blob: d64a02aa60a18eaf2af700e5ed02891f31fb24ab [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime;
import static;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.CONSTANTS;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.CREATE_PROGRAM_FUNCTION;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.SOURCE;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.STRICT_MODE;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.CodeStore.newCodeStore;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors.typeError;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptRuntime.UNDEFINED;
import static jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Source.sourceFor;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.lang.invoke.SwitchPoint;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.lang.module.Configuration;
import java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor;
import java.lang.module.ModuleFinder;
import java.lang.module.ModuleReader;
import java.lang.module.ModuleReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Layer;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Module;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import jdk.dynalink.DynamicLinker;
import jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.ClassFilter;
import jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.ScriptObjectMirror;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.WeakValueCache;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.Compiler;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.Compiler.CompilationPhases;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.ObjectClassGenerator;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.lookup.MethodHandleFactory;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.Global;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.Parser;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.linker.Bootstrap;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.logging.DebugLogger;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.logging.Loggable;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.logging.Logger;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.options.LoggingOption.LoggerInfo;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.options.Options;
import jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe;
* This class manages the global state of execution. Context is immutable.
public final class Context {
// nashorn specific security runtime access permission names
* Permission needed to pass arbitrary nashorn command line options when creating Context.
public static final String NASHORN_SET_CONFIG = "nashorn.setConfig";
* Permission needed to create Nashorn Context instance.
public static final String NASHORN_CREATE_CONTEXT = "nashorn.createContext";
* Permission needed to create Nashorn Global instance.
public static final String NASHORN_CREATE_GLOBAL = "nashorn.createGlobal";
* Permission to get current Nashorn Context from thread local storage.
public static final String NASHORN_GET_CONTEXT = "nashorn.getContext";
* Permission to use Java reflection/jsr292 from script code.
public static final String NASHORN_JAVA_REFLECTION = "nashorn.JavaReflection";
* Permission to enable nashorn debug mode.
public static final String NASHORN_DEBUG_MODE = "nashorn.debugMode";
// nashorn load psuedo URL prefixes
private static final String LOAD_CLASSPATH = "classpath:";
private static final String LOAD_FX = "fx:";
private static final String LOAD_NASHORN = "nashorn:";
private static final MethodHandles.Lookup LOOKUP = MethodHandles.lookup();
private static final MethodType CREATE_PROGRAM_FUNCTION_TYPE = MethodType.methodType(ScriptFunction.class, ScriptObject.class);
private static final LongAdder NAMED_INSTALLED_SCRIPT_COUNT = new LongAdder();
private static final LongAdder ANONYMOUS_INSTALLED_SCRIPT_COUNT = new LongAdder();
* Should scripts use only object slots for fields, or dual long/object slots? The default
* behaviour is to couple this to optimistic types, using dual representation if optimistic types are enabled
* and single field representation otherwise. This can be overridden by setting either the "nashorn.fields.objects"
* or "nashorn.fields.dual" system property.
private final FieldMode fieldMode;
private static enum FieldMode {
/** Value for automatic field representation depending on optimistic types setting */
/** Value for object field representation regardless of optimistic types setting */
/** Value for dual primitive/object field representation regardless of optimistic types setting */
* Keeps track of which builtin prototypes and properties have been relinked
* Currently we are conservative and associate the name of a builtin class with all
* its properties, so it's enough to invalidate a property to break all assumptions
* about a prototype. This can be changed to a more fine grained approach, but no one
* ever needs this, given the very rare occurrence of swapping out only parts of
* a builtin v.s. the entire builtin object
private final Map<String, SwitchPoint> builtinSwitchPoints = new HashMap<>();
/* Force DebuggerSupport to be loaded. */
static {
DebuggerSupport.FORCELOAD = true;
static long getNamedInstalledScriptCount() {
static long getAnonymousInstalledScriptCount() {
* ContextCodeInstaller that has the privilege of installing classes in the Context.
* Can only be instantiated from inside the context and is opaque to other classes
private abstract static class ContextCodeInstaller implements CodeInstaller {
final Context context;
final CodeSource codeSource;
ContextCodeInstaller(final Context context, final CodeSource codeSource) {
this.context = context;
this.codeSource = codeSource;
public Context getContext() {
return context;
public void initialize(final Collection<Class<?>> classes, final Source source, final Object[] constants) {
try {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
public Void run() throws Exception {
for (final Class<?> clazz : classes) {
//use reflection to write source and constants table to installed classes
final Field sourceField = clazz.getDeclaredField(SOURCE.symbolName());
sourceField.set(null, source);
final Field constantsField = clazz.getDeclaredField(CONSTANTS.symbolName());
constantsField.set(null, constants);
return null;
} catch (final PrivilegedActionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void verify(final byte[] code) {
public long getUniqueScriptId() {
return context.getUniqueScriptId();
public void storeScript(final String cacheKey, final Source source, final String mainClassName,
final Map<String,byte[]> classBytes, final Map<Integer, FunctionInitializer> initializers,
final Object[] constants, final int compilationId) {
if (context.codeStore != null) {, source, mainClassName, classBytes, initializers, constants, compilationId);
public StoredScript loadScript(final Source source, final String functionKey) {
if (context.codeStore != null) {
return context.codeStore.load(source, functionKey);
return null;
public boolean isCompatibleWith(final CodeInstaller other) {
if (other instanceof ContextCodeInstaller) {
final ContextCodeInstaller cci = (ContextCodeInstaller)other;
return cci.context == context && cci.codeSource == codeSource;
return false;
private static class NamedContextCodeInstaller extends ContextCodeInstaller {
private final ScriptLoader loader;
private int usageCount = 0;
private int bytesDefined = 0;
// We reuse this installer for 10 compilations or 200000 defined bytes. Usually the first condition
// will occur much earlier, the second is a safety measure for very large scripts/functions.
private final static int MAX_USAGES = 10;
private final static int MAX_BYTES_DEFINED = 200_000;
private NamedContextCodeInstaller(final Context context, final CodeSource codeSource, final ScriptLoader loader) {
super(context, codeSource);
this.loader = loader;
public Class<?> install(final String className, final byte[] bytecode) {
bytesDefined += bytecode.length;
return loader.installClass(Compiler.binaryName(className), bytecode, codeSource);
public CodeInstaller getOnDemandCompilationInstaller() {
// Reuse this installer if we're within our limits.
if (usageCount < MAX_USAGES && bytesDefined < MAX_BYTES_DEFINED) {
return this;
return new NamedContextCodeInstaller(context, codeSource, context.createNewLoader());
public CodeInstaller getMultiClassCodeInstaller() {
// This installer is perfectly suitable for installing multiple classes that reference each other
// as it produces classes with resolvable names, all defined in a single class loader.
return this;
private final WeakValueCache<CodeSource, Class<?>> anonymousHostClasses = new WeakValueCache<>();
private static final class AnonymousContextCodeInstaller extends ContextCodeInstaller {
private static final Unsafe UNSAFE = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
private static final String ANONYMOUS_HOST_CLASS_NAME = Compiler.SCRIPTS_PACKAGE.replace('/', '.') + ".AnonymousHost";
private static final byte[] ANONYMOUS_HOST_CLASS_BYTES = getAnonymousHostClassBytes();
private final Class<?> hostClass;
private AnonymousContextCodeInstaller(final Context context, final CodeSource codeSource, final Class<?> hostClass) {
super(context, codeSource);
this.hostClass = hostClass;
public Class<?> install(final String className, final byte[] bytecode) {
return UNSAFE.defineAnonymousClass(hostClass, bytecode, null);
public CodeInstaller getOnDemandCompilationInstaller() {
// This code loader can be indefinitely reused for on-demand recompilations for the same code source.
return this;
public CodeInstaller getMultiClassCodeInstaller() {
// This code loader can not be used to install multiple classes that reference each other, as they
// would have no resolvable names. Therefore, in such situation we must revert to an installer that
// produces named classes.
return new NamedContextCodeInstaller(context, codeSource, context.createNewLoader());
private static byte[] getAnonymousHostClassBytes() {
final ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES | ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS);
cw.visit(V1_7, Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE | Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT, ANONYMOUS_HOST_CLASS_NAME.replace('.', '/'), null, "java/lang/Object", null);
return cw.toByteArray();
/** Is Context global debug mode enabled ? */
public static final boolean DEBUG = Options.getBooleanProperty("nashorn.debug");
private static final ThreadLocal<Global> currentGlobal = new ThreadLocal<>();
// in-memory cache for loaded classes
private ClassCache classCache;
// persistent code store
private CodeStore codeStore;
// A factory for linking global properties as constant method handles. It is created when the first Global
// is created, and invalidated forever once the second global is created.
private final AtomicReference<GlobalConstants> globalConstantsRef = new AtomicReference<>();
// Are java.sql, java.sql.rowset modules found in the system?
static final boolean javaSqlFound, javaSqlRowsetFound;
static {
final Layer boot = Layer.boot();
javaSqlFound = boot.findModule("java.sql").isPresent();
javaSqlRowsetFound = boot.findModule("java.sql.rowset").isPresent();
* Get the current global scope
* @return the current global scope
public static Global getGlobal() {
// This class in a package.access protected package.
// Trusted code only can call this method.
return currentGlobal.get();
* Set the current global scope
* @param global the global scope
public static void setGlobal(final ScriptObject global) {
if (global != null && !(global instanceof Global)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a global!");
* Set the current global scope
* @param global the global scope
public static void setGlobal(final Global global) {
// This class in a package.access protected package.
// Trusted code only can call this method.
assert getGlobal() != global;
//same code can be cached between globals, then we need to invalidate method handle constants
if (global != null) {
final GlobalConstants globalConstants = getContext(global).getGlobalConstants();
if (globalConstants != null) {
* Get context of the current global
* @return current global scope's context.
public static Context getContext() {
final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) {
sm.checkPermission(new RuntimePermission(NASHORN_GET_CONTEXT));
return getContextTrusted();
* Get current context's error writer
* @return error writer of the current context
public static PrintWriter getCurrentErr() {
final ScriptObject global = getGlobal();
return (global != null)? global.getContext().getErr() : new PrintWriter(System.err);
* Output text to this Context's error stream
* @param str text to write
public static void err(final String str) {
err(str, true);
* Output text to this Context's error stream, optionally with
* a newline afterwards
* @param str text to write
* @param crlf write a carriage return/new line after text
public static void err(final String str, final boolean crlf) {
final PrintWriter err = Context.getCurrentErr();
if (err != null) {
if (crlf) {
} else {
/** Current environment. */
private final ScriptEnvironment env;
/** is this context in strict mode? Cached from env. as this is used heavily. */
final boolean _strict;
/** class loader to resolve classes from script. */
private final ClassLoader appLoader;
ClassLoader getAppLoader() {
return appLoader;
/** Class loader to load classes compiled from scripts. */
private final ScriptLoader scriptLoader;
/** Dynamic linker for linking call sites in script code loaded by this context */
private final DynamicLinker dynamicLinker;
/** Current error manager. */
private final ErrorManager errors;
/** Unique id for script. Used only when --loader-per-compile=false */
private final AtomicLong uniqueScriptId;
/** Optional class filter to use for Java classes. Can be null. */
private final ClassFilter classFilter;
/** Process-wide singleton structure loader */
private static final StructureLoader theStructLoader;
private static final ConcurrentMap<String, Class<?>> structureClasses = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/*package-private*/ @SuppressWarnings("static-method")
StructureLoader getStructLoader() {
return theStructLoader;
private static AccessControlContext createNoPermAccCtxt() {
return new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[] { new ProtectionDomain(null, new Permissions()) });
private static AccessControlContext createPermAccCtxt(final String permName) {
final Permissions perms = new Permissions();
perms.add(new RuntimePermission(permName));
return new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[] { new ProtectionDomain(null, perms) });
private static final AccessControlContext NO_PERMISSIONS_ACC_CTXT = createNoPermAccCtxt();
private static final AccessControlContext CREATE_LOADER_ACC_CTXT = createPermAccCtxt("createClassLoader");
private static final AccessControlContext CREATE_GLOBAL_ACC_CTXT = createPermAccCtxt(NASHORN_CREATE_GLOBAL);
private static final AccessControlContext GET_LOADER_ACC_CTXT = createPermAccCtxt("getClassLoader");
static {
final ClassLoader myLoader = Context.class.getClassLoader();
theStructLoader = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<StructureLoader>() {
public StructureLoader run() {
return new StructureLoader(myLoader);
* ThrowErrorManager that throws ParserException upon error conditions.
public static class ThrowErrorManager extends ErrorManager {
public void error(final String message) {
throw new ParserException(message);
public void error(final ParserException e) {
throw e;
* Constructor
* @param options options from command line or Context creator
* @param errors error manger
* @param appLoader application class loader
public Context(final Options options, final ErrorManager errors, final ClassLoader appLoader) {
this(options, errors, appLoader, null);
* Constructor
* @param options options from command line or Context creator
* @param errors error manger
* @param appLoader application class loader
* @param classFilter class filter to use
public Context(final Options options, final ErrorManager errors, final ClassLoader appLoader, final ClassFilter classFilter) {
this(options, errors, new PrintWriter(System.out, true), new PrintWriter(System.err, true), appLoader, classFilter);
* Constructor
* @param options options from command line or Context creator
* @param errors error manger
* @param out output writer for this Context
* @param err error writer for this Context
* @param appLoader application class loader
public Context(final Options options, final ErrorManager errors, final PrintWriter out, final PrintWriter err, final ClassLoader appLoader) {
this(options, errors, out, err, appLoader, (ClassFilter)null);
* Constructor
* @param options options from command line or Context creator
* @param errors error manger
* @param out output writer for this Context
* @param err error writer for this Context
* @param appLoader application class loader
* @param classFilter class filter to use
public Context(final Options options, final ErrorManager errors, final PrintWriter out, final PrintWriter err, final ClassLoader appLoader, final ClassFilter classFilter) {
final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) {
sm.checkPermission(new RuntimePermission(NASHORN_CREATE_CONTEXT));
this.classFilter = classFilter;
this.env = new ScriptEnvironment(options, out, err);
this._strict = env._strict;
if (env._loader_per_compile) {
this.scriptLoader = null;
this.uniqueScriptId = null;
} else {
this.scriptLoader = createNewLoader();
this.uniqueScriptId = new AtomicLong();
this.errors = errors;
// if user passed --module-path, we create a module class loader with
// passed appLoader as the parent.
final String modulePath = env._module_path;
ClassLoader appCl = null;
if (!env._compile_only && modulePath != null && !modulePath.isEmpty()) {
// make sure that caller can create a class loader.
if (sm != null) {
appCl = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader>() {
public ClassLoader run() {
return createModuleLoader(appLoader, modulePath, env._add_modules);
} else {
appCl = appLoader;
// if user passed -classpath option, make a URLClassLoader with that and
// the app loader or module app loader as the parent.
final String classPath = env._classpath;
if (!env._compile_only && classPath != null && !classPath.isEmpty()) {
// make sure that caller can create a class loader.
if (sm != null) {
appCl = NashornLoader.createClassLoader(classPath, appCl);
this.appLoader = appCl;
this.dynamicLinker = Bootstrap.createDynamicLinker(this.appLoader, env._unstable_relink_threshold);
final int cacheSize = env._class_cache_size;
if (cacheSize > 0) {
classCache = new ClassCache(this, cacheSize);
if (env._persistent_cache) {
codeStore = newCodeStore(this);
// print version info if asked.
if (env._version) {
getErr().println("nashorn " + Version.version());
if (env._fullversion) {
getErr().println("nashorn full version " + Version.fullVersion());
if (Options.getBooleanProperty("nashorn.fields.dual")) {
fieldMode = FieldMode.DUAL;
} else if (Options.getBooleanProperty("nashorn.fields.objects")) {
fieldMode = FieldMode.OBJECTS;
} else {
fieldMode = FieldMode.AUTO;
* Get the class filter for this context
* @return class filter
public ClassFilter getClassFilter() {
return classFilter;
* Returns the factory for constant method handles for global properties. The returned factory can be
* invalidated if this Context has more than one Global.
* @return the factory for constant method handles for global properties.
GlobalConstants getGlobalConstants() {
return globalConstantsRef.get();
* Get the error manager for this context
* @return error manger
public ErrorManager getErrorManager() {
return errors;
* Get the script environment for this context
* @return script environment
public ScriptEnvironment getEnv() {
return env;
* Get the output stream for this context
* @return output print writer
public PrintWriter getOut() {
return env.getOut();
* Get the error stream for this context
* @return error print writer
public PrintWriter getErr() {
return env.getErr();
* Should scripts compiled by this context use dual field representation?
* @return true if using dual fields, false for object-only fields
public boolean useDualFields() {
return fieldMode == FieldMode.DUAL || (fieldMode == FieldMode.AUTO && env._optimistic_types);
* Get the PropertyMap of the current global scope
* @return the property map of the current global scope
public static PropertyMap getGlobalMap() {
return Context.getGlobal().getMap();
* Compile a top level script.
* @param source the source
* @param scope the scope
* @return top level function for script
public ScriptFunction compileScript(final Source source, final ScriptObject scope) {
return compileScript(source, scope, this.errors);
* Interface to represent compiled code that can be re-used across many
* global scope instances
public static interface MultiGlobalCompiledScript {
* Obtain script function object for a specific global scope object.
* @param newGlobal global scope for which function object is obtained
* @return script function for script level expressions
public ScriptFunction getFunction(final Global newGlobal);
* Compile a top level script.
* @param source the script source
* @return reusable compiled script across many global scopes.
public MultiGlobalCompiledScript compileScript(final Source source) {
final Class<?> clazz = compile(source, this.errors, this._strict, false);
final MethodHandle createProgramFunctionHandle = getCreateProgramFunctionHandle(clazz);
return new MultiGlobalCompiledScript() {
public ScriptFunction getFunction(final Global newGlobal) {
return invokeCreateProgramFunctionHandle(createProgramFunctionHandle, newGlobal);
* Entry point for {@code eval}
* @param initialScope The scope of this eval call
* @param string Evaluated code as a String
* @param callThis "this" to be passed to the evaluated code
* @param location location of the eval call
* @return the return value of the {@code eval}
public Object eval(final ScriptObject initialScope, final String string,
final Object callThis, final Object location) {
return eval(initialScope, string, callThis, location, false, false);
* Entry point for {@code eval}
* @param initialScope The scope of this eval call
* @param string Evaluated code as a String
* @param callThis "this" to be passed to the evaluated code
* @param location location of the eval call
* @param strict is this {@code eval} call from a strict mode code?
* @param evalCall is this called from "eval" builtin?
* @return the return value of the {@code eval}
public Object eval(final ScriptObject initialScope, final String string,
final Object callThis, final Object location, final boolean strict, final boolean evalCall) {
final String file = location == UNDEFINED || location == null ? "<eval>" : location.toString();
final Source source = sourceFor(file, string, evalCall);
// is this direct 'eval' builtin call?
final boolean directEval = evalCall && (location != UNDEFINED);
final Global global = Context.getGlobal();
ScriptObject scope = initialScope;
// ECMA section 10.1.1 point 2 says eval code is strict if it begins
// with "use strict" directive or eval direct call itself is made
// from from strict mode code. We are passed with caller's strict mode.
// Nashorn extension: any 'eval' is unconditionally strict when -strict is specified.
boolean strictFlag = strict || this._strict;
Class<?> clazz;
try {
clazz = compile(source, new ThrowErrorManager(), strictFlag, true);
} catch (final ParserException e) {
return null;
if (!strictFlag) {
// We need to get strict mode flag from compiled class. This is
// because eval code may start with "use strict" directive.
try {
strictFlag = clazz.getField(STRICT_MODE.symbolName()).getBoolean(null);
} catch (final NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
strictFlag = false;
// In strict mode, eval does not instantiate variables and functions
// in the caller's environment. A new environment is created!
if (strictFlag) {
// Create a new scope object with given scope as its prototype
scope = newScope(scope);
final ScriptFunction func = getProgramFunction(clazz, scope);
Object evalThis;
if (directEval) {
evalThis = (callThis != UNDEFINED && callThis != null) || strictFlag ? callThis : global;
} else {
// either indirect evalCall or non-eval (Function, engine.eval, ScriptObjectMirror.eval..)
evalThis = callThis;
return ScriptRuntime.apply(func, evalThis);
private static ScriptObject newScope(final ScriptObject callerScope) {
return new Scope(callerScope, PropertyMap.newMap(Scope.class));
private static Source loadInternal(final String srcStr, final String prefix, final String resourcePath) {
if (srcStr.startsWith(prefix)) {
final String resource = resourcePath + srcStr.substring(prefix.length());
// NOTE: even sandbox scripts should be able to load scripts in nashorn: scheme
// These scripts are always available and are loaded from nashorn.jar's resources.
return AccessController.doPrivileged(
new PrivilegedAction<Source>() {
public Source run() {
try {
final InputStream resStream = Context.class.getResourceAsStream(resource);
return resStream != null ? sourceFor(srcStr, Source.readFully(resStream)) : null;
} catch (final IOException exp) {
return null;
return null;
* Implementation of {@code load} Nashorn extension. Load a script file from a source
* expression
* @param scope the scope
* @param from source expression for script
* @return return value for load call (undefined)
* @throws IOException if source cannot be found or loaded
public Object load(final Object scope, final Object from) throws IOException {
final Object src = from instanceof ConsString ? from.toString() : from;
Source source = null;
// load accepts a String (which could be a URL or a file name), a File, a URL
// or a ScriptObject that has "name" and "source" (string valued) properties.
if (src instanceof String) {
final String srcStr = (String)src;
if (srcStr.startsWith(LOAD_CLASSPATH)) {
final URL url = getResourceURL(srcStr.substring(LOAD_CLASSPATH.length()));
source = url != null ? sourceFor(url.toString(), url) : null;
} else {
final File file = new File(srcStr);
if (srcStr.indexOf(':') != -1) {
if ((source = loadInternal(srcStr, LOAD_NASHORN, "resources/")) == null &&
(source = loadInternal(srcStr, LOAD_FX, "resources/fx/")) == null) {
URL url;
try {
//check for malformed url. if malformed, it may still be a valid file
url = new URL(srcStr);
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
url = file.toURI().toURL();
source = sourceFor(url.toString(), url);
} else if (file.isFile()) {
source = sourceFor(srcStr, file);
} else if (src instanceof File && ((File)src).isFile()) {
final File file = (File)src;
source = sourceFor(file.getName(), file);
} else if (src instanceof URL) {
final URL url = (URL)src;
source = sourceFor(url.toString(), url);
} else if (src instanceof ScriptObject) {
final ScriptObject sobj = (ScriptObject)src;
if (sobj.has("script") && sobj.has("name")) {
final String script = JSType.toString(sobj.get("script"));
final String name = JSType.toString(sobj.get("name"));
source = sourceFor(name, script);
} else if (src instanceof Map) {
final Map<?,?> map = (Map<?,?>)src;
if (map.containsKey("script") && map.containsKey("name")) {
final String script = JSType.toString(map.get("script"));
final String name = JSType.toString(map.get("name"));
source = sourceFor(name, script);
if (source != null) {
if (scope instanceof ScriptObject && ((ScriptObject)scope).isScope()) {
final ScriptObject sobj = (ScriptObject)scope;
// passed object is a script object
// Global is the only user accessible scope ScriptObject
assert sobj.isGlobal() : "non-Global scope object!!";
return evaluateSource(source, sobj, sobj);
} else if (scope == null || scope == UNDEFINED) {
// undefined or null scope. Use current global instance.
final Global global = getGlobal();
return evaluateSource(source, global, global);
} else {
* Arbitrary object passed for scope.
* Indirect load that is equivalent to:
* (function(scope, source) {
* with (scope) {
* eval(<script_from_source>);
* }
* })(scope, source);
final Global global = getGlobal();
// Create a new object. This is where all declarations
// (var, function) from the evaluated code go.
// make global to be its __proto__ so that global
// definitions are accessible to the evaluated code.
final ScriptObject evalScope = newScope(global);
// finally, make a WithObject around user supplied scope object
// so that it's properties are accessible as variables.
final ScriptObject withObj = ScriptRuntime.openWith(evalScope, scope);
// evaluate given source with 'withObj' as scope
// but use global object as "this".
return evaluateSource(source, withObj, global);
throw typeError("cant.load.script", ScriptRuntime.safeToString(from));
* Implementation of {@code loadWithNewGlobal} Nashorn extension. Load a script file from a source
* expression, after creating a new global scope.
* @param from source expression for script
* @param args (optional) arguments to be passed to the loaded script
* @return return value for load call (undefined)
* @throws IOException if source cannot be found or loaded
public Object loadWithNewGlobal(final Object from, final Object...args) throws IOException {
final Global oldGlobal = getGlobal();
final Global newGlobal = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Global>() {
public Global run() {
try {
return newGlobal();
} catch (final RuntimeException e) {
if (Context.DEBUG) {
throw e;
// initialize newly created Global instance
final Object[] wrapped = args == null? ScriptRuntime.EMPTY_ARRAY : ScriptObjectMirror.wrapArray(args, oldGlobal);
newGlobal.put("arguments", newGlobal.wrapAsObject(wrapped), env._strict);
try {
// wrap objects from newGlobal's world as mirrors - but if result
// is from oldGlobal's world, unwrap it!
return ScriptObjectMirror.unwrap(ScriptObjectMirror.wrap(load(newGlobal, from), newGlobal), oldGlobal);
} finally {
* Load or get a structure class. Structure class names are based on the number of parameter fields
* and {@link AccessorProperty} fields in them. Structure classes are used to represent ScriptObjects
* @see ObjectClassGenerator
* @see AccessorProperty
* @see ScriptObject
* @param fullName full name of class, e.g. jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.JO2P1 contains 2 fields and 1 parameter.
* @return the {@code Class<?>} for this structure
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if structure class cannot be resolved
public static Class<? extends ScriptObject> forStructureClass(final String fullName) throws ClassNotFoundException {
if (System.getSecurityManager() != null && !StructureLoader.isStructureClass(fullName)) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException(fullName);
return (Class<? extends ScriptObject>)structureClasses.computeIfAbsent(fullName, (name) -> {
try {
return Class.forName(name, true, theStructLoader);
} catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
* Is {@code className} the name of a structure class?
* @param className a class name
* @return true if className is a structure class name
public static boolean isStructureClass(final String className) {
return StructureLoader.isStructureClass(className);
* Checks that the given Class can be accessed from no permissions context.
* @param clazz Class object
* @throws SecurityException if not accessible
public static void checkPackageAccess(final Class<?> clazz) {
final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) {
Class<?> bottomClazz = clazz;
while (bottomClazz.isArray()) {
bottomClazz = bottomClazz.getComponentType();
checkPackageAccess(sm, bottomClazz.getName());
* Checks that the given package name can be accessed from no permissions context.
* @param pkgName package name
* @throws SecurityException if not accessible
public static void checkPackageAccess(final String pkgName) {
final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) {
checkPackageAccess(sm, pkgName.endsWith(".") ? pkgName : pkgName + ".");
* Checks that the given package can be accessed from no permissions context.
* @param sm current security manager instance
* @param fullName fully qualified package name
* @throw SecurityException if not accessible
private static void checkPackageAccess(final SecurityManager sm, final String fullName) {
final int index = fullName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index != -1) {
final String pkgName = fullName.substring(0, index);
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
public Void run() {
return null;
* Checks that the given Class can be accessed from no permissions context.
* @param clazz Class object
* @return true if package is accessible, false otherwise
private static boolean isAccessiblePackage(final Class<?> clazz) {
try {
return true;
} catch (final SecurityException se) {
return false;
* Checks that the given Class is public and it can be accessed from no permissions context.
* @param clazz Class object to check
* @return true if Class is accessible, false otherwise
public static boolean isAccessibleClass(final Class<?> clazz) {
return Modifier.isPublic(clazz.getModifiers()) && Context.isAccessiblePackage(clazz);
* Lookup a Java class. This is used for JSR-223 stuff linking in from
* {@code jdk.nashorn.internal.objects.NativeJava} and {@code jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.NativeJavaPackage}
* @param fullName full name of class to load
* @return the {@code Class<?>} for the name
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if class cannot be resolved
public Class<?> findClass(final String fullName) throws ClassNotFoundException {
if (fullName.indexOf('[') != -1 || fullName.indexOf('/') != -1) {
// don't allow array class names or internal names.
throw new ClassNotFoundException(fullName);
// give chance to ClassFilter to filter out, if present
if (classFilter != null && !classFilter.exposeToScripts(fullName)) {
throw new ClassNotFoundException(fullName);
// check package access as soon as possible!
final SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) {
checkPackageAccess(sm, fullName);
// Try finding using the "app" loader.
if (appLoader != null) {
return Class.forName(fullName, true, appLoader);
} else {
final Class<?> cl = Class.forName(fullName);
// return the Class only if it was loaded by boot loader
if (cl.getClassLoader() == null) {
return cl;
} else {
throw new ClassNotFoundException(fullName);
* Hook to print stack trace for a {@link Throwable} that occurred during
* execution
* @param t throwable for which to dump stack
public static void printStackTrace(final Throwable t) {
if (Context.DEBUG) {
* Verify generated bytecode before emission. This is called back from the
* {@link ObjectClassGenerator} or the {@link Compiler}. If the "--verify-code" parameter
* hasn't been given, this is a nop
* Note that verification may load classes -- we don't want to do that unless
* user specified verify option. We check it here even though caller
* may have already checked that flag
* @param bytecode bytecode to verify
public void verify(final byte[] bytecode) {
if (env._verify_code) {
// No verification when security manager is around as verifier
// may load further classes - which should be avoided.
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
CheckClassAdapter.verify(new ClassReader(bytecode), theStructLoader, false, new PrintWriter(System.err, true));
* Create and initialize a new global scope object.
* @return the initialized global scope object.
public Global createGlobal() {
return initGlobal(newGlobal());
* Create a new uninitialized global scope object
* @return the global script object
public Global newGlobal() {
return new Global(this);
private void createOrInvalidateGlobalConstants() {
for (;;) {
final GlobalConstants currentGlobalConstants = getGlobalConstants();
if (currentGlobalConstants != null) {
// Subsequent invocation; we're creating our second or later Global. GlobalConstants is not safe to use
// with more than one Global, as the constant method handle linkages it creates create a coupling
// between the Global and the call sites in the compiled code.
final GlobalConstants newGlobalConstants = new GlobalConstants(getLogger(GlobalConstants.class));
if (globalConstantsRef.compareAndSet(null, newGlobalConstants)) {
// First invocation; we're creating the first Global in this Context. Create the GlobalConstants object
// for this Context.
// If we reach here, then we started out as the first invocation, but another concurrent invocation won the
// CAS race. We'll just let the loop repeat and invalidate the CAS race winner.
* Initialize given global scope object.
* @param global the global
* @param engine the associated ScriptEngine instance, can be null
* @return the initialized global scope object.
public Global initGlobal(final Global global, final ScriptEngine engine) {
// Need only minimal global object, if we are just compiling.
if (!env._compile_only) {
final Global oldGlobal = Context.getGlobal();
try {
// initialize global scope with builtin global objects
} finally {
return global;
* Initialize given global scope object.
* @param global the global
* @return the initialized global scope object.
public Global initGlobal(final Global global) {
return initGlobal(global, null);
* Return the current global's context
* @return current global's context
static Context getContextTrusted() {
return getContext(getGlobal());
* Gets the Nashorn dynamic linker for the specified class. If the class is
* a script class, the dynamic linker associated with its context is
* returned. Otherwise the dynamic linker associated with the current
* context is returned.
* @param clazz the class for which we want to retrieve a dynamic linker.
* @return the Nashorn dynamic linker for the specified class.
public static DynamicLinker getDynamicLinker(final Class<?> clazz) {
return fromClass(clazz).dynamicLinker;
* Gets the Nashorn dynamic linker associated with the current context.
* @return the Nashorn dynamic linker for the current context.
public static DynamicLinker getDynamicLinker() {
return getContextTrusted().dynamicLinker;
* Creates a module layer with one module that is defined to the given class
* loader.
* @param descriptor the module descriptor for the newly created module
* @param loader the class loader of the module
* @return the new Module
static Module createModuleTrusted(final ModuleDescriptor descriptor, final ClassLoader loader) {
return createModuleTrusted(Layer.boot(), descriptor, loader);
* Creates a module layer with one module that is defined to the given class
* loader.
* @param parent the parent layer of the new module
* @param descriptor the module descriptor for the newly created module
* @param loader the class loader of the module
* @return the new Module
static Module createModuleTrusted(final Layer parent, final ModuleDescriptor descriptor, final ClassLoader loader) {
final String mn =;
final ModuleReference mref = new ModuleReference(descriptor, null) {
public ModuleReader open() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
final ModuleFinder finder = new ModuleFinder() {
public Optional<ModuleReference> find(final String name) {
if (name.equals(mn)) {
return Optional.of(mref);
} else {
return Optional.empty();
public Set<ModuleReference> findAll() {
return Set.of(mref);
final Configuration cf = parent.configuration()
.resolve(finder, ModuleFinder.of(), Set.of(mn));
final PrivilegedAction<Layer> pa = () -> parent.defineModules(cf, name -> loader);
final Layer layer = AccessController.doPrivileged(pa, GET_LOADER_ACC_CTXT);
final Module m = layer.findModule(mn).get();
assert m.getLayer() == layer;
return m;
static Context getContextTrustedOrNull() {
final Global global = Context.getGlobal();
return global == null ? null : getContext(global);
private static Context getContext(final Global global) {
// We can't invoke Global.getContext() directly, as it's a protected override, and Global isn't in our package.
// In order to access the method, we must cast it to ScriptObject first (which is in our package) and then let
// virtual invocation do its thing.
return ((ScriptObject)global).getContext();
* Try to infer Context instance from the Class. If we cannot,
* then get it from the thread local variable.
* @param clazz the class
* @return context
static Context fromClass(final Class<?> clazz) {
ClassLoader loader = null;
try {
loader = clazz.getClassLoader();
} catch (final SecurityException ignored) {
// This could fail because of anonymous classes being used.
// Accessing loader of anonymous class fails (for extension
// loader class too?). In any case, for us fetching Context
// from class loader is just an optimization. We can always
// get Context from thread local storage (below).
if (loader instanceof ScriptLoader) {
return ((ScriptLoader)loader).getContext();
return Context.getContextTrusted();
private URL getResourceURL(final String resName) {
if (appLoader != null) {
return appLoader.getResource(resName);
return ClassLoader.getSystemResource(resName);
private Object evaluateSource(final Source source, final ScriptObject scope, final ScriptObject thiz) {
ScriptFunction script = null;
try {
script = compileScript(source, scope, new Context.ThrowErrorManager());
} catch (final ParserException e) {
return ScriptRuntime.apply(script, thiz);
private static ScriptFunction getProgramFunction(final Class<?> script, final ScriptObject scope) {
if (script == null) {
return null;
return invokeCreateProgramFunctionHandle(getCreateProgramFunctionHandle(script), scope);
private static MethodHandle getCreateProgramFunctionHandle(final Class<?> script) {
try {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to retrieve a handle for the program function for " + script.getName(), e);
private static ScriptFunction invokeCreateProgramFunctionHandle(final MethodHandle createProgramFunctionHandle, final ScriptObject scope) {
try {
return (ScriptFunction)createProgramFunctionHandle.invokeExact(scope);
} catch (final RuntimeException|Error e) {
throw e;
} catch (final Throwable t) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed to create a program function", t);
private ScriptFunction compileScript(final Source source, final ScriptObject scope, final ErrorManager errMan) {
return getProgramFunction(compile(source, errMan, this._strict, false), scope);
private synchronized Class<?> compile(final Source source, final ErrorManager errMan, final boolean strict, final boolean isEval) {
// start with no errors, no warnings.
Class<?> script = findCachedClass(source);
if (script != null) {
final DebugLogger log = getLogger(Compiler.class);
if (log.isEnabled()) {
log.fine(new RuntimeEvent<>(Level.INFO, source), "Code cache hit for ", source, " avoiding recompile.");
return script;
StoredScript storedScript = null;
FunctionNode functionNode = null;
// Don't use code store if optimistic types is enabled but lazy compilation is not.
// This would store a full script compilation with many wrong optimistic assumptions that would
// do more harm than good on later runs with both optimistic types and lazy compilation enabled.
final boolean useCodeStore = codeStore != null && !env._parse_only && (!env._optimistic_types || env._lazy_compilation);
final String cacheKey = useCodeStore ? CodeStore.getCacheKey("script", null) : null;
if (useCodeStore) {
storedScript = codeStore.load(source, cacheKey);
if (storedScript == null) {
if (env._dest_dir != null) {
functionNode = new Parser(env, source, errMan, strict, getLogger(Parser.class)).parse();
if (errMan.hasErrors()) {
return null;
if (env._print_ast || functionNode.getDebugFlag(FunctionNode.DEBUG_PRINT_AST)) {
getErr().println(new ASTWriter(functionNode));
if (env._print_parse || functionNode.getDebugFlag(FunctionNode.DEBUG_PRINT_PARSE)) {
getErr().println(new PrintVisitor(functionNode, true, false));
if (env._parse_only) {
return null;
final URL url = source.getURL();
final CodeSource cs = new CodeSource(url, (CodeSigner[])null);
final CodeInstaller installer;
if (!env.useAnonymousClasses(source.getLength()) || env._persistent_cache || !env._lazy_compilation) {
// Persistent code cache and eager compilation preclude use of VM anonymous classes
final ScriptLoader loader = env._loader_per_compile ? createNewLoader() : scriptLoader;
installer = new NamedContextCodeInstaller(this, cs, loader);
} else {
installer = new AnonymousContextCodeInstaller(this, cs,
anonymousHostClasses.getOrCreate(cs, (key) ->
// NOTE: we're defining these constants in AnonymousContextCodeInstaller so they are not
// initialized if we don't use AnonymousContextCodeInstaller. As this method is only ever
// invoked from AnonymousContextCodeInstaller, this is okay.
AnonymousContextCodeInstaller.ANONYMOUS_HOST_CLASS_BYTES, cs)));
if (storedScript == null) {
final CompilationPhases phases = Compiler.CompilationPhases.COMPILE_ALL;
final Compiler compiler = Compiler.forInitialCompilation(
strict | functionNode.isStrict());
final FunctionNode compiledFunction = compiler.compile(functionNode, phases);
if (errMan.hasErrors()) {
return null;
script = compiledFunction.getRootClass();
compiler.persistClassInfo(cacheKey, compiledFunction);
} else {
script = storedScript.installScript(source, installer);
cacheClass(source, script);
return script;
private ScriptLoader createNewLoader() {
return AccessController.doPrivileged(
new PrivilegedAction<ScriptLoader>() {
public ScriptLoader run() {
return new ScriptLoader(Context.this);
private long getUniqueScriptId() {
return uniqueScriptId.getAndIncrement();
* Cache for compiled script classes.
private static class ClassCache extends LinkedHashMap<Source, ClassReference> implements Loggable {
private final int size;
private final ReferenceQueue<Class<?>> queue;
private final DebugLogger log;
ClassCache(final Context context, final int size) {
super(size, 0.75f, true);
this.size = size;
this.queue = new ReferenceQueue<>();
this.log = initLogger(context);
void cache(final Source source, final Class<?> clazz) {
if (log.isEnabled()) {"Caching ", source, " in class cache");
put(source, new ClassReference(clazz, queue, source));
protected boolean removeEldestEntry(final Map.Entry<Source, ClassReference> eldest) {
return size() > size;
public ClassReference get(final Object key) {
for (ClassReference ref; (ref = (ClassReference)queue.poll()) != null; ) {
final Source source = ref.source;
if (log.isEnabled()) {"Evicting ", source, " from class cache.");
final ClassReference ref = super.get(key);
if (ref != null && log.isEnabled()) {"Retrieved class reference for ", ref.source, " from class cache");
return ref;
public DebugLogger initLogger(final Context context) {
return context.getLogger(getClass());
public DebugLogger getLogger() {
return log;
private static class ClassReference extends SoftReference<Class<?>> {
private final Source source;
ClassReference(final Class<?> clazz, final ReferenceQueue<Class<?>> queue, final Source source) {
super(clazz, queue);
this.source = source;
// Class cache management
private Class<?> findCachedClass(final Source source) {
final ClassReference ref = classCache == null ? null : classCache.get(source);
return ref != null ? ref.get() : null;
private void cacheClass(final Source source, final Class<?> clazz) {
if (classCache != null) {
classCache.cache(source, clazz);
// logging
private final Map<String, DebugLogger> loggers = new HashMap<>();
private void initLoggers() {
* Get a logger, given a loggable class
* @param clazz a Loggable class
* @return debuglogger associated with that class
public DebugLogger getLogger(final Class<? extends Loggable> clazz) {
return getLogger(clazz, null);
* Get a logger, given a loggable class
* @param clazz a Loggable class
* @param initHook an init hook - if this is the first time the logger is created in the context, run the init hook
* @return debuglogger associated with that class
public DebugLogger getLogger(final Class<? extends Loggable> clazz, final Consumer<DebugLogger> initHook) {
final String name = getLoggerName(clazz);
DebugLogger logger = loggers.get(name);
if (logger == null) {
if (!env.hasLogger(name)) {
return DebugLogger.DISABLED_LOGGER;
final LoggerInfo info = env._loggers.get(name);
logger = new DebugLogger(name, info.getLevel(), info.isQuiet());
if (initHook != null) {
loggers.put(name, logger);
return logger;
* Given a Loggable class, weave debug info info a method handle for that logger.
* Level.INFO is used
* @param clazz loggable
* @param mh method handle
* @param text debug printout to add
* @return instrumented method handle, or null if logger not enabled
public MethodHandle addLoggingToHandle(final Class<? extends Loggable> clazz, final MethodHandle mh, final Supplier<String> text) {
return addLoggingToHandle(clazz, Level.INFO, mh, Integer.MAX_VALUE, false, text);
* Given a Loggable class, weave debug info info a method handle for that logger.
* @param clazz loggable
* @param level log level
* @param mh method handle
* @param paramStart first parameter to print
* @param printReturnValue should we print the return value?
* @param text debug printout to add
* @return instrumented method handle, or null if logger not enabled
public MethodHandle addLoggingToHandle(final Class<? extends Loggable> clazz, final Level level, final MethodHandle mh, final int paramStart, final boolean printReturnValue, final Supplier<String> text) {
final DebugLogger log = getLogger(clazz);
if (log.isEnabled()) {
return MethodHandleFactory.addDebugPrintout(log, level, mh, paramStart, printReturnValue, text.get());
return mh;
private static String getLoggerName(final Class<?> clazz) {
Class<?> current = clazz;
while (current != null) {
final Logger log = current.getAnnotation(Logger.class);
if (log != null) {
assert !"".equals(;
current = current.getSuperclass();
assert false;
return null;
* This is a special kind of switchpoint used to guard builtin
* properties and prototypes. In the future it might contain
* logic to e.g. multiple switchpoint classes.
public static final class BuiltinSwitchPoint extends SwitchPoint {
* Create a new builtin switchpoint and return it
* @param name key name
* @return new builtin switchpoint
public SwitchPoint newBuiltinSwitchPoint(final String name) {
assert builtinSwitchPoints.get(name) == null;
final SwitchPoint sp = new BuiltinSwitchPoint();
builtinSwitchPoints.put(name, sp);
return sp;
* Return the builtin switchpoint for a particular key name
* @param name key name
* @return builtin switchpoint or null if none
public SwitchPoint getBuiltinSwitchPoint(final String name) {
return builtinSwitchPoints.get(name);
private static ClassLoader createModuleLoader(final ClassLoader cl,
final String modulePath, final String addModules) {
if (addModules == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("--module-path specified with no --add-modules");
final Path[] paths = Stream.of(modulePath.split(File.pathSeparator)).
map(s -> Paths.get(s)).
toArray(sz -> new Path[sz]);
final ModuleFinder mf = ModuleFinder.of(paths);
final Set<ModuleReference> mrefs = mf.findAll();
if (mrefs.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("No modules in script --module-path: " + modulePath);
final Set<String> rootMods;
if (addModules.equals("ALL-MODULE-PATH")) {
rootMods =
} else {
rootMods = Stream.of(addModules.split(",")).
final Layer boot = Layer.boot();
final Configuration conf = boot.configuration().
resolve(mf, ModuleFinder.of(), rootMods);
final String firstMod = rootMods.iterator().next();
return boot.defineModulesWithOneLoader(conf, cl).findLoader(firstMod);