blob: 00989e5bdc70aeb0381096e36ccb8f900e3acddc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "neuralnetworks_hidl_hal_test"
#include "VtsHalNeuralnetworks.h"
#include "Callbacks.h"
#include "GeneratedTestHarness.h"
#include "TestHarness.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android/hidl/memory/1.0/IMemory.h>
#include <hidlmemory/mapping.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <random>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace neuralnetworks {
namespace V1_2 {
namespace vts {
namespace functional {
using ::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_2::implementation::ExecutionCallback;
using ::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_2::implementation::PreparedModelCallback;
using ::android::nn::allocateSharedMemory;
using ::test_helper::MixedTypedExample;
namespace {
// In frameworks/ml/nn/runtime/tests/generated/, creates a hidl model of mobilenet.
#include "examples/mobilenet_224_gender_basic_fixed.example.cpp"
#include "vts_models/mobilenet_224_gender_basic_fixed.model.cpp"
// Prevent the compiler from complaining about an otherwise unused function.
[[maybe_unused]] auto dummy_createTestModel = createTestModel_dynamic_output_shape;
[[maybe_unused]] auto dummy_get_examples = get_examples_dynamic_output_shape;
enum class AccessMode { READ_ONLY, WRITE_ONLY };
void createCacheHandle(const std::vector<std::string>& files, AccessMode mode,
hidl_handle* handle) {
std::vector<int> fds;
for (const auto& file : files) {
int fd;
if (mode == AccessMode::READ_ONLY) {
fd = open(file.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
} else if (mode == AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY) {
fd = open(file.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
} else {
ASSERT_GE(fd, 0);
native_handle_t* cacheNativeHandle = native_handle_create(fds.size(), 0);
ASSERT_NE(cacheNativeHandle, nullptr);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fds.size(); i++) {
cacheNativeHandle->data[i] = fds[i];
handle->setTo(cacheNativeHandle, /*shouldOwn=*/true);
} // namespace
// Tag for the compilation caching tests.
class CompilationCachingTest : public NeuralnetworksHidlTest {
void SetUp() override {
ASSERT_NE(device.get(), nullptr);
// Create cache directory. The cache directory and cache files are always created to test
// the behavior of prepareModelFromCache, even when caching is not supported.
char cacheDirTemp[] = "/data/local/tmp/TestCompilationCachingXXXXXX";
char* cacheDir = mkdtemp(cacheDirTemp);
ASSERT_NE(cacheDir, nullptr);
mCacheDir = cacheDir;
// Create empty cache files.
mCache1 = mCacheDir + "/cache1";
mCache2 = mCacheDir + "/cache2";
mCache3 = mCacheDir + "/cache3";
// A dummy handle, use AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY for createCacheHandle to create files.
hidl_handle handle;
createCacheHandle({mCache1, mCache2, mCache3}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &handle);
// Check if caching is supported.
bool isCachingSupported;
Return<void> ret = device->isCachingSupported(
[&isCachingSupported](ErrorStatus status, bool supported) {
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorStatus::NONE, status);
isCachingSupported = supported;
if (isCachingSupported) {
mIsCachingSupported = true;
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "NN VTS: Early termination of test because vendor service does not "
"support compilation caching.";
std::cout << "[ ] Early termination of test because vendor service does not "
"support compilation caching."
<< std::endl;
mIsCachingSupported = false;
void TearDown() override {
// The tmp directory is only removed when the driver reports caching not supported,
// otherwise it is kept for debugging purpose.
if (!mIsCachingSupported) {
void saveModelToCache(sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel, const hidl_handle& cache1,
const hidl_handle& cache2, ErrorStatus* status) {
// Save IPreparedModel to cache.
hidl_array<uint8_t, sizeof(mToken)> cacheToken(mToken);
Return<ErrorStatus> saveToCacheStatus =
preparedModel->saveToCache(cache1, cache2, cacheToken);
*status = static_cast<ErrorStatus>(saveToCacheStatus);
bool checkEarlyTermination(ErrorStatus status) {
if (status == ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
LOG(INFO) << "NN VTS: Early termination of test because vendor service cannot "
"save the prepared model that it does not support.";
std::cout << "[ ] Early termination of test because vendor service cannot "
"save the prepared model that it does not support."
<< std::endl;
return true;
return false;
void prepareModelFromCache(const hidl_handle& cache1, const hidl_handle& cache2,
sp<IPreparedModel>* preparedModel, ErrorStatus* status) {
// Launch prepare model from cache.
sp<PreparedModelCallback> preparedModelCallback = new PreparedModelCallback();
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, preparedModelCallback.get());
hidl_array<uint8_t, sizeof(mToken)> cacheToken(mToken);
Return<ErrorStatus> prepareLaunchStatus =
device->prepareModelFromCache(cache1, cache2, cacheToken, preparedModelCallback);
if (static_cast<ErrorStatus>(prepareLaunchStatus) != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
*preparedModel = nullptr;
*status = static_cast<ErrorStatus>(prepareLaunchStatus);
// Retrieve prepared model.
*status = preparedModelCallback->getStatus();
*preparedModel = V1_2::IPreparedModel::castFrom(preparedModelCallback->getPreparedModel())
std::string mCacheDir;
std::string mCache1;
std::string mCache2;
std::string mCache3;
uint8_t mToken[static_cast<uint32_t>(Constant::BYTE_SIZE_OF_CACHE_TOKEN)] = {};
bool mIsCachingSupported;
TEST_F(CompilationCachingTest, CacheSavingAndRetrieval) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
Model testModel = createTestModel();
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
generated_tests::PrepareModel(device, testModel, &preparedModel);
// Terminate early if the driver cannot prepare the model.
if (preparedModel == nullptr) return;
// Save the compilation to cache.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
if (!mIsCachingSupported) {
EXPECT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
} else {
if (checkEarlyTermination(status)) return;
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::NONE);
// Retrieve preparedModel from cache.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache2);
prepareModelFromCache(cache1, cache2, &preparedModel, &status);
if (!mIsCachingSupported) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::NONE);
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Execute and verify results.
generated_tests::EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, [](int) { return false; }, get_examples(),
TEST_F(CompilationCachingTest, CacheSavingAndRetrievalNonZeroOffset) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
Model testModel = createTestModel();
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
generated_tests::PrepareModel(device, testModel, &preparedModel);
// Terminate early if the driver cannot prepare the model.
if (preparedModel == nullptr) return;
// Save the compilation to cache.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
if (!mIsCachingSupported) {
EXPECT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
} else {
if (checkEarlyTermination(status)) return;
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::NONE);
// Retrieve preparedModel from cache.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache2);
uint8_t dummyByte = 0;
// Advance offset by one byte.
ASSERT_GE(read(cache1.getNativeHandle()->data[0], &dummyByte, 1), 0);
ASSERT_GE(read(cache2.getNativeHandle()->data[0], &dummyByte, 1), 0);
prepareModelFromCache(cache1, cache2, &preparedModel, &status);
if (!mIsCachingSupported) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::NONE);
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Execute and verify results.
generated_tests::EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, [](int) { return false; }, get_examples(),
TEST_F(CompilationCachingTest, SaveToCacheInvalidNumFd) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
Model testModel = createTestModel();
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
generated_tests::PrepareModel(device, testModel, &preparedModel);
// Terminate early if the driver cannot prepare the model.
if (preparedModel == nullptr) return;
// cache1 with invalid NumFd.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1, mCache3}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
// cache2 with invalid NumFd.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2, mCache3}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
TEST_F(CompilationCachingTest, PrepareModelFromCacheInvalidNumFd) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
Model testModel = createTestModel();
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
generated_tests::PrepareModel(device, testModel, &preparedModel);
// Terminate early if the driver cannot prepare the model.
if (preparedModel == nullptr) return;
// Save the compilation to cache.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::NONE);
// cache1 with invalid NumFd.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1, mCache3}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache2);
prepareModelFromCache(cache1, cache2, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// cache2 with invalid NumFd.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2, mCache3}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache2);
prepareModelFromCache(cache1, cache2, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
TEST_F(CompilationCachingTest, SaveToCacheInvalidAccessMode) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
Model testModel = createTestModel();
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
generated_tests::PrepareModel(device, testModel, &preparedModel);
// Terminate early if the driver cannot prepare the model.
if (preparedModel == nullptr) return;
// cache1 with invalid access mode.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
// cache2 with invalid access mode.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache2);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
TEST_F(CompilationCachingTest, PrepareModelFromCacheInvalidAccessMode) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
Model testModel = createTestModel();
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
generated_tests::PrepareModel(device, testModel, &preparedModel);
// Terminate early if the driver cannot prepare the model.
if (preparedModel == nullptr) return;
// Save the compilation to cache.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::NONE);
// cache1 with invalid access mode.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache2);
prepareModelFromCache(cache1, cache2, &preparedModel, &status);
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// cache2 with invalid access mode.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
prepareModelFromCache(cache1, cache2, &preparedModel, &status);
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
TEST_F(CompilationCachingTest, SaveToCacheInvalidOffset) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
Model testModel = createTestModel();
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
generated_tests::PrepareModel(device, testModel, &preparedModel);
// Terminate early if the driver cannot prepare the model.
if (preparedModel == nullptr) return;
// cache1 with invalid file descriptor offset.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
uint8_t dummyByte = 0;
// Advance offset by one byte.
ASSERT_EQ(write(cache1.getNativeHandle()->data[0], &dummyByte, 1), 1);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
// cache2 with invalid file descriptor offset.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
uint8_t dummyByte = 0;
// Advance offset by one byte.
ASSERT_EQ(write(cache2.getNativeHandle()->data[0], &dummyByte, 1), 1);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
TEST_F(CompilationCachingTest, SaveToCacheInvalidFileSize) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
Model testModel = createTestModel();
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
generated_tests::PrepareModel(device, testModel, &preparedModel);
// Terminate early if the driver cannot prepare the model.
if (preparedModel == nullptr) return;
// cache1 with invalid file size.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
uint8_t dummyByte = 0;
// Write one byte and seek back to the beginning.
ASSERT_EQ(write(cache1.getNativeHandle()->data[0], &dummyByte, 1), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(cache1.getNativeHandle()->data[0], 0, SEEK_SET), 0);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
// cache2 with invalid file size.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
uint8_t dummyByte = 0;
// Write one byte and seek back to the beginning.
ASSERT_EQ(write(cache2.getNativeHandle()->data[0], &dummyByte, 1), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(lseek(cache2.getNativeHandle()->data[0], 0, SEEK_SET), 0);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
class CompilationCachingSecurityTest : public CompilationCachingTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<uint32_t> {
void SetUp() {
// Get a random integer within a closed range [lower, upper].
template <typename T>
T getRandomInt(T lower, T upper) {
std::uniform_int_distribution<T> dis(lower, upper);
return dis(generator);
const uint32_t kSeed = GetParam();
std::mt19937 generator;
TEST_P(CompilationCachingSecurityTest, CorruptedSecuritySensitiveCache) {
if (!mIsCachingSupported) return;
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
Model testModel = createTestModel();
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
generated_tests::PrepareModel(device, testModel, &preparedModel);
// Terminate early if the driver cannot prepare the model.
if (preparedModel == nullptr) return;
// Save the compilation to cache.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
if (checkEarlyTermination(status)) return;
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::NONE);
// Randomly flip one single bit of the cache entry.
FILE* pFile = fopen(mCache1.c_str(), "r+");
ASSERT_EQ(fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END), 0);
long int fileSize = ftell(pFile);
ASSERT_GT(fileSize, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(fseek(pFile, getRandomInt(0l, fileSize - 1), SEEK_SET), 0);
int readByte = fgetc(pFile);
ASSERT_NE(readByte, EOF);
ASSERT_EQ(fseek(pFile, -1, SEEK_CUR), 0);
ASSERT_NE(fputc(static_cast<uint8_t>(readByte) ^ (1U << getRandomInt(0, 7)), pFile), EOF);
// Retrieve preparedModel from cache, expect failure.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache2);
prepareModelFromCache(cache1, cache2, &preparedModel, &status);
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
TEST_P(CompilationCachingSecurityTest, WrongLengthSecuritySensitiveCache) {
if (!mIsCachingSupported) return;
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
Model testModel = createTestModel();
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
generated_tests::PrepareModel(device, testModel, &preparedModel);
// Terminate early if the driver cannot prepare the model.
if (preparedModel == nullptr) return;
// Save the compilation to cache.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
if (checkEarlyTermination(status)) return;
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::NONE);
// Randomly append bytes to the cache entry.
FILE* pFile = fopen(mCache1.c_str(), "a");
uint32_t appendLength = getRandomInt(1, 256);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < appendLength; i++) {
ASSERT_NE(fputc(getRandomInt<uint8_t>(0, 255), pFile), EOF);
// Retrieve preparedModel from cache, expect failure.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache2);
prepareModelFromCache(cache1, cache2, &preparedModel, &status);
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
TEST_P(CompilationCachingSecurityTest, WrongToken) {
if (!mIsCachingSupported) return;
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
Model testModel = createTestModel();
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
generated_tests::PrepareModel(device, testModel, &preparedModel);
// Terminate early if the driver cannot prepare the model.
if (preparedModel == nullptr) return;
// Save the compilation to cache.
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &cache2);
saveModelToCache(preparedModel, cache1, cache2, &status);
if (checkEarlyTermination(status)) return;
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::NONE);
// Randomly flip one single bit in mToken.
uint32_t ind = getRandomInt(0u, static_cast<uint32_t>(Constant::BYTE_SIZE_OF_CACHE_TOKEN) - 1);
mToken[ind] ^= (1U << getRandomInt(0, 7));
// Retrieve the preparedModel from cache, expect failure.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_handle cache1, cache2;
createCacheHandle({mCache1}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache1);
createCacheHandle({mCache2}, AccessMode::READ_ONLY, &cache2);
prepareModelFromCache(cache1, cache2, &preparedModel, &status);
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TestCompilationCaching, CompilationCachingSecurityTest,
::testing::Range(0U, 10U));
} // namespace functional
} // namespace vts
} // namespace V1_2
} // namespace neuralnetworks
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android