Merge "Add new certificate tags defination for KeyMint V1."
diff --git a/include/hardware/keymaster_defs.h b/include/hardware/keymaster_defs.h
index d4b62b7..f4bed73 100644
--- a/include/hardware/keymaster_defs.h
+++ b/include/hardware/keymaster_defs.h
@@ -189,6 +189,16 @@
     KM_TAG_CONFIRMATION_TOKEN = KM_BYTES | 1005,     /* used to deliver a cryptographic token
                                                         proving that the user confirmed a signing
                                                         request. */
+    KM_TAG_CERTIFICATE_SERIAL = KM_UINT | 1006,      /* The serial number that should be
+                                                        set in the attestation certificate
+                                                        to be generated. */
+    KM_TAG_CERTIFICATE_SUBJECT = KM_BYTES | 1007,    /* A DER-encoded X.500 subject that should be
+                                                        set in the attestation certificate
+                                                        to be generated. */
 } keymaster_tag_t;