blob: f6e8d7504d97f8353088958719ea4de5551e6006 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* Implements chunked/fixed transfer encodings of HTTP/1.1 responses.
class ResponseContent {
final HttpResponse.BodyProcessor<?> userProcessor;
final HttpResponse.BodyProcessor<?> pusher;
final HttpConnection connection;
final int contentLength;
ByteBuffer buffer;
ByteBuffer lastBufferUsed;
final ResponseHeaders headers;
final Http1Response.FlowController flowController;
ResponseContent(HttpConnection connection,
int contentLength,
ResponseHeaders h,
HttpResponse.BodyProcessor<?> userProcessor,
Http1Response.FlowController flowController) {
this.userProcessor = userProcessor;
this.pusher = (HttpResponse.BodyProcessor)userProcessor;
this.connection = connection;
this.contentLength = contentLength;
this.headers = h;
this.flowController = flowController;
static final int LF = 10;
static final int CR = 13;
static final int SP = 0x20;
static final int BUF_SIZE = 1024;
boolean chunkedContent, chunkedContentInitialized;
private boolean contentChunked() throws IOException {
if (chunkedContentInitialized) {
return chunkedContent;
if (contentLength == -1) {
String tc = headers.firstValue("Transfer-Encoding")
if (!tc.equals("")) {
if (tc.equalsIgnoreCase("chunked")) {
chunkedContent = true;
} else {
throw new IOException("invalid content");
} else {
chunkedContent = false;
chunkedContentInitialized = true;
return chunkedContent;
* Entry point for pusher. b is an initial ByteBuffer that may
* have some data in it. When this method returns, the body
* has been fully processed.
void pushBody(ByteBuffer b) throws IOException {
// TODO: check status
if (contentChunked()) {
} else {
// reads and returns chunklen. Position of chunkbuf is first byte
// of chunk on return. chunklen includes the CR LF at end of chunk
int readChunkLen() throws IOException {
chunklen = 0;
boolean cr = false;
while (true) {
int c = chunkbuf.get();
if (cr) {
if (c == LF) {
return chunklen + 2;
} else {
throw new IOException("invalid chunk header");
if (c == CR) {
cr = true;
} else {
int digit = toDigit(c);
chunklen = chunklen * 16 + digit;
int chunklen = -1; // number of bytes in chunk (fixed)
int bytesremaining; // number of bytes in chunk left to be read incl CRLF
int bytesread;
ByteBuffer chunkbuf; // initialise
// make sure we have at least 1 byte to look at
private void getHunk() throws IOException {
while (chunkbuf == null || !chunkbuf.hasRemaining()) {
if (chunkbuf != null) {
chunkbuf =;
private void consumeBytes(int n) throws IOException {
while (n > 0) {
int e = Math.min(chunkbuf.remaining(), n);
chunkbuf.position(chunkbuf.position() + e);
n -= e;
if (n > 0)
* Returns a ByteBuffer containing a chunk of data or a "hunk" of data
* (a chunk of a chunk if the chunk size is larger than our ByteBuffers).
ByteBuffer readChunkedBuffer() throws IOException {
if (chunklen == -1) {
// new chunk
bytesremaining = readChunkLen();
chunklen = bytesremaining - 2;
if (chunklen == 0) {
return null;
bytesread = chunkbuf.remaining();
ByteBuffer returnBuffer;
* Cases. Always at least one byte is read by getHunk()
* 1) one read contains exactly 1 chunk. Strip off CRLF and pass buffer on
* 2) one read contains a hunk. If at end of chunk, consume CRLF.Pass buffer up.
* 3) read contains rest of chunk and more data. Copy buffer.
if (bytesread == bytesremaining) {
// common case: 1 read = 1 chunk (or final hunk of chunk)
chunkbuf.limit(chunkbuf.limit() - 2); // remove trailing CRLF
bytesremaining = 0;
returnBuffer = chunkbuf;
chunkbuf = null;
chunklen = -1;
} else if (bytesread < bytesremaining) {
// read a hunk, maybe including CR or LF or both
bytesremaining -= bytesread;
if (bytesremaining <= 2) {
// remove any trailing CR LF already read, and then read the rest
chunkbuf.limit(chunkbuf.limit() - (2 - bytesremaining));
chunklen = -1;
returnBuffer = chunkbuf;
chunkbuf = null;
} else {
// bytesread > bytesremaining
returnBuffer = splitChunkedBuffer(bytesremaining-2);
bytesremaining = 0;
chunklen = -1;
return returnBuffer;
ByteBuffer initialBuffer;
int fixedBytesReturned;
ByteBuffer getResidue() {
return lastBufferUsed;
private void compactBuffer(ByteBuffer buf) {
* Copies inbuf (numBytes from its position) to new buffer. The returned
* buffer's position is zero and limit is at end (numBytes)
private ByteBuffer copyBuffer(ByteBuffer inbuf, int numBytes) {
ByteBuffer b1 = connection.getBuffer();
assert b1.remaining() >= numBytes;
byte[] b = b1.array();
inbuf.get(b, 0, numBytes);
return b1;
* Split numBytes of data out of chunkbuf from the remainder,
* copying whichever part is smaller. chunkbuf points to second part
* of buffer on return. The returned buffer is the data from position
* to position + numBytes. Both buffers positions are reset so same
* data can be re-read.
private ByteBuffer splitChunkedBuffer(int numBytes) {
ByteBuffer newbuf = connection.getBuffer();
byte[] b = newbuf.array();
int midpoint = chunkbuf.position() + numBytes;
int remainder = chunkbuf.limit() - midpoint;
if (numBytes < remainder) {
// copy first part of chunkbuf to new buf
chunkbuf.get(b, 0, numBytes);
return newbuf;
} else {
// copy remainder of chunkbuf to newbuf and make newbuf chunkbuf
chunkbuf.get(b, 0, remainder);
ByteBuffer tmp = chunkbuf;
chunkbuf = newbuf;
return tmp;
private void pushBodyChunked(ByteBuffer b) throws IOException {
chunkbuf = b;
while (true) {
ByteBuffer b1 = readChunkedBuffer();
if (b1 != null) {
if (b1.hasRemaining()) {
request(1); // wait till we can send
lastBufferUsed = b1;
} else {
private int toDigit(int b) throws IOException {
if (b >= 0x30 && b <= 0x39) {
return b - 0x30;
if (b >= 0x41 && b <= 0x46) {
return b - 0x41 + 10;
if (b >= 0x61 && b <= 0x66) {
return b - 0x61 + 10;
throw new IOException("Invalid chunk header byte " + b);
private void request(long value) throws IOException {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
private void pushBodyFixed(ByteBuffer b) throws IOException {
lastBufferUsed = b;
for (int remaining = contentLength; remaining > 0;) {
int bufsize = b.remaining();
if (bufsize > remaining) {
// more data available than required, must copy
lastBufferUsed = b;
b = copyBuffer(b, remaining);
remaining = 0;
} else {
// pass entire buffer up to user
remaining -= bufsize;
request(1); // wait till we can send
if (remaining > 0) {
b =;
if (b == null) {
throw new IOException("Error reading response");
lastBufferUsed = b;