blob: 4c05f26f21d7d99a45c8543c0a4598322c0c6098 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Definitions for building the Android core library and associated tests.
// The Android core library provides low-level APIs for use by the rest of the
// Android software stack. It is made up of various parts, some of which can be
// found in libcore/ and other parts that can be found in various external/
// directories.
// libcore has some sub-directories that follow a common structure:
// e.g. dalvik, dom, harmony-tests, json, jsr166-tests, luni, libart, ojluni,
// support, xml, xmlpull.
// The structure of these is generally:
// src/
// main/ # To be shipped on every device.
// java/ # Java source for library code.
// native/ # C/C++ source for library code.
// resources/ # Support files.
// test/ # Built only on demand, for testing.
// java/ # Java source for tests.
// native/ # C/C++ source for tests (rare).
// resources/ # Support files.
// All subdirectories are optional.
build = [
// The Java files and their associated resources.
filegroup {
name: "core-luni-resources",
visibility: [
path: "luni/src/main/java/",
srcs: [
filegroup {
name: "core-ojluni-resources",
visibility: [
path: "ojluni/src/main/resources/",
srcs: [
core_resources = [
// The source files that go into core-oj.
filegroup {
name: "core_oj_java_files",
visibility: [
srcs: [":openjdk_java_files"],
// http://b/129765390, http://b/188966706
// Rewrite links to "platform" or "technotes" folders which are siblings
// (and thus outside of) {@docRoot}.
// We have to escape \ as \\ and $ as $$ here because they get resolved by
// different layers of the build tooling. The arguments are wrapped in '' so
// that the shell doesn't add yet another level of escaping.
rewrite_openjdk_doc_links = "sed -E 's" +
"!(\\{@docRoot\\}/\\.\\./|[./]+)((platform|technotes).+)\">" +
"!\\2\">!' " +
"$(in) " +
"| sed -E 's" + // Android doesn't have java.base in the API docs
"!(\\{@docRoot\\}/)(java\\.base/)(.+)\">" +
"!\\1reference/\\3\">!' " +
"| sed -E 's" +
"!(\\{@docRoot\\}/\\.\\./)(specs/.+)\">" +
"!\\2\">!' " +
" > $(out) " +
"&& ! grep '{@docRoot}/../' $(out)" // exit with 1 if "{@docRoot}/../" still exists.
// OpenJDK source is not annotated with @hide so we need this separate
// filegroup for just the parts that contribute to the API.
gensrcs {
name: "core_oj_api_files",
cmd: rewrite_openjdk_doc_links,
srcs: [":openjdk_javadoc_files"],
output_extension: "java",
// The source files that go into core-libart.l
filegroup {
name: "core_libart_java_files",
visibility: [
srcs: [
// Some parts of libart are not annotated with @hide so we need this separate
// filegroup for just the parts that contribute to the API.
filegroup {
name: "core_libart_api_files",
srcs: [
// The set of files for the ART module that contribute to one or more API
// surfaces. This includes files that are in the public API as well as those
// that are not but which have been marked up with @hide plus one or more of
// the API defining annotations.
// Some source files in :core_oj_api_files and :openjdk_mmodule_extra_files are
// annotated by applying annotations to the stubs files in
// ojluni/annotated/mmodules and rather than in the original source. See the comments
// in openjdk_java_files.bp for more details.
filegroup {
name: "art_module_api_files",
visibility: [
srcs: [
java_defaults {
name: "libcore_java_defaults",
visibility: [
javacflags: [
dxflags: [
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
"-Xep:MissingOverride:OFF", // Ignore missing @Override.
"-Xep:ConstantOverflow:WARN", // Known constant overflow in SplittableRandom
"-Xep:UnicodeInCode:WARN", // XML parser uses line feeds in whitespace
lint: {
warning_checks: [
min_sdk_version: "31",
// Build for the target (device).
// A target used to bootstrap compilation for the core library.
// See core-all-system-modules for more details.
java_library {
name: "core-all",
defaults: ["libcore_java_defaults"],
srcs: [
// Use the source code for the I18N module intra core API as using the
// compiled version does not work due to limitations in either soong or the javac
// toolchain. See http://b/142056316 for more details.
// framework-api-annotations contain API annotations, e.g. @SystemApi.
// Use the okhttp source too to allow libcore code to reference it
// directly.
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
patch_module: "java.base",
openjdk9: {
srcs: ["luni/src/module/java/"],
java_resources: core_resources,
installable: false,
plugins: [
libs: [
platform_compat_config {
name: "libcore-platform-compat-config",
src: ":core-all",
visibility: [
// A system modules definition for use by core library targets only. It only
// contains the core-all jar, which contains the classes that end up in core-oj,
// core-libart as well as the lambda stubs needed to compile Java lambda code.
// It does not contain other parts of core library like conscrypt, bouncycastle,
// etc. This system_modules definition is used to bootstrap compilation for
// other parts of the core library like core-oj, core-libart, conscrypt,
// bouncycastle, etc. It is also used to compile Libcore tests, as well as ART
// Java tests (run-tests).
java_system_modules {
name: "core-all-system-modules",
// Visibility is deliberately restricted to a small set of build modules that
// the core library team control.
visibility: [
libs: ["core-all"],
// Contains the parts of core library associated with OpenJDK.
java_library {
name: "core-oj",
visibility: [
apex_available: [
defaults: ["libcore_java_defaults"],
installable: true,
hostdex: true,
srcs: [":core_oj_java_files"],
java_resources: core_resources,
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "core-all-system-modules",
patch_module: "java.base",
jacoco: {
exclude_filter: [
hiddenapi_additional_annotations: [
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
// Contains parts of core library not associated with OpenJDK. Contains not
// just java.*, javax.* code but also android.system.* and various internal
// libcore.* packages.
java_library {
name: "core-libart",
visibility: [
apex_available: [
defaults: ["libcore_java_defaults"],
installable: true,
hostdex: true,
srcs: [":core_libart_java_files"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "core-all-system-modules",
patch_module: "java.base",
jacoco: {
exclude_filter: [
target: {
hostdex: {
required: [
// Files used to simulate the /system, runtime APEX and tzdata
// APEX dir structure on host.
darwin: {
enabled: false,
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
// Java library for use on host, e.g. by robolectric or layoutlib.
java_library {
name: "core-libart-for-host",
visibility: [
static_libs: [
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
// Provided solely to contribute information about which hidden parts of the
// core-oj API are used by apps.
// Usually, e.g. for core-libart, the UnsupportedAppUsage annotations are
// added to the source that is compiled directly into the bootjar and the build
// system extracts the information about UnsupportedAppUsage directly from
// there.
// This approach of having separate annotated source and a separate build
// target was taken for ojluni to avoid having to maintain local patches in the
// ojluni source for UnsupportedAppUsage annotations as that would make it more
// difficult to pull down changes from upstream.
java_library {
name: "core-oj-hiddenapi-annotations",
// Do not allow this to be accessed from outside this directory.
visibility: ["//libcore:__subpackages__"],
defaults: ["libcore_java_defaults"],
compile_dex: true,
srcs: [":openjdk_hiddenapi_javadoc_files"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "core-all-system-modules",
patch_module: "java.base",
plugins: ["unsupportedappusage-annotation-processor"],
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
java_defaults {
name: "core_lambda_stubs_defaults",
defaults: ["libcore_java_defaults"],
hostdex: true,
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "core-all-system-modules",
patch_module: "java.base",
installable: false,
include_srcs: true,
// Creates a jar that exists to satisfy javac when compiling source code that
// contains lambdas. This contains all classes / methods required by javac
// when generating invoke-dynamic lambda implementation code, even those that
// are also in the public SDK API from API level 26 onwards.
java_library {
name: "core-lambda-stubs",
visibility: ["//visibility:public"],
defaults: ["core_lambda_stubs_defaults"],
static_libs: [
product_variables: {
build_from_text_stub: {
static_libs: [
exclude_static_libs: [
java_library {
name: "core-lambda-stubs.from-source",
visibility: [
defaults: ["core_lambda_stubs_defaults"],
srcs: [
// This jar is packaged as part of the SDK, use -target 8 so that it works
// with old JDKs.
java_version: "1.8",
// An alternative to core-lambda-stubs that omits openjdk_lambda_duplicate_stub_files
// because those classes are also part of the core library public SDK API
// (since API level 26).
java_library {
name: "core-lambda-stubs-for-system-modules",
visibility: [
defaults: ["core_lambda_stubs_defaults"],
srcs: [
include_srcs: true,
// This jar is packaged as part of the SDK, use -target 8 so that it works
// with old JDKs.
java_version: "1.8",
// This is an empty jar that exists for backwards compatibility with T (and below).
// Historically, it existed to satisfy javac when compiling source code that
// contains @Generated annotations.
// This is no longer necessary since @Generated was added to ART's Public API
// surface in U.
java_library {
name: "core-generated-annotation-stubs",
visibility: [
defaults: ["libcore_java_defaults"],
srcs: [
hostdex: true,
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "core-all-system-modules",
patch_module: "java.base",
installable: false,
include_srcs: true,
// This jar is packaged as part of the SDK, use -target 8 so that it works
// with old JDKs.
java_version: "1.8",
// Builds libcore test rules
java_library_static {
name: "core-test-rules",
visibility: [
hostdex: true,
srcs: [
static_libs: [
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "core-all-system-modules",
// Builds platform_compat test rules
java_library_static {
name: "core-compat-test-rules",
visibility: [
srcs: [
static_libs: [
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "core-all-system-modules",
// This builds classes that are in the java.base Java module:
patch_module: "java.base",
hostdex: true,
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
// Builds the core-tests-support library used by various tests.
java_library_static {
name: "core-tests-support",
visibility: [
hostdex: true,
srcs: ["support/src/test/java/**/*.java"],
sdk_version: "core_platform",
// Make sure that this will be added to the sdk snapshot for S.
min_sdk_version: "S",
libs: ["junit"],
static_libs: [
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
// Used to generate the prebuilt file luni/src/test/resources/prebuilt-dex-from-java.dex.
// The reason why we pre-build this dex file is to stabilize the test result from the
// dexer / javac / other toolchains change.
// Regenerate the prebuilt file with the following command:
// m core-tests-prebuilt-dex-from-java &&
// unzip out/soong/.intermediates/libcore/core-tests-prebuilt-dex-from-java/android_common/dex/core-tests-prebuilt-dex-from-java.jar classes.dex \
// -d libcore/luni/src/test/resources/ && mv libcore/luni/src/test/resources/classes.dex libcore/luni/src/test/resources/prebuilt-dex-from-java.dex
java_test {
name: "core-tests-prebuilt-dex-from-java",
srcs: ["luni/src/test/dex_src/**/*.java"],
compile_dex: true,
defaults: ["libcore_java_defaults"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "core-all-system-modules",
visibility: [
// Builds the jsr166-tests library.
java_test {
name: "jsr166-tests",
visibility: [
srcs: ["jsr166-tests/src/test/java/**/*.java"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "core-all-system-modules",
libs: [
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
// A filegroup that provides access to a source file for a toolchain test that
// checks Java 9 language features are handled properly by JarJar.
filegroup {
name: "core-java-9-language-features-source",
srcs: ["luni/src/main/java/libcore/internal/"],
visibility: ["//libcore/luni/src/test/java9language"],
// A filegroup that provides access to a source file for a toolchain test that
// checks Java 11 language features are handled properly by JarJar.
filegroup {
name: "core-java-11-language-features-source",
srcs: ["luni/src/main/java/libcore/internal/"],
visibility: ["//libcore/luni/src/test/java11language"],
// A filegroup that provides access to a source file for a toolchain test that
// checks Java 17 language features are handled properly by JarJar.
filegroup {
name: "core-java-17-language-features-source",
srcs: ["luni/src/main/java/libcore/internal/"],
visibility: ["//libcore/luni/src/test/java17language"],
genrule {
name: "core-tests-smali-dex",
srcs: ["luni/src/test/java/**/*.smali"],
cmd: "$(location smali) ass --api 28 -o $(out) $(in)",
out: ["core-tests-smali.dex"],
tools: ["smali"],
filegroup {
name: "core-ojtests-javax-resources",
// Set path to keep the resources and .class files in the same directory in the jar file.
path: "ojluni/src",
srcs: ["ojluni/src/test/javax/**/*"],
exclude_srcs: ["ojluni/src/test/javax/**/*.java"],
filegroup {
name: "core-ojtests-java-resources",
// Set path to keep the resources and .class files in the same directory in the jar file.
path: "ojluni/src",
srcs: [
exclude_srcs: ["ojluni/src/test/java/**/*.java"],
// Builds the core-tests library.
java_test {
name: "core-tests",
visibility: [
defaults: ["libcore_java_defaults"],
hostdex: true,
srcs: [
exclude_srcs: [
java_resource_dirs: [
exclude_java_resource_dirs: [
java_resources: [
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "core-all-system-modules",
libs: [
static_libs: [
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
test_config: "AndroidTest-core-tests.xml",
java_test {
name: "libcore-crypto-tests",
visibility: [
srcs: [
java_resource_dirs: [
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "core-all-system-modules",
static_libs: [
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
java_genrule {
name: "libcore-non-cts-tests-txt",
host_supported: true,
srcs: [
tools: ["non-cts-json-generator"],
out: ["libcore-non-cts-tests.txt"],
// note: it's a hack to read the .class files in combined directory, but $(in) only returns
// the path to the .dexjar files, not jar files containing the .class file.
cmd: "LIST=; " +
"for src in $(in); do LIST=\"$${LIST} $$(dirname $${src})/../combined/$$(basename $${src})\"; done; " +
"$(location non-cts-json-generator) $${LIST} > $(out)",
// Exports annotated stubs source files in ojluni/annotations/sdk to make them
// available to metalava. Used for nullability annotations in OpenJDK source.
droiddoc_exported_dir {
name: "ojluni-annotated-sdk-stubs",
visibility: [
path: "ojluni/annotations/sdk",
droiddoc_exported_dir {
name: "ojluni-annotated-nullability-stubs",
path: "ojluni/annotations/sdk/nullability",
// Exports annotated stubs source files in ojluni/annotations/mmodules to make
// them available to metalava. Used for core platform API and intra-core API
// annotations in OpenJDK source.
droiddoc_exported_dir {
name: "ojluni-annotated-mmodule-stubs",
visibility: [
path: "ojluni/annotations/mmodule",
// A file containing the list of tags that are "known" to us from the OpenJdk
// source code and so should not cause an error or warning.
filegroup {
name: "known-oj-tags",
visibility: [
srcs: [
// A special set of stubs containing the minimal set of self consistent
// classes for which a system module can be created. Every system module must
// contain the java.lang classes so the set was constructed by starting with
// the java.lang classes and then adding their transitive dependencies without
// splitting packages. So, if one class from a package is used then all classes
// in that package were added to the set.
// Needed for java-current-stubs-system-modules.
droidstubs {
name: "java-current-stubs-source",
srcs: [
installable: false,
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
args: "--stub-packages java.*:javax.*:org.w3c.dom.*:org.xml.sax.*",
java_library {
name: "java.current.stubs",
srcs: [":java-current-stubs-source"],
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
patch_module: "java.base",
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
// A special set of system modules needed to build art.module.public.api
java_system_modules {
name: "java-current-stubs-system-modules",
libs: [
// Minimal set of classes required for a system module.
java_library {
name: "framework-api-annotations-lib",
srcs: [":framework-api-annotations"],
sdk_version: "none",
patch_module: "java.base",
system_modules: "core-all-system-modules",
installable: false,
visibility: [
// Define the public SDK API provided by the ART module.
java_sdk_library {
name: "art.module.public.api",
visibility: [
// DO NOT REMOVE: Legacy visibility, needed for snapshots that are
// generated for the S build.
srcs: [
// Some source files in :core_oj_api_files and :openjdk_mmodule_extra_files are
// annotated by applying annotations to the stubs files in
// ojluni/annotated/mmodules and rather than in the original source. See the comments
// in openjdk_java_files.bp for more details.
libs: [
// Put framework-api-annotations into libs to avoid exposing the definition of framework's
// annotations from libcore (wrong place) instead of framework (correct place).
// Provide access to I18N constants that are used to initialize
// constants in the public API. i.e. to allow the value of the
// java.text.CollectionElementIterator.NULLORDER to be initialized from
stub_only_static_libs: ["notices-for-stubs-jar"],
// Make dex jars for the stubs available for use by hiddenapi processing.
compile_dex: true,
public: {
enabled: true,
system: {
enabled: true,
module_lib: {
enabled: true,
api_only: true,
droiddoc_options: [
"--force-convert-to-warning-nullability-annotations +*:-android.**:-dalvik.* ",
"--hide-annotation libcore.api.Hide",
merge_inclusion_annotations_dirs: ["ojluni-annotated-mmodule-stubs"],
// Emit nullability annotations from the source to the stub files.
annotations_enabled: true,
merge_annotations_dirs: [
doctag_files: [
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
patch_module: "java.base",
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "java-current-stubs-system-modules",
// The base name for the artifacts that are automatically published to the
// dist and which end up in one of the sub-directories of prebuilts/sdk.
// As long as this matches the name of the artifacts in prebuilts/sdk then
// the API will be checked for compatibility against the latest released
// version of the API.
dist_stem: "art",
dist_group: "android",
// Target for validating nullability annotations for correctness and
// completeness. To check that there are no nullability errors:
// m art-module-public-api-stubs-nullability-validation
// To check that there are only the expected nullability warnings:
// m art-module-public-api-stubs-nullability-validation-check-nullability-warnings
// (If that check fails, it will provide instructions on how to proceed,
// including the command to run to update the expected warnings file.)
droidstubs {
name: "art-module-public-api-stubs-nullability-validation",
srcs: [":art_module_api_files"],
installable: false,
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
annotations_enabled: true,
args: "--hide-annotation libcore.api.Hide " +
"--validate-nullability-from-merged-stubs ",
merge_inclusion_annotations_dirs: ["ojluni-annotated-mmodule-stubs"],
merge_annotations_dirs: [
// N.B. Stubs in this filegroup will be validated:
// The list of classes which have nullability annotations included in the source.
// (This is in addition to those which have annotations in the merged stubs.)
validate_nullability_from_list: "nullability_annotated_classes.txt",
// The expected set of warnings about missing annotations:
check_nullability_warnings: "nullability_warnings.txt",
// A special set of system modules for building the following library for use
// in the art-module-public-api-system-modules.
java_system_modules {
name: "api-annotations-system-modules",
libs: [
// A library that contains annotations that define API surfaces (core
// platform, intra core and the hidden API) along with some supporting
// constants. The annotations are source only and do not introduce any runtime
// dependencies. Specially built for use in system modules definitions to
// avoid introducing compile time cycles.
java_library {
name: "art.module.api.annotations.for.system.modules",
visibility: [
srcs: [
installable: false,
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "api-annotations-system-modules",
patch_module: "java.base",
// This jar is packaged as part of the SDK, use -target 8 so that it works
// with old JDKs.
java_version: "1.8",
// Create a library containing the api surface annotations, built against
// core_current for use by the annotation processor in frameworks/base.
java_library {
name: "art.module.api.annotations",
visibility: [
host_supported: true,
srcs: [
sdk_version: "core_current",
// Make sure that this will be added to the sdk snapshot for S.
min_sdk_version: "S",
// This jar is packaged as part of the ART module host exports, use -target 8 so that it works
// with old JDKs.
java_version: "1.8",
java_api_contribution {
name: "art-module-public-api-public-stubs",
api_surface: "public",
api_file: "api/current.txt",
visibility: [
java_api_contribution {
name: "art-module-public-api-module-lib-stubs",
api_surface: "module-lib",
api_file: "api/module-lib-current.txt",
visibility: [
java_api_contribution {
name: "art-module-public-api-system-stubs",
api_surface: "system",
api_file: "api/system-current.txt",
visibility: [