blob: 04d91d0373c9b0c5e1ff24e94c209abcc8366dfd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* An IRemotelyProvisionedComponent is a secure-side component for which certificates can be
* remotely provisioned. It provides an interface for generating asymmetric key pairs and then
* creating a CertificateRequest that contains the generated public keys, plus other information to
* authenticate the request origin. The CertificateRequest can be sent to a server, which can
* validate the request and create certificates.
* This interface does not provide any way to use the generated and certified key pairs. It's
* intended to be implemented by a HAL service that does other things with keys (e.g. Keymint).
* The root of trust for secure provisioning is something called the "Boot Certificate Chain", or
* BCC. The BCC is a chain of public key certificates, represented as COSE_Sign1 objects containing
* COSE_Key representations of the public keys. The "root" of the BCC is a self-signed certificate
* for a device-unique public key, denoted DK_pub. All public keys in the BCC are device-unique. The
* public key from each certificate in the chain is used to sign the next certificate in the
* chain. The final, "leaf" certificate contains a public key, denoted KM_pub, whose corresponding
* private key, denoted KM_priv, is available for use by the IRemotelyProvisionedComponent.
* BCC Design
* ==========
* The BCC is designed to mirror the boot stages of a device, and to prove the content and integrity
* of each firmware image. In a proper BCC, each boot stage hashes its own private key with the code
* and any relevant configuration parameters of the next stage to produce a key pair for the next
* stage. Each stage also uses its own private key to sign the public key of the next stage,
* including in the certificate the hash of the next firmware stage, then loads the next stage,
* passing the private key and certificate to it in a manner that does not leak the private key to
* later boot stages. The BCC root key pair is generated by immutable code (e.g. ROM), from a
* device-unique secret. After the device-unique secret is used, it must be made unavailable to any
* later boot stage.
* In this way, booting the device incrementally builds a certificate chain that (a) identifies and
* validates the integrity of every stage and (b) contains a set of public keys that correspond to
* private keys, one known to each stage. Any stage can compute the secrets of all later stages
* (given the necessary input), but no stage can compute the secret of any preceding stage. Updating
* the firmware or configuration of any stage changes the key pair of that stage, and of all
* subsequent stages, and no attacker who compromised the previous version of the updated firmware
* can know or predict the post-update key pairs.
* The first BCC certificate is special because its contained public key, DK_pub, will never change,
* making it a permanent, device-unique identifier. Although the remaining keys in the BCC are also
* device-unique, they are not necessarily permanent, since they can change when the device software
* is updated.
* When the provisioning server receives a message signed by KM_priv and containing a BCC that
* chains from DK_pub to KM_pub, it can be certain that (barring vulnerabilities in some boot
* stage), the CertificateRequest came from the device associated with DK_pub, running the specific
* software identified by the certificates in the BCC. If the server has some mechanism for knowing
* which the DK_pub values of "valid" devices, it can determine whether signing certificates is
* appropriate.
* Degenerate BCCs
* ===============
* While a proper BCC, as described above, reflects the complete boot sequence from boot ROM to the
* secure area image of the IRemotelyProvisionedComponent, it's also possible to use a "degenerate"
* BCC which consists only of a single, self-signed certificate containing the public key of a
* hardware-bound key pair. This is an appropriate solution for devices which haven't implemented
* everything necessary to produce a proper BCC, but can derive a unique key pair in the secure
* area. In this degenerate case, DK_pub is the same as KM_pub.
* BCC Privacy
* ===========
* Because the BCC constitutes an unspoofable, device-unique identifier, special care is taken to
* prevent its availability to entities who may wish to track devices. Two precautions are taken:
* 1. The BCC is never exported from the IRemotelyProvisionedComponent except in encrypted
* form. The portion of the CertificateRequest that contains the BCC is encrypted using an
* Endpoint Encryption Key (EEK). The EEK is provided in the form of a certificate chain whose
* root must be pre-provisioned into the secure area (hardcoding the roots into the secure area
* firmware image is a recommended approach). Multiple roots may be provisioned. If the provided
* EEK does not chain back to this already-known root, the IRemotelyProvisionedComponent must
* reject it.
* 2. Precaution 1 above ensures that only an entity with a valid EEK private key can decrypt the
* BCC. To make it feasible to build a provisioning server which cannot use the BCC to track
* devices, the CertificateRequest is structured so that the server can be partitioned into two
* components. The "decrypter" decrypts the BCC, verifies DK_pub and the device's right to
* receive provisioned certificates, but does not see the public keys to be signed or the
* resulting certificates. The "certifier" gets informed of the results of the decrypter's
* validation and sees the public keys to be signed and resulting certificates, but does not see
* the BCC.
* Test Mode
* =========
* The IRemotelyProvisionedComponent supports a test mode, allowing the generation of test key pairs
* and test CertificateRequests. Test keys/requests are annotated as such, and the BCC used for test
* CertificateRequests must contain freshly-generated keys, not the real BCC key pairs.
* @hide
interface IRemotelyProvisionedComponent {
const int STATUS_FAILED = 1;
const int STATUS_INVALID_MAC = 2;
const int STATUS_INVALID_EEK = 5;
* @return info which contains information about the underlying IRemotelyProvisionedComponent
* hardware, such as version number, component name, author name, and supported curve.
RpcHardwareInfo getHardwareInfo();
* generateKeyPair generates a new ECDSA P-256 key pair that can be certified. Note that this
* method only generates ECDSA P-256 key pairs, but the interface can be extended to add methods
* for generating keys for other algorithms, if necessary.
* @param in boolean testMode indicates whether the generated key is for testing only. Test keys
* are marked (see the definition of PublicKey in the MacedPublicKey structure) to
* prevent them from being confused with production keys.
* @param out MacedPublicKey macedPublicKey contains the public key of the generated key pair,
* MACed so that generateCertificateRequest can easily verify, without the
* privateKeyHandle, that the contained public key is for remote certification.
* @return data representing a handle to the private key. The format is implementation-defined,
* but note that specific services may define a required format.
byte[] generateEcdsaP256KeyPair(in boolean testMode, out MacedPublicKey macedPublicKey);
* generateCertificateRequest creates a certificate request to be sent to the provisioning
* server.
* @param in boolean testMode indicates whether the generated certificate request is for testing
* only.
* @param in MacedPublicKey[] keysToSign contains the set of keys to certify. The
* IRemotelyProvisionedComponent must validate the MACs on each key. If any entry in the
* array lacks a valid MAC, the method must return STATUS_INVALID_MAC.
* If testMode is true, the keysToCertify array must contain only keys flagged as test
* keys. Otherwise, the method must return STATUS_PRODUCTION_KEY_IN_TEST_REQUEST.
* If testMode is false, the keysToCertify array must not contain any keys flagged as
* test keys. Otherwise, the method must return STATUS_TEST_KEY_IN_PRODUCTION_REQUEST.
* @param in endpointEncryptionKey contains an X25519 public key which will be used to encrypt
* the BCC. For flexibility, this is represented as a certificate chain, represented as a
* CBOR array of COSE_Sign1 objects, ordered from root to leaf. The leaf contains the
* X25519 encryption key, each other element is an Ed25519 key signing the next in the
* chain. The root is self-signed.
* EekChain = [ + SignedSignatureKey, SignedEek ]
* SignedSignatureKey = [ // COSE_Sign1
* protected: bstr .cbor {
* 1 : -8, // Algorithm : EdDSA
* },
* unprotected: { },
* payload: bstr .cbor SignatureKey,
* signature: bstr PureEd25519(.cbor SignatureKeySignatureInput)
* ]
* SignatureKey = { // COSE_Key
* 1 : 1, // Key type : Octet Key Pair
* 3 : -8, // Algorithm : EdDSA
* -1 : 6, // Curve : Ed25519
* -2 : bstr // Ed25519 public key
* }
* SignatureKeySignatureInput = [
* context: "Signature1",
* body_protected: bstr .cbor {
* 1 : -8, // Algorithm : EdDSA
* },
* external_aad: bstr .size 0,
* payload: bstr .cbor SignatureKey
* ]
* SignedEek = [ // COSE_Sign1
* protected: bstr .cbor {
* 1 : -8, // Algorithm : EdDSA
* },
* unprotected: { },
* payload: bstr .cbor Eek,
* signature: bstr PureEd25519(.cbor EekSignatureInput)
* ]
* Eek = { // COSE_Key
* 1 : 1, // Key type : Octet Key Pair
* 2 : bstr // KID : EEK ID
* 3 : -25, // Algorithm : ECDH-ES + HKDF-256
* -1 : 4, // Curve : X25519
* -2 : bstr // X25519 public key
* }
* EekSignatureInput = [
* context: "Signature1",
* body_protected: bstr .cbor {
* 1 : -8, // Algorithm : EdDSA
* },
* external_aad: bstr .size 0,
* payload: bstr .cbor Eek
* ]
* If the contents of endpointEncryptionKey do not match the SignedEek structure above,
* the method must return STATUS_INVALID_EEK.
* If testMode is true, the method must ignore the length and content of the signatures
* in the chain, which implies that it must not attempt to validate the signature.
* If testMode is false, the method must validate the chain signatures, and must verify
* that the public key in the root certificate is in its pre-configured set of
* authorized EEK root keys. If the public key is not in the database, or if signature
* verification fails, the method must return STATUS_INVALID_EEK.
* @param in challenge contains a byte string from the provisioning server that must be signed
* by the secure area. See the description of the 'signature' output parameter for
* details.
* @param out keysToSignMac contains the MAC of KeysToSign in the CertificateRequest
* structure. Specifically, it contains:
* HMAC-256(EK_mac, .cbor KeysToMacStructure)
* Where EK_mac is an ephemeral MAC key, found in ProtectedData (see below). The MACed
* data is the "tag" field of a COSE_Mac0 structure like:
* MacedKeys = [ // COSE_Mac0
* protected : bstr .cbor {
* 1 : 5, // Algorithm : HMAC-256
* },
* unprotected : { },
* // Payload is PublicKeys from keysToSign argument, in provided order.
* payload: bstr .cbor [ * PublicKey ],
* tag: bstr
* ]
* KeysToMacStructure = [
* context : "MAC0",
* protected : bstr .cbor { 1 : 5 }, // Algorithm : HMAC-256
* external_aad : bstr .size 0,
* // Payload is PublicKeys from keysToSign argument, in provided order.
* payload : bstr .cbor [ * PublicKey ]
* ]
* @param out ProtectedData contains the encrypted BCC and the ephemeral MAC key used to
* authenticate the keysToSign (see keysToSignMac output argument).
byte[] generateCertificateRequest(in boolean testMode, in MacedPublicKey[] keysToSign,
in byte[] endpointEncryptionCertChain, in byte[] challenge, out DeviceInfo deviceInfo,
out ProtectedData protectedData);