blob: 09ccd86248d24ab5443b21f59bab1c787f814066 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file ll_ext_adv.h
* @brief for TLSR chips
* @author;
* @date Sep. 30, 2010
* @attention
* Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Telink Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef LL_ADV_EXT_H_
#define LL_ADV_EXT_H_
#include "stack/ble/hci/hci_cmd.h"
* @brief Primary channel advertising packet data buffer size
#define MAX_LENGTH_PRIMARY_ADV_PKT 44 //sizeof(rf_pkt_pri_adv_t) = 43
* @brief Secondary channel advertising packet data buffer size
#define MAX_LENGTH_SECOND_ADV_PKT 264 //sizeof(rf_pkt_ext_adv_t) = 261
* @brief Primary advertising packet format
typedef struct{
u32 dma_len;
u8 type :4;
u8 rfu1 :1;
u8 chan_sel:1;
u8 txAddr :1;
u8 rxAddr :1;
u8 rf_len;
u8 advA[6]; //address
u8 data[31]; //0-31 byte
//NOTE: this data structure must 4 bytes aligned
typedef struct
u8 adv_handle;
u8 extAdv_en;
u8 adv_chn_mask;
u8 adv_chn_num;
u8 own_addr_type;
u8 peer_addr_type;
u8 pri_phy;
u8 sec_phy;
u8 max_ext_adv_evt;
u8 run_ext_adv_evt;
u8 unfinish_advData;
u8 unfinish_scanRsp;
u8 adv_filterPolicy;
u8 scan_req_noti_en;
u8 coding_ind; //s2 or s8
u8 param_update_flag;
u8 with_aux_adv_ind; //ADV_EXT_IND with AUX_ADV_IND
u8 with_aux_chain_ind;
u8 rand_adr_flg;
u8 adv_sid;
u16 adv_did; // BIT<11:0>
u16 evt_props;
u16 advInt_use;
u16 send_dataLen;
u16 maxLen_advData; //for each ADV sets, this value can be different to save SRAM
u16 curLen_advData;
u16 maxLen_scanRsp; //for each ADV sets, this value can be different to save SRAM
u16 curLen_scanRsp;
u16 send_dataLenBackup;
u16 rsvd_16_1;
u32 adv_duration_tick;
u32 adv_begin_tick; //24
u32 adv_event_tick;
u8* dat_extAdv;
u8* dat_scanRsp; //Scan response data.
rf_pkt_pri_adv_t* primary_adv;
rf_pkt_ext_adv_t* secondary_adv;
u8 rand_adr[6];
u8 peer_addr[6];
#define ADV_SET_PARAM_LENGTH (sizeof(ll_ext_adv_t)) //sizeof(ll_ext_adv_t) = , must 4 byte aligned
* @brief this function is used to initialize extended advertising module
* @param[in] *pAdvCtrl - advertising set control buffer address
* @param[in] *pPriAdv - Primary channel advertising packet data buffer address
* @param[in] num_sets - number of advertising set
* @return none
void blc_ll_initExtendedAdvertising_module( u8 *pAdvCtrl, u8 *pPriAdv,int num_sets);
* @brief this function is used to initialize secondary channel advertising packet buffer
* @param[in] *pSecAdv - secondary channel advertising packet buffer address
* @param[in] sec_adv_buf_len - secondary channel advertising packet buffer length
* @return none
void blc_ll_initExtSecondaryAdvPacketBuffer(u8 *pSecAdv, int sec_adv_buf_len);
* @brief initialize Advertising Data buffer for all adv_set
* @param[in] pExtAdvData - extended advertising data buffer address
* @param[in] max_len_advData - extended advertising data buffer maximum length
* @return none
void blc_ll_initExtAdvDataBuffer(u8 *pExtAdvData, int max_len_advData);
* @brief initialize Scan Response Data Buffer for all adv_set
* @param[in] pScanRspData - extended scan response data buffer address
* @param[in] max_len_scanRspData - extended scan response data buffer maximum length
* @return none
void blc_ll_initExtScanRspDataBuffer(u8 *pScanRspData, int max_len_scanRspData);
* @brief This function is used to set the advertising parameters
* @param[in] advHandle - advertising handle
* @param[in] adv_evt_prop - advertising event property
* @param[in] pri_advIntervalMin - primary advertising channel interval maximum value
* @param[in] pri_advInter_max - primary advertising channel interval minimum value
* @param[in] pri_advChnMap - primary advertising channel map
* @param[in] ownAddrType - own address type
* @param[in] peerAddrType - peer address type
* @param[in] *peerAddr - peer address
* @param[in] advFilterPolicy - advertising filter policy
* @param[in] adv_tx_pow - advertising TX power
* @param[in] pri_adv_phy - primary advertising channel PHY type
* @param[in] sec_adv_max_skip - secondary advertising minimum skip number
* @param[in] sec_adv_phy - - primary advertising channel PHY type
* @param[in] adv_sid - advertising set id
* @param[in] scan_req_noti_en -scan response notify enable
* @return Status - 0x00: command succeeded;
others: failed
ble_sts_t blc_ll_setExtAdvParam( adv_handle_t advHandle, advEvtProp_type_t adv_evt_prop, u32 pri_advIntervalMin, u32 pri_advIntervalMax,
u8 pri_advChnMap, own_addr_type_t ownAddrType, u8 peerAddrType, u8 *peerAddr,
adv_fp_type_t advFilterPolicy, tx_power_t adv_tx_pow, le_phy_type_t pri_adv_phy, u8 sec_adv_max_skip,
le_phy_type_t sec_adv_phy, u8 adv_sid, u8 scan_req_noti_en);
* @brief This function is used to set the data used in advertising PDU that have a data field
* @param[in] advHandle - advertising handle
* @param[in] operation - Operation type
* @param[in] fragment_prefer -Fragment_Preference
* @param[in] advData_len - advertising data length
* @param[in] *advData - advertising data buffer address
* @return Status - 0x00: command succeeded; 0x01-0xFF: command failed
ble_sts_t blc_ll_setExtAdvData (u8 advHandle, data_oper_t operation, data_fragm_t fragment_prefer, u8 adv_dataLen, u8 *advdata);
* @brief This function is used to provide scan response data used in scanning response PDUs.
* @param[in] advHandle - advertising handle
* @param[in] operation - Operation type
* @param[in] fragment_prefer -Fragment_Preference
* @param[in] scanRsp_dataLen - advertising scan response data length
* @param[in] *scanRspData - advertising scan response data buffer address
* @return Status - 0x00: command succeeded; 0x01-0xFF: command failed
ble_sts_t blc_ll_setExtScanRspData(u8 advHandle, data_oper_t operation, data_fragm_t fragment_prefer, u8 scanRsp_dataLen, u8 *scanRspData);
* @brief This function is used to request the Controller to enable or disable one or more advertising sets using the
advertising sets identified by the adv_handle
* @param[in] extAdv_en -
* @param[in] advHandle - advertising handle
* @param[in] duration - the duration for which that advertising set is enabled
* Range: 0x0001 to 0xFFFF, Time = N * 10 ms, Time Range: 10 ms to 655,350 ms
* @param[in] max_extAdvEvt - Maximum number of extended advertising events the Controller shall
* attempt to send prior to terminating the extended advertising
* @return Status - 0x00: command succeeded; 0x01-0xFF: command failed
ble_sts_t blc_ll_setExtAdvEnable_1(u32 extAdv_en, u8 sets_num, u8 advHandle, u16 duration, u8 max_extAdvEvt);
* @brief used to set default S2/S8 mode for Extended advertising if Coded PHY is used, this
* @param[in] advHandle - advertising handle
* @param[in] prefer_CI - LE coding indication prefer
* @return Status - 0x00: command succeeded; 0x01-0xFF: command failed
ble_sts_t blc_ll_setDefaultExtAdvCodingIndication(u8 advHandle, le_ci_prefer_t prefer_CI);
* @brief this API is used to debug, setting one auxiliary data channel
* @param[in] aux_chn - auxiliary data channel, must be range of 0~36
* @return none
void blc_ll_setAuxAdvChnIdxByCustomers(u8 aux_chn);
* @brief this API is used to debug, setting maximum advertising random delay
* @param[in] max_delay_ms - maximum advertising random delay, unit :mS, only 8/4/2/1/0 available
* @return none
void blc_ll_setMaxAdvDelay_for_AdvEvent(u8 max_delay_ms);
#endif /* LL_ADV_EXT_H_ */