blob: 8b0891c3b5332f421b7c987408deec4bb270b2ef [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import @1.0::ApnAuthType;
import @1.0::ApnTypes;
import @1.0::DataProfileId;
import @1.0::DataProfileInfoType;
import @1.0::RadioAccessFamily;
import @1.0::RegState;
import @1.2::AccessNetwork;
import @1.2::CellIdentity;
import @1.2::DataRegStateResult;
import android.hidl.safe_union@1.0::Monostate;
enum AccessNetwork : @1.2::AccessNetwork {
* Unknown access network
* Emergency number contains information of number, one or more service category(s), mobile country
* code (mcc), and source(s) that indicate where it comes from.
* If the source of the emergency number is associated with country, field ‘mcc’ must be
* provided; otherwise the field ‘mcc’ must be an empty string.
* A unique EmergencyNumber has a unique combination of ‘number’, ‘mcc’ and 'categories' fields.
* Multiple @1.3::EmergencyNumberSource should be merged into the bitfield for the same
* EmergencyNumber.
* Reference: 3GPP TS 22.101 version 9.1.0 Release 9
struct EmergencyNumber{
* The emergency number. The character in the number string should only be the dial pad
* character('0'-'9', '*', or '#'). For example: 911.
string number;
* 3-digit Mobile Country Code, 0..999. Empty string if not applicable.
string mcc;
* The bitfield of @1.3::EmergencyServiceCategory(s). See @1.3::EmergencyServiceCategory for
* the value of each bit.
bitfield<EmergencyServiceCategory> categories;
* The bitfield of @1.3::EmergencyNumberSource(s). See @1.3::EmergencyNumberSource for the
* value of each bit.
bitfield<EmergencyNumberSource> sources;
* Defining Emergency Service Category as follows:
* - General emergency call, all categories;
* - Police;
* - Ambulance;
* - Fire Brigade;
* - Marine Guard;
* - Mountain Rescue;
* - Manually Initiated eCall (MIeC);
* - Automatically Initiated eCall (AIeC);
* Category UNSPECIFIED (General emergency call, all categories) indicates that no specific
* services are associated with this emergency number.
* Reference: 3gpp 22.101, Section 10 - Emergency Calls
enum EmergencyServiceCategory : int32_t {
* General emergency call, all categories
POLICE = 1 << 0,
AMBULANCE = 1 << 1,
FIRE_BRIGADE = 1 << 2,
MARINE_GUARD = 1 << 3,
* Manually Initiated eCall (MIeC)
MIEC = 1 << 5,
* Automatically Initiated eCall (AIeC)
AIEC = 1 << 6,
* The source to tell where the corresponding @1.3::EmergencyNumber comes from.
* Reference: 3gpp 22.101, Section 10 - Emergency Calls
enum EmergencyNumberSource : int32_t {
* Indicates the number is from the network signal.
* Indicates the number is from the sim card.
SIM = 1 << 1,
* Indicates the number is from the modem config.
MODEM_CONFIG = 1 << 2,
* Indicates the number is available as default. Per the reference, 112, 911 must always be
* available; additionally, 000, 08, 110, 999, 118 and 119 must be available when sim is not
* present.
DEFAULT = 1 << 3,
* Type to define the LTE specific network capabilities for voice over PS including
* emergency and normal voice calls.
struct LteVopsInfo {
* This indicates if camped network support VoLTE services. This information is received
* from LTE network during LTE NAS registration procedure through LTE ATTACH ACCEPT/TAU
* ACCEPT. Refer 3GPP 24.301 EPS network feature support -> IMS VoPS
bool isVopsSupported;
* This indicates if camped network support VoLTE emergency bearers. This information
* is received from LTE network through two sources:
* a. During LTE NAS registration procedure through LTE ATTACH ACCEPT/TAU ACCEPT. Refer
* 3GPP 24.301 EPS network feature support -> EMC BS
* b. In case device is not registered on network. Refer 3GPP 25.331 LTE RRC
* SIB1 : ims-EmergencySupport-r9
* If device is registered on LTE, then this field indicates (a).
* In case of limited service on LTE this field indicates (b).
bool isEmcBearerSupported;
struct DataRegStateResult {
@1.2::DataRegStateResult base;
* Network capabilities for voice over PS services. This info is valid only
* on LTE network and must be present when device is camped on LTE. vopsInfo
* will be empty when device is camped only on 2G/3G .
safe_union VopsInfo {
Monostate noinit;
LteVopsInfo lteVopsInfo; // LTE network capability
} vopsInfo;
* Overwritten from @1.0::DataProfileInfo in order to deprecate 'mvnoType', and 'mvnoMatchData'.
* In the future, this must be extended instead of overwritten.
* Also added 'preferred' and 'persistent' in this version.
struct DataProfileInfo {
/** id of the data profile */
DataProfileId profileId;
/** The APN name */
string apn;
* One of the PDP_type values in TS 27.007 section 10.1.1. For example, "IP", "IPV6", "IPV4V6",
* or "PPP".
string protocol;
* one of the PDP_type values in TS 27.007 section 10.1.1 used on roaming network. For example,
* "IP", "IPV6", "IPV4V6", or "PPP".
string roamingProtocol;
/** APN authentication type */
ApnAuthType authType;
/** The username for APN, or empty string */
string user;
/** The password for APN, or empty string */
string password;
/** Data profile technology type */
DataProfileInfoType type;
/** The period in seconds to limit the maximum connections */
int32_t maxConnsTime;
/** The maximum connections during maxConnsTime */
int32_t maxConns;
* The required wait time in seconds after a successful UE initiated disconnect of a given PDN
* connection before the device can send a new PDN connection request for that given PDN.
int32_t waitTime;
/** True to enable the profile, false to disable */
bool enabled;
/** Supported APN types bitmap. See ApnTypes for the value of each bit. */
bitfield<ApnTypes> supportedApnTypesBitmap;
/** The bearer bitmap. See RadioAccessFamily for the value of each bit. */
bitfield<RadioAccessFamily> bearerBitmap;
/** Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size in bytes */
int32_t mtu;
* True if this data profile was used to bring up the last default (i.e internet) data
* connection successfully.
bool preferred;
* If true, modem must persist this data profile and profileId must not be
* set to DataProfileId.INVALID. If the same data profile exists, this data profile must
* overwrite it.
bool persistent;