blob: a96fd466bcf100d95e4622024d72c385b91d4f18 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "android.hardware.cas-DescramblerImpl"
#include <aidlcommonsupport/NativeHandle.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <media/cas/DescramblerAPI.h>
#include <media/hardware/CryptoAPI.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/AUtils.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include "DescramblerImpl.h"
#include "TypeConvert.h"
namespace aidl {
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace cas {
#define CHECK_SUBSAMPLE_DEF(type) \
static_assert(sizeof(SubSample) == sizeof(type::SubSample), "SubSample: size doesn't match"); \
static_assert(offsetof(SubSample, numBytesOfClearData) == \
offsetof(type::SubSample, mNumBytesOfClearData), \
"SubSample: numBytesOfClearData offset doesn't match"); \
static_assert(offsetof(SubSample, numBytesOfEncryptedData) == \
offsetof(type::SubSample, mNumBytesOfEncryptedData), \
"SubSample: numBytesOfEncryptedData offset doesn't match")
DescramblerImpl::DescramblerImpl(DescramblerPlugin* plugin) : mPluginHolder(plugin) {
ALOGV("CTOR: plugin=%p", mPluginHolder.get());
DescramblerImpl::~DescramblerImpl() {
ALOGV("DTOR: plugin=%p", mPluginHolder.get());
ScopedAStatus DescramblerImpl::setMediaCasSession(const vector<uint8_t>& in_sessionId) {
ALOGV("%s: sessionId=%s", __FUNCTION__, sessionIdToString(in_sessionId).string());
shared_ptr<DescramblerPlugin> holder = atomic_load(&mPluginHolder);
if (holder.get() == nullptr) {
return toStatus(INVALID_OPERATION);
return toStatus(holder->setMediaCasSession(in_sessionId));
ScopedAStatus DescramblerImpl::requiresSecureDecoderComponent(const string& in_mime,
bool* _aidl_return) {
shared_ptr<DescramblerPlugin> holder = atomic_load(&mPluginHolder);
if (holder.get() == nullptr) {
*_aidl_return = false;
*_aidl_return = holder->requiresSecureDecoderComponent(String8(in_mime.c_str()));
return ScopedAStatus::ok();
static inline bool validateRangeForSize(int64_t offset, int64_t length, int64_t size) {
return isInRange<int64_t, uint64_t>(0, (uint64_t)size, offset, (uint64_t)length);
ScopedAStatus DescramblerImpl::descramble(ScramblingControl scramblingControl,
const vector<SubSample>& subSamples,
const SharedBuffer& srcBuffer, int64_t srcOffset,
const DestinationBuffer& dstBuffer, int64_t dstOffset,
int32_t* _aidl_return) {
ALOGV("%s", __FUNCTION__);
// heapbase's size is stored in int64_t, but mapMemory's mmap will map size in
// size_t. If size is over SIZE_MAX, mapMemory mapMemory could succeed but the
// mapped memory's actual size will be smaller than the reported size.
if (srcBuffer.heapBase.size > SIZE_MAX) {
ALOGE("Invalid memory size: %" PRIu64 "", srcBuffer.heapBase.size);
android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "79376389");
return toStatus(BAD_VALUE);
void* srcPtr = mmap(NULL, srcBuffer.heapBase.size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
srcBuffer.heapBase.fd.get(), 0);
// Validate if the offset and size in the SharedBuffer is consistent with the
// mapped heapbase, since the offset and size is controlled by client.
if (srcPtr == NULL) {
ALOGE("Failed to map src buffer.");
return toStatus(BAD_VALUE);
if (!validateRangeForSize(srcBuffer.offset, srcBuffer.size, srcBuffer.heapBase.size)) {
ALOGE("Invalid src buffer range: offset %" PRIu64 ", size %" PRIu64
", srcMem"
"size %" PRIu64 "",
srcBuffer.offset, srcBuffer.size, srcBuffer.heapBase.size);
android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "67962232");
return toStatus(BAD_VALUE);
// use 64-bit here to catch bad subsample size that might be overflowing.
uint64_t totalBytesInSubSamples = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < subSamples.size(); i++) {
uint32_t numBytesOfClearData = subSamples[i].numBytesOfClearData;
uint32_t numBytesOfEncryptedData = subSamples[i].numBytesOfEncryptedData;
totalBytesInSubSamples += (uint64_t)numBytesOfClearData + numBytesOfEncryptedData;
// Further validate if the specified srcOffset and requested total subsample size
// is consistent with the source shared buffer size.
if (!validateRangeForSize(srcOffset, totalBytesInSubSamples, srcBuffer.size)) {
ALOGE("Invalid srcOffset and subsample size: "
"srcOffset %" PRIu64 ", totalBytesInSubSamples %" PRIu64
", srcBuffer"
"size %" PRIu64 "",
srcOffset, totalBytesInSubSamples, srcBuffer.size);
android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "67962232");
return toStatus(BAD_VALUE);
srcPtr = (uint8_t*)srcPtr + srcBuffer.offset;
void* dstPtr = NULL;
if (dstBuffer.getTag() == DestinationBuffer::Tag::nonsecureMemory) {
// When using shared memory, src buffer is also used as dst,
// we don't map it again here.
dstPtr = srcPtr;
// In this case the dst and src would be the same buffer, need to validate
// dstOffset against the buffer size too.
if (!validateRangeForSize(dstOffset, totalBytesInSubSamples, srcBuffer.size)) {
ALOGE("Invalid dstOffset and subsample size: "
"dstOffset %" PRIu64 ", totalBytesInSubSamples %" PRIu64
", srcBuffer"
"size %" PRIu64 "",
dstOffset, totalBytesInSubSamples, srcBuffer.size);
android_errorWriteLog(0x534e4554, "67962232");
return toStatus(BAD_VALUE);
} else {
native_handle_t* handle = makeFromAidl(dstBuffer.get<DestinationBuffer::secureMemory>());
dstPtr = static_cast<void*>(handle);
// Get a local copy of the shared_ptr for the plugin. Note that before
// calling the callback, this shared_ptr must be manually reset, since
// the client side could proceed as soon as the callback is called
// without waiting for this method to go out of scope.
shared_ptr<DescramblerPlugin> holder = atomic_load(&mPluginHolder);
if (holder.get() == nullptr) {
return toStatus(INVALID_OPERATION);
// Casting SubSample to DescramblerPlugin::SubSample, but need to ensure
// structs are actually identical
auto returnStatus =
holder->descramble(dstBuffer.getTag() != DestinationBuffer::Tag::nonsecureMemory,
subSamples.size(), (DescramblerPlugin::SubSample*),
srcPtr, srcOffset, dstPtr, dstOffset, NULL);
*_aidl_return = returnStatus;
return toStatus(returnStatus >= 0 ? OK : returnStatus);
ScopedAStatus DescramblerImpl::release() {
ALOGV("%s: plugin=%p", __FUNCTION__, mPluginHolder.get());
shared_ptr<DescramblerPlugin> holder(nullptr);
atomic_store(&mPluginHolder, holder);
return ScopedAStatus::ok();
} // namespace cas
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android
} // namespace aidl