blob: 4249a61107d7c2220487dcf570ec71cca125848e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "automotive.vehicle@2.0-impl"
#include "VehicleHalManager.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <android-base/parseint.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <android/hardware/automotive/vehicle/2.0/BpHwVehicleCallback.h>
#include <android/log.h>
#include <hwbinder/IPCThreadState.h>
#include "VehicleUtils.h"
// TODO: figure out how to include private/android_filesystem_config.h instead...
#define AID_ROOT 0 /* traditional unix root user */
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace automotive {
namespace vehicle {
namespace V2_0 {
using namespace std::placeholders;
using ::android::base::EqualsIgnoreCase;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_handle;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds kHalEventBatchingTimeWindow(10);
const VehiclePropValue kEmptyValue{};
* Indicates what's the maximum size of hidl_vec<VehiclePropValue> we want
* to store in reusable object pool.
constexpr auto kMaxHidlVecOfVehiclPropValuePoolSize = 20;
Return<void> VehicleHalManager::getAllPropConfigs(getAllPropConfigs_cb _hidl_cb) {
ALOGI("getAllPropConfigs called");
hidl_vec<VehiclePropConfig> hidlConfigs;
auto& halConfig = mConfigIndex->getAllConfigs();
const_cast<VehiclePropConfig *>(,
return Void();
Return<void> VehicleHalManager::getPropConfigs(const hidl_vec<int32_t> &properties,
getPropConfigs_cb _hidl_cb) {
std::vector<VehiclePropConfig> configs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) {
auto prop = properties[i];
if (mConfigIndex->hasConfig(prop)) {
} else {
ALOGW("Requested config for undefined property: 0x%x", prop);
_hidl_cb(StatusCode::INVALID_ARG, hidl_vec<VehiclePropConfig>());
_hidl_cb(StatusCode::OK, configs);
return Void();
Return<void> VehicleHalManager::get(const VehiclePropValue& requestedPropValue, get_cb _hidl_cb) {
const auto* config = getPropConfigOrNull(requestedPropValue.prop);
if (config == nullptr) {
ALOGE("Failed to get value: config not found, property: 0x%x",
_hidl_cb(StatusCode::INVALID_ARG, kEmptyValue);
return Void();
if (!checkReadPermission(*config)) {
_hidl_cb(StatusCode::ACCESS_DENIED, kEmptyValue);
return Void();
StatusCode status;
auto value = mHal->get(requestedPropValue, &status);
_hidl_cb(status, value.get() ? *value : kEmptyValue);
return Void();
Return<StatusCode> VehicleHalManager::set(const VehiclePropValue &value) {
auto prop = value.prop;
const auto* config = getPropConfigOrNull(prop);
if (config == nullptr) {
ALOGE("Failed to set value: config not found, property: 0x%x", prop);
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
if (!checkWritePermission(*config)) {
return StatusCode::ACCESS_DENIED;
auto status = mHal->set(value);
return Return<StatusCode>(status);
Return<StatusCode> VehicleHalManager::subscribe(const sp<IVehicleCallback> &callback,
const hidl_vec<SubscribeOptions> &options) {
hidl_vec<SubscribeOptions> verifiedOptions(options);
for (size_t i = 0; i < verifiedOptions.size(); i++) {
SubscribeOptions& ops = verifiedOptions[i];
auto prop = ops.propId;
const auto* config = getPropConfigOrNull(prop);
if (config == nullptr) {
ALOGE("Failed to subscribe: config not found, property: 0x%x",
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
if (ops.flags == SubscribeFlags::UNDEFINED) {
ALOGE("Failed to subscribe: undefined flag in options provided");
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
if (!isSubscribable(*config, ops.flags)) {
ALOGE("Failed to subscribe: property 0x%x is not subscribable",
return StatusCode::INVALID_ARG;
ops.sampleRate = checkSampleRate(*config, ops.sampleRate);
std::list<SubscribeOptions> updatedOptions;
auto res = mSubscriptionManager.addOrUpdateSubscription(getClientId(callback),
callback, verifiedOptions,
if (StatusCode::OK != res) {
ALOGW("%s failed to subscribe, error code: %d", __func__, res);
return res;
for (auto opt : updatedOptions) {
mHal->subscribe(opt.propId, opt.sampleRate);
return StatusCode::OK;
Return<StatusCode> VehicleHalManager::unsubscribe(const sp<IVehicleCallback>& callback,
int32_t propId) {
mSubscriptionManager.unsubscribe(getClientId(callback), propId);
return StatusCode::OK;
Return<void> VehicleHalManager::debugDump(IVehicle::debugDump_cb _hidl_cb) {
return Void();
Return<void> VehicleHalManager::debug(const hidl_handle& fd, const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& options) {
if (fd.getNativeHandle() != nullptr && fd->numFds > 0) {
cmdDump(fd->data[0], options);
} else {
ALOGE("Invalid parameters passed to debug()");
return Void();
void VehicleHalManager::cmdDump(int fd, const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& options) {
if (options.size() == 0) {
std::string option = options[0];
if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--help")) {
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--list")) {
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--get")) {
cmdDumpSpecificProperties(fd, options);
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(option, "--set")) {
cmdSetOneProperty(fd, options);
} else {
dprintf(fd, "Invalid option: %s\n", option.c_str());
bool VehicleHalManager::checkCallerHasWritePermissions(int fd) {
// Double check that's only called by root - it should be be blocked at the HIDL debug() level,
// but it doesn't hurt to make sure...
if (hardware::IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid() != AID_ROOT) {
dprintf(fd, "Must be root\n");
return false;
return true;
bool VehicleHalManager::checkArgumentsSize(int fd, const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& options,
size_t minSize) {
size_t size = options.size();
if (size >= minSize) {
return true;
dprintf(fd, "Invalid number of arguments: required at least %zu, got %zu\n", minSize, size);
return false;
bool VehicleHalManager::safelyParseInt(int fd, int index, std::string s, int* out) {
if (!android::base::ParseInt(s, out)) {
dprintf(fd, "non-integer argument at index %d: %s\n", index, s.c_str());
return false;
return true;
void VehicleHalManager::cmdHelp(int fd) const {
dprintf(fd, "Usage: \n\n");
dprintf(fd, "[no args]: dumps (id and value) all supported properties \n");
dprintf(fd, "--help: shows this help\n");
dprintf(fd, "--list: lists the ids of all supported properties\n");
dprintf(fd, "--get <PROP1> [PROP2] [PROPN]: dumps the value of specific properties \n");
// TODO: support other formats (int64, float, bytes)
"--set <PROP> <i|s> <VALUE_1> [<i|s> <VALUE_N>]: sets the value of property PROP, using"
" arbitrary number of key/value parameters (i for int32, s for string). Notice that "
"the string value can be set just once, while the other can have multiple values "
"(so they're used in the respective array)\n");
void VehicleHalManager::cmdListAllProperties(int fd) const {
auto& halConfig = mConfigIndex->getAllConfigs();
size_t size = halConfig.size();
if (size == 0) {
dprintf(fd, "no properties to list\n");
int i = 0;
dprintf(fd, "listing %zu properties\n", size);
for (const auto& config : halConfig) {
dprintf(fd, "%d: %d\n", ++i, config.prop);
void VehicleHalManager::cmdDumpAllProperties(int fd) {
auto& halConfig = mConfigIndex->getAllConfigs();
size_t size = halConfig.size();
if (size == 0) {
dprintf(fd, "no properties to dump\n");
int rowNumber = 0;
dprintf(fd, "dumping %zu properties\n", size);
for (auto& config : halConfig) {
cmdDumpOneProperty(fd, ++rowNumber, config);
void VehicleHalManager::cmdDumpOneProperty(int fd, int rowNumber, const VehiclePropConfig& config) {
size_t numberAreas = config.areaConfigs.size();
if (numberAreas == 0) {
if (rowNumber > 0) {
dprintf(fd, "%d: ", rowNumber);
cmdDumpOneProperty(fd, config.prop, /* areaId= */ 0);
for (size_t j = 0; j < numberAreas; ++j) {
if (rowNumber > 0) {
if (numberAreas > 1) {
dprintf(fd, "%d/%zu: ", rowNumber, j);
} else {
dprintf(fd, "%d: ", rowNumber);
cmdDumpOneProperty(fd, config.prop, config.areaConfigs[j].areaId);
void VehicleHalManager::cmdDumpSpecificProperties(int fd, const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& options) {
if (!checkArgumentsSize(fd, options, 2)) return;
// options[0] is the command itself...
int rowNumber = 0;
size_t size = options.size();
for (size_t i = 1; i < size; ++i) {
int prop;
if (!safelyParseInt(fd, i, options[i], &prop)) return;
const auto* config = getPropConfigOrNull(prop);
if (config == nullptr) {
dprintf(fd, "No property %d\n", prop);
if (size > 2) {
// Only show row number if there's more than 1
cmdDumpOneProperty(fd, rowNumber, *config);
void VehicleHalManager::cmdDumpOneProperty(int fd, int32_t prop, int32_t areaId) {
VehiclePropValue input;
input.prop = prop;
input.areaId = areaId;
auto callback = [&](StatusCode status, const VehiclePropValue& output) {
if (status == StatusCode::OK) {
dprintf(fd, "%s\n", toString(output).c_str());
} else {
dprintf(fd, "Could not get property %d. Error: %s\n", prop, toString(status).c_str());
get(input, callback);
void VehicleHalManager::cmdSetOneProperty(int fd, const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& options) {
if (!checkCallerHasWritePermissions(fd) || !checkArgumentsSize(fd, options, 3)) return;
size_t size = options.size();
// Syntax is --set PROP Type1 Value1 TypeN ValueN, so number of arguments must be even
if (size % 2 != 0) {
dprintf(fd, "must pass even number of arguments (passed %zu)\n", size);
int numberValues = (size - 2) / 2;
VehiclePropValue prop;
if (!safelyParseInt(fd, 1, options[1], &prop.prop)) return;
prop.timestamp = 0;
prop.areaId = 0; // TODO: add option to pass areaId as parameter
prop.status = VehiclePropertyStatus::AVAILABLE;
// First pass calculate sizes
int sizeInt32 = 0;
int stringIndex = 0;
for (int i = 2, kv = 1; kv <= numberValues; kv++) {
// iterate through the kv=1..n key/value pairs, accessing indexes i / i+1 at each step
std::string type = options[i];
std::string value = options[i + 1];
if (EqualsIgnoreCase(type, "i")) {
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(type, "s")) {
if (stringIndex != 0) {
"defining string value (%s) again at index %d (already defined at %d=%s"
value.c_str(), i, stringIndex, options[stringIndex + 1].c_str());
stringIndex = i;
} else {
dprintf(fd, "invalid (%s) type at index %d\n", type.c_str(), i);
i += 2;
// Second pass: populate it
int indexInt32 = 0;
for (int i = 2, kv = 1; kv <= numberValues; kv++) {
// iterate through the kv=1..n key/value pairs, accessing indexes i / i+1 at each step
int valueIndex = i + 1;
std::string type = options[i];
std::string value = options[valueIndex];
if (EqualsIgnoreCase(type, "i")) {
int safeInt;
if (!safelyParseInt(fd, valueIndex, value, &safeInt)) return;
prop.value.int32Values[indexInt32++] = safeInt;
} else if (EqualsIgnoreCase(type, "s")) {
prop.value.stringValue = value;
i += 2;
ALOGD("Setting prop %s", toString(prop).c_str());
auto status = set(prop);
if (status == StatusCode::OK) {
dprintf(fd, "Set property %s\n", toString(prop).c_str());
} else {
dprintf(fd, "Failed to set property %s: %s\n", toString(prop).c_str(),
void VehicleHalManager::init() {
this, _1));
std::bind(&VehicleHalManager::onHalEvent, this, _1),
std::bind(&VehicleHalManager::onHalPropertySetError, this,
_1, _2, _3));
// Initialize index with vehicle configurations received from VehicleHal.
auto supportedPropConfigs = mHal->listProperties();
mConfigIndex.reset(new VehiclePropConfigIndex(supportedPropConfigs));
std::vector<int32_t> supportedProperties(
for (const auto& config : supportedPropConfigs) {
VehicleHalManager::~VehicleHalManager() {
// We have to wait until consumer thread is fully stopped because it may
// be in a state of running callback (onBatchHalEvent).
void VehicleHalManager::onHalEvent(VehiclePropValuePtr v) {
void VehicleHalManager::onHalPropertySetError(StatusCode errorCode,
int32_t property,
int32_t areaId) {
const auto& clients =
mSubscriptionManager.getSubscribedClients(property, SubscribeFlags::EVENTS_FROM_CAR);
for (const auto& client : clients) {
client->getCallback()->onPropertySetError(errorCode, property, areaId);
void VehicleHalManager::onBatchHalEvent(const std::vector<VehiclePropValuePtr>& values) {
const auto& clientValues =
mSubscriptionManager.distributeValuesToClients(values, SubscribeFlags::EVENTS_FROM_CAR);
for (const HalClientValues& cv : clientValues) {
auto vecSize = cv.values.size();
hidl_vec<VehiclePropValue> vec;
if (vecSize < kMaxHidlVecOfVehiclPropValuePoolSize) {
vec.setToExternal(&mHidlVecOfVehiclePropValuePool[0], vecSize);
} else {
int i = 0;
for (VehiclePropValue* pValue : cv.values) {
shallowCopy(&(vec)[i++], *pValue);
auto status = cv.client->getCallback()->onPropertyEvent(vec);
if (!status.isOk()) {
ALOGE("Failed to notify client %s, err: %s",
bool VehicleHalManager::isSampleRateFixed(VehiclePropertyChangeMode mode) {
return (mode & VehiclePropertyChangeMode::ON_CHANGE);
float VehicleHalManager::checkSampleRate(const VehiclePropConfig &config,
float sampleRate) {
if (isSampleRateFixed(config.changeMode)) {
if (std::abs(sampleRate) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) {
ALOGW("Sample rate is greater than zero for on change type. "
"Ignoring it.");
return 0.0;
} else {
if (sampleRate > config.maxSampleRate) {
ALOGW("Sample rate %f is higher than max %f. Setting sampling rate "
"to max.", sampleRate, config.maxSampleRate);
return config.maxSampleRate;
if (sampleRate < config.minSampleRate) {
ALOGW("Sample rate %f is lower than min %f. Setting sampling rate "
"to min.", sampleRate, config.minSampleRate);
return config.minSampleRate;
return sampleRate; // Provided sample rate was good, no changes.
bool VehicleHalManager::isSubscribable(const VehiclePropConfig& config,
SubscribeFlags flags) {
bool isReadable = config.access & VehiclePropertyAccess::READ;
if (!isReadable && (SubscribeFlags::EVENTS_FROM_CAR & flags)) {
ALOGW("Cannot subscribe, property 0x%x is not readable", config.prop);
return false;
if (config.changeMode == VehiclePropertyChangeMode::STATIC) {
ALOGW("Cannot subscribe, property 0x%x is static", config.prop);
return false;
return true;
bool VehicleHalManager::checkWritePermission(const VehiclePropConfig &config) const {
if (!(config.access & VehiclePropertyAccess::WRITE)) {
ALOGW("Property 0%x has no write access", config.prop);
return false;
} else {
return true;
bool VehicleHalManager::checkReadPermission(const VehiclePropConfig &config) const {
if (!(config.access & VehiclePropertyAccess::READ)) {
ALOGW("Property 0%x has no read access", config.prop);
return false;
} else {
return true;
void VehicleHalManager::handlePropertySetEvent(const VehiclePropValue& value) {
auto clients =
mSubscriptionManager.getSubscribedClients(value.prop, SubscribeFlags::EVENTS_FROM_ANDROID);
for (const auto& client : clients) {
const VehiclePropConfig* VehicleHalManager::getPropConfigOrNull(
int32_t prop) const {
return mConfigIndex->hasConfig(prop)
? &mConfigIndex->getConfig(prop) : nullptr;
void VehicleHalManager::onAllClientsUnsubscribed(int32_t propertyId) {
ClientId VehicleHalManager::getClientId(const sp<IVehicleCallback>& callback) {
//TODO(b/32172906): rework this to get some kind of unique id for callback interface when this
// feature is ready in HIDL.
if (callback->isRemote()) {
BpHwVehicleCallback* hwCallback = static_cast<BpHwVehicleCallback*>(callback.get());
return static_cast<ClientId>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(hwCallback->onAsBinder()));
} else {
return static_cast<ClientId>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(callback.get()));
} // namespace V2_0
} // namespace vehicle
} // namespace automotive
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android