Merge "power: Add DPF and update imminent hints to AIDL"
diff --git a/power/aidl/android/hardware/power/Boost.aidl b/power/aidl/android/hardware/power/Boost.aidl
index 162a36a..c992fd3 100644
--- a/power/aidl/android/hardware/power/Boost.aidl
+++ b/power/aidl/android/hardware/power/Boost.aidl
@@ -29,6 +29,13 @@
+     * This boost indicates that the framework is likely to provide a new
+     * display frame soon. This implies that the device should ensure that the
+     * display processing path is powered up and ready to receive that update.
+     */
+    /**
      * Below hints are currently not sent in Android framework but OEM might choose to
      * implement for power/perf optimizations.
diff --git a/power/aidl/android/hardware/power/IPower.aidl b/power/aidl/android/hardware/power/IPower.aidl
index 9fb3fc0..2c4bd86 100644
--- a/power/aidl/android/hardware/power/IPower.aidl
+++ b/power/aidl/android/hardware/power/IPower.aidl
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
     boolean isModeSupported(in Mode type);
-   /**
+    /**
      * setBoost() indicates the device may need to boost some resources, as the
      * the load is likely to increase before the kernel governors can react.
      * Depending on the boost, it may be appropriate to raise the frequencies of
diff --git a/power/aidl/android/hardware/power/Mode.aidl b/power/aidl/android/hardware/power/Mode.aidl
index 1792add..ae113e3 100644
--- a/power/aidl/android/hardware/power/Mode.aidl
+++ b/power/aidl/android/hardware/power/Mode.aidl
@@ -39,6 +39,50 @@
+     * Sets the device to a fixed performance level which can be sustained under
+     * normal indoor conditions for at least 10 minutes.
+     *
+     * This is similar to sustained performance mode, except that whereas
+     * sustained performance mode puts an upper bound on performance in the
+     * interest of long-term stability, fixed performance mode puts both upper
+     * and lower bounds on performance such that any workload run while in a
+     * fixed performance mode should complete in a repeatable amount of time
+     * (except if the device is under thermal throttling).
+     *
+     * This mode is not intended for general purpose use, but rather to enable
+     * games and other performance-sensitive applications to reduce the number
+     * of variables during profiling and performance debugging. As such, while
+     * it is valid to set the device to minimum clocks for all subsystems in
+     * this mode, it is preferable to attempt to make the relative performance
+     * of the CPU, GPU, and other subsystems match typical usage, even if the
+     * frequencies have to be reduced to provide sustainability.
+     *
+     * To calibrate this mode, follow these steps:
+     *
+     * 1) Build and push the HWUI macrobench as described in
+     *    //frameworks/base/libs/hwui/tests/macrobench/how_to_run.txt
+     * 2) Run the macrobench as follows:
+     *    while true; do \
+     *      adb shell /data/benchmarktest/hwuimacro/hwuimacro shadowgrid2 -c 200 -r 10; \
+     *    done
+     * 3) Determine a fixed set of device clocks such that the loop in (2) can
+     *    run for at least 10 minutes, starting from an idle device on a desk
+     *    at room temperature (roughly 22 Celsius), without hitting thermal
+     *    throttling.
+     * 4) After setting those clocks, set the system property
+     *    ro.power.fixed_performance_scale_factor to a value N, where N is the
+     *    number of times the loop from (2) runs during the 10 minute test
+     *    cycle. It is expected that in FIXED_PERFORMANCE mode, unless there is
+     *    thermal throttling, the loop will run N to N+1 times (inclusive).
+     *
+     * After calibrating this, while in FIXED_PERFORMANCE mode, the macrobench
+     * results obtained while running the loop in (2) should be consistent both
+     * within a given run and from the first run in the 10 minute window through
+     * the last run in the window.
+     */
+    /**
      * This mode indicates VR Mode is activated or not. VR mode is intended
      * to provide minimum guarantee for performance for the amount of time the
      * device can sustain it.
diff --git a/power/aidl/vts/VtsHalPowerTargetTest.cpp b/power/aidl/vts/VtsHalPowerTargetTest.cpp
index c0e0858..25a385e 100644
--- a/power/aidl/vts/VtsHalPowerTargetTest.cpp
+++ b/power/aidl/vts/VtsHalPowerTargetTest.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include <aidl/Gtest.h>
 #include <aidl/Vintf.h>
+#include <android-base/properties.h>
 #include <android/hardware/power/Boost.h>
 #include <android/hardware/power/IPower.h>
 #include <android/hardware/power/Mode.h>
@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
 using android::ProcessState;
 using android::sp;
 using android::String16;
+using android::base::GetUintProperty;
 using android::binder::Status;
 using android::hardware::power::Boost;
 using android::hardware::power::IPower;
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@
     for (const auto& mode : kInvalidModes) {
         bool supported;
         ASSERT_TRUE(power->isModeSupported(mode, &supported).isOk());
-        // Should return false for values outsides enum
+        // Should return false for values outside enum
@@ -103,11 +105,27 @@
     for (const auto& boost : kInvalidBoosts) {
         bool supported;
         ASSERT_TRUE(power->isBoostSupported(boost, &supported).isOk());
-        // Should return false for values outsides enum
+        // Should return false for values outside enum
+// FIXED_PERFORMANCE mode is required for all devices which ship on Android 11
+// or later
+TEST_P(PowerAidl, hasFixedPerformance) {
+    auto apiLevel = GetUintProperty<uint64_t>("ro.product.first_api_level", 0);
+    if (apiLevel == 0) {
+        apiLevel = GetUintProperty<uint64_t>("", 0);
+    }
+    ASSERT_NE(apiLevel, 0);
+    if (apiLevel >= 30) {
+        bool supported;
+        ASSERT_TRUE(power->isModeSupported(Mode::FIXED_PERFORMANCE, &supported).isOk());
+        ASSERT_TRUE(supported);
+    }