blob: 8ae293b2d3f7c095a52e561f2393122850ccdfb5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.identity;
import android.hardware.identity.Certificate;
import android.hardware.identity.RequestNamespace;
import android.hardware.identity.SecureAccessControlProfile;
import android.hardware.identity.IWritableIdentityCredential;
import android.hardware.keymaster.HardwareAuthToken;
import android.hardware.keymaster.VerificationToken;
interface IIdentityCredential {
* Delete a credential.
* This method returns a COSE_Sign1 data structure signed by CredentialKey
* with payload set to the ProofOfDeletion CBOR below:
* ProofOfDeletion = [
* "ProofOfDeletion", ; tstr
* tstr, ; DocType
* bool ; true if this is a test credential, should
* ; always be false.
* ]
* After this method has been called, the persistent storage used for credentialData should
* be deleted.
* This method was deprecated in API version 3 because there's no challenge so freshness
* can't be checked. Use deleteCredentalWithChallenge() instead.
* @return a COSE_Sign1 signature described above
* @deprecated use deleteCredentalWithChallenge() instead.
byte[] deleteCredential();
* Creates an ephemeral EC key pair, for use in establishing a seceure session with a reader.
* This method returns the private key so the caller can perform an ECDH key agreement operation
* with the reader. The reason for generating the key pair in the secure environment is so that
* the secure environment knows what public key to expect to find in the session transcript.
* The generated key must be an EC key using the P-256 curve.
* This method may only be called once per instance. If called more than once, STATUS_FAILED
* will be returned.
* @return the private key, in DER format as specified in RFC 5915.
byte[] createEphemeralKeyPair();
* Sets the public part of the reader's ephemeral key pair.
* This method may only be called once per instance. If called more than once, STATUS_FAILED
* will be returned.
* @param publicKey contains the reader's ephemeral public key, in uncompressed
* form (e.g. 0x04 || X || Y).
void setReaderEphemeralPublicKey(in byte[] publicKey);
* Creates a challenge value to be used for proving successful user authentication. This
* is included in the authToken passed to the startRetrieval() method and the
* verificationToken passed to the setVerificationToken() method.
* This method may only be called once per instance. If called more than once, STATUS_FAILED
* will be returned. If user authentication is not needed, this method may not be called.
* @return challenge, a non-zero number.
long createAuthChallenge();
* Start an entry retrieval process.
* The setRequestedNamespaces() and setVerificationToken() methods will be called before
* this method is called.
* This method is called after createEphemeralKeyPair(), setReaderEphemeralPublicKey(),
* createAuthChallenge() (note that those calls are optional) and before startRetrieveEntry().
* This method call is followed by multiple calls of startRetrieveEntryValue(),
* retrieveEntryValue(), and finally finishRetrieval().
* It is permissible to perform data retrievals multiple times using the same instance (e.g.
* startRetrieval(), then multiple calls of startRetrieveEntryValue(), retrieveEntryValue(),
* then finally finishRetrieval()) but if this is done, the sessionTranscript parameter
* must be identical for each startRetrieval() invocation. If this is not the case, this call
* If either authToken or verificationToken (as passed with setVerificationToken())
* is not valid this method fails with STATUS_INVALID_AUTH_TOKEN. Note that valid tokens
* are only passed if they are actually needed and available (this can be detected by
* the timestamp being set to zero). For example, if no data items with access control
* profiles using user authentication are requested, the tokens are not filled in.
* It's also possible that no usable auth token is actually available (it could be the user
* never unlocked the device within the timeouts in the access control profiles) and
* in this case the tokens aren't filled in either.
* For test credentials (identified by the testCredential boolean in the CredentialData
* CBOR created at provisioning time), the |mac| field in both the authToken and
* verificationToken should not be checked against the shared HMAC key (see IKeyMasterDevice
* for details). This is to enable VTS tests to check for correct behavior.
* Each of the provided accessControlProfiles is checked in this call. If they are not
* all valid, the call fails with STATUS_INVALID_DATA.
* For the itemsRequest parameter, the content can be defined in the way appropriate for
* the credential, but there are three requirements that must be met to work with this HAL:
* 1. The content must be a CBOR-encoded structure.
* 2. The CBOR structure must be a map.
* 3. The map must contain a tstr key "nameSpaces" whose value contains a map, as described in
* the example below.
* If these requirements are not met the startRetrieval() call fails with
* Here's an example of ItemsRequest CBOR which conforms to this requirement:
* ItemsRequest = {
* ? "docType" : DocType,
* "nameSpaces" : NameSpaces,
* ? "requestInfo" : {* tstr => any} ; Additional info the reader wants to provide
* }
* DocType = tstr
* NameSpaces = {
* + NameSpace => DataElements ; Requested data elements for each NameSpace
* }
* NameSpace = tstr
* DataElements = {
* + DataElement => IntentToRetain
* }
* DataElement = tstr
* IntentToRetain = bool
* For the readerSignature parameter, this can either be empty or if non-empty it
* must be a COSE_Sign1 where the payload is the bytes of the
* ReaderAuthenticationBytes CBOR defined below:
* ReaderAuthentication = [
* "ReaderAuthentication",
* SessionTranscript,
* ItemsRequestBytes
* ]
* SessionTranscript = any
* ItemsRequestBytes = #6.24(bstr .cbor ItemsRequest)
* ReaderAuthenticationBytes = #6.24(bstr .cbor ReaderAuthentication)
* The public key corresponding to the key used to made signature, can be found in the
* 'x5chain' unprotected header element of the COSE_Sign1 structure (as as described
* in 'draft-ietf-cose-x509-04'). There will be at least one certificate in said element
* and there may be more (and if so, each certificate must be signed by its successor).
* This is checked and if the check fails the call fails with
* The SessionTranscript CBOR is conveyed in the sessionTranscript parameter. It
* is permissible for this to be empty in which case the readerSignature parameter
* must also be empty. If this is not the case, the call fails with STATUS_FAILED.
* If the SessionTranscript CBOR is not empty, the X and Y coordinates of the public
* part of the key-pair previously generated by createEphemeralKeyPair() must appear
* somewhere in the bytes of the CBOR. Each of these coordinates must appear encoded
* with the most significant bits first and use the exact amount of bits indicated by
* the key size of the ephemeral keys. For example, if the ephemeral key is using the
* P-256 curve then the 32 bytes for the X coordinate encoded with the most significant
* bits first must appear somewhere in the CBOR and ditto for the 32 bytes for the Y
* coordinate. If this is not satisfied, the call fails with
* @param accessControlProfiles
* Access control profiles that are required to retrieve the entries that are going to be
* requested with IIdentityCredential.retrieveEntryValue(). See above.
* @param authToken
* The authentication token that proves the user was authenticated, as required
* by one or more of the provided accessControlProfiles. This token is only valid
* if the timestamp field is non-zero. See above.
* @param itemsRequest
* If non-empty, contains request data that is signed by the reader. See above.
* @param signingKeyBlob is either empty or a signingKeyBlob (see generateSigningKeyPair(),
* below) containing the signing key to use to sign the data retrieved. If this
* is not in the right format the call fails with STATUS_INVALID_DATA.
* @param sessionTranscript
* Either empty or the CBOR of the SessionTranscript. See above.
* @param readerSignature
* readerSignature is either empty or contains a CBOR_Sign1 structure. See above.
* @param requestCounts
* requestCounts specifies the number of data items that are going to be requested, per
* namespace. The number of elements in the vector must be the number of namespaces for which
* data items will be requested in retrieveEntryValue() calls, and the values of the elments
* must be the number of items from each namespace, in order, that will be requested in
* retrieveEntryValue() calls.
* Note that it's the caller's responsibility to ensure that the counts correspond to the
* retrieveEntryValue() calls that will be made, and that every retrieveEntryValue() call
* will succeed (i.e. that the access control profile checks will succeed). This means that
* it's the responsibility of the caller to determine which access control checks will fail
* and remove the corresponding requests from the counts.
void startRetrieval(in SecureAccessControlProfile[] accessControlProfiles,
in HardwareAuthToken authToken, in byte[] itemsRequest, in byte[] signingKeyBlob,
in byte[] sessionTranscript, in byte[] readerSignature, in int[] requestCounts);
* Starts retrieving an entry, subject to access control requirements. Entries must be
* retrieved in namespace groups as specified in the requestCounts parameter.
* If the requestData parameter as passed to startRetrieval() was non-empty
* this method must only be called with entries specified in that field. If this
* requirement is not met, the call fails with STATUS_NOT_IN_REQUEST_MESSAGE.
* If nameSpace or name is empty this call fails with STATUS_INVALID_DATA.
* Each access control profile for the entry is checked. If user authentication
* is required and the supplied auth token doesn't provide it the call fails
* with STATUS_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED. If reader authentication is required and
* a suitable reader certificate chain isn't presented, the call fails with
* It is permissible to keep retrieving values if an access control check fails.
* @param nameSpace is the namespace of the element, e.g. "org.iso.18013.5.1"
* @param name is the name of the element, e.g. "driving_privileges".
* @param entrySize is the size of the entry value encoded in CBOR.
* @param accessControlProfileIds specifies the set of access control profiles that can
* authorize access to the provisioned element. If an identifier of a profile
* is given and this profile wasn't passed to startRetrieval() this call fails
void startRetrieveEntryValue(in @utf8InCpp String nameSpace, in @utf8InCpp String name,
in int entrySize, in int[] accessControlProfileIds);
* Retrieves an entry value, or part of one, if the entry value is larger than gcmChunkSize.
* May only be called after startRetrieveEntry().
* If the passed in data is not authentic, can't be decrypted, is of the wrong size, or can't
* be decoded, this call fails with STATUS_INVALID_DATA.
* @param encryptedContent contains the encrypted and MACed content.
* @return the entry value as CBOR, or part of the entry value in the case the
* content exceeds gcmChunkSize in length.
byte[] retrieveEntryValue(in byte[] encryptedContent);
* End retrieval of data, optionally returning a message authentication code over the
* returned data.
* If signingKeyBlob or the sessionTranscript parameter passed to startRetrieval() is
* empty then the returned MAC will be empty.
* @param out mac is empty if signingKeyBlob or the sessionTranscript passed to
* startRetrieval() is empty. Otherwise it is a COSE_Mac0 with empty payload
* and the detached content is set to DeviceAuthenticationBytes as defined below.
* This code is produced by using the key agreement and key derivation function
* from the ciphersuite with the authentication private key and the reader
* ephemeral public key to compute a shared message authentication code (MAC)
* key, then using the MAC function from the ciphersuite to compute a MAC of
* the authenticated data. See section of ISO/IEC 18013-5 for details
* of this operation.
* DeviceAuthentication = [
* "DeviceAuthentication",
* SessionTranscript,
* DocType,
* DeviceNameSpacesBytes,
* ]
* DocType = tstr
* SessionTranscript = any
* DeviceNameSpacesBytes = #6.24(bstr .cbor DeviceNameSpaces)
* DeviceAuthenticationBytes = #6.24(bstr .cbor DeviceAuthentication)
* where
* DeviceNameSpaces = {
* * NameSpace => DeviceSignedItems
* }
* DeviceSignedItems = {
* + DataItemName => DataItemValue
* }
* Namespace = tstr
* DataItemName = tstr
* DataItemValue = any
* @param out deviceNameSpaces the bytes of DeviceNameSpaces.
void finishRetrieval(out byte[] mac, out byte[] deviceNameSpaces);
* Generate a key pair to be used for signing session data and retrieved data items.
* The generated key must be an EC key using the P-256 curve.
* This method shall return just a single X.509 certificate which is signed by CredentialKey.
* When combined with the certificate chain returned at provisioning time by
* getAttestationCertificate() on IWritableIdentityCredential (for the credential key), this
* forms a chain all the way from the root of trust to the generated key.
* The public part of a signing key is usually included in issuer-signed data and is
* used for anti-cloning purposes or as a mechanism for the issuer to attest to data
* generated on the device.
* The following non-optional fields for the X.509 certificate shall be set as follows:
* - version: INTEGER 2 (means v3 certificate).
* - serialNumber: INTEGER 1 (fixed value: same on all certs).
* - signature: must be set to ECDSA.
* - subject: CN shall be set to "Android Identity Credential Authentication Key". (fixed
* value: same on all certs)
* - issuer: CN shall be set to "Android Identity Credential Key". (fixed value:
* same on all certs)
* - validity: should be from current time and one year in the future (365 days).
* - subjectPublicKeyInfo: must contain attested public key.
* As of API version 3, the certificate shall also have an X.509 extension at
* OID which shall contain an OCTET STRING with the
* bytes of the CBOR with the following CDDL:
* ProofOfBinding = [
* "ProofOfBinding",
* bstr, // Contains SHA-256(ProofOfProvisioning)
* ]
* This CBOR enables an issuer to determine the exact state of the credential it
* returns issuer-signed data for.
* @param out signingKeyBlob contains an AES-GCM-ENC(storageKey, R, signingKey, docType)
* where signingKey is an EC private key in uncompressed form. That is, the returned
* blob is an encrypted copy of the newly-generated private signing key.
* @return an X.509 certificate for the new signing key, signed by the credential key.
Certificate generateSigningKeyPair(out byte[] signingKeyBlob);
* Sets the namespaces and data items (including their size and access control profiles)
* which will be requested. This method must be called before startRetrieval() is called.
* This information is provided to make it possible for a HAL implementation to
* incrementally build up cryptographically authenticated data which includes the
* DeviceNameSpaces CBOR.
* @param requestNamespaces Namespaces and data items which will be requested.
void setRequestedNamespaces(in RequestNamespace[] requestNamespaces);
* Sets the VerificationToken. This method must be called before startRetrieval() is
* called. This token uses the same challenge as returned by createAuthChallenge().
* @param verificationToken
* The verification token. This token is only valid if the timestamp field is non-zero.
void setVerificationToken(in VerificationToken verificationToken);
* Delete a credential.
* This method returns a COSE_Sign1 data structure signed by CredentialKey
* with payload set to the ProofOfDeletion CBOR below:
* ProofOfDeletion = [
* "ProofOfDeletion", ; tstr
* tstr, ; DocType
* bstr, ; Challenge
* bool ; true if this is a test credential, should
* ; always be false.
* ]
* After this method has been called, the persistent storage used for credentialData should
* be deleted.
* This method was introduced in API version 3.
* @param challenge a challenge set by the issuer to ensure freshness. Maximum size is 32 bytes
* and it may be empty. Fails with STATUS_INVALID_DATA if bigger than 32 bytes.
* @return a COSE_Sign1 signature described above.
byte[] deleteCredentialWithChallenge(in byte[] challenge);
* Prove ownership of credential.
* This method returns a COSE_Sign1 data structure signed by CredentialKey with payload
* set to the ProofOfOwnership CBOR below.
* ProofOfOwnership = [
* "ProofOfOwnership", ; tstr
* tstr, ; DocType
* bstr, ; Challenge
* bool ; true if this is a test credential, should
* ; always be false.
* ]
* This method was introduced in API version 3.
* @param challenge a challenge set by the issuer to ensure freshness. Maximum size is 32 bytes
* and it may be empty. Fails with STATUS_INVALID_DATA if bigger than 32 bytes.
* @return a COSE_Sign1 signature described above.
byte[] proveOwnership(in byte[] challenge);
* Called to start updating the credential with new data items.
* If the getAttestationCertificate() method is called on the returned object
* it fails with the error STATUS_FAILED.
* This method was introduced in API version 3.
* @return an IWritableIdentityCredential
IWritableIdentityCredential updateCredential();