blob: e67cd0b4e35976d3fca5ecee92e51081ae1e5cce [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0-impl-hvx"
#include "HexagonModel.h"
#include "HexagonOperations.h"
#include "OperationsUtils.h"
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace neuralnetworks {
namespace V1_0 {
namespace implementation {
namespace hexagon {
using android::nn::Shape;
namespace {
bool addMul(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model, OperationType op) {
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(3, ins.size(), "Need 3 inputs for " << toString(op));
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(1, outs.size(), "Need 1 output for " << toString(op));
// get output size
const Shape in1Shape = model->getShape(ins[0]);
const Shape in2Shape = model->getShape(ins[1]);
Shape outShape = model->getShape(outs[0]);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(addMulPrepare(in1Shape, in2Shape, &outShape), "Error getting shape");
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(model->setShape(outs[0], outShape), "Error setting shape");
return true;
bool add(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
return addMul(ins, outs, model, OperationType::ADD);
bool mul(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
return addMul(ins, outs, model, OperationType::MUL);
bool pool(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model, OperationType op) {
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(ins.size() == 10 || ins.size() == 7,
"Need 7 or 10 inputs for " << toString(op));
// get parameters
const Shape inShape = model->getShape(ins[0]);
// setup parameters
int32_t padding_left;
int32_t padding_right;
int32_t padding_top;
int32_t padding_bottom;
int32_t stride_width;
int32_t stride_height;
int32_t filter_width;
int32_t filter_height;
// get parameters
if (ins.size() == 10) {
padding_left = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[1]);
padding_right = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[2]);
padding_top = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[3]);
padding_bottom = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[4]);
stride_width = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[5]);
stride_height = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[6]);
filter_width = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[7]);
filter_height = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[8]);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_NE(getPadding(filter_width, filter_height, padding_left,
padding_right, padding_top, padding_bottom),
NN_PAD_NA, "Unknown padding");
else {
const int32_t padding_implicit = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[1]);
stride_width = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[2]);
stride_height = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[3]);
filter_width = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[4]);
filter_height = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[5]);
nn::calculateExplicitPadding(inShape.dimensions[2], stride_width, filter_width,
padding_implicit, &padding_left, &padding_right);
nn::calculateExplicitPadding(inShape.dimensions[1], stride_height, filter_height,
padding_implicit, &padding_top, &padding_bottom);
// get output size
Shape outShape = model->getShape(outs[0]);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(genericPoolingPrepare(inShape, padding_left, padding_right, padding_top,
padding_bottom, stride_width, stride_height,
filter_width, filter_height, &outShape),
"Error getting shape");
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(model->setShape(outs[0], outShape), "Error setting shape");
return true;
bool average_pool_2d(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
return pool(ins, outs, model, OperationType::AVERAGE_POOL_2D);
bool l2_pool_2d(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
return pool(ins, outs, model, OperationType::L2_POOL_2D);
bool max_pool_2d(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
return pool(ins, outs, model, OperationType::MAX_POOL_2D);
bool concatenation(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
std::string name = toString(OperationType::CONCATENATION);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_LE(3, ins.size(), "Need at least 3 inputs for " << name);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(1, outs.size(), "Need 1 output for " << name);
const size_t numInputTensors = ins.size() - 1;
const int32_t axis = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[numInputTensors]);
// get output size
std::vector<Shape> inShapes(numInputTensors);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numInputTensors; ++i) {
inShapes[i] = model->getShape(ins[i]);
Shape outShape = model->getShape(outs[0]);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(concatenationPrepare(inShapes, axis, &outShape), "Error getting shape");
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(model->setShape(outs[0], outShape), "Error setting shape");
return true;
bool conv_2d(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
std::string name = toString(OperationType::CONV_2D);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(ins.size() == 10 || ins.size() == 7, "Need 7 or 10 inputs for " << name);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(1, outs.size(), "Need 1 output for " << name);
// setup shapes
const Shape inputShape = model->getShape(ins[0]);
const Shape filterShape = model->getShape(ins[1]);
const Shape biasShape = model->getShape(ins[2]);
// setup parameters
int32_t padding_left;
int32_t padding_right;
int32_t padding_top;
int32_t padding_bottom;
int32_t stride_width;
int32_t stride_height;
// get parameters
if (ins.size() == 10) {
padding_left = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[3]);
padding_right = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[4]);
padding_top = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[5]);
padding_bottom = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[6]);
stride_width = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[7]);
stride_height = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[8]);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_NE(getPadding(filterShape.dimensions[2], filterShape.dimensions[1],
padding_left, padding_right,
padding_top, padding_bottom),
NN_PAD_NA, "Unknown padding");
else {
const int32_t padding_implicit = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[3]);
stride_width = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[4]);
stride_height = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[5]);
nn::calculateExplicitPadding(inputShape.dimensions[2], stride_width,
filterShape.dimensions[2], padding_implicit,
&padding_left, &padding_right);
nn::calculateExplicitPadding(inputShape.dimensions[1], stride_height,
filterShape.dimensions[1], padding_implicit,
&padding_top, &padding_bottom);
// get output size
Shape outShape = model->getShape(outs[0]);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(convPrepare(inputShape, filterShape, biasShape, padding_left,
padding_right, padding_top, padding_bottom, stride_width,
stride_height, &outShape), "Error getting shape");
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(model->setShape(outs[0], outShape), "Error setting shape");
// enforce filter is a constant
name << "requires filter to be constant data");
return true;
bool depthwise_conv_2d(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
std::string name = toString(OperationType::DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(ins.size() == 8 || ins.size() == 11, "Need 8 or 11 inputs for " << name);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(1, outs.size(), "Need 1 output for " << name);
// setup shapes
const Shape inputShape = model->getShape(ins[0]);
const Shape filterShape = model->getShape(ins[1]);
const Shape biasShape = model->getShape(ins[2]);
// setup parameters
int32_t padding_left;
int32_t padding_right;
int32_t padding_top;
int32_t padding_bottom;
int32_t stride_width;
int32_t stride_height;
// get parameters
if (ins.size() == 11) {
padding_left = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[3]);
padding_right = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[4]);
padding_top = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[5]);
padding_bottom = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[6]);
stride_width = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[7]);
stride_height = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[8]);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_NE(getPadding(filterShape.dimensions[2], filterShape.dimensions[1],
padding_left, padding_right,
padding_top, padding_bottom),
NN_PAD_NA, "Unknown padding");
else {
const int32_t padding_implicit = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[3]);
stride_width = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[4]);
stride_height = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[5]);
nn::calculateExplicitPadding(inputShape.dimensions[2], stride_width,
filterShape.dimensions[2], padding_implicit,
&padding_left, &padding_right);
nn::calculateExplicitPadding(inputShape.dimensions[1], stride_height,
filterShape.dimensions[1], padding_implicit,
&padding_top, &padding_bottom);
// get output size
Shape outShape = model->getShape(outs[0]);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(depthwiseConvPrepare(inputShape, filterShape, biasShape, padding_left,
padding_right, padding_top, padding_bottom,
stride_width, stride_height, &outShape),
"Error getting shape");
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(model->setShape(outs[0], outShape), "Error setting shape");
// enforce filter is a constant
name << " requires filter to be constant data");
return true;
bool dequantize(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
std::string name = toString(OperationType::DEQUANTIZE);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(1, ins.size(), "Need 1 input for " << name);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(1, outs.size(), "Need 1 output for " << name);
// get output size
const Shape inputShape = model->getShape(ins[0]);
Shape outShape = model->getShape(outs[0]);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(dequantizePrepare(inputShape, &outShape), "Error getting shape");
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(model->setShape(outs[0], outShape), "Error setting shape");
return true;
bool fully_connected(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
std::string name = toString(OperationType::FULLY_CONNECTED);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(4, ins.size(), "Need 4 inputs for " << name);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(1, outs.size(), "Need 1 output for " << name);
// get output size
const Shape inputShape = model->getShape(ins[0]);
const Shape weightsShape = model->getShape(ins[1]);
const Shape biasShape = model->getShape(ins[2]);
Shape outShape = model->getShape(outs[0]);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(fullyConnectedPrepare(inputShape, weightsShape, biasShape, &outShape),
"Error getting shape");
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(model->setShape(outs[0], outShape), "Error setting shape");
// enforce weight is a constant
name << "requires weight to be constant data");
return true;
bool local_response_normalization(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
std::string name = toString(OperationType::LOCAL_RESPONSE_NORMALIZATION);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(5, ins.size(), "Need 5 inputs for " << name);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(1, outs.size(), "Need 1 output for " << name);
// get output size
const Shape inShape = model->getShape(ins[0]);
Shape outShape = model->getShape(outs[0]);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(genericNormalizationPrepare(inShape, &outShape), "Error getting shape");
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(model->setShape(outs[0], outShape), "Error setting shape");
return true;
bool activation(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model, uint32_t numInputs, OperationType op) {
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(numInputs, ins.size(), "Need " << numInputs << " input for "
<< toString(op));
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(1, outs.size(), "Need 1 output for " << toString(op));
// get output size
const Shape inShape = model->getShape(ins[0]);
Shape outShape = model->getShape(outs[0]);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(genericActivationPrepare(inShape, &outShape), "Error getting shape");
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(model->setShape(outs[0], outShape), "Error setting shape");
return true;
bool logistic(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
return activation(ins, outs, model, 1, OperationType::LOGISTIC);
bool relu(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
return activation(ins, outs, model, 1, OperationType::RELU);
bool relu1(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
return activation(ins, outs, model, 1, OperationType::RELU1);
bool relu6(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
return activation(ins, outs, model, 1, OperationType::RELU6);
bool softmax(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
return activation(ins, outs, model, 2, OperationType::SOFTMAX);
bool tanh(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
return activation(ins, outs, model, 1, OperationType::TANH);
bool reshape(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
std::string name = toString(OperationType::RESHAPE);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(2, ins.size(), "Need 2 inputs for " << name);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(1, outs.size(), "Need 1 output for " << name);
// get output size
const Shape inShape = model->getShape(ins[0]);
const Shape targetShape = model->getShape(ins[1]);
const int32_t* targetShapePtr = model->getPointer(ins[1]);
int32_t targetShapeNumElem = ::android::nn::getNumberOfElements(targetShape);
Shape outShape = model->getShape(outs[0]);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(targetShapePtr != nullptr, "pointer value is currently nullptr");
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(reshapePrepare(inShape, targetShapePtr, targetShapeNumElem, &outShape),
"Error getting shape");
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(model->setShape(outs[0], outShape), "Error setting shape");
return true;
bool resize_bilinear(const std::vector<uint32_t>& ins, const std::vector<uint32_t>& outs,
HexagonModel* model) {
std::string name = toString(OperationType::RESIZE_BILINEAR);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(3, ins.size(), "Need 3 inputs for " << name);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT_EQ(1, outs.size(), "Need 1 output for " << name);
// get parameters
const int32_t width = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[1]);
const int32_t height = model->getScalar<int32_t>(ins[2]);
// get output size
const Shape inShape = model->getShape(ins[0]);
Shape outShape = model->getShape(outs[0]);
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(resizeBilinearPrepare(inShape, width, height, &outShape),
"Error getting shape");
HEXAGON_SOFT_ASSERT(model->setShape(outs[0], outShape), "Error setting shape");
return true;
} // namespace
OperationCheckTable& getOperationCheckTable() {
static OperationCheckTable table = {
{OperationType::ADD, add },
{OperationType::AVERAGE_POOL_2D, average_pool_2d },
{OperationType::CONCATENATION, concatenation },
{OperationType::CONV_2D, conv_2d },
{OperationType::DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D, depthwise_conv_2d },
// {OperationType::DEPTH_TO_SPACE, depth_to_space },
{OperationType::DEQUANTIZE, dequantize },
// {OperationType::EMBEDDING_LOOKUP, embedding_lookup },
// {OperationType::FLOOR, floor },
{OperationType::FULLY_CONNECTED, fully_connected },
// {OperationType::HASHTABLE_LOOKUP, hashtable_lookup },
// {OperationType::L2_NORMALIZATION, l2_normalization },
{OperationType::L2_POOL_2D, l2_pool_2d },
{OperationType::LOCAL_RESPONSE_NORMALIZATION, local_response_normalization},
{OperationType::LOGISTIC, logistic },
// {OperationType::LSH_PROJECTION, lsh_projection },
// {OperationType::LSTM, lstm },
{OperationType::MAX_POOL_2D, max_pool_2d },
{OperationType::MUL, mul },
{OperationType::RELU, relu },
{OperationType::RELU1, relu1 },
{OperationType::RELU6, relu6 },
{OperationType::RESHAPE, reshape },
{OperationType::RESIZE_BILINEAR, resize_bilinear },
// {OperationType::RNN, rnn },
{OperationType::SOFTMAX, softmax },
// {OperationType::SPACE_TO_DEPTH, space_to_depth },
// {OperationType::SVDF, svdf },
{OperationType::TANH, tanh },
return table;
} // namespace hexagon
} // namespace implementation
} // namespace V1_0
} // namespace neuralnetworks
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android