blob: c17de118485977c6f36d0ef996e24dd91b86111f [file] [log] [blame]
* @file pke.c
* @brief for TLSR chips
* @author;
* @date Sep. 30, 2010
* @attention
* Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Telink Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "pke.h"
#include "../../common/string.h"
* @brief get real bit length of big number a of wordLen words
* @param[in] a - the buffer a
* @param[in] wordLen - the length of a
* @return the real bit length of big number a of wordLen words
unsigned int valid_bits_get(const unsigned int *a, unsigned int wordLen)
unsigned int i = 0;
unsigned int j = 0;
if(0 == wordLen)
return 0;
for (i = wordLen; i > 0; i--)
if (a[i - 1])
if(0 == i)
return 0;
for (j = 32; j > 0; j--)
if (a[i - 1] & (0x1 << (j - 1)))
return ((i - 1) << 5) + j;
* @brief get real word length of big number a of max_words words
* @param[in] a - the buffer a
* @param[in] max_words - the length of a
* @return get real word length of big number a
unsigned int valid_words_get(unsigned int *a, unsigned int max_words)
unsigned int i = 0;
for (i = max_words; i > 0; i--)
if (a[i - 1])
return i;
return 0;
* @brief compare big integer a and b
* @param[in] a - value
* @param[in] aWordLen - the length of a
* @param[in] b - value
* @param[in] bWordLen - the length of b
* @return 0:a=b, 1:a>b, -1: a<b
signed int big_integer_compare(unsigned int *a, unsigned int aWordLen, unsigned int *b, unsigned int bWordLen)
signed int i;
aWordLen = valid_words_get(a, aWordLen);
bWordLen = valid_words_get(b, bWordLen);
if(aWordLen > bWordLen)
return 1;
if(aWordLen < bWordLen)
return -1;
for(i=(aWordLen-1); i>=0; i--)
if(a[i] > b[i])
return 1;
if(a[i] < b[i])
return -1;
return 0;
* @brief c = a - b
* @param[in] a - integer a
* @param[in] b - integer b
* @param[out] c - integer c = a - b
* @return none
void sub_u32(unsigned int *a, unsigned int *b, unsigned int *c, unsigned int wordLen)
unsigned int i, carry, temp;
carry = 0;
for(i=0; i<wordLen; i++)
temp = a[i]-b[i];
c[i] = temp-carry;
if(temp > a[i] || c[i] > temp)
carry = 1;
carry = 0;
* @brief a = a/(2^n)
* @param[in] a - big integer a
* @param[in] aWordLen - word length of a
* @param[in] n - exponent of 2^n
* @return word length of a = a/(2^n)
* @caution: 1. make sure aWordLen is real word length of a
* 2. a may be 0, then aWordLen is 0, to make sure aWordLen-1 is available, so data
* type of aWordLen is int32_t, not uint32_t
unsigned int div2n_u32(unsigned int a[], signed int aWordLen, unsigned int n)
signed int i;
unsigned int j;
return 0;
if(n <= 32)
for(i=0; i<aWordLen-1; i++)
a[i] >>= n;
a[i] |= (a[i+1]<<(32-n));
a[i] >>= n;
return i;
return aWordLen;
else //general method
j = n>>5;
n &= 31;
for(i=0; i<aWordLen-(signed int)j-1; i++)
a[i] = a[i+j]>>n;
a[i] |= (a[i+j+1]<<(32-n));
a[i] = a[i+j]>>n;
memset(a+aWordLen-j, 0, j<<2);
return i;
return aWordLen - j;
* @brief get result operand from specified addr
* @param[in] baseaddr - the address
* @param[in] data - the buffer data
* @param[in] wordLen - the length of data
* @return none
void pke_read_operand(unsigned int *baseaddr, unsigned int *data, unsigned int wordLen)
unsigned int i;
if(baseaddr != data)
for (i = 0; i < wordLen; i++)
data[i] = baseaddr[i];
* @brief load operand to specified addr
* @param[in] none
* @param[out] none
* @return none
void pke_load_operand(unsigned int *baseaddr, unsigned int *data, unsigned int wordLen)
unsigned int i;
if(baseaddr != data)
for (i = 0; i < wordLen; i++)
baseaddr[i] = data[i];
for (i = wordLen; i < 9; i++)
baseaddr[i] = 0x00000000;
* @brief This function is to complete the calculation of the corresponding function of the PKE module.
* @param[in] none
* @param[out] none
* @return 0 - normal stop.
* 1 - received a termination request(CTRL.STOP is high)
* 2 - no valid modulo inverse
* 3 - point is not on the curve(CTRL.CMD:PVER)
* 4 - invalid microcode
unsigned char pke_opr_cal(pke_microcode_e addr, pke_exe_cfg_e cfg)
if(0x00 != cfg)
while(!pke_get_irq_status()); //0(in progress) 1(done))
return (pke_check_rt_code());
* @brief load the pre-calculated mont parameters H(R^2 mod modulus) and
* n1( - modulus ^(-1) mod 2^w )
* @param[in] H - R^2 mod modulus
* @param[in] n1 - modulus ^(-1) mod 2^w, here w is 32 actually
* @param[in] wordLen - word length of modulus or H
* @return: none
void pke_load_pre_calc_mont(unsigned int *H, unsigned int *n1, unsigned int wordLen)
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(3), H, wordLen);
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(4), n1, 1);
* @brief calc h(R^2 mod modulus) and n1( - modulus ^(-1) mod 2^w ) for modmul, pointMul. etc.
* here w is bit width of word, i,e. 32.
* @param[in] modulus - input, modulus
* @param[in] wordLen - input, word length of modulus or H
* @param[out] PKE_A3 - R^2 mod modulus
* @param[out] PKE_B4 - modulus ^(-1) mod 2^w, here w is 32 actually
* @return PKE_SUCCESS(success), other(error)
unsigned char pke_calc_pre_mont(const unsigned int *modulus, unsigned int wordLen)
unsigned char ret;
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(3), (unsigned int *)modulus, wordLen); //B3 modulus
ret = pke_opr_cal(PKE_MICROCODE_CAL_PRE_MON, 0x00);
return ret;
* @brief ECCP curve point del point, Q=2P
* @param[in] curve - ECCP_CURVE struct pointer
* @param[in] Px - x coordinate of point P
* @param[in] Py - y coordinate of point P
* @param[out] Qx - x coordinate of point Q
* @param[out] Qy - y coordinate of point Q
* @return PKE_SUCCESS(success), other(error)
unsigned char pke_eccp_point_del(eccp_curve_t *curve, unsigned int *k, unsigned int *Px, unsigned int *Py,
unsigned int *Qx, unsigned int *Qy)
unsigned char ret;
unsigned int wordLen = (curve->eccp_p_bitLen + 31)>>5;
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(0), Px, wordLen); //A0 Px
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(1), Py, wordLen); //A1 Py
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(5), curve->eccp_a, wordLen); //A5 a
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(3), curve->eccp_p, wordLen); //B3 p
if((0 != curve->eccp_p_h) && (0 != curve->eccp_p_n1))
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(3), curve->eccp_p_h, wordLen); //A3 p_h
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(4), curve->eccp_p_n1, 1); //B4 p_n1
pke_opr_cal(PKE_MICROCODE_CAL_PRE_MON, 0x00);
return ret;
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(0), Qx, wordLen);
if(Qy != 0)
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(1), Qy, wordLen);
return ret;
* @brief ECCP curve point add, Q=P1+P2
* @param[in] eccp_curve - ECCP_CURVE struct pointer
* @param[in] P1x - x coordinate of point P1
* @param[in] P1y - y coordinate of point P1
* @param[in] P2x - x coordinate of point P2
* @param[in] P2y - y coordinate of point P2
* @param[out] Qx - x coordinate of point Q=P1+P2
* @param[out] Qy - y coordinate of point Q=P1+P2
* @return PKE_SUCCESS(success), other(error)
unsigned char pke_eccp_point_add(eccp_curve_t *curve, unsigned int *P1x, unsigned int *P1y, unsigned int *P2x, unsigned int *P2y,
unsigned int *Qx, unsigned int *Qy)
unsigned char ret;
unsigned int wordLen = (curve->eccp_p_bitLen + 31)>>5;
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(0), P1x, wordLen); //B0 P1x
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(1), P1y, wordLen); //B1 P1y
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(0), P2x, wordLen); //A0 P2x
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(1), P2y, wordLen); //A1 P2y
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(3), curve->eccp_p, wordLen); //B3 p
if((0 != curve->eccp_p_h) && (0 != curve->eccp_p_n1))
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(3), curve->eccp_p_h, wordLen); //A3 p_h
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(4), curve->eccp_p_n1, 1); //B4 p_n1
pke_opr_cal(PKE_MICROCODE_CAL_PRE_MON, 0x00);
return ret;
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(0), Qx, wordLen);
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(1), Qy, wordLen);
return ret;
* @brief check whether the input point P is on ECCP curve or not
* @param[in] curve - ECCP_CURVE struct pointer
* @param[in] Px - x coordinate of point P
* @param[in] Py - y coordinate of point P
* @return PKE_SUCCESS(success, on the curve), other(error or not on the curve)
unsigned char pke_eccp_point_verify(eccp_curve_t *curve, unsigned int *Px, unsigned int *Py)
signed int ret;
unsigned int wordLen = (curve->eccp_p_bitLen + 31)>>5;
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(0), Px, wordLen); //B0 Px
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(1), Py, wordLen); //B1 Py
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(5), curve->eccp_a, wordLen); //A5 a
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(4), curve->eccp_b, wordLen); //A4 b
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(3), curve->eccp_p, wordLen); //B3 p
if((0 != curve->eccp_p_h) && (0 != curve->eccp_p_n1))
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(3), curve->eccp_p_h, wordLen); //A3 p_h
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(4), curve->eccp_p_n1, 1); //B4 p_n1
pke_opr_cal(PKE_MICROCODE_CAL_PRE_MON, 0x00);
return ret;
* @brief ECCP curve point mul(random point), Q=[k]P
* @param[in] curve - ECCP_CURVE struct pointer
* @param[in] k - scalar
* @param[in] Px - x coordinate of point P
* @param[in] Py - y coordinate of point P
* @param[out] Qx - x coordinate of point Q
* @param[out] Qy - y coordinate of point Q
* @return PKE_SUCCESS(success), other(error)
unsigned char pke_eccp_point_mul(eccp_curve_t *curve, unsigned int *k, unsigned int *Px, unsigned int *Py,
unsigned int *Qx, unsigned int *Qy)
unsigned char ret;
unsigned int wordLen = (curve->eccp_p_bitLen + 31)>>5;
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(0), Px, wordLen); //B0 Px
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(1), Py, wordLen); //B1 Py
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(5), curve->eccp_a, wordLen); //A5 a
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(4), k, wordLen); //A4 k
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(3), curve->eccp_p, wordLen); //B3 p
if((0 != curve->eccp_p_h) && (0 != curve->eccp_p_n1))
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(3), curve->eccp_p_h, wordLen); //A3 p_h
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(4), curve->eccp_p_n1, 1); //B4 p_n1
pke_opr_cal(PKE_MICROCODE_CAL_PRE_MON, 0x00);
return ret;
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(0), Qx, wordLen);
if(Qy != 0)
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(1), Qy, wordLen);
return ret;
* @brief out = a*b mod modulus
* @param[in] modulus - modulus
* @param[in] a - integer a
* @param[in] b - integer b
* @param[in] wordLen - word length of modulus, a, b
* @param[out] out - out = a*b mod modulus
* @return PKE_SUCCESS(success), other(error)
unsigned char pke_mod_mul(const unsigned int *modulus, const unsigned int *a, const unsigned int *b,
unsigned int *out, unsigned int wordLen)
unsigned char ret;
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_b_ram(3)), (unsigned int *)modulus, wordLen); //B3 modulus
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_a_ram(0)), (unsigned int *)a, wordLen); //A0 a
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_b_ram(0)), (unsigned int *)b, wordLen); //B0 b
return ret;
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_a_ram(0)), out, wordLen); //A0 result
* @brief ainv = a^(-1) mod modulus
* @param[in] modulus - modulus
* @param[in] a - integer a
* @param[in] ainv - ainv = a^(-1) mod modulus
* @param[in] modWordLen - word length of modulus, ainv
* @param[in] aWordLen - word length of integer a
* @return: PKE_SUCCESS(success), other(inverse not exists or error)
unsigned char pke_mod_inv(const unsigned int *modulus, const unsigned int *a, unsigned int *ainv, unsigned int modWordLen,
unsigned int aWordLen)
unsigned char ret;
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_b_ram(3)), (unsigned int *)modulus, modWordLen); //B3 modulus
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_b_ram(0)), (unsigned int *)a, aWordLen); //B0 a
ret = pke_opr_cal(PKE_MICROCODE_MODINV, 0x00);
return ret;
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_a_ram(0)), (unsigned int *)ainv, modWordLen); //A0 ainv
* @brief out = (a+b) mod modulus
* @param[in] modulus - modulus
* @param[in] a - integer a
* @param[in] b - integer b
* @param[in] wordLen - word length of modulus, a, b
* @param[out] out - out = a+b mod modulus
* @return PKE_SUCCESS(success), other(error)
unsigned char pke_mod_add(const unsigned int *modulus, const unsigned int *a, const unsigned int *b,
unsigned int *out, unsigned int wordLen)
unsigned char ret;
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_b_ram(3)), (unsigned int *)modulus, wordLen); //B3 modulus
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_a_ram(0)), (unsigned int *)a, wordLen); //A0 a
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_b_ram(0)), (unsigned int *)b, wordLen); //B0 b
ret = pke_opr_cal(PKE_MICROCODE_MODADD, 0x00);
return ret;
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_a_ram(0)), out, wordLen); //A0 result
* @brief out = (a-b) mod modulus
* @param[in] modulus - input, modulus
* @param[in] a - input, integer a
* @param[in] b - input, integer b
* @param[in] wordLen - input, word length of modulus, a, b
* @param[out] out - output, out = a-b mod modulus
* @return PKE_SUCCESS(success), other(error)
unsigned char pke_mod_sub(const unsigned int *modulus, const unsigned int *a, const unsigned int *b,
unsigned int *out, unsigned int wordLen)
unsigned char ret;
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_b_ram(3)), (unsigned int *)modulus, wordLen); //B3 modulus
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_a_ram(0)), (unsigned int *)a, wordLen); //A0 a
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_b_ram(0)), (unsigned int *)b, wordLen); //B0 b
ret = pke_opr_cal(PKE_MICROCODE_MODSUB, 0x00);
return ret;
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)(reg_pke_a_ram(0)), out, wordLen); //A0 result
* @brief c25519 point mul(random point), Q=[k]P
* @param[in] curve - c25519 curve struct pointer
* @param[in] k - scalar
* @param[in] Pu - u coordinate of point P
* @param[out] Qu - u coordinate of point Q
* @return PKE_SUCCESS(success), other(error)
unsigned char pke_x25519_point_mul(mont_curve_t *curve, unsigned int *k, unsigned int *Pu, unsigned int *Qu)
unsigned char ret;
unsigned int wordLen = (curve->mont_p_bitLen + 31)>>5;
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(0), Pu, wordLen); //A0 Pu
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(0), curve->mont_a24, wordLen); //B0 a24
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(4), k, wordLen); //A4 k
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(3), curve->mont_p, wordLen); //B3 p
if((NULL != curve->mont_p_h) && (NULL != curve->mont_p_n1))
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(3), curve->mont_p_h, wordLen); //A3 p_h
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(4), curve->mont_p_n1, 1); //B4 p_n1
pke_opr_cal(PKE_MICROCODE_CAL_PRE_MON, 0x00);
return ret;
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(1), Qu, wordLen);
return ret;
* @brief edwards25519 curve point mul(random point), Q=[k]P
* @param[in] curve - edwards25519 curve struct pointer
* @param[in] k - scalar
* @param[in] Px - x coordinate of point P
* @param[in] Py - y coordinate of point P
* @param[out] Qx - x coordinate of point Q
* @param[out] Qy - y coordinate of point Q
* @return PKE_SUCCESS(success), other(error)
unsigned char pke_ed25519_point_mul(edward_curve_t *curve, unsigned int *k, unsigned int *Px, unsigned int *Py,
unsigned int *Qx, unsigned int *Qy)
unsigned char ret;
unsigned int wordLen = (curve->edward_p_bitLen + 31)>>5;
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(1), Px, wordLen); //A1 Px
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(2), Py, wordLen); //A2 Py
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(0), curve->edward_d, wordLen); //B0 d
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(0), k, wordLen); //A0 k
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(3), curve->edward_p, wordLen); //B3 p
if((0 != curve->edward_p_h) && (0 != curve->edward_p_n1))
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(3), curve->edward_p_h, wordLen); //A3 p_h
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(4), curve->edward_p_n1, 1); //B4 p_n1
pke_opr_cal(PKE_MICROCODE_CAL_PRE_MON, 0x00);
ret = pke_opr_cal(PKE_MICROCODE_Ed25519_PMUL, PKE_EXE_CFG_ALL_NON_MONT);
return ret;
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(1), Qx, wordLen);
if(Qy != 0)
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(2), Qy, wordLen);
return ret;
* @brief edwards25519 point add, Q=P1+P2
* @param[in] curve - edwards25519 curve struct pointer
* @param[in] k - scalar
* @param[in] P1x - x coordinate of point P1
* @param[in] P1y - y coordinate of point P1
* @param[in] P2x - x coordinate of point P2
* @param[in] P2y - y coordinate of point P2
* @param[out] Qx - x coordinate of point Q=P1+P2
* @param[out] Qy - y coordinate of point Q=P1+P2
* @return PKE_SUCCESS(success), other(error)
unsigned char pke_ed25519_point_add(edward_curve_t *curve, unsigned int *P1x, unsigned int *P1y, unsigned int *P2x, unsigned int *P2y,
unsigned int *Qx, unsigned int *Qy)
unsigned char ret;
unsigned int wordLen = (curve->edward_p_bitLen + 31)>>5;
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(1), P1x, wordLen); //A1 P1x
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(2), P1y, wordLen); //A2 P1y
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(1), P2x, wordLen); //B1 P2x
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(2), P2y, wordLen); //B2 P2y
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(0), curve->edward_d, wordLen); //B0 d
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(3), curve->edward_p, wordLen); //B3 p
if((0 != curve->edward_p_h) && (0 != curve->edward_p_n1))
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(3), curve->edward_p_h, wordLen); //A3 p_h
pke_load_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(4), curve->edward_p_n1, 1); //B4 p_n1
pke_opr_cal(PKE_MICROCODE_CAL_PRE_MON, 0x00);
ret = pke_opr_cal(PKE_MICROCODE_Ed25519_PADD, PKE_EXE_CFG_ALL_NON_MONT);
return ret;
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(1), Qx, wordLen);
pke_read_operand((unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(2), Qy, wordLen);
return ret;
* @brief c = a mod b
* @param[in] modulus - modulus
* @param[in] a - integer a
* @param[in] b - integer b
* @param[in] aWordLen - word length of a
* @param[in] bWordLen - word length of b
* @return PKE_SUCCESS(success), other(error)
unsigned char pke_mod(unsigned int *a, unsigned int aWordLen, unsigned int *b, unsigned int *b_h, unsigned int *b_n1,
unsigned int bWordLen, unsigned int *c)
signed int ret;
unsigned int bitLen, tmpLen;
unsigned int *a_high, *a_low, *p;
ret = big_integer_compare(a, aWordLen, b, bWordLen);
if(ret < 0)
aWordLen = valid_words_get(a, aWordLen);
memcpy(c, a, aWordLen<<2);
memset(c+aWordLen, 0, (bWordLen-aWordLen)<<2);
else if(0 == ret)
memset(c, 0, bWordLen<<2);
bitLen = valid_bits_get(b, bWordLen) & 0x1F;
p = (unsigned int *)reg_pke_a_ram(1);
//get a_high mod b
a_high = c;
tmpLen = aWordLen-bWordLen+1;
memcpy(p, a+bWordLen-1, tmpLen<<2);
div2n_u32(p, tmpLen, bitLen);
if(tmpLen < bWordLen)
memset(p+tmpLen, 0, (bWordLen-tmpLen)<<2);
if(big_integer_compare(p, bWordLen, b, bWordLen) >= 0)
sub_u32(p, b, a_high, bWordLen);
memcpy(a_high, p, bWordLen<<2);
tmpLen = aWordLen - bWordLen;
if(big_integer_compare(a+bWordLen, tmpLen, b, bWordLen) > 0)
sub_u32(a+bWordLen, b, a_high, bWordLen);
memcpy(a_high, a+bWordLen, tmpLen<<2);
memset(a_high+tmpLen, 0, (bWordLen-tmpLen)<<2);
if(0 == b_h && 0 == b_n1)
ret = pke_calc_pre_mont(b, bWordLen);
if(PKE_SUCCESS != ret)
return ret;
pke_load_pre_calc_mont(b_h, b_n1, bWordLen);
//get 1000...000 mod b
memset(p, 0, bWordLen<<2);
p[bWordLen-1] = 1<<(bitLen);
sub_u32(p, b, (unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(1), bWordLen);
//get a_high * 1000..000 mod b
pke_calc_pre_mont(b, bWordLen);
ret = pke_mod_mul(b, (unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(1), a_high, (unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(1), bWordLen);
if(PKE_SUCCESS != ret)
return ret;
//get a_low mod b
a_low = c;
memcpy(p, a, bWordLen<<2);
p[bWordLen-1] &= ((1<<(bitLen))-1);
if(big_integer_compare(p, bWordLen, b, bWordLen) >= 0)
sub_u32(p, b, a_low, bWordLen);
memcpy(a_low, p, bWordLen<<2);
if(big_integer_compare(a, bWordLen, b, bWordLen) >= 0)
a_low = c;
sub_u32(a, b, a_low, bWordLen);
a_low = a;
return pke_mod_add(b, a_low, (unsigned int *)reg_pke_b_ram(1), c, bWordLen);