionDigits from NumberFormat (default to 0)
// getMinimumFractionDigits from DecimalFormat (default to 0)
assertEquals(0, form.getMinimumFractionDigits());
assertEquals(310, form.getMinimumFractionDigits());
// Deliberately > 340. The API docs mention 340 and suggest that you can set the value
// higher but it will use 340 as a ceiling.
assertEquals(500, form.getMinimumFractionDigits());
assertEquals(400, form.getMinimumFractionDigits());
assertEquals(0, form.getMinimumFractionDigits());
public void testMaximumIntegerDigits_getAndSet() {
// When use default locale, in this case zh_CN
// the returned instance of NumberFormat is a DecimalFormat
DecimalFormat form = new DecimalFormat("00.###E0");
assertEquals(2, form.getMaximumIntegerDigits());
form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
assertEquals(300, form.getMaximumIntegerDigits());
// Deliberately > 309. The API docs mention 309 and suggest that you can set the value
// higher but it will use 309 as a ceiling.
assertEquals(500, form.getMaximumIntegerDigits());
form = new DecimalFormat("00.###E0");
assertEquals(2, form.getMaximumIntegerDigits());
assertEquals(500, form.getMaximumIntegerDigits());
assertEquals(500, form.getMaximumIntegerDigits());
assertEquals(0, form.getMaximumIntegerDigits());
// regression test for HARMONY-878
assertTrue(new DecimalFormat("0\t'0'").getMaximumIntegerDigits() > 0);
public void testMinimumIntegerDigits_getAndSet() {
final int minIntDigit = 1;
DecimalFormat form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
// getMaximumIntegerDigits from DecimalFormat (default to 1)
assertEquals(minIntDigit, form.getMinimumIntegerDigits());
assertEquals(300, form.getMinimumIntegerDigits());
// Deliberately > 309. The API docs mention 309 and suggest that you can set the value
// higher but it will use 309 as a ceiling.
assertEquals(500, form.getMinimumIntegerDigits());
assertEquals(400, form.getMinimumIntegerDigits());
assertEquals(0, form.getMinimumIntegerDigits());
// When MaxFractionDigits is set first and less than MinFractionDigits, max
// will be changed to min value
public void testMinimumFactionDigits_minChangesMax() {
DecimalFormat form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
assertEquals(200, form.getMaximumFractionDigits());
assertEquals(200, form.getMinimumFractionDigits());
assertEquals(200, form.getMaximumIntegerDigits());
assertEquals(200, form.getMinimumIntegerDigits());
// When MinFractionDigits is set first and less than MaxFractionDigits, min
// will be changed to max value
public void testMaximumFactionDigits_maxChangesMin() {
DecimalFormat form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
assertEquals(100, form.getMaximumFractionDigits());
assertEquals(100, form.getMinimumFractionDigits());
assertEquals(100, form.getMaximumIntegerDigits());
assertEquals(100, form.getMinimumIntegerDigits());
public void test_formatObject_errorCases() {
DecimalFormat form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
// If Object(including null) is not of type Number,
// IllegalArgumentException will be thrown out
try {
form.format(new Object(), new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0));
fail("Should throw IAE");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected
try {
form.format(null, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0));
fail("Should throw IAE");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// expected
// When StringBuffer == null || FieldPosition == null
// NullPointerException will be thrown out.
try {
form.format(new Double(1.9), null, new FieldPosition(0));
fail("Should throw NPE");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
try {
form.format(new Double(1.3), new StringBuffer(), null);
fail("Should throw NPE");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
try {
form.format(new Object(), new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
public void test_formatObject() {
DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
// format maxLong
FieldPosition pos = new FieldPosition(0);
StringBuffer out = format.format(new Long(Long.MAX_VALUE), new StringBuffer(), pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result L1: " + out, out.toString().equals("9,223,372,036,854,775,807"));
// format minLong
pos = new FieldPosition(0);
out = format.format(new Long(Long.MIN_VALUE), new StringBuffer(), pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result L2: " + out, out.toString().equals("-9,223,372,036,854,775,808"));
// format maxLong of type BigInteger
pos = new FieldPosition(0);
out = format.format(new java.math.BigInteger(String.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE)),
new StringBuffer(), pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result BI1: " + out, out.toString().equals("9,223,372,036,854,775,807"));
// format minLong of type BigInteger
pos = new FieldPosition(0);
out = format.format(new java.math.BigInteger(String.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE)),
new StringBuffer(), pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result BI2: " + out, out.toString().equals("-9,223,372,036,854,775,808"));
// format maxLong + 1
java.math.BigInteger big;
pos = new FieldPosition(0);
big = new java.math.BigInteger(String.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE))
.add(new java.math.BigInteger("1"));
out = format.format(big, new StringBuffer(), pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result BI3: " + out, out.toString().equals("9,223,372,036,854,775,808"));
// format minLong - 1
pos = new FieldPosition(0);
big = new java.math.BigInteger(String.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE))
.add(new java.math.BigInteger("-1"));
out = format.format(big, new StringBuffer(), pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result BI4: " + out, out.toString().equals("-9,223,372,036,854,775,809"));
// format big decimal
pos = new FieldPosition(0);
out = format.format(new java.math.BigDecimal("51.348"), new StringBuffer(), pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result BD1: " + out, out.toString().equals("51.348"));
// format big decimal
pos = new FieldPosition(0);
out = format.format(new java.math.BigDecimal("51"), new StringBuffer(), pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result BD2: " + out, out.toString().equals("51"));
// format big decimal Double.MAX_VALUE * 2
java.math.BigDecimal bigDecimal;
pos = new FieldPosition(0);
final String doubleMax2 = "359,538,626,972,463,141,629,054,847,463,408,"
+ "713,596,141,135,051,689,993,197,834,953,606,314,521,560,057,077,"
+ "521,179,117,265,533,756,343,080,917,907,028,764,928,468,642,653,"
+ "778,928,365,536,935,093,407,075,033,972,099,821,153,102,564,152,"
+ "490,980,180,778,657,888,151,737,016,910,267,884,609,166,473,806,"
+ "445,896,331,617,118,664,246,696,549,595,652,408,289,446,337,476,"
+ "354,361,838,599,762,500,808,052,368,249,716,736";
bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(Double.MAX_VALUE).add(new BigDecimal(Double.MAX_VALUE));
out = format.format(bigDecimal, new StringBuffer(), pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result BDmax2: " + out, out.toString().equals(doubleMax2));
// format big decimal Double.MIN_VALUE + Double.MIN_VALUE
// and Double.MIN_VALUE - Double.MIN_VALUE
pos = new FieldPosition(0);
bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(Double.MIN_VALUE).add(new BigDecimal(Double.MIN_VALUE));
out = format.format(bigDecimal, new StringBuffer(), pos);
bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(Float.MAX_VALUE).add(new BigDecimal(Float.MAX_VALUE));
out = format.format(bigDecimal, new StringBuffer(), pos);
final String BDFloatMax2 = "680,564,693,277,057,719,623,408,366,969,033,850,880";
assertTrue("Wrong result BDFloatMax2: " + out, out.toString().equals(BDFloatMax2));
// format big decimal Float.MIN_VALUE + Float.MIN_VALUE
// and Float.MIN_VALUE - Float.MIN_VALUE
bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(Float.MIN_VALUE).add(new BigDecimal(Float.MIN_VALUE));
out = format.format(bigDecimal, new StringBuffer(), pos);
final String BDFloatMin2 = "0";
bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(Float.MIN_VALUE).subtract(new BigDecimal(Float.MIN_VALUE));
out = format.format(bigDecimal, new StringBuffer(), pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result BDFloatMax2: " + out, out.toString().equals(BDFloatMin2));
public void test_equals() {
DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
DecimalFormat cloned = (DecimalFormat) format.clone();
cloned.setDecimalFormatSymbols(new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US));
assertEquals(format, cloned);
Currency c = Currency.getInstance(Locale.US);
assertEquals(format, cloned);
public void test_getNegativePrefix() {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
assertTrue("Incorrect negative prefix", df.getNegativePrefix().equals("--"));
public void test_getNegativeSuffix() {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
assertTrue("Incorrect negative suffix", df.getNegativeSuffix().equals("&"));
public void test_getPositivePrefix() {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
assertTrue("Incorrect positive prefix", df.getPositivePrefix().equals("++"));
public void test_getPositiveSuffix() {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
assertTrue("Incorrect positive prefix", df.getPositiveSuffix().equals("%"));
public void test_setPositivePrefix() throws Exception {
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
assertEquals("", format.getPositivePrefix());
assertEquals("PosPrf", format.getPositivePrefix());
assertTrue(format.parse("PosPrf123.45").doubleValue() == 123.45);
assertEquals("", format.getPositivePrefix());
try {
} catch (NullPointerException expected) {
public void test_setPositiveSuffix() throws Exception {
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
assertEquals("", format.getPositiveSuffix());
assertEquals("PosSfx", format.getPositiveSuffix());
assertTrue(format.parse("123.45PosSfx").doubleValue() == 123.45);
assertEquals("", format.getPositiveSuffix());
try {
} catch (NullPointerException expected) {
public void test_setNegativePrefix() throws Exception {
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
assertEquals("-", format.getNegativePrefix());
assertEquals("NegPrf", format.getNegativePrefix());
assertTrue(format.parse("NegPrf123.45").doubleValue() == -123.45);
assertEquals("", format.getNegativePrefix());
try {
} catch (NullPointerException expected) {
public void test_setNegativeSuffix() throws Exception {
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
assertEquals("", format.getNegativeSuffix());
assertEquals("NegSfx", format.getNegativeSuffix());
assertTrue(format.parse("123.45NegPfx").doubleValue() == 123.45);
assertEquals("", format.getNegativeSuffix());
try {
} catch (NullPointerException expected) {
public void test_setGroupingUsed() {
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
format.format(new Long(1970), buf, new FieldPosition(0));
assertEquals("1970", buf.toString());
format.format(new Long(1970), buf, new FieldPosition(0));
assertEquals("19701970", buf.toString());
format.format(new Long(1970), buf, new FieldPosition(0));
assertEquals("197019701,970", buf.toString());
public void test_isGroupingUsed() {
assertFalse(new DecimalFormat("####.##").isGroupingUsed());
assertFalse(new DecimalFormat("######.######").isGroupingUsed());
assertFalse(new DecimalFormat("000000.000000").isGroupingUsed());
assertFalse(new DecimalFormat("######.000000").isGroupingUsed());
assertFalse(new DecimalFormat("000000.######").isGroupingUsed());
assertFalse(new DecimalFormat(" ###.###").isGroupingUsed());
assertFalse(new DecimalFormat("$#####.######").isGroupingUsed());
assertFalse(new DecimalFormat("$$####.######").isGroupingUsed());
assertTrue(new DecimalFormat("###,####").isGroupingUsed());
public void testConstructor_noArg() {
// Test for method java.text.DecimalFormat()
// the constructor form that specifies a pattern is equal to the form
// constructed with no pattern and applying that pattern using the
// applyPattern call
DecimalFormat format1 = new DecimalFormat();
DecimalFormat format2 = new DecimalFormat();
assertTrue("Constructed format did not match applied format object",
DecimalFormat format3 = new DecimalFormat("'$'1000.0000");
assertTrue("Constructed format did not match applied format object",
DecimalFormat format4 = new DecimalFormat("'$'8000.0000");
assertTrue("Constructed format did not match applied format object",
public void testConstructor_string() {
// Test for method java.text.DecimalFormat(java.lang.String)
// the constructor form that specifies a pattern is equal to the form
// constructed with no pattern and applying that pattern using the
// applyPattern call
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("'$'0000.0000");
DecimalFormat format1 = new DecimalFormat();
assertTrue("Constructed format did not match applied format object",
new DecimalFormat("####.##");
new DecimalFormat("######.######");
new DecimalFormat("000000.000000");
new DecimalFormat("######.000000");
new DecimalFormat("000000.######");
new DecimalFormat(" ###.###");
new DecimalFormat("$#####.######");
new DecimalFormat("$$####.######");
new DecimalFormat("%#,##,###,####");
new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)");
try {
new DecimalFormat(null);
} catch (NullPointerException expected) {
try {
new DecimalFormat("%#,##,###,####'");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
try {
new DecimalFormat("#.##0.00");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
public void testConstructor_stringAndSymbols() {
// case 1: Try to construct object using correct pattern and format
// symbols.
DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.CANADA);
DecimalFormat format1 = new DecimalFormat("'$'1000.0000", dfs);
DecimalFormat format2 = new DecimalFormat();
assertTrue("Constructed format did not match applied format object",
assertTrue("Constructed format did not match applied format object",
new DecimalFormat("'$'1000.0000", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.CHINA))));
// case 2: Try to construct object using null arguments.
try {
new DecimalFormat("'$'1000.0000", (DecimalFormatSymbols) null);
} catch (NullPointerException expected) {
try {
new DecimalFormat(null, new DecimalFormatSymbols());
} catch (NullPointerException expected) {
try {
new DecimalFormat(null, (DecimalFormatSymbols) null);
} catch (NullPointerException expected) {
// case 3: Try to construct object using incorrect pattern.
try {
new DecimalFormat("$'", new DecimalFormatSymbols());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
* Test the constructor and applyPattern with various format patterns and what toPattern()
* returns. These have changed on Android over time: we are not particularly opinionated about
* the output of toPattern() in invalid cases.
public void test_applyPattern() {
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#.#");
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 1", "0.#", format.toPattern());
format = new DecimalFormat("#.");
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 2", "0.", format.toPattern());
format = new DecimalFormat("#");
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 3", "0", format.toPattern());
format = new DecimalFormat(".#");
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 4", "#.0", format.toPattern());
// Regression for HARMONY-6485
format = new DecimalFormat();
assertEquals("Minimum integer digits not set", 2, format.getMinimumIntegerDigits());
assertEquals("Minimum fraction digits not set", 1, format.getMinimumFractionDigits());
assertEquals("Maximum fraction digits not set", 2, format.getMaximumFractionDigits());
try {
} catch (NullPointerException expected) {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
* Test applyPattern() with different grouping sizes and what toPattern() returns.
* AndroidOnly: icu supports 2 grouping sizes
public void test_applyPattern_icu2GroupingSizes() {
DecimalFormat decFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.#");
String[] patterns = {
"####.##", "######.######", "000000.000000",
"######.000000", "000000.######", " ###.###", "$#####.######",
"$$####.######", "%#,##,###,####", "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)",
String[] expResult = {
"0.##", "0.######", "000000.000000",
"#.000000", "000000.######", " 0.###", "$0.######",
"%#,###,###0", // icu only. icu supports two grouping sizes
// icu only. E in the suffix does not need to be quoted.
for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) {
String result = decFormat.toPattern();
assertEquals("Failed to apply following pattern: " + patterns[i] +
"\n expected: " + expResult[i] +
"\n returned: " + result, expResult[i], result);
public void test_applyLocalizedPattern() throws Exception {
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
// case 1: Try to apply correct variants of pattern.
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 1", "0.#", format.toLocalizedPattern());
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 2", "0.", format.toLocalizedPattern());
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 3", "0", format.toLocalizedPattern());
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 4", "#.0", format.toLocalizedPattern());
// case 2: Try to apply malformed patten.
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
// case 3: Try to apply null pattern.
try {
format.applyLocalizedPattern((String) null);
} catch (NullPointerException expected) {
public void test_toPattern() {
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 1", "0.#", format.toPattern());
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 2", "0.", format.toPattern());
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 3", "0", format.toPattern());
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 4", "#.0", format.toPattern());
public void test_toLocalizedPattern() {
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
format.setDecimalFormatSymbols(new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US));
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 1", "0.#", format.toLocalizedPattern());
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 2", "0.", format.toLocalizedPattern());
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 3", "0", format.toLocalizedPattern());
assertEquals("Wrong pattern 4", "#.0", format.toLocalizedPattern());
public void test_hashCode() {
DecimalFormat df1 = new DecimalFormat();
DecimalFormat df2 = (DecimalFormat) df1.clone();
assertTrue("Hash codes of equals object are not equal", df2.hashCode() == df1.hashCode());
public void test_clone() {
DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
DecimalFormat cloned = (DecimalFormat) format.clone();
assertEquals(cloned.getDecimalFormatSymbols(), format.getDecimalFormatSymbols());
format = new DecimalFormat("'$'0000.0000");
DecimalFormat format1 = (DecimalFormat) (format.clone());
// make sure the objects are equal
assertTrue("Object's clone isn't equal!", format.equals(format1));
// change the content of the clone and make sure it's not equal anymore
// verifies that it's data is now distinct from the original
assertTrue("Object's changed clone should not be equal!", !format.equals(format1));
public void test_formatDouble_maximumFractionDigits() {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###0.##", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US));
assertEquals(3, df.getMaximumFractionDigits());
assertEquals("1.235", df.format(1.23456));
assertEquals(4, df.getMaximumFractionDigits());
assertEquals("456.0000", df.format(456));
df = new DecimalFormat("##0.#");
assertEquals("0", df.format(0.0));
assertEquals("-0", df.format(-0.0));
assertEquals("1", df.format(1.0));
assertEquals("-1", df.format(-1.0));
public void test_formatDouble_minimumFractionDigits() {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###0.##", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US));
assertEquals(4, df.getMinimumFractionDigits());
assertEquals("1.2300", df.format(1.23));
assertEquals(2, df.getMinimumFractionDigits());
assertEquals("456.00", df.format(456));
df = new DecimalFormat("##0.#", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US));
assertEquals("0.000000000000000000000000000000", df.format(0.0));
assertEquals("-0.000000000000000000000000000000", df.format(-0.0));
assertEquals("1.000000000000000000000000000000", df.format(1.0));
assertEquals("-1.000000000000000000000000000000", df.format(-1.0));
public void test_formatDouble_withFieldPosition() {
new Support_DecimalFormat(
// This test serves as a regression test for Android's behavior.
// There are many patterns that produce different output from the RI but are sometimes the
// consequence of Android following the ICU DecimalFormat rules.
public void test_formatDouble_scientificNotation() {
FormatTester formatTester = new FormatTester();
final DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("00.0#E0", dfs);
// ["00.0#E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=2,
// maxFractionDigits=2,minIntegerDigits=2,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit was not explicitly set: The exponent can be any integer.
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (2) + "max fractional digits (2) == 4
formatTester.format(df, "00.0E0", 0.0);
formatTester.format(df, "10.0E-1", 1.0);
formatTester.format(df, "12.0E0", 12.0);
formatTester.format(df, "12.3E1", 123.0);
formatTester.format(df, "12.34E2", 1234.0);
formatTester.format(df, "12.35E3", 12346.0);
formatTester.format(df, "10.0E4", 99999.0);
formatTester.format(df, "12.0E-1", 1.2);
formatTester.format(df, "12.3E0", 12.3);
formatTester.format(df, "12.34E1", 123.4);
formatTester.format(df, "12.35E2", 1234.6);
formatTester.format(df, "10.0E3", 9999.9);
formatTester.format(df, "10.0E-2", 0.1);
formatTester.format(df, "12.0E-2", 0.12);
formatTester.format(df, "12.3E-2", 0.123);
formatTester.format(df, "12.34E-2", 0.1234);
formatTester.format(df, "12.35E-2", 0.12346);
formatTester.format(df, "10.0E-1", 0.99999);
formatTester.format(df, "-10.0E-1", -1.0);
formatTester.format(df, "-12.0E0", -12.0);
formatTester.format(df, "-12.3E1", -123.0);
formatTester.format(df, "-12.34E2", -1234.0);
formatTester.format(df, "-12.35E3", -12346.0);
formatTester.format(df, "-10.0E4", -99999.0);
df = new DecimalFormat("#00.0##E0", dfs);
// ["#00.0##E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=3,
// maxFractionDigits=3,minIntegerDigits=2,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit count is set: The exponent must be a multiple of it (3).
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (2) + "max fractional digits (3) == 5
formatTester.format(df, "100E-3", 0.1);
formatTester.format(df, "120E-3", 0.12);
formatTester.format(df, "123E-3", 0.123);
formatTester.format(df, "123.4E-3", 0.1234);
formatTester.format(df, "123.46E-3", 0.1234567);
formatTester.format(df, "10E-3", 0.01);
formatTester.format(df, "12E-3", 0.012);
formatTester.format(df, "12.3E-3", 0.0123);
formatTester.format(df, "12.34E-3", 0.01234);
formatTester.format(df, "12.346E-3", 0.01234567);
formatTester.format(df, "1.0E-3", 0.001);
formatTester.format(df, "1.2E-3", 0.0012);
formatTester.format(df, "1.23E-3", 0.00123);
formatTester.format(df, "1.234E-3", 0.001234);
formatTester.format(df, "1.2346E-3", 0.001234567);
formatTester.format(df, "100E-6", 0.0001);
formatTester.format(df, "120E-6", 0.00012);
formatTester.format(df, "123E-6", 0.000123);
formatTester.format(df, "123.4E-6", 0.0001234);
formatTester.format(df, "123.46E-6", 0.0001234567);
formatTester.format(df, "0.0E0", 0.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.0E0", 1.0);
formatTester.format(df, "12E0", 12.0);
formatTester.format(df, "123E0", 123.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.234E3", 1234.0);
formatTester.format(df, "12.345E3", 12345.0);
formatTester.format(df, "123.46E3", 123456.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.2346E6", 1234567.0);
formatTester.format(df, "12.346E6", 12345678.0);
formatTester.format(df, "100E6", 99999999.0);
df = new DecimalFormat("#.0E0", dfs);
// ["#.0E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=1,
// maxFractionDigits=1,minIntegerDigits=0,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit count is set: The exponent must be a multiple of it (1).
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (0) + "max fractional digits (1) == 1
formatTester.format(df, "0E0", 0.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1E0", 1.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1E1", 12.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1E2", 123.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1E3", 1234.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1E4", 9999.0);
df = new DecimalFormat("0.E0", dfs);
// ["0.E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=true,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,negativePrefix=-,
// negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=1,maxFractionDigits=0,
// minIntegerDigits=1,minFractionDigits=0,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit was not explicitly set: The exponent can be any integer.
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (1) + "max fractional digits (0) == 1
formatTester.format(df, "0.E0", 0.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.E0", 1.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.E1", 12.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.E2", 123.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.E3", 1234.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.E4", 9999.0);
df = new DecimalFormat("##0.00#E0", dfs);
// ["##0.00#E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=3,
// maxFractionDigits=3,minIntegerDigits=1,minFractionDigits=2,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit count is set: The exponent must be a multiple of it (3).
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (1) + "max fractional digits (3) == 4
formatTester.format(df, "100E-3", 0.1);
formatTester.format(df, "123.5E-3", 0.1234567);
formatTester.format(df, "1.00E0", 0.9999999);
formatTester.format(df, "10.0E-3", 0.01);
formatTester.format(df, "12.35E-3", 0.01234567);
formatTester.format(df, "100E-3", 0.09999999);
formatTester.format(df, "1.00E-3", 0.001);
formatTester.format(df, "1.235E-3", 0.001234567);
formatTester.format(df, "10.0E-3", 0.009999999);
formatTester.format(df, "100E-6", 0.0001);
formatTester.format(df, "123.5E-6", 0.0001234567);
formatTester.format(df, "1.00E-3", 0.0009999999);
df = new DecimalFormat("###0.00#E0", dfs);
// ["###0.00#E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=4,
// maxFractionDigits=3,minIntegerDigits=1,minFractionDigits=2,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit count is set: The exponent must be a multiple of it (4).
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (1) + "max fractional digits (3) == 4
formatTester.format(df, "1000E-4", 0.1);
formatTester.format(df, "1235E-4", 0.12345678);
formatTester.format(df, "1.00E0", 0.99999999);
formatTester.format(df, "100E-4", 0.01);
formatTester.format(df, "123.5E-4", 0.012345678);
formatTester.format(df, "1000E-4", 0.099999999);
formatTester.format(df, "10.0E-4", 0.001);
formatTester.format(df, "12.35E-4", 0.0012345678);
formatTester.format(df, "100E-4", 0.0099999999);
formatTester.format(df, "1.00E-4", 0.0001);
formatTester.format(df, "1.235E-4", 0.00012345678);
formatTester.format(df, "10.0E-4", 0.00099999999);
formatTester.format(df, "1000E-8", 0.00001);
formatTester.format(df, "1235E-8", 0.000012345678);
formatTester.format(df, "1.00E-4", 0.000099999999);
df = new DecimalFormat("###0.0#E0", dfs);
// ["###0.0#E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=4,
// maxFractionDigits=2,minIntegerDigits=1,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit count is set: The exponent must be a multiple of it (4).
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (1) + "max fractional digits (2) == 3
formatTester.format(df, "1000E-4", 0.1);
formatTester.format(df, "1230E-4", 0.1234567);
formatTester.format(df, "1.0E0", 0.9999999);
formatTester.format(df, "100E-4", 0.01);
formatTester.format(df, "123E-4", 0.01234567);
formatTester.format(df, "1000E-4", 0.09999999);
formatTester.format(df, "10E-4", 0.001);
formatTester.format(df, "12.3E-4", 0.001234567);
formatTester.format(df, "100E-4", 0.009999999);
formatTester.format(df, "1.0E-4", 0.0001);
formatTester.format(df, "1.23E-4", 0.0001234567);
formatTester.format(df, "10E-4", 0.0009999999);
formatTester.format(df, "1000E-8", 0.00001);
formatTester.format(df, "1230E-8", 0.00001234567);
formatTester.format(df, "1.0E-4", 0.00009999999);
df = new DecimalFormat("##0.0E0", dfs);
// ["##0.0E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=3,
// maxFractionDigits=1,minIntegerDigits=1,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit count is set: The exponent must be a multiple of it (3).
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (1) + "max fractional digits (1) == 2
formatTester.format(df, "0.0E0", 0.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.0E0", 1.0);
formatTester.format(df, "12E0", 12.0);
formatTester.format(df, "120E0", 123.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.2E3", 1234.0);
formatTester.format(df, "12E3", 12346.0);
formatTester.format(df, "100E3", 99999.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.0E6", 999999.0);
df = new DecimalFormat("0.#E0", dfs);
// ["0.#E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=1,
// maxFractionDigits=1,minIntegerDigits=1,minFractionDigits=0,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit was not explicitly set: The exponent can be any integer.
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (1) + "max fractional digits (1) == 2
formatTester.format(df, "0E0", 0.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1E0", 1.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.2E1", 12.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.2E2", 123.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.2E3", 1234.0);
formatTester.format(df, "1E4", 9999.0);
df = new DecimalFormat(".0E0", dfs);
// [".0E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=true,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,negativePrefix=-,
// negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=0,maxFractionDigits=1,
// minIntegerDigits=0,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit was not explicitly set: The exponent can be any integer.
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (0) + "max fractional digits (1) == 2
formatTester.format(df, ".0E0", 0.0);
formatTester.format(df, ".1E1", 1.0);
formatTester.format(df, ".1E2", 12.0);
formatTester.format(df, ".1E3", 123.0);
formatTester.format(df, ".1E4", 1234.0);
formatTester.format(df, ".1E5", 9999.0);
public void test_formatDouble_scientificNotationMinusZero() throws Exception {
FormatTester formatTester = new FormatTester();
final DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("00.0#E0", dfs);
// ["00.0#E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=2,
// maxFractionDigits=2,minIntegerDigits=2,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit was not explicitly set: The exponent can be any integer.
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (2) + "max fractional digits (2) == 4
formatTester.format(df, "-00.0E0", -0.0);
df = new DecimalFormat("##0.0E0", dfs);
// ["##0.0E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=3,
// maxFractionDigits=1,minIntegerDigits=1,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit count is set: The exponent must be a multiple of it (3).
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (1) + "max fractional digits (1) == 2
formatTester.format(df, "-0.0E0", -0.0);
df = new DecimalFormat("#.0E0", dfs);
// ["#.0E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=1,
// maxFractionDigits=1,minIntegerDigits=0,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit count is set: The exponent must be a multiple of it (1).
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (0) + "max fractional digits (1) == 1
formatTester.format(df, "-0E0", -0.0);
df = new DecimalFormat("0.#E0", dfs);
// ["0.#E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=1,
// maxFractionDigits=1,minIntegerDigits=1,minFractionDigits=0,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit was not explicitly set: The exponent can be any integer.
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (1) + "max fractional digits (1) == 2
formatTester.format(df, "-0E0", -0.0);
df = new DecimalFormat(".0E0", dfs);
// [".0E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=true,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,negativePrefix=-,
// negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=0,maxFractionDigits=1,
// minIntegerDigits=0,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit was not explicitly set: The exponent can be any integer.
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (0) + "max fractional digits (1) == 1
formatTester.format(df, "-.0E0", -0.0);
public void test_formatLong_maximumIntegerDigits() {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###0.##");
assertEquals(2, df.getMaximumIntegerDigits());
assertEquals("34", df.format(1234));
assertEquals(4, df.getMaximumIntegerDigits());
assertEquals("0026", df.format(26));
public void test_formatLong_minimumIntegerDigits() {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###0.##", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US));
assertEquals(3, df.getMinimumIntegerDigits());
assertEquals("012", df.format(12));
assertEquals(2, df.getMinimumIntegerDigits());
assertEquals("00.7", df.format(0.7));
// See also the _formatDouble tests. This tests a subset of patterns / values.
public void test_formatLong_scientificNotation() {
FormatTester formatTester = new FormatTester();
final DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("00.0#E0", dfs);
// ["00.0#E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=2,
// maxFractionDigits=2,minIntegerDigits=2,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit was not explicitly set: The exponent can be any integer.
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (2) + "max fractional digits (2) == 4
formatTester.format(df, "00.0E0", 0);
formatTester.format(df, "10.0E-1", 1);
formatTester.format(df, "12.0E0", 12);
formatTester.format(df, "12.3E1", 123);
formatTester.format(df, "12.34E2", 1234);
formatTester.format(df, "12.35E3", 12346);
formatTester.format(df, "10.0E4", 99999);
formatTester.format(df, "-10.0E-1", -1);
formatTester.format(df, "-12.0E0", -12);
formatTester.format(df, "-12.3E1", -123);
formatTester.format(df, "-12.34E2", -1234);
formatTester.format(df, "-12.35E3", -12346);
formatTester.format(df, "-10.0E4", -99999);
df = new DecimalFormat("##0.0E0", dfs);
// ["##0.0E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=3,
// maxFractionDigits=1,minIntegerDigits=1,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit count is set: The exponent must be a multiple of it (3).
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (1) + "max fractional digits (1) == 2
formatTester.format(df, "0.0E0", 0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.0E0", 1);
formatTester.format(df, "12E0", 12);
formatTester.format(df, "120E0", 123);
formatTester.format(df, "1.2E3", 1234);
formatTester.format(df, "12E3", 12346);
formatTester.format(df, "100E3", 99999);
formatTester.format(df, "1.0E6", 999999);
df = new DecimalFormat("#00.0##E0", dfs);
// ["##0.0E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=3,
// maxFractionDigits=1,minIntegerDigits=1,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit count is set: The exponent must be a multiple of it (3).
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (2) + "max fractional digits (3) == 5
formatTester.format(df, "0.0E0", 0);
formatTester.format(df, "1.0E0", 1);
formatTester.format(df, "12E0", 12);
formatTester.format(df, "123E0", 123);
formatTester.format(df, "1.234E3", 1234);
formatTester.format(df, "12.345E3", 12345);
formatTester.format(df, "123.46E3", 123456);
formatTester.format(df, "1.2346E6", 1234567);
formatTester.format(df, "12.346E6", 12345678);
formatTester.format(df, "100E6", 99999999);
df = new DecimalFormat("#.0E0", dfs);
// ["#.0E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=1,
// maxFractionDigits=1,minIntegerDigits=0,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit count is set: The exponent must be a multiple of it (1).
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (0) + "max fractional digits (1) == 1
formatTester.format(df, "0E0", 0);
formatTester.format(df, "1E0", 1);
formatTester.format(df, "1E1", 12);
formatTester.format(df, "1E2", 123);
formatTester.format(df, "1E3", 1234);
formatTester.format(df, "1E4", 9999);
df = new DecimalFormat("0.#E0", dfs);
// ["0.#E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=false,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,
// negativePrefix=-,negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=1,
// maxFractionDigits=1,minIntegerDigits=1,minFractionDigits=0,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit was not explicitly set: The exponent can be any integer.
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (1) + "max fractional digits (1) == 2
formatTester.format(df, "0E0", 0);
formatTester.format(df, "1E0", 1);
formatTester.format(df, "1.2E1", 12);
formatTester.format(df, "1.2E2", 123);
formatTester.format(df, "1.2E3", 1234);
formatTester.format(df, "1E4", 9999);
df = new DecimalFormat(".0E0", dfs);
// [".0E0",isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown=true,groupingSize=0,multiplier=1,negativePrefix=-,
// negativeSuffix=,positivePrefix=,positiveSuffix=,maxIntegerDigits=0,maxFractionDigits=1,
// minIntegerDigits=0,minFractionDigits=1,grouping=false]
// Because maximum integer digit was not explicitly set: The exponent can be any integer.
// Scientific notation => use significant digit logic
// '@' not present: Significant digits: Min: 1,
// Max: "min integer digits" (0) + "max fractional digits (1) == 1
formatTester.format(df, ".0E0", 0);
formatTester.format(df, ".1E1", 1);
formatTester.format(df, ".1E2", 12);
formatTester.format(df, ".1E3", 123);
formatTester.format(df, ".1E4", 1234);
formatTester.format(df, ".1E5", 9999);
// Demonstrates that fraction digit rounding occurs as expected with 1, 10 and 14 fraction
// digits, using numbers that are well within the precision of IEEE 754.
public void test_formatDouble_maxFractionDigits() {
final DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#0.#", dfs);
assertEquals("1", format.format(0.99));
assertEquals("1", format.format(0.95));
assertEquals("0.9", format.format(0.94));
assertEquals("0.9", format.format(0.90));
assertEquals("0.2", format.format(0.19));
assertEquals("0.2", format.format(0.15));
assertEquals("0.1", format.format(0.14));
assertEquals("0.1", format.format(0.10));
assertEquals("1", format.format(0.99999999999));
assertEquals("1", format.format(0.99999999995));
assertEquals("0.9999999999", format.format(0.99999999994));
assertEquals("0.9999999999", format.format(0.99999999990));
assertEquals("0.1111111112", format.format(0.11111111119));
assertEquals("0.1111111112", format.format(0.11111111115));
assertEquals("0.1111111111", format.format(0.11111111114));
assertEquals("0.1111111111", format.format(0.11111111110));
assertEquals("1", format.format(0.999999999999999));
assertEquals("1", format.format(0.999999999999995));
assertEquals("0.99999999999999", format.format(0.999999999999994));
assertEquals("0.99999999999999", format.format(0.999999999999990));
assertEquals("0.11111111111112", format.format(0.111111111111119));
assertEquals("0.11111111111112", format.format(0.111111111111115));
assertEquals("0.11111111111111", format.format(0.111111111111114));
assertEquals("0.11111111111111", format.format(0.111111111111110));
// This demonstrates rounding at the 15th decimal digit. By setting the maximum fraction digits
// we force rounding at a point just below the full IEEE 754 precision. IEEE 754 should be
// precise to just above 15 decimal digits.
// df.format() with no limits always emits up to 16 decimal digits, slightly above what IEEE 754
// can store precisely.
public void test_formatDouble_roundingTo15Digits() throws Exception {
final DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.#", dfs);
assertEquals("1000000000000000", df.format(999999999999999.9));
assertEquals("100000000000000", df.format(99999999999999.99));
assertEquals("10000000000000", df.format(9999999999999.999));
assertEquals("1000000000000", df.format(999999999999.9999));
assertEquals("100000000000", df.format(99999999999.99999));
assertEquals("10000000000", df.format(9999999999.999999));
assertEquals("1000000000", df.format(999999999.9999999));
assertEquals("100000000", df.format(99999999.99999999));
assertEquals("10000000", df.format(9999999.999999999));
assertEquals("1000000", df.format(999999.9999999999));
assertEquals("100000", df.format(99999.99999999999));
assertEquals("10000", df.format(9999.999999999999));
assertEquals("1000", df.format(999.9999999999999));
assertEquals("100", df.format(99.99999999999999));
assertEquals("10", df.format(9.999999999999999));
assertEquals("1", df.format(0.9999999999999999));
// This checks formatting over most of the representable IEEE 754 range using a formatter that
// should be performing no lossy rounding.
// It checks that the formatted double can be parsed to get the original double.
// IEEE 754 can represent values from (decimal) ~2.22507E−308 to ~1.79769E308 to full precision.
// Close to zero it can go down to 4.94066E-324 with a loss of precision.
// At the extremes of the double range this test will not be testing doubles that exactly
// represent powers of 10. The test is only interested in whether the doubles closest
// to powers of 10 that can be represented can each be turned into a string and read back again
// to arrive at the original double.
public void test_formatDouble_wideRange() throws Exception {
for (int i = -324; i < 309; i++) {
// Generate a decimal number we are interested in: 1 * 10^i
String stringForm = "1e" + i;
BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(stringForm);
// Obtain the nearest double representation of the decimal number.
// This is lossy because going from BigDecimal -> double is inexact, but we should
// arrive at a number that is as close as possible to the decimal value. We assume that
// BigDecimal is capable of this, but it is not critical to this test if it gets it a
// little wrong, though it may mean we are testing a double value different from the one
// we thought we were.
double d = bigDecimal.doubleValue();
// This test is a regression test for http://b/17656132.
// It checks hand-picked values can be formatted and parsed to get the original double.
// The formatter as configured should perform no rounding.
public void test_formatDouble_roundingProblemCases() throws Exception {
// Most of the double literals below are not exactly representable in IEEE 754 but
// it should not matter to this test.
// This test checks hand-picked values can be formatted and parsed to get the original double.
// The formatter as configured should perform no rounding.
// These numbers are not affected by http://b/17656132.
public void test_formatDouble_varyingScale() throws Exception {
// Most of the double literals below are not exactly representable in IEEE 754 but
// it should not matter to this test.
private static void assertDecimalFormatIsLossless(double d) throws Exception {
final DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#0.#", dfs);
// Every floating point binary can be represented exactly in decimal if you have enough
// digits. This shows the value actually being tested.
String testId = "decimalValue: " + new BigDecimal(d);
// As a sanity check we try out parseDouble() with the string generated by
// Double.toString(). Strictly speaking Double.toString() is probably not guaranteed to be
// lossless, but in reality it probably is, or at least is close enough.
testId + " failed parseDouble(toString()) sanity check",
d, Double.parseDouble(Double.toString(d)));
// Format the number: If this is lossy it is a problem. We are trying to check that it
// doesn't lose any unnecessary precision.
String result = format.format(d);
// Here we use Double.parseDouble() which should able to parse a number we know was
// representable as a double into the original double. If parseDouble() is not implemented
// correctly the test is invalid.
double doubleParsed = Double.parseDouble(result);
assertDoubleEqual(testId + " (format() produced " + result + ")",
d, doubleParsed);
// For completeness we try to parse using the formatter too. If this fails but the format
// above didn't it may be a problem with parse(), or with format() that we didn't spot.
assertDoubleEqual(testId + " failed parse(format()) check",
d, format.parse(result).doubleValue());
private static void assertDoubleEqual(String message, double d, double doubleParsed) {
private static String createPrintableDouble(double d) {
return Double.toString(d) + "(" + Long.toHexString(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d)) + ")";
// Concise demonstration of http://b/17656132 using hard-coded expected values.
public void test_formatDouble_bug17656132() {
final DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#0.#", dfs);
// The expected values below come from the RI and are correct 16 decimal digit
// representations of the formatted value. Android does something different.
// The decimal value given in each comment is the actual double value as represented by
// IEEE 754. See new BigDecimal(double).
// double: 999999999999999.9 is decimal 999999999999999.875
assertEquals("999999999999999.9", df.format(999999999999999.9));
// double: 99999999999999.98 is decimal 99999999999999.984375
assertEquals("99999999999999.98", df.format(99999999999999.98));
// double 9999999999999.998 is decimal 9999999999999.998046875
assertEquals("9999999999999.998", df.format(9999999999999.998));
// double 999999999999.9999 is decimal 999999999999.9998779296875
assertEquals("999999999999.9999", df.format(999999999999.9999));
// double 99999999999.99998 is decimal 99999999999.9999847412109375
assertEquals("99999999999.99998", df.format(99999999999.99998));
// double 9999999999.999998 is decimal 9999999999.9999980926513671875
assertEquals("9999999999.999998", df.format(9999999999.999998));
// double 1E23 is decimal 99999999999999991611392
assertEquals("99999999999999990000000", df.format(1E23));
public void test_getDecimalFormatSymbols() {
DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = df.getDecimalFormatSymbols();
assertNotSame(dfs, df.getDecimalFormatSymbols());
public void test_getCurrency() {
Currency currK = Currency.getInstance("KRW");
Currency currX = Currency.getInstance("XXX");
Currency currE = Currency.getInstance("EUR");
DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new Locale("ko", "KR"));
assertTrue("Test1: Returned incorrect currency", df.getCurrency() == currK);
df = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new Locale("", "KR"));
assertTrue("Test2: Returned incorrect currency", df.getCurrency() == currK);
df = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new Locale("ko", ""));
assertTrue("Test3: Returned incorrect currency", df.getCurrency() == currX);
df = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new Locale("fr", "FR"));
assertTrue("Test4: Returned incorrect currency", df.getCurrency() == currE);
// Regression for HARMONY-1351
df = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new Locale("QWERTY"));
assertTrue("Test5: Returned incorrect currency", df.getCurrency() == currX);
// JDK fails these tests since it doesn't have the PREEURO variant
// df = (DecimalFormat)NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new Locale("fr",
// "FR","PREEURO"));
// assertTrue("Test5: Returned incorrect currency", df.getCurrency() ==
// currF);
public void test_getGroupingSize() {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###0.##");
assertEquals("Wrong unset size", 0, df.getGroupingSize());
df = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.##");
assertEquals("Wrong set size", 3, df.getGroupingSize());
df = new DecimalFormat("#,###,###0.##");
assertEquals("Wrong multiple set size", 4, df.getGroupingSize());
public void test_getMultiplier() {
final int defaultMultiplier = 1;
DecimalFormat form = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
assertEquals(defaultMultiplier, form.getMultiplier());
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###0.##");
assertEquals("Wrong unset multiplier", 1, df.getMultiplier());
df = new DecimalFormat("###0.##%");
assertEquals("Wrong percent multiplier", 100, df.getMultiplier());
df = new DecimalFormat("###0.##\u2030");
assertEquals("Wrong mille multiplier", 1000, df.getMultiplier());
public void test_isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown() {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###0.##");
assertTrue("Wrong unset value", !df.isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown());
df = new DecimalFormat("###0.00");
assertTrue("Wrong unset2 value", !df.isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown());
df = new DecimalFormat("###0.");
assertTrue("Wrong set value", df.isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown());
public void test_parse_withParsePosition() {
DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
Number result = format.parse("9223372036854775807", pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result type for Long.MAX_VALUE", result.getClass() == Long.class);
assertTrue("Wrong result Long.MAX_VALUE", result.longValue() == Long.MAX_VALUE);
pos = new ParsePosition(0);
result = format.parse("-9223372036854775808", pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result type for Long.MIN_VALUE", result.getClass() == Long.class);
assertTrue("Wrong result Long.MIN_VALUE: " + result.longValue(),
result.longValue() == Long.MIN_VALUE);
pos = new ParsePosition(0);
result = format.parse("9223372036854775808", pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result type for Long.MAX_VALUE+1", result.getClass() == Double.class);
assertTrue("Wrong result Long.MAX_VALUE + 1",
result.doubleValue() == (double) Long.MAX_VALUE + 1);
pos = new ParsePosition(0);
result = format.parse("-9223372036854775809", pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result type for Long.MIN_VALUE+1", result.getClass() == Double.class);
assertTrue("Wrong result Long.MIN_VALUE - 1",
result.doubleValue() == (double) Long.MIN_VALUE - 1);
pos = new ParsePosition(0);
result = format.parse("18446744073709551629", pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result type for overflow", result.getClass() == Double.class);
assertTrue("Wrong result for overflow", result.doubleValue() == 18446744073709551629d);
pos = new ParsePosition(0);
result = format.parse("42325917317067571199", pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result type for overflow a: " + result,
result.getClass() == Double.class);
assertTrue("Wrong result for overflow a: " + result,
result.doubleValue() == 42325917317067571199d);
pos = new ParsePosition(0);
result = format.parse("4232591731706757119E1", pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result type for overflow b: " + result,
result.getClass() == Double.class);
assertTrue("Wrong result for overflow b: " + result,
result.doubleValue() == 42325917317067571190d);
pos = new ParsePosition(0);
result = format.parse(".42325917317067571199E20", pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result type for overflow c: " + result,
result.getClass() == Double.class);
assertTrue("Wrong result for overflow c: " + result,
result.doubleValue() == 42325917317067571199d);
pos = new ParsePosition(0);
result = format.parse("922337203685477580.9E1", pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result type for overflow d: " + result,
result.getClass() == Double.class);
assertTrue("Wrong result for overflow d: " + result,
result.doubleValue() == 9223372036854775809d);
pos = new ParsePosition(0);
result = format.parse("9.223372036854775809E18", pos);
assertTrue("Wrong result type for overflow e: " + result,
result.getClass() == Double.class);
assertTrue("Wrong result for overflow e: " + result,
result.doubleValue() == 9223372036854775809d);
public void test_parse_withMultiplier() {
DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
Number result;
result = format.parse("9223372036854775807", new ParsePosition(0));
assertEquals("Wrong result type multiplier 100: " + result, Double.class,
assertEquals("Wrong result for multiplier 100: " + result,
92233720368547758.07d, result.doubleValue());
result = format.parse("9223372036854775807", new ParsePosition(0));
assertEquals("Wrong result type multiplier 1000: " + result, Double.class,
assertEquals("Wrong result for multiplier 1000: " + result,
9223372036854775.807d, result.doubleValue());
result = format.parse("9223372036854775807", new ParsePosition(0));
assertEquals("Wrong result type multiplier 10000: " + result,
Double.class, result.getClass());
assertEquals("Wrong result for multiplier 10000: " + result,
922337203685477.5807d, result.doubleValue());
public void test_setDecimalFormatSymbols() {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###0.##");
DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
assertTrue("Not set", df.getDecimalFormatSymbols().equals(dfs));
assertEquals("Symbols not used", "1@2", df.format(1.2));
// The returned symbols may be cloned in two spots
// 1. When set
// 2. When returned
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat();
DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
DecimalFormatSymbols symbolsOut = format.getDecimalFormatSymbols();
assertNotSame(symbols, symbolsOut);
public void test_setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown() {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###0.##", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US));
assertEquals("Wrong default result", "5", df.format(5));
assertTrue("Not set", df.isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown());
assertEquals("Wrong set result", "7.", df.format(7));
public void test_setCurrency() {
Locale locale = Locale.CANADA;
DecimalFormat df = ((DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale));
try {
fail("Expected NullPointerException");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance("AED");
assertTrue("Returned incorrect currency", currency == df.getCurrency());
assertEquals("Returned incorrect currency symbol", currency.getSymbol(locale),
assertEquals("Returned incorrect international currency symbol", currency.getCurrencyCode(),
public void test_setGroupingSize() {
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###0.##", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.ENGLISH));
assertEquals("Value not set", 2, df.getGroupingSize());
String result = df.format(123);
assertTrue("Invalid format:" + result, result.equals("1,23"));
public void testSerializationSelf() throws Exception {
SerializationTest.verifySelf(new DecimalFormat());
public void testSerializationHarmonyRICompatible() throws Exception {
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
DecimalFormat df = null;
if (!(nf instanceof DecimalFormat)) {
throw new Error("This NumberFormat is not a DecimalFormat");
df = (DecimalFormat) nf;
ObjectInputStream oinput = null;
DecimalFormat deserializedDF = null;
try {
oinput = new ObjectInputStream(getClass().getResource(
deserializedDF = (DecimalFormat) oinput.readObject();
} finally {
try {
if (null != oinput) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
assertEquals(df.getNegativePrefix(), deserializedDF.getNegativePrefix());
assertEquals(df.getNegativeSuffix(), deserializedDF.getNegativeSuffix());
assertEquals(df.getPositivePrefix(), deserializedDF.getPositivePrefix());
assertEquals(df.getPositiveSuffix(), deserializedDF.getPositiveSuffix());
assertEquals(df.getCurrency(), deserializedDF.getCurrency());
assertEquals(df.getGroupingSize(), df.getGroupingSize());
assertEquals(df.getMaximumFractionDigits(), deserializedDF
assertEquals(df.getMaximumIntegerDigits(), deserializedDF
assertEquals(df.getMinimumFractionDigits(), deserializedDF
assertEquals(df.getMinimumIntegerDigits(), deserializedDF
assertEquals(df.getMultiplier(), deserializedDF.getMultiplier());
// Deliberately omitted this assertion. Since different data resource
// will cause the assertion fail.
// assertEquals(df, deserializedDF);
public void test_parse_infinityBigDecimalFalse() {
// Regression test for HARMONY-106
DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance();
DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
Number number = format.parse(symbols.getInfinity(),
new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
public void test_parse_minusInfinityBigDecimalFalse() {
// Regression test for HARMONY-106
DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance();
DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
Number number = format.parse("-" + symbols.getInfinity(),
new ParsePosition(0));
assertTrue(number instanceof Double);
public void test_setDecimalFormatSymbolsAsNull() {
// Regression for HARMONY-1070
DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance();
public void test_formatToCharacterIterator_null() {
try {
// Regression for HARMONY-466
new DecimalFormat().formatToCharacterIterator(null);
fail("NullPointerException expected");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
public void test_formatToCharacterIterator_original() {
new Support_DecimalFormat(
public void test_formatToCharacterIterator() throws Exception {
AttributedCharacterIterator iterator;
int[] runStarts;
int[] runLimits;
String result;
char current;
// BigInteger.
iterator = new DecimalFormat().formatToCharacterIterator(new BigInteger("123456789"));
runStarts = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 4, 4, 7, 8, 8, 8 };
runLimits = new int[] { 3, 3, 3, 4, 7, 7, 7, 8, 11, 11, 11 };
result = "123,456,789";
current = iterator.current();
for (int i = 0; i < runStarts.length; i++) {
assertEquals("wrong start @" + i, runStarts[i], iterator.getRunStart());
assertEquals("wrong limit @" + i, runLimits[i], iterator.getRunLimit());
assertEquals("wrong char @" + i, result.charAt(i), current);
current =;
assertEquals(0, iterator.getBeginIndex());
assertEquals(11, iterator.getEndIndex());
// For BigDecimal with multiplier test.
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
iterator = df.formatToCharacterIterator(new BigDecimal("12345678901234567890"));
result = "123,456,789,012,345,678,900";
current = iterator.current();
for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
assertEquals("wrong char @" + i, result.charAt(i), current);
current =;
// For BigDecimal with multiplier test.
df = new DecimalFormat();
iterator = df.formatToCharacterIterator(new BigDecimal("1.23456789012345678901"));
result = "-1.23456789012345678901";
current = iterator.current();
for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); i++) {
assertEquals("wrong char @" + i, result.charAt(i), current);
current =;
iterator = new DecimalFormat().formatToCharacterIterator(new BigDecimal("1.23456789E301"));
runStarts = new int[] { 0, 0, 2, 3, 3, 3, 6, 7, 7, 7, 10, 11, 11, 11, 14 };
runLimits = new int[] { 2, 2, 3, 6, 6, 6, 7, 10, 10, 10, 11, 14, 14, 14, 15 };
result = "12,345,678,900,"; // 000,000,000,000....
current = iterator.current();
for (int i = 0; i < runStarts.length; i++) {
assertEquals("wrong start @" + i, runStarts[i], iterator.getRunStart());
assertEquals("wrong limit @" + i, runLimits[i], iterator.getRunLimit());
assertEquals("wrong char @" + i, result.charAt(i), current);
current =;
assertEquals(0, iterator.getBeginIndex());
assertEquals(402, iterator.getEndIndex());
iterator = new DecimalFormat().formatToCharacterIterator(new BigDecimal("1.2345678E4"));
runStarts = new int[] { 0, 0, 2, 3, 3, 3, 6, 7, 7, 7 };
runLimits = new int[] { 2, 2, 3, 6, 6, 6, 7, 10, 10, 10 };
result = "12,345.678";
current = iterator.current();
for (int i = 0; i < runStarts.length; i++) {
assertEquals("wrong start @" + i, runStarts[i], iterator.getRunStart());
assertEquals("wrong limit @" + i, runLimits[i], iterator.getRunLimit());
assertEquals("wrong char @" + i, result.charAt(i), current);
current =;
assertEquals(0, iterator.getBeginIndex());
assertEquals(10, iterator.getEndIndex());
public void test_formatToCharacterIterator_veryLarge() throws Exception {
AttributedCharacterIterator iterator;
int[] runStarts;
int[] runLimits;
String result;
char current;
Number number = new BigDecimal("1.23456789E1234");
assertEquals("1.23456789E+1234", number.toString());
iterator = new DecimalFormat().formatToCharacterIterator(number);
runStarts = new int[] { 0, 0, 2, 3, 3, 3, 6, 7, 7, 7, 10, 11, 11, 11, 14 };
runLimits = new int[] { 2, 2, 3, 6, 6, 6, 7, 10, 10, 10, 11, 14, 14, 14, 15 };
result = "12,345,678,900,"; // 000,000,000,000....
current = iterator.current();
for (int i = 0; i < runStarts.length; i++) {
assertEquals("wrong start @" + i, runStarts[i], iterator.getRunStart());
assertEquals("wrong limit @" + i, runLimits[i], iterator.getRunLimit());
assertEquals("wrong char @" + i, result.charAt(i), current);
current =;
assertEquals(0, iterator.getBeginIndex());
assertEquals(1646, iterator.getEndIndex());
public void test_formatToCharacterIterator_roundingUnnecessaryArithmeticException() {
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = (DecimalFormat) DecimalFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
try {
// when rounding is needed, but RoundingMode is set to RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY,
// throw ArithmeticException
decimalFormat.formatToCharacterIterator(new Double(1.5));
fail("ArithmeticException expected");
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
// expected
public void test_formatDouble_roundingUnnecessaryArithmeticException() {
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = (DecimalFormat) DecimalFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
try {
// when rounding is needed, but RoundingMode is set to RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY,
// throw ArithmeticException
decimalFormat.format(11.5, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0));
fail("ArithmeticException expected");
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
// expected
public void test_format_roundingUnnecessaryArithmeticException() {
final DecimalFormatSymbols dfs = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("00.0#E0", dfs);
try {
// when rounding is needed, but RoundingMode is set to RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY,
// throw ArithmeticException
decimalFormat.format(99999, new StringBuffer(), new FieldPosition(0));
fail("ArithmeticException expected");
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
// expected
public void test_getRoundingMode() {
// get the default RoundingMode of this DecimalFormat
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = (DecimalFormat) DecimalFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
// the default RoundingMode is HALF_EVEN
assertEquals("Incorrect default RoundingMode",
decimalFormat.getRoundingMode(), RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
// set RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN of this DecimalFormat
assertEquals("Returned incorrect RoundingMode",
decimalFormat.getRoundingMode(), RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN);
public void test_setRoundingMode_null() {
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = (DecimalFormat) DecimalFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
try {
// when the given RoundingMode is null, throw NullPointerException
fail("NullPointerException expected");
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
// expected
public void test_format_withRoundingMode() {
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = (DecimalFormat) DecimalFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
// ignore the fraction part of a given value
// set RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
String result = decimalFormat.format(11.3);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN", "11", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(11.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN", "11", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(11.6);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN", "12", result);
// set RoundingMode.CEILING of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(11.3);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.CEILING", "12", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-11.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.CEILING", "-11", result);
// set RoundingMode.DOWN of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(11.3);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.DOWN", "11", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-11.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.DOWN", "-11", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.DOWN", "0", result);
// set RoundingMode.FLOOR of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(11.3);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.FLOOR", "11", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-11.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.FLOOR", "-12", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.FLOOR", "0", result);
// set RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(5.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN", "6", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-5.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN", "-6", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.2);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN", "0", result);
// set RoundingMode.HALF_UP of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(5.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_UP", "6", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-5.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_UP", "-6", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.2);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_UP", "0", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-0.2);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_UP", "-0", result);
// set RoundingMode.UP of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(5.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UP", "6", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-5.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UP", "-6", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.2);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UP", "1", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-0.2);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UP", "-1", result);
// set RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
try {
// when rounding is needed but RoundingMode is set to RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY,
// throw ArithmeticException
result = decimalFormat.format(5.5);
fail("ArithmeticException expected: RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY");
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
// expected
result = decimalFormat.format(1.0);
"Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY", "1", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-1.0);
"Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY", "-1", result);
// set MaxFractionDigits to 3, test different DecimalFormat format
// function with differnt RoundingMode
// set RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(11.5653);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN", "11.565", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(11.5655);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN", "11.565", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(11.5656);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN", "11.566", result);
// set RoundingMode.CEILING of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(11.5653);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.CEILING", "11.566", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-11.5653);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.CEILING", "-11.565", result);
// set RoundingMode.DOWN of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(11.5653);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.DOWN", "11.565", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-11.5653);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.DOWN", "-11.565", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.DOWN", "0", result);
// set RoundingMode.FLOOR of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(11.5653);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.FLOOR", "11.565", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-11.5655);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.FLOOR", "-11.566", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.FLOOR", "0", result);
// set RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(11.5653);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN", "11.565", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-11.5655);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN", "-11.566", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(11.5656);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN", "11.566", result);
// set RoundingMode.HALF_UP of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(11.5653);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_UP", "11.565", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-11.5655);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_UP", "-11.566", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(11.5656);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_UP", "11.566", result);
// set RoundingMode.UP of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(11.5653);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UP", "11.566", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-11.5655);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UP", "-11.566", result);
// set RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(-11.565);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY",
"-11.565", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(11.565);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY",
"11.565", result);
// when setting MaxFractionDigits to negative value -2, default it as
// zero, test different DecimalFormat format
// function with differnt RoundingMode
// set RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(11.3);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN", "11", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(11.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN", "11", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(11.6);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN", "12", result);
// set RoundingMode.CEILING of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(11.3);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.CEILING", "12", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-11.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.CEILING", "-11", result);
// set RoundingMode.DOWN of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(11.3);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.DOWN", "11", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-11.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.DOWN", "-11", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.DOWN", "0", result);
// set RoundingMode.FLOOR of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(11.3);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.FLOOR", "11", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-11.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.FLOOR", "-12", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.FLOOR", "0", result);
// set RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(5.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN", "6", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-5.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN", "-6", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.2);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN", "0", result);
// set RoundingMode.HALF_UP of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(5.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_UP", "6", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-5.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_UP", "-6", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.2);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_UP", "0", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-0.2);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.HALF_UP", "-0", result);
// set RoundingMode.UP of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(5.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UP", "6", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-5.5);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UP", "-6", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.2);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UP", "1", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-0.2);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UP", "-1", result);
// set RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(1.0);
"Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY", "1", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(-1.0);
"Incorrect RoundingMode behavior: RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY", "-1", result);
// Regression for HARMONY-6485
// Test with applyPattern call after setRoundingMode
// set RoundingMode.HALF_UP of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(0.125);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".13", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.255);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".26", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.732);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".73", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.467);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".47", result);
// set RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(0.125);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".12", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.255);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".25", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.732);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".73", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.467);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".47", result);
// set RoundingMode.UP of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(0.125);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".13", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.255);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".26", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.732);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".74", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.467);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".47", result);
// set RoundingMode.DOWN of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(0.125);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".12", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.255);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".25", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.732);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".73", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.467);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".46", result);
// set RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN of this DecimalFormat and test its
// behavior
result = decimalFormat.format(0.125);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".12", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.255);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".26", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.732);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".73", result);
result = decimalFormat.format(0.467);
assertEquals("Incorrect RoundingMode behavior after applyPattern", ".47", result);
private static class FormatTester {
private List<AssertionFailedError> failures = new ArrayList<AssertionFailedError>();
public void format(DecimalFormat format, String expected, double value) {
try {
Assert.assertEquals(format.toPattern() + ": " + value, expected,
} catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
public void format(DecimalFormat format, String expected, int value) {
try {
Assert.assertEquals(format.toPattern() + ": " + value, expected,
} catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
public void throwFailures() throws AssertionFailedError {
if (failures.isEmpty()) {
if (failures.size() == 1) {
throw failures.get(0);
AssertionFailedError combined = new AssertionFailedError("Multiple format failures");
for (AssertionFailedError failure : failures) {
throw combined;