Camera3: Use the snapshot format for input buffer size calculations

The input buffer sent for reprocessing will have ZSL usage flag
and hence we need to calculate the buffer offsets using the snapshot
stream size and padding information.

Bug: 21934891
Change-Id: Ic89b9df02fec9747caf782e54a6769eed4f664ea
diff --git a/QCamera2/HAL3/QCamera3Channel.cpp b/QCamera2/HAL3/QCamera3Channel.cpp
index ebf1199..d9e61a5 100644
--- a/QCamera2/HAL3/QCamera3Channel.cpp
+++ b/QCamera2/HAL3/QCamera3Channel.cpp
@@ -1082,59 +1082,14 @@
     reproc_cfg.stream_format = streamFormat;
     reproc_cfg.reprocess_type = getReprocessType();
-    //offset calculation
-    if (NULL != pInputBuffer) {
-        switch (pInputBuffer->stream->format) {
-            case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCbCr_420_888:
-                reproc_cfg.stream_type = CAM_STREAM_TYPE_CALLBACK;
-                reproc_cfg.stream_format = CALLBACK_FORMAT;
-                rc = mm_stream_calc_offset_preview(streamFormat, &reproc_cfg.input_stream_dim,
-                          &reproc_cfg.input_stream_plane_info);
-                break;
-               {
-                   if (pInputBuffer->stream->usage & GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_VIDEO_ENCODER) {
-                       reproc_cfg.stream_type = CAM_STREAM_TYPE_VIDEO;
-                       reproc_cfg.stream_format = VIDEO_FORMAT;
-                       rc = mm_stream_calc_offset_video(&reproc_cfg.input_stream_dim,
-                               &reproc_cfg.input_stream_plane_info);
-                   } else if(pInputBuffer->stream->usage & GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_CAMERA_ZSL){
-                       reproc_cfg.stream_type = CAM_STREAM_TYPE_SNAPSHOT;
-                       reproc_cfg.stream_format = SNAPSHOT_FORMAT;
-                       rc = mm_stream_calc_offset_snapshot(streamFormat,
-                               &reproc_cfg.input_stream_dim, reproc_cfg.padding,
-                               &reproc_cfg.input_stream_plane_info);
-                   } else {
-                       reproc_cfg.stream_type = CAM_STREAM_TYPE_PREVIEW;
-                       reproc_cfg.stream_format = PREVIEW_FORMAT;
-                       rc = mm_stream_calc_offset_preview(streamFormat,
-                               &reproc_cfg.input_stream_dim,
-                               &reproc_cfg.input_stream_plane_info);
-                   }
-               }
-               break;
-            case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW_OPAQUE:
-            case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW16:
-            case HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW10:
-                reproc_cfg.stream_type = CAM_STREAM_TYPE_RAW;
-                reproc_cfg.stream_format = RAW_FORMAT;
-                rc = mm_stream_calc_offset_raw(streamFormat, &reproc_cfg.input_stream_dim,
-                       reproc_cfg.padding, &reproc_cfg.input_stream_plane_info);
-                break;
-            default:
-                reproc_cfg.stream_type = CAM_STREAM_TYPE_SNAPSHOT;
-                reproc_cfg.stream_format = SNAPSHOT_FORMAT;
-                rc = mm_stream_calc_offset_snapshot(streamFormat, &reproc_cfg.input_stream_dim,
-                        reproc_cfg.padding, &reproc_cfg.input_stream_plane_info);
-                break;
-        }
-        if (rc != 0) {
-            ALOGE("%s: Stream %d plane info calculation failed!", __func__, mStreamType);
-        }
-        CDBG("%s: reproc_cfg.stream_type = %d, reproc_cfg.stream_format = %d", __func__,
+    //any input buffer will be of the ZSL format so use the snapshot offset calculations
+    reproc_cfg.stream_type = CAM_STREAM_TYPE_SNAPSHOT;
+    reproc_cfg.stream_format = SNAPSHOT_FORMAT;
+    rc = mm_stream_calc_offset_snapshot(streamFormat,
+                 &reproc_cfg.input_stream_dim, reproc_cfg.padding,
+                 &reproc_cfg.input_stream_plane_info);
+    CDBG("%s: reproc_cfg.stream_type = %d, reproc_cfg.stream_format = %d", __func__,
               reproc_cfg.stream_type, reproc_cfg.stream_format);
-    }
     return rc;