blob: 00e2468a17326b9a7d815331c9078dc5204823ba [file] [log] [blame]
# SAAJ ResourceBundle properties file
# Contains Log messages
# Error messages
SAAJ0001.p2p.cannot.create.msg.factory=SAAJ0001: Unable to create Message Factory
SAAJ0002.p2p.close.already.closed.conn=SAAJ0002: Connection already closed (from close method) Connection already closed (from call)
SAAJ0004.p2p.internal.err=SAAJ0004: Internal error
SAAJ0005.p2p.=SAAJ0005: Bad URL (endPoint instance of javax.xml.messaging.URLEndpoint)
# 0005 : getURL failed on javax.xml.messaging.URLEndpoint
SAAJ0006.p2p.bad.URL=SAAJ0006: Bad URL (endPoint instance of String)
SAAJ0007.p2p.bad.endPoint.type=SAAJ0007: Bad endPoint type (endPoint instance of URL)
SAAJ0008.p2p.bad.response=SAAJ0008: Bad Response; {0}
SAAJ0009.p2p.msg.send.failed=SAAJ0009: Message send failed Unable to read response
SAAJ0011.p2p.get.already.closed.conn=SAAJ0011: Connection already closed (from get)
SAAJ0012.p2p.get.failed=SAAJ0012: Get failed
SAAJ0013.p2p.HttpSOAPConnection=SAAJ0013: HttpSOAPConnection: {0} Invalid reply message. Content length of reply was zero.
# Debug messages Proxy host: {0}
SAAJ0051.p2p.proxy.port=SAAJ0051: Proxy Port: {0}
SAAJ0052.p2p.protocol.mustbe.http.or.https=SAAJ0052: Protocol not supported in URL, must be http or https
SAAJ0053.p2p.providers=SAAJ0053: Providers {0}
SAAJ0054.p2p.set.providers=SAAJ0054: Setting Providers {0}
SAAJ0055.p2p.added.ssl.provider=SAAJ0055: Added SSL_PROVIDER {0}
# Trace messages
SAAJ0090.p2p.endpoint.available.only.for.JAXM=SAAJ0090: URLEndpoint is available only when JAXM is there HTTPS Authorization in POST set to true