blob: 3797cfdec705df71a10ca6ebaa59aa046d1a1297 [file] [log] [blame]
ContextFinder.ProviderNotFound = \
Provider {0} not found
ContextFinder.CouldNotInstantiate = \
Provider {0} could not be instantiated: {1}
ContextFinder.CantFindPropertiesFile = \
Unable to locate for package {0}
ContextFinder.CantMixProviders = \
You may not mix JAXB Providers on the context path
ContextFinder.MissingProperty = \ in package {0} does not contain the {1} property.
ContextFinder.NoPackageInContextPath = \
No package name is given
PropertyException.NameValue = \
name: {0} value: {1}
DatatypeConverter.ConverterMustNotBeNull = \
The DatatypeConverterInterface parameter must not be null
JAXBContext.IllegalCast = \