blob: 927faf87e21728e611759df35ad0a49e103d5461 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef NV12_RESIZE_H_
#define NV12_RESIZE_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef unsigned char mmBool;
typedef unsigned char mmUchar;
typedef unsigned char mmUint8;
typedef unsigned char mmByte;
typedef unsigned short mmUint16;
typedef unsigned int mmUint32;
typedef unsigned long mmUint64;
typedef signed char mmInt8;
typedef char mmChar;
typedef signed short mmInt16;
typedef signed int mmInt32;
typedef signed long mmLong;
typedef signed int mmHandle;
typedef float mmFloat;
typedef double mmDouble;
typedef int HObj;
typedef HObj HFile;
typedef int HDir;
typedef void* mmMutexHandle;
typedef struct _fstat
mmInt32 fileSize;
typedef struct
mmInt32 second;
mmInt32 millisecond;
typedef struct
mmInt32 year;
mmInt32 month;
mmInt32 day;
mmInt32 hour;
mmInt32 minute;
mmInt32 second;
} TmDateTime;
Define : TRUE/FALSE for boolean operations
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
const mmUint8 bWeights[8][8][4] = {
{{64, 0, 0, 0}, {56, 0, 0, 8}, {48, 0, 0,16}, {40, 0, 0,24},
{32, 0, 0,32}, {24, 0, 0,40}, {16, 0, 0,48}, { 8, 0, 0,56}},
{{56, 8, 0, 0}, {49, 7, 1, 7}, {42, 6, 2,14}, {35, 5, 3,21},
{28, 4, 4,28}, {21, 3, 5,35}, {14, 2, 6,42}, { 7, 1, 7,49}},
{{48,16, 0, 0}, {42,14, 2, 6}, {36,12,4 ,12}, {30,10,6 ,18},
{24, 8, 8,24}, {18, 6,10,30}, {12,4 ,12,36}, { 6, 2,14,42}},
{{40,24,0 ,0 }, {35,21, 3, 5}, {30,18, 6,10}, {25,15, 9,15},
{20,12,12,20}, {15, 9,15,25}, {10, 6,18,30}, { 5, 3,21,35}},
{{32,32, 0,0 }, {28,28, 4, 4}, {24,24, 8, 8}, {20,20,12,12},
{16,16,16,16}, {12,12,20,20}, { 8, 8,24,24}, { 4, 4,28,28}},
{{24,40,0 ,0 }, {21,35, 5, 3}, {18,30,10, 6}, {15,25,15, 9},
{12,20,20,12}, { 9,15,25,15}, { 6,10,30,18}, { 3, 5,35,21}},
{{16,48, 0,0 }, {14,42, 6, 2}, {12,36,12, 4}, {10,30,18, 6},
{8 ,24,24,8 }, { 6,18,30,10}, { 4,12,36,12}, { 2, 6,42,14}},
{{ 8,56, 0,0 }, { 7,49, 7, 1}, { 6,42,14, 2}, { 5,35,21, 3},
{ 4,28,28,4 }, { 3,21,35, 5}, { 2,14,42, 6}, { 1,7 ,49, 7}}
typedef enum
/* This structure defines the format of an image */
typedef struct
mmInt32 uWidth;
mmInt32 uHeight;
mmInt32 uStride;
enumImageFormat eFormat;
mmByte *imgPtr;
mmByte *clrPtr;
mmInt32 uOffset;
} structConvImage;
typedef struct IC_crop_struct
mmUint32 x; /* x pos of rectangle */
mmUint32 y; /* y pos of rectangle */
mmUint32 uWidth; /* dx of rectangle */
mmUint32 uHeight; /* dy of rectangle */
} IC_rect_type;
* Function Name : VT_resizeFrame_Video_opt2_lp
* Description : Resize a yuv frame.
* Input(s) : input_img_ptr -> Input Image Structure
* : output_img_ptr -> Output Image Structure
* : cropout -> crop structure
* Value Returned : mmBool -> FALSE on error TRUE on success
* Not tested for crop funtionallity.
* faster version.
structConvImage* i_img_ptr, /* Points to the input image */
structConvImage* o_img_ptr, /* Points to the output image */
IC_rect_type* cropout, /* how much to resize to in final image */
mmUint16 dummy /* Transparent pixel value */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //#define NV12_RESIZE_H_