Revert "CameraHAL: Fix preview not starting after surface is abdandoned"

This reverts commit cbaa66464ff86bddf40e3c8de8db44473ff27de9.

we need to revert this change since this leads to a stop ship problem where
we can only take a single picture.
diff --git a/camera/CameraHal.cpp b/camera/CameraHal.cpp
index 8e14fec..7e18330 100644
--- a/camera/CameraHal.cpp
+++ b/camera/CameraHal.cpp
@@ -1715,11 +1715,10 @@
-        // Update the display adapter with the new window that is passed from CameraService
-        ret  = mDisplayAdapter->setPreviewWindow(window);
-        if (previewEnabled()) {
-            restartPreview();
-        }
+        /* If mDisplayAdpater is already created. No need to do anything.
+         * We get a surface handle directly now, so we can reconfigure surface
+         * itself in DisplayAdapter if dimensions have changed
+         */