blob: 2bde7950689ad1c6dd30dcfaeae4ab018971a097 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file ll_whitelist.h
* @brief for TLSR chips
* @author;
* @date Sep. 30, 2010
* @attention
* Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Telink Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* ll_whitelist.h
* Created on: 2016-9-22
* Author: Administrator
#include <stack/ble/ble_common.h>
#define MAX_WHITE_IRK_LIST_SIZE 1 //save ramcode
#define MAX_WHITE_IRK_LIST_SIZE 2 //save ramcode
#define MAC_MATCH8(md,ms) (md[0]==ms[0] && md[1]==ms[1] && md[2]==ms[2] && md[3]==ms[3] && md[4]==ms[4] && md[5]==ms[5])
#define MAC_MATCH16(md,ms) (md[0]==ms[0] && md[1]==ms[1] && md[2]==ms[2])
#define MAC_MATCH32(md,ms) (md[0]==ms[0] && md[1]==ms[1])
//adv filter policy
#define ALLOW_SCAN_WL BIT(0)
#define ALLOW_CONN_WL BIT(1)
typedef enum {
ADV_FP_ALLOW_SCAN_ANY_ALLOW_CONN_ANY = 0x00, // Process scan and connection requests from all devices
ADV_FP_ALLOW_SCAN_WL_ALLOW_CONN_ANY = 0x01, // Process connection requests from all devices and only scan requests from devices that are in the White List.
ADV_FP_ALLOW_SCAN_ANY_ALLOW_CONN_WL = 0x02, // Process scan requests from all devices and only connection requests from devices that are in the White List..
ADV_FP_ALLOW_SCAN_WL_ALLOW_CONN_WL = 0x03, // Process scan and connection requests only from devices in the White List.
ADV_FP_NONE = ADV_FP_ALLOW_SCAN_ANY_ALLOW_CONN_ANY, //adv filter policy set to zero, not use whitelist
} adv_fp_type_t; //adv_filterPolicy_type_t
typedef enum {
SCAN_FP_ALLOW_ADV_ANY = 0x00, //except direct adv address not match
SCAN_FP_ALLOW_ADV_WL = 0x01, //except direct adv address not match
SCAN_FP_ALLOW_UNDIRECT_ADV = 0x02, //and direct adv address match initiator's resolvable private MAC
SCAN_FP_ALLOW_ADV_WL_DIRECT_ADV_MACTH = 0x03, //and direct adv address match initiator's resolvable private MAC
} scan_fp_type_t; //scan_filterPolicy_type_t
typedef enum {
INITIATE_FP_ADV_SPECIFY = 0x00, //connect ADV specified by host
INITIATE_FP_ADV_WL = 0x01, //connect ADV in whiteList
} init_fp_type_t; //init_filterPolicy_type_t
typedef u8 irk_key_t[16];
typedef struct {
u8 type;
u8 address[BLE_ADDR_LEN];
u8 reserved;
} wl_addr_t;
typedef struct {
wl_addr_t wl_addr_tbl[MAX_WHITE_LIST_SIZE];
u8 wl_addr_tbl_index;
u8 wl_irk_tbl_index;
} ll_whiteListTbl_t;
typedef struct {
u8 type;
u8 address[BLE_ADDR_LEN];
u8 reserved;
u8 irk[16];
} rl_addr_t;
typedef struct {
rl_addr_t tbl[MAX_WHITE_IRK_LIST_SIZE];
u8 idx;
u8 en;
} ll_ResolvingListTbl_t;
/**************************************** User Interface **********************************************/
* @fn ll_whiteList_reset
* @brief API to reset the white list table.
* @param None
* @return LL Status
ble_sts_t ll_whiteList_reset(void);
* @fn ll_whiteList_add
* @brief API to add new entry to white list
* @param None
* @return LL Status
ble_sts_t ll_whiteList_add(u8 type, u8 *addr);
* @fn ll_whiteList_delete
* @brief API to delete entry from white list
* @param type - The specified type
* addr - The specified address to be delete
* @return LL Status
ble_sts_t ll_whiteList_delete(u8 type, u8 *addr);
* @fn ll_whiteList_getSize
* @brief API to get total number of white list entry size
* @param returnSize - The returned entry size
* @return LL Status
ble_sts_t ll_whiteList_getSize(u8 *returnPublicAddrListSize) ;
ble_sts_t ll_resolvingList_add(u8 peerIdAddrType, u8 *peerIdAddr, u8 *peer_irk, u8 *local_irk);
ble_sts_t ll_resolvingList_delete(u8 peerIdAddrType, u8 *peerIdAddr);
ble_sts_t ll_resolvingList_reset(void);
ble_sts_t ll_resolvingList_getSize(u8 *Size);
ble_sts_t ll_resolvingList_getPeerResolvableAddr (u8 peerIdAddrType, u8* peerIdAddr, u8* peerResolvableAddr); //not available now
ble_sts_t ll_resolvingList_getLocalResolvableAddr(u8 peerIdAddrType, u8* peerIdAddr, u8* LocalResolvableAddr); //not available now
ble_sts_t ll_resolvingList_setAddrResolutionEnable (u8 resolutionEn);
ble_sts_t ll_resolvingList_setResolvablePrivateAddrTimer (u16 timeout_s); //not available now
/********************************* Stack Interface, user can not use!!! ********************************/
u8 * ll_searchAddrInWhiteListTbl(u8 type, u8 *addr);
u8 * ll_searchAddrInResolvingListTbl(u8 *addr); //addr must be RPA
u8 * ll_searchAddr_in_WhiteList_and_ResolvingList(u8 type, u8 *addr);
bool smp_quickResolvPrivateAddr(u8 *key, u8 *addr);
ll_whiteListTbl_t ll_whiteList_tbl;
ll_ResolvingListTbl_t ll_resolvingList_tbl;
#endif /* LL_WHITELIST_H_ */