Identity Credential: Restrict AccessControlProfile identifiers to 32.

In order to implement Identity Credential on resource-restricted
secure hardware, we need to limit the number of possible
AccessControlProfile in a credential. A limit of 32 means that such
hardware only need to devote four bytes of RAM for a bitmask with
information about which profiles are authorized.

Document this, add new VTS test, and update the default

Bug: 155100967
Test: atest
Test: atest VtsHalIdentityTargetTest
Merged-In: Ia4f2ee0013b330561df744e0595f298a0d156122
Change-Id: I2dd672447bedfa9407bf1044e6261af26fd137f9
diff --git a/identity/aidl/android/hardware/identity/IWritableIdentityCredential.aidl b/identity/aidl/android/hardware/identity/IWritableIdentityCredential.aidl
index 9673821..07486e6 100644
--- a/identity/aidl/android/hardware/identity/IWritableIdentityCredential.aidl
+++ b/identity/aidl/android/hardware/identity/IWritableIdentityCredential.aidl
@@ -140,7 +140,8 @@
      * @param id a numeric identifier that must be unique within the context of a Credential and may
-     *     be used to reference the profile. If this is not satisfied the call fails with
+     *     be used to reference the profile. This id must be non-negative and less than 32 (allowing
+     *     for a total of 32 profiles). If this is not satisfied the call fails with
      * @param readerCertificate if non-empty, specifies a single X.509 certificate (not a chain of
diff --git a/identity/aidl/default/WritableIdentityCredential.cpp b/identity/aidl/default/WritableIdentityCredential.cpp
index 553a3d8..52cd496 100644
--- a/identity/aidl/default/WritableIdentityCredential.cpp
+++ b/identity/aidl/default/WritableIdentityCredential.cpp
@@ -143,6 +143,12 @@
+    if (id < 0 || id >= 32) {
+        return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+                IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+                "Access Control Profile id must be non-negative and less than 32"));
+    }
     // Spec requires if |userAuthenticationRequired| is false, then |timeoutMillis| must also
     // be zero.
     if (!userAuthenticationRequired && timeoutMillis != 0) {
diff --git a/identity/aidl/vts/VtsIWritableIdentityCredentialTests.cpp b/identity/aidl/vts/VtsIWritableIdentityCredentialTests.cpp
index 56b30af..b68fbb5 100644
--- a/identity/aidl/vts/VtsIWritableIdentityCredentialTests.cpp
+++ b/identity/aidl/vts/VtsIWritableIdentityCredentialTests.cpp
@@ -641,6 +641,40 @@
     EXPECT_EQ(IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA, result.serviceSpecificErrorCode());
+TEST_P(IdentityCredentialTests, verifyAccessControlProfileIdOutOfRange) {
+    sp<IWritableIdentityCredential> writableCredential;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(test_utils::SetupWritableCredential(writableCredential, credentialStore_));
+    const vector<int32_t> entryCounts = {1};
+    Status result = writableCredential->startPersonalization(1, entryCounts);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(result.isOk()) << result.exceptionCode() << "; " << result.exceptionMessage()
+                               << endl;
+    SecureAccessControlProfile profile;
+    // This should fail because the id is >= 32
+    result = writableCredential->addAccessControlProfile(32,     // id
+                                                         {},     // readerCertificate
+                                                         false,  // userAuthenticationRequired
+                                                         0,      // timeoutMillis
+                                                         42,     // secureUserId
+                                                         &profile);
+    ASSERT_FALSE(result.isOk()) << result.exceptionCode() << "; " << result.exceptionMessage();
+    ASSERT_EQ(binder::Status::EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC, result.exceptionCode());
+    ASSERT_EQ(IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA, result.serviceSpecificErrorCode());
+    // This should fail because the id is < 0
+    result = writableCredential->addAccessControlProfile(-1,     // id
+                                                         {},     // readerCertificate
+                                                         false,  // userAuthenticationRequired
+                                                         0,      // timeoutMillis
+                                                         42,     // secureUserId
+                                                         &profile);
+    ASSERT_FALSE(result.isOk()) << result.exceptionCode() << "; " << result.exceptionMessage();
+    ASSERT_EQ(binder::Status::EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC, result.exceptionCode());
+    ASSERT_EQ(IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA, result.serviceSpecificErrorCode());
         Identity, IdentityCredentialTests,