blob: 75e4372b0e5aaca844a0ba92871b6b7a106dfecc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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package sun.jvm.hotspot.oops;
import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Observer;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.code.NMethod;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.Address;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.interpreter.OopMapCacheEntry;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.SignatureConverter;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VM;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.VMObjectFactory;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.AddressField;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.Type;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.TypeDataBase;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.WrongTypeException;
import sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.Assert;
// A Method represents a Java method
public class Method extends Metadata {
static {
VM.registerVMInitializedObserver(new Observer() {
public void update(Observable o, Object data) {
private static synchronized void initialize(TypeDataBase db) throws WrongTypeException {
type = db.lookupType("Method");
constMethod = type.getAddressField("_constMethod");
methodData = type.getAddressField("_method_data");
methodCounters = type.getAddressField("_method_counters");
accessFlags = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_access_flags"), 0);
code = type.getAddressField("_code");
vtableIndex = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_vtable_index"), 0);
fromCompiledCodeEntryPoint = type.getAddressField("_from_compiled_code_entry_point");
interpreterEntry = type.getAddressField("_from_interpreted_entry");
objectInitializerName = null;
classInitializerName = null;
public Method(Address addr) {
public boolean isMethod() { return true; }
// Not a Method field, used to keep type.
private static Type type;
// Fields
private static AddressField constMethod;
private static AddressField methodData;
private static AddressField methodCounters;
private static CIntField accessFlags;
private static CIntField vtableIndex;
private static AddressField code;
private static AddressCField fromCompiledCodeEntryPoint;
private static AddressField interpreterEntry;
// constant method names - <init>, <clinit>
// Initialized lazily to avoid initialization ordering dependencies between Method and SymbolTable
private static Symbol objectInitializerName;
private static Symbol classInitializerName;
private static Symbol objectInitializerName() {
if (objectInitializerName == null) {
objectInitializerName = VM.getVM().getSymbolTable().probe("<init>");
return objectInitializerName;
private static Symbol classInitializerName() {
if (classInitializerName == null) {
classInitializerName = VM.getVM().getSymbolTable().probe("<clinit>");
return classInitializerName;
// Accessors for declared fields
public ConstMethod getConstMethod() {
Address addr = constMethod.getValue(getAddress());
return (ConstMethod) VMObjectFactory.newObject(ConstMethod.class, addr);
public ConstantPool getConstants() {
return getConstMethod().getConstants();
public MethodData getMethodData() {
Address addr = methodData.getValue(getAddress());
return (MethodData) VMObjectFactory.newObject(MethodData.class, addr);
public MethodCounters getMethodCounters() {
Address addr = methodCounters.getValue(getAddress());
return (MethodCounters) VMObjectFactory.newObject(MethodCounters.class, addr);
/** WARNING: this is in words, not useful in this system; use getObjectSize() instead */
public long getMaxStack() { return getConstMethod().getMaxStack(); }
public long getMaxLocals() { return getConstMethod().getMaxLocals(); }
public long getSizeOfParameters() { return getConstMethod().getSizeOfParameters(); }
public long getNameIndex() { return getConstMethod().getNameIndex(); }
public long getSignatureIndex() { return getConstMethod().getSignatureIndex(); }
public long getGenericSignatureIndex() { return getConstMethod().getGenericSignatureIndex(); }
public long getAccessFlags() { return accessFlags.getValue(this); }
public long getCodeSize() { return getConstMethod().getCodeSize(); }
public long getVtableIndex() { return vtableIndex.getValue(this); }
public long getInvocationCount() {
MethodCounters mc = getMethodCounters();
return mc == null ? 0 : mc.getInvocationCounter();
public long getBackedgeCount() {
MethodCounters mc = getMethodCounters();
return mc == null ? 0 : mc.getBackedgeCounter();
// get associated compiled native method, if available, else return null.
public NMethod getNativeMethod() {
Address addr = code.getValue(getAddress());
return (NMethod) VMObjectFactory.newObject(NMethod.class, addr);
// Convenience routine
public AccessFlags getAccessFlagsObj() {
return new AccessFlags(getAccessFlags());
/** Get a bytecode or breakpoint at the given bci */
public int getBytecodeOrBPAt(int bci) {
return getConstMethod().getBytecodeOrBPAt(bci);
/** Fetch the original non-breakpoint bytecode at the specified
bci. It is required that there is currently a bytecode at this
bci. */
public int getOrigBytecodeAt(int bci) {
BreakpointInfo bp = getMethodHolder().getBreakpoints();
for (; bp != null; bp = bp.getNext()) {
if (bp.match(this, bci)) {
return bp.getOrigBytecode();
System.err.println("Requested bci " + bci);
for (; bp != null; bp = bp.getNext()) {
System.err.println("Breakpoint at bci " + bp.getBCI() + ", bytecode " +
Assert.that(false, "Should not reach here");
return -1; // not reached
public byte getBytecodeByteArg(int bci) {
return getConstMethod().getBytecodeByteArg(bci);
/** Fetches a 16-bit big-endian ("Java ordered") value from the
bytecode stream */
public short getBytecodeShortArg(int bci) {
return getConstMethod().getBytecodeShortArg(bci);
/** Fetches a 16-bit native ordered value from the
bytecode stream */
public short getNativeShortArg(int bci) {
return getConstMethod().getNativeShortArg(bci);
/** Fetches a 32-bit big-endian ("Java ordered") value from the
bytecode stream */
public int getBytecodeIntArg(int bci) {
return getConstMethod().getBytecodeIntArg(bci);
/** Fetches a 32-bit native ordered value from the
bytecode stream */
public int getNativeIntArg(int bci) {
return getConstMethod().getNativeIntArg(bci);
public byte[] getByteCode() {
return getConstMethod().getByteCode();
public Address getCode() { return codeField.getValue(this); }
public Address getInterpreterEntry() { return interpreterEntryField.getValue(this); }
public Address getFromCompiledCodeEntryPoint() { return fromCompiledCodeEntryPointField.getValue(this); }
// Accessors
public Symbol getName() { return getConstants().getSymbolAt(getNameIndex()); }
public Symbol getSignature() { return getConstants().getSymbolAt(getSignatureIndex()); }
public Symbol getGenericSignature() {
long index = getGenericSignatureIndex();
return (index != 0L) ? getConstants().getSymbolAt(index) : null;
// Method holder (the Klass holding this method)
public InstanceKlass getMethodHolder() { return getConstants().getPoolHolder(); }
// Access flags
public boolean isPublic() { return getAccessFlagsObj().isPublic(); }
public boolean isPrivate() { return getAccessFlagsObj().isPrivate(); }
public boolean isProtected() { return getAccessFlagsObj().isProtected(); }
public boolean isPackagePrivate() { AccessFlags af = getAccessFlagsObj();
return (!af.isPublic() && !af.isPrivate() && !af.isProtected()); }
public boolean isStatic() { return getAccessFlagsObj().isStatic(); }
public boolean isFinal() { return getAccessFlagsObj().isFinal(); }
public boolean isSynchronized() { return getAccessFlagsObj().isSynchronized(); }
public boolean isBridge() { return getAccessFlagsObj().isBridge(); }
public boolean isVarArgs() { return getAccessFlagsObj().isVarArgs(); }
public boolean isNative() { return getAccessFlagsObj().isNative(); }
public boolean isAbstract() { return getAccessFlagsObj().isAbstract(); }
public boolean isStrict() { return getAccessFlagsObj().isStrict(); }
public boolean isSynthetic() { return getAccessFlagsObj().isSynthetic(); }
public boolean isConstructor() {
return (!isStatic()) && getName().equals(objectInitializerName());
public boolean isStaticInitializer() {
return isStatic() && getName().equals(classInitializerName());
public boolean isObsolete() {
return getAccessFlagsObj().isObsolete();
public OopMapCacheEntry getMaskFor(int bci) {
OopMapCacheEntry entry = new OopMapCacheEntry();
entry.fill(this, bci);
return entry;
public long getSize() {
return type.getSize() + (isNative() ? 2: 0);
public void printValueOn(PrintStream tty) {
tty.print("Method " + getName().asString() + getSignature().asString() + "@" + getAddress());
public void iterateFields(MetadataVisitor visitor) {
visitor.doCInt(accessFlags, true);
public boolean hasLineNumberTable() {
return getConstMethod().hasLineNumberTable();
public int getLineNumberFromBCI(int bci) {
return getConstMethod().getLineNumberFromBCI(bci);
public LineNumberTableElement[] getLineNumberTable() {
return getConstMethod().getLineNumberTable();
public boolean hasLocalVariableTable() {
return getConstMethod().hasLocalVariableTable();
/** Should only be called if table is present */
public LocalVariableTableElement[] getLocalVariableTable() {
return getConstMethod().getLocalVariableTable();
public Symbol getLocalVariableName(int bci, int slot) {
if (! hasLocalVariableTable()) {
return null;
LocalVariableTableElement[] locals = getLocalVariableTable();
for (int l = 0; l < locals.length; l++) {
LocalVariableTableElement local = locals[l];
if ((bci >= local.getStartBCI()) &&
(bci < (local.getStartBCI() + local.getLength())) &&
slot == local.getSlot()) {
return getConstants().getSymbolAt(local.getNameCPIndex());
return null;
public boolean hasExceptionTable() {
return getConstMethod().hasExceptionTable();
public ExceptionTableElement[] getExceptionTable() {
return getConstMethod().getExceptionTable();
public boolean hasCheckedExceptions() {
return getConstMethod().hasCheckedExceptions();
/** Should only be called if table is present */
public CheckedExceptionElement[] getCheckedExceptions() {
return getConstMethod().getCheckedExceptions();
/** Returns name and signature in external form for debugging
purposes */
public String externalNameAndSignature() {
final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
new SignatureConverter(getSignature(), buf).iterateParameters();
return buf.toString().replace('/', '.');
public void dumpReplayData(PrintStream out) {
NMethod nm = getNativeMethod();
int code_size = 0;
if (nm != null) {
code_size = (int)nm.codeEnd().minus(nm.getVerifiedEntryPoint());
Klass holder = getMethodHolder();
out.println("ciMethod " +
nameAsAscii() + " " +
getInvocationCount() + " " +
getBackedgeCount() + " " +
interpreterInvocationCount() + " " +
interpreterThrowoutCount() + " " +
public int interpreterThrowoutCount() {
return getMethodCounters().interpreterThrowoutCount();
public int interpreterInvocationCount() {
return getMethodCounters().interpreterInvocationCount();
public String nameAsAscii() {
return getMethodHolder().getName().asString() + " " +
OopUtilities.escapeString(getName().asString()) + " " +