Temporary patch for issue 2419260.

Comment out code that causes kernel crash reported in issue 2419260 until HTC provides a real fix.
diff --git a/libaudio-qsd8k/AudioHardware.cpp b/libaudio-qsd8k/AudioHardware.cpp
index 7764b4c..bc3a06d 100644
--- a/libaudio-qsd8k/AudioHardware.cpp
+++ b/libaudio-qsd8k/AudioHardware.cpp
@@ -756,25 +756,31 @@
             && (device == (int) SND_DEVICE_BT
             || device == (int) SND_DEVICE_BT_EC_OFF)) {
         if (mBluetoothIdTx != 0) {
-        rx_acdb_id = mBluetoothIdRx;
-        tx_acdb_id = mBluetoothIdTx;
-    } else {
-            /* use default BT entry defined in AudioBTID.csv */
-            rx_acdb_id = mBTEndpoints[0].rx;
-            tx_acdb_id = mBTEndpoints[0].tx;
-            LOGD("Update ACDB ID to default BT setting\n");
+            rx_acdb_id = mBluetoothIdRx;
+            tx_acdb_id = mBluetoothIdTx;
+// FIXME: temporarily comment out code that causes kernel crash reported in
+// issue 2419260 until HTC provides a real fix
+//        else {
+//                /* use default BT entry defined in AudioBTID.csv */
+//                rx_acdb_id = mBTEndpoints[0].rx;
+//                tx_acdb_id = mBTEndpoints[0].tx;
+//                LOGD("Update ACDB ID to default BT setting\n");
+//            }
     } else if (mMode == AudioSystem::MODE_IN_CALL
             && device == (int) SND_DEVICE_CARKIT) {
         if (mBluetoothIdTx != 0) {
             rx_acdb_id = mBluetoothIdRx;
             tx_acdb_id = mBluetoothIdTx;
-        } else {
-            /* use default carkit entry defined in AudioBTID.csv */
-            rx_acdb_id = mBTEndpoints[1].rx;
-            tx_acdb_id = mBTEndpoints[1].tx;
-            LOGD("Update ACDB ID to default carkit setting");
+// FIXME: temporarily comment out code that causes kernel crash reported in
+// issue 2419260 until HTC provides a real fix
+//        else {
+//            /* use default carkit entry defined in AudioBTID.csv */
+//            rx_acdb_id = mBTEndpoints[1].rx;
+//            tx_acdb_id = mBTEndpoints[1].tx;
+//            LOGD("Update ACDB ID to default carkit setting");
+//        }
     } else if (mMode == AudioSystem::MODE_IN_CALL && hac_enable && mHACSetting) {
         LOGE("Update acdb id to hac profile.");
         rx_acdb_id = ACDB_ID_HAC_HANDSET_SPKR;