blob: 07486e6001e563df920849be8ee8579c33886ad3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.identity;
import android.hardware.identity.Certificate;
import android.hardware.identity.SecureAccessControlProfile;
* IWritableIdentityCredential is used to personalize a new identity credential. Credentials cannot
* be updated or modified after creation; any changes require deletion and re-creation.
interface IWritableIdentityCredential {
* Gets the certificate chain for credentialKey which can be used to prove the hardware
* characteristics to an issuing authority. Must not be called more than once.
* The certificate chain must be generated using Keymaster Attestation
* (see with the
* following additional requirements:
* - The attestationVersion field in the attestation extension must be at least 3.
* - The attestationSecurityLevel field must be set to either Software (0),
* TrustedEnvironment (1), or StrongBox (2) depending on how attestation is
* implemented. Only the default AOSP implementation of this HAL may use
* value 0 (additionally, this implementation must not be used on production
* devices).
* - The keymasterVersion field in the attestation extension must be set to (10*major + minor)
* where major and minor are the Identity Credential interface major and minor versions.
* Specifically for this version of the interface (1.0) this value is 10.
* - The keymasterSecurityLevel field in the attestation extension must be set to
* either Software (0), TrustedEnvironment (1), or StrongBox (2) depending on how
* the Trusted Application backing the HAL implementation is implemented. Only
* the default AOSP implementation of this HAL may use value 0 (additionally, this
* implementation must not be used on production devices)
* - The attestationChallenge field must be set to the passed-in challenge.
* - The uniqueId field must be empty.
* - The softwareEnforced field in the attestation extension must include
* Tag::ATTESTATION_APPLICATION_ID which must be set to the bytes of the passed-in
* attestationApplicationId.
* - The teeEnforced field in the attestation extension must include
* - Tag::IDENTITY_CREDENTIAL_KEY which indicates that the key is an Identity
* Credential key (which can only sign/MAC very specific messages) and not an Android
* Keystore key (which can be used to sign/MAC anything).
* - Tag::PURPOSE must be set to SIGN
* - Tag::KEY_SIZE must be set to the appropriate key size, in bits (e.g. 256)
* - Tag::ALGORITHM must be set to EC
* - Tag::NO_AUTH_REQUIRED must be set
* - Tag::DIGEST must be set to SHA_2_256
* - Tag::EC_CURVE must be set to P_256
* Additional authorizations may be needed in the softwareEnforced and teeEnforced
* fields - the above is not an exhaustive list. Specifically, authorizations containing
* information about the root of trust, OS version, verified boot state, and so on should
* be included.
* Since the chain is required to be generated using Keymaster Attestation, the returned
* certificate chain has the following properties:
* - The certificate chain is of at least length three.
* - The root of trust is the same as for Keymaster Attestation. This is usually
* a certificate owned by Google but depending on the specific Android device it may
* be another certificate.
* As with any user of attestation, the Issuing Authority (as a relying party) wishing
* to issue a credential to a device using these APIs, must carefully examine the
* returned certificate chain for all of the above (and more). In particular, the Issuing
* Authority should check the root of trust, verified boot state, patch level,
* application id, etc.
* This all depends on the needs of the Issuing Authority and the kind of credential but
* in general an Issuing Authority should never issue a credential to a device without
* verified boot enabled, to an unrecognized application, or if it appears the device
* hasn't been updated for a long time.
* See for an example of how to
* examine attestations generated from Android devices.
* @param attestationApplicationId is the DER encoded value to be stored
* in Tag::ATTESTATION_APPLICATION_ID. This schema is described in
* @param attestationChallenge a challenge set by the issuer to ensure freshness.
* @return the X.509 certificate chain for the credentialKey
Certificate[] getAttestationCertificate(in byte[] attestationApplicationId, in byte[] attestationChallenge);
* Start the personalization process.
* startPersonalization must not be called more than once.
* @param accessControlProfileCount specifies the number of access control profiles that will
* be provisioned with addAccessControlProfile().
* @param entryCounts specifies the number of data entries that will be provisioned with
* beginAddEntry() and addEntry(). Each item in the array specifies how many entries
* will be added for each name space.
void startPersonalization(in int accessControlProfileCount, in int[] entryCounts);
* Add an access control profile, which defines the requirements or retrieval of one or more
* entries. If both readerCertificate and userAuthenticationRequired are empty/false,
* associated entries are open access, requiring no authentication to read (though the caller
* is free to require other authentication above this HAL).
* This method must be called exactly as many times as specified in the startPersonalization()
* accessControlProfileCount parameter. If this is requirement is not met, the method fails
* @param id a numeric identifier that must be unique within the context of a Credential and may
* be used to reference the profile. This id must be non-negative and less than 32 (allowing
* for a total of 32 profiles). If this is not satisfied the call fails with
* @param readerCertificate if non-empty, specifies a single X.509 certificate (not a chain of
* certificates) that must be used to authenticate requests (see the readerSignature
* parameter in IIdentityCredential.startRetrieval).
* @param userAuthenticationRequired if true, specifies that the user is required to
* authenticate to allow requests. Required authentication freshness is specified by
* timeout below.
* @param timeoutMillis specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, for which a user
* authentication (see userAuthenticationRequired above) is valid, if
* userAuthenticationRequired is true. If the timout is zero then authentication is
* required for each reader session. If userAuthenticationRequired is false, the timeout
* must be zero. If this requirement is not met the call fails with STATUS_INVALID_DATA.
* @param secureUserId must be non-zero if userAuthenticationRequired is true. It is not
* related to any Android user ID or UID, but is created in the Gatekeeper application
* in the secure environment. If this requirement is not met the call fails with
* @return a structure with the passed-in data and MAC created with storageKey for authenticating
* the data at a later point in time.
SecureAccessControlProfile addAccessControlProfile(in int id, in Certificate readerCertificate,
in boolean userAuthenticationRequired, in long timeoutMillis, in long secureUserId);
* Begins the process of adding an entry to the credential. All access control profiles must be
* added before calling this method. Entries must be added in namespace "groups", meaning all
* entries of one namespace must be added before adding entries from another namespace.
* This method must be called exactly as many times as the sum of the items in the entryCounts
* parameter specified in the startPersonalization(), and must be followed by one or more calls
* to addEntryValue(). If this requirement is not met the method fails with STATUS_INVALID_DATA.
* @param accessControlProfileIds specifies the set of access control profiles that can
* authorize access to the provisioned element.
* @param nameSpace is the namespace of the element, e.g. "org.iso.18013.5.1"
* @param name is the name of the element.
* @param entrySize is the size of the entry value. If this requirement
* is not met this method fails with STATUS_INVALID_DATA.
void beginAddEntry(in int[] accessControlProfileIds, in @utf8InCpp String nameSpace,
in @utf8InCpp String name, in int entrySize);
* Continues the process of adding an entry, providing a value or part of a value.
* In the common case, this method will be called only once per entry added. In the case of
* values that are larger than the secure environment's GCM chunk size
* (see IIdentityCredentialStore.getHardwareInformation()), the caller must provide the
* value in chunks. All chunks must be exactly gcmChunkSize except the last and the sum of all
* chunk sizes must equal the value of the beginAddEntry() entrySize argument. If this
* requirement is not met the call fails with STATUS_INVALID_DATA.
* @param content is the entry value, encoded as CBOR. In the case the content exceeds gcmChunkSize,
* this may be partial content up to gcmChunkSize bytes long.
* @return the encrypted and MACed content. For directly-available credentials the contents are
* implementation-defined. For other credentials, the result contains
* AES-GCM-ENC(storageKey, R, Data, AdditionalData)
* where:
* Data = any ; value
* AdditionalData = {
* "Namespace" : tstr,
* "Name" : tstr,
* "AccessControlProfileIds" : [ + uint ],
* }
byte[] addEntryValue(in byte[] content);
* Finishes adding entries and returns a signature that an issuing authority may use to
* validate that all data was provisioned correctly.
* After this method is called, the IWritableIdentityCredential is no longer usable.
* @param out credentialData is a CBOR-encoded structure (in CDDL notation):
* CredentialData = [
* tstr, ; docType, an optional name that identifies the type of credential
* bool, ; testCredential, indicates if this is a test credential
* bstr ; an opaque byte vector with encrypted data, see below
* ]
* The last element is an opaque byte vector which contains encrypted copies of the
* secrets used to secure the new credential's data and to authenticate the credential to
* the issuing authority. It contains:
* AES-GCM-ENC(HBK, R, CredentialKeys, docType)
* where HBK is a unique hardware-bound key that has never existed outside of the secure
* environment (except it's all zeroes if testCredential is True) and CredentialKeys is
* the CBOR-encoded structure (in CDDL notation):
* CredentialKeys = [
* bstr, ; storageKey, a 128-bit AES key
* bstr ; credentialPrivKey, the private key for credentialKey
* ]
* @param out proofOfProvisioningSignature proves to the IA that the credential was imported
* into the secure hardware without alteration or error. When the final addEntry() call is
* made (when the number of provisioned entries equals the sum of the items in
* startPersonalization() entryCounts parameter), a COSE_Sign1 structure
* signed by CredentialKey with payload set to the ProofOfProvisioning CBOR below:
* ProofOfProvisioning = [
* "ProofOfProvisioning",
* tstr, ; DocType
* [ * AccessControlProfile ],
* ProvisionedData,
* bool ; true if this is a test credential, should
* ; always be false.
* ]
* AccessControlProfile = {
* "id" : uint,
* ? "readerCertificate" : bstr,
* ? (
* "userAuthenticationRequired" : bool,
* "timeoutMillis" : uint,
* )
* }
* ProvisionedData = {
* * Namespace => [ + Entry ]
* },
* Namespace = tstr
* Entry = {
* "name" : tstr,
* "value" : any,
* "accessControlProfiles" : [ * uint ],
* }
void finishAddingEntries(out byte[] credentialData,
out byte[] proofOfProvisioningSignature);