blob: 95bf78028095e472a9c9571f3ceac6dc5310ee91 [file] [log] [blame]
# Message resource file
AbstractReferenceFinderImpl.UnableToParse = \
Unable to parse "{0}" : {1}
Internalizer.IncorrectSchemaReference = \
"{0}" is not a part of this compilation. Is this a mistake for "{1}"?
Internalizer.XPathEvaluationError = \
XPath error: {0}
Internalizer.XPathEvaluatesToNoTarget = \
XPath evaluation of "{0}" results in empty target node
Internalizer.XPathEvaulatesToTooManyTargets = \
XPath evaluation of "{0}" results in too many ({1}) target nodes
Internalizer.XPathEvaluatesToNonElement = \
XPath evaluation of "{0}" needs to result in an element.
Internalizer.XPathEvaluatesToNonSchemaElement = \
XPath evaluation of "{0}" needs to result in an element of the schema language, \
but it results in {1}
Internalizer.ContextNodeIsNotElement = \
Context node is not an element.
Internalizer.NoContextNodeSpecified = \
A schema document is selected but @node is not specified. Maybe you meant node="/xs:schema"?
Internalizer.OrphanedCustomization = \
The "{0}" customization is not associated with any schema element.
Internalizer.IncorrectVersion = \
JAXB version attribute must be "1.0"
Internalizer.VersionNotPresent = \
JAXB version attribute must be present
Internalizer.TwoVersionAttributes = \
Both jaxb:version and version are present
We were unable to ensure the correctness of the schema: {0}