blob: 797620b54af60b184da3d7bde63a7b37147a6971 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android/hardware/neuralnetworks/1.0/types.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "CpuExecutor.h"
#include "HexagonController.h"
#include "HexagonOperations.h"
#include "HexagonUtils.h"
#include "OperationsUtils.h"
#include "hexagon_nn_controller/hexagon_nn_controller.h"
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace neuralnetworks {
namespace V1_0 {
namespace implementation {
namespace hexagon {
using ::android::nn::RunTimePoolInfo;
using ::android::nn::Shape;
using NeuralnetworksModel = ::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_0::Model;
// runtime operand information
struct OperandInfo {
// tensor information
OperandType type;
std::vector<uint32_t> dimensions;
// (optional) quantization paramters
float scale;
int32_t zeroPoint;
// lifetime
OperandLifeTime lifetime;
// data location
uint8_t* buffer;
uint32_t length;
// Hexagon nnlib identifiers
hexagon_nn_input hexagon_input;
hexagon_nn_input hexagon_input_min;
hexagon_nn_input hexagon_input_max;
hexagon_nn_output hexagon_output;
// interface wrapper
class Model {
// methods
Model() = delete;
Model(const Model&) = delete;
Model& operator=(const Model&) = delete;
Model(Model&& other);
Model& operator=(Model&& other);
Model(const NeuralnetworksModel& model);
std::string getLog();
std::string getGraph();
// model check
const int32_t* getPointer(uint32_t operand);
Shape getShape(uint32_t operand);
bool setShape(uint32_t operand, const Shape& shape);
bool isConstant(uint32_t operand);
// model prepare types
const hexagon_nn_input& getTensor(uint32_t operand);
const hexagon_nn_input& getQuantizationMin(uint32_t operand);
const hexagon_nn_input& getQuantizationMax(uint32_t operand);
hexagon_nn_input createQuantizationValue(uint32_t operand, int32_t quant_value);
hexagon_nn_input createConvFilterTensor(uint32_t operand);
hexagon_nn_input createDepthwiseFilterTensor(uint32_t operand, int32_t depth_multiplier);
hexagon_nn_input createFullyConnectedWeightTensor(uint32_t operand);
template <typename Type>
Type getScalar(uint32_t operand);
op_type getFloatActivation(uint32_t operand);
op_type getQuantizedActivation(uint32_t operand);
hexagon_nn_padding_type getPadding(uint32_t operand);
template <typename Type>
hexagon_nn_input createTensor(uint32_t B, uint32_t H, uint32_t W, uint32_t D,
const std::vector<Type>& values);
hexagon_nn_input createShape(uint32_t B, uint32_t H, uint32_t W, uint32_t D);
template <typename Type>
hexagon_nn_input createValues(const std::vector<Type>& values);
template <typename Type>
hexagon_nn_input createScalar(Type value);
// model prepare operations
bool addBasicOperation(op_type op, hexagon_nn_padding_type pad,
const std::vector<hexagon_nn_input>& inputs,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& outputs);
bool addFloatOperationWithActivation(op_type op, hexagon_nn_padding_type pad,
op_type activation,
const std::vector<hexagon_nn_input>& inputs,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& outputs);
bool addQuant8OperationWithActivation(op_type op, hexagon_nn_padding_type pad,
op_type activation,
const std::vector<hexagon_nn_input>& inputs,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& outputs);
bool addFusedFloatOperation(op_type op, hexagon_nn_padding_type pad,
const hexagon_nn_input& bias, op_type activation,
const std::vector<hexagon_nn_input>& inputs,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& outputs);
bool addFusedQuant8Operation(op_type op, hexagon_nn_padding_type pad,
const std::vector<hexagon_nn_input>& bias, op_type activation,
const std::vector<hexagon_nn_input>& inputs,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& outputs);
std::vector<bool> supportedOperations();
bool prepare();
bool execute(const Request& request);
uint32_t getNextNode();
uint32_t addOperationInternal(op_type op, hexagon_nn_padding_type pad,
const std::vector<hexagon_nn_input>& inputs,
const std::vector<hexagon_nn_output>& outputs);
hexagon_nn_input createTensorInternal(uint32_t B, uint32_t H, uint32_t W, uint32_t D,
const uint8_t* ptr, size_t size);
std::vector<hexagon_nn_input> setupActivationArgs(op_type op);
hexagon_nn_input addOperand(uint32_t operand);
std::vector<hexagon_nn_output> getHexagonOutputs(const std::vector<uint32_t>& operands);
bool registerHexagonInputs(const std::vector<uint32_t>& operands, uint32_t node);
bool verifyOperations();
bool verifyOperands();
bool addInputs();
bool addOperations();
bool addOutputs();
void clearModel();
// members
hexagon_nn_nn_id mGraphId;
uint32_t mNodeCount;
bool mCompiled;
std::vector<OperandInfo> mOperands;
std::vector<Operation> mOperations;
std::vector<uint32_t> mInputs;
std::vector<uint32_t> mOutputs;
std::vector<RunTimePoolInfo> mPools;
// template implementations
template <typename Type>
Type Model::getScalar(uint32_t operand) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const Type*>(mOperands[operand].buffer);
template <typename Type>
hexagon_nn_input Model::createTensor(uint32_t B, uint32_t H, uint32_t W, uint32_t D,
const std::vector<Type>& values) {
return createTensorInternal(B, H, W, D, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
values.size() * sizeof(Type));
template <typename Type>
hexagon_nn_input Model::createValues(const std::vector<Type>& values) {
return createTensor(1, 1, 1, values.size(), values);
template <typename Type>
hexagon_nn_input Model::createScalar(Type value) {
return createTensorInternal(1, 1, 1, 1, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&value), sizeof(Type));
} // namespace hexagon
} // namespace implementation
} // namespace V1_0
} // namespace neuralnetworks
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android