blob: 284c6813b93337e9537e0b4dbc4deb06a8ee8fe7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2000-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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package sun.jvm.hotspot.code;
import java.util.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.*;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.*;
public class NMethod extends CodeBlob {
private static long pcDescSize;
private static CIntegerField zombieInstructionSizeField;
private static sun.jvm.hotspot.types.OopField methodField;
/** != InvocationEntryBci if this nmethod is an on-stack replacement method */
private static CIntegerField entryBCIField;
/** To support simple linked-list chaining of nmethods */
private static AddressField linkField;
/** Offsets for different nmethod parts */
private static CIntegerField exceptionOffsetField;
private static CIntegerField deoptOffsetField;
private static CIntegerField origPCOffsetField;
private static CIntegerField stubOffsetField;
private static CIntegerField scopesDataOffsetField;
private static CIntegerField scopesPCsOffsetField;
private static CIntegerField dependenciesOffsetField;
private static CIntegerField handlerTableOffsetField;
private static CIntegerField nulChkTableOffsetField;
private static CIntegerField nmethodEndOffsetField;
/** Offsets for entry points */
/** Entry point with class check */
private static AddressField entryPointField;
/** Entry point without class check */
private static AddressField verifiedEntryPointField;
/** Entry point for on stack replacement */
private static AddressField osrEntryPointField;
// FIXME: add access to flags (how?)
/** NMethod Flushing lock (if non-zero, then the nmethod is not removed) */
private static JIntField lockCountField;
/** not_entrant method removal. Each mark_sweep pass will update
this mark to current sweep invocation count if it is seen on the
stack. An not_entrant method can be removed when there is no
more activations, i.e., when the _stack_traversal_mark is less than
current sweep traversal index. */
private static CIntegerField stackTraversalMarkField;
static {
VM.registerVMInitializedObserver(new Observer() {
public void update(Observable o, Object data) {
private static void initialize(TypeDataBase db) {
Type type = db.lookupType("nmethod");
zombieInstructionSizeField = type.getCIntegerField("_zombie_instruction_size");
methodField = type.getOopField("_method");
entryBCIField = type.getCIntegerField("_entry_bci");
linkField = type.getAddressField("_link");
exceptionOffsetField = type.getCIntegerField("_exception_offset");
deoptOffsetField = type.getCIntegerField("_deoptimize_offset");
origPCOffsetField = type.getCIntegerField("_orig_pc_offset");
stubOffsetField = type.getCIntegerField("_stub_offset");
scopesDataOffsetField = type.getCIntegerField("_scopes_data_offset");
scopesPCsOffsetField = type.getCIntegerField("_scopes_pcs_offset");
dependenciesOffsetField = type.getCIntegerField("_dependencies_offset");
handlerTableOffsetField = type.getCIntegerField("_handler_table_offset");
nulChkTableOffsetField = type.getCIntegerField("_nul_chk_table_offset");
nmethodEndOffsetField = type.getCIntegerField("_nmethod_end_offset");
entryPointField = type.getAddressField("_entry_point");
verifiedEntryPointField = type.getAddressField("_verified_entry_point");
osrEntryPointField = type.getAddressField("_osr_entry_point");
lockCountField = type.getJIntField("_lock_count");
stackTraversalMarkField = type.getCIntegerField("_stack_traversal_mark");
pcDescSize = db.lookupType("PcDesc").getSize();
public NMethod(Address addr) {
// Accessors
public Address getAddress() {
return addr;
public Method getMethod() {
return (Method) VM.getVM().getObjectHeap().newOop(methodField.getValue(addr));
// Type info
public boolean isNMethod() { return true; }
public boolean isJavaMethod() { return !getMethod().isNative(); }
public boolean isNativeMethod() { return getMethod().isNative(); }
public boolean isOSRMethod() { return getEntryBCI() != VM.getVM().getInvocationEntryBCI(); }
/** Boundaries for different parts */
public Address constantsBegin() { return instructionsBegin(); }
public Address constantsEnd() { return getEntryPoint(); }
public Address codeBegin() { return getEntryPoint(); }
public Address codeEnd() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getStubOffset()); }
public Address exceptionBegin() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getExceptionOffset()); }
public Address deoptBegin() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getDeoptOffset()); }
public Address stubBegin() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getStubOffset()); }
public Address stubEnd() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getScopesDataOffset()); }
public Address scopesDataBegin() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getScopesDataOffset()); }
public Address scopesDataEnd() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getScopesPCsOffset()); }
public Address scopesPCsBegin() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getScopesPCsOffset()); }
public Address scopesPCsEnd() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getDependenciesOffset()); }
public Address dependenciesBegin() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getDependenciesOffset()); }
public Address dependenciesEnd() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getHandlerTableOffset()); }
public Address handlerTableBegin() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getHandlerTableOffset()); }
public Address handlerTableEnd() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getNulChkTableOffset()); }
public Address nulChkTableBegin() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getNulChkTableOffset()); }
public Address nulChkTableEnd() { return headerBegin().addOffsetTo(getNMethodEndOffset()); }
public int constantsSize() { return (int) constantsEnd() .minus(constantsBegin()); }
public int codeSize() { return (int) codeEnd() .minus(codeBegin()); }
public int stubSize() { return (int) stubEnd() .minus(stubBegin()); }
public int scopesDataSize() { return (int) scopesDataEnd() .minus(scopesDataBegin()); }
public int scopesPCsSize() { return (int) scopesPCsEnd() .minus(scopesPCsBegin()); }
public int dependenciesSize() { return (int) dependenciesEnd().minus(dependenciesBegin()); }
public int handlerTableSize() { return (int) handlerTableEnd().minus(handlerTableBegin()); }
public int nulChkTableSize() { return (int) nulChkTableEnd() .minus(nulChkTableBegin()); }
public int origPCOffset() { return (int) origPCOffsetField.getValue(addr); }
public int totalSize() {
constantsSize() +
codeSize() +
stubSize() +
scopesDataSize() +
scopesPCsSize() +
dependenciesSize() +
handlerTableSize() +
public boolean constantsContains (Address addr) { return constantsBegin() .lessThanOrEqual(addr) && constantsEnd() .greaterThan(addr); }
public boolean codeContains (Address addr) { return codeBegin() .lessThanOrEqual(addr) && codeEnd() .greaterThan(addr); }
public boolean stubContains (Address addr) { return stubBegin() .lessThanOrEqual(addr) && stubEnd() .greaterThan(addr); }
public boolean scopesDataContains (Address addr) { return scopesDataBegin() .lessThanOrEqual(addr) && scopesDataEnd() .greaterThan(addr); }
public boolean scopesPCsContains (Address addr) { return scopesPCsBegin() .lessThanOrEqual(addr) && scopesPCsEnd() .greaterThan(addr); }
public boolean handlerTableContains(Address addr) { return handlerTableBegin().lessThanOrEqual(addr) && handlerTableEnd().greaterThan(addr); }
public boolean nulChkTableContains (Address addr) { return nulChkTableBegin() .lessThanOrEqual(addr) && nulChkTableEnd() .greaterThan(addr); }
/** Entry points */
public Address getEntryPoint() { return entryPointField.getValue(addr); }
public Address getVerifiedEntryPoint() { return verifiedEntryPointField.getValue(addr); }
// FIXME: add interpreter_entry_point()
// FIXME: add lazy_interpreter_entry_point() for C2
// **********
// **********
// public boolean isInUse();
// public boolean isAlive();
// public boolean isNotEntrant();
// public boolean isZombie();
// ********************************
// ********************************
public boolean isZombie() { return false; }
// public boolean isUnloaded();
// public boolean isYoung();
// public boolean isOld();
// public int age();
// public boolean isMarkedForDeoptimization();
// public boolean isMarkedForUnloading();
// public boolean isMarkedForReclamation();
// public int level();
// public int version();
// FIXME: add mutators for above
// FIXME: add exception cache access?
/** On-stack replacement support */
// FIXME: add mutators
public int getOSREntryBCI() {
Assert.that(getEntryBCI() != VM.getVM().getInvocationEntryBCI(), "wrong kind of nmethod");
return getEntryBCI();
public NMethod getLink() {
return (NMethod) VMObjectFactory.newObject(NMethod.class, linkField.getValue(addr));
/** Tells whether frames described by this nmethod can be
deoptimized. Note: native wrappers cannot be deoptimized. */
public boolean canBeDeoptimized() { return isJavaMethod(); }
// FIXME: add inline cache support
// FIXME: add flush()
public boolean isLockedByVM() { return lockCountField.getValue(addr) > 0; }
// FIXME: add mark_as_seen_on_stack
// FIXME: add can_not_entrant_be_converted
// FIXME: add GC support
// void follow_roots_or_mark_for_unloading(bool unloading_occurred, bool& marked_for_unloading);
// void follow_root_or_mark_for_unloading(oop* root, bool unloading_occurred, bool& marked_for_unloading);
// void preserve_callee_argument_oops(frame fr, const RegisterMap *reg_map, void f(oop*));
// void adjust_pointers();
/** Finds a PCDesc with real-pc equal to "pc" */
public PCDesc getPCDescAt(Address pc) {
// FIXME: consider adding cache like the one down in the VM
for (Address p = scopesPCsBegin(); p.lessThan(scopesPCsEnd()); p = p.addOffsetTo(pcDescSize)) {
PCDesc pcDesc = new PCDesc(p);
if (pcDesc.getRealPC(this).equals(pc)) {
return pcDesc;
return null;
/** ScopeDesc for an instruction */
public ScopeDesc getScopeDescAt(Address pc) {
PCDesc pd = getPCDescAt(pc);
Assert.that(pd != null, "scope must be present");
return new ScopeDesc(this, pd.getScopeDecodeOffset());
/** This is only for use by the debugging system, and is only
intended for use in the topmost frame, where we are not
guaranteed to be at a PC for which we have a PCDesc. It finds
the PCDesc with realPC closest to the current PC. */
public PCDesc getPCDescNearDbg(Address pc) {
PCDesc bestGuessPCDesc = null;
long bestDistance = 0;
for (Address p = scopesPCsBegin(); p.lessThan(scopesPCsEnd()); p = p.addOffsetTo(pcDescSize)) {
PCDesc pcDesc = new PCDesc(p);
// In case pc is null
long distance = -pcDesc.getRealPC(this).minus(pc);
if ((bestGuessPCDesc == null) ||
((distance >= 0) && (distance < bestDistance))) {
bestGuessPCDesc = pcDesc;
bestDistance = distance;
return bestGuessPCDesc;
/** This is only for use by the debugging system, and is only
intended for use in the topmost frame, where we are not
guaranteed to be at a PC for which we have a PCDesc. It finds
the ScopeDesc closest to the current PC. NOTE that this may
return NULL for compiled methods which don't have any
ScopeDescs! */
public ScopeDesc getScopeDescNearDbg(Address pc) {
PCDesc pd = getPCDescNearDbg(pc);
if (pd == null) return null;
return new ScopeDesc(this, pd.getScopeDecodeOffset());
public Map/*<Address, PcDesc>*/ getSafepoints() {
Map safepoints = new HashMap(); // Map<Address, PcDesc>
sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address p = null;
for (p = scopesPCsBegin(); p.lessThan(scopesPCsEnd());
p = p.addOffsetTo(pcDescSize)) {
PCDesc pcDesc = new PCDesc(p);
sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address pc = pcDesc.getRealPC(this);
safepoints.put(pc, pcDesc);
return safepoints;
// FIXME: add getPCOffsetForBCI()
// FIXME: add embeddedOopAt()
// FIXME: add isDependentOn()
// FIXME: add isPatchableAt()
/** Support for code generation. Only here for proof-of-concept. */
public static int getEntryPointOffset() { return (int) entryPointField.getOffset(); }
public static int getVerifiedEntryPointOffset() { return (int) verifiedEntryPointField.getOffset(); }
public static int getOSREntryPointOffset() { return (int) osrEntryPointField.getOffset(); }
public static int getEntryBCIOffset() { return (int) entryBCIField.getOffset(); }
/** NOTE: renamed from "method_offset_in_bytes" */
public static int getMethodOffset() { return (int) methodField.getOffset(); }
public void print() {
public String toString() {
Method method = getMethod();
return "NMethod for " +
method.getMethodHolder().getName().asString() + "." +
method.getName().asString() + method.getSignature().asString() + "==>n" +
public String flagsToString() {
// FIXME need access to flags...
return "";
public String getName() {
Method method = getMethod();
return "NMethod for " +
method.getMethodHolder().getName().asString() + "." +
method.getName().asString() +
// Internals only below this point
private int getEntryBCI() { return (int) entryBCIField .getValue(addr); }
private int getExceptionOffset() { return (int) exceptionOffsetField .getValue(addr); }
private int getDeoptOffset() { return (int) deoptOffsetField .getValue(addr); }
private int getStubOffset() { return (int) stubOffsetField .getValue(addr); }
private int getScopesDataOffset() { return (int) scopesDataOffsetField .getValue(addr); }
private int getScopesPCsOffset() { return (int) scopesPCsOffsetField .getValue(addr); }
private int getDependenciesOffset() { return (int) dependenciesOffsetField.getValue(addr); }
private int getHandlerTableOffset() { return (int) handlerTableOffsetField.getValue(addr); }
private int getNulChkTableOffset() { return (int) nulChkTableOffsetField .getValue(addr); }
private int getNMethodEndOffset() { return (int) nmethodEndOffsetField .getValue(addr); }