Fix issue 2641884: Bluetooth volume is dependent on in call volume.

The problem is that the code in AudioPolicyManagerBase::checkAndSetVolume() that forces
voice volume to max when setting bluetooth SCO volume is not called if the bluetooth stream
volume did not actually change. So even if we re apply volumes when switching to bluetooth
device, the voice volume is not changed in audio HAL and remains what it was when routed to earpiece.
What makes things worse on Passion is that stream volumes are limited when connected to bluetooth
and their actual value does not change as soon as they exceed the limit threshold.

Change-Id: Ieb72a71e06e9b3079cc8bc76c78ce83e060a2ea2
diff --git a/include/hardware_legacy/AudioPolicyManagerBase.h b/include/hardware_legacy/AudioPolicyManagerBase.h
index 51dc684..8ffaad9 100644
--- a/include/hardware_legacy/AudioPolicyManagerBase.h
+++ b/include/hardware_legacy/AudioPolicyManagerBase.h
@@ -302,6 +302,7 @@
         nsecs_t mMusicStopTime;                                             // time when last music stream was stopped
         bool    mLimitRingtoneVolume;                                       // limit ringtone volume to music volume if headset connected
         uint32_t mDeviceForStrategy[NUM_STRATEGIES];
+        float   mLastVoiceVolume;                                           // last voice volume value sent to audio HAL
         // Maximum CPU load allocated to audio effects in 0.1 MIPS (ARMv5TE, 0 WS memory) units
         static const uint32_t MAX_EFFECTS_CPU_LOAD = 1000;