display: invert touch cursor coordinate

Currently sprite plane and primary plane both rotate
180 to adapte AUO panel. Touch cursor coordinate also
should be shifted to the position of cursor lower right
corner relative to the end of plane in the unmirrored

Bug: 31058136
Change-Id: I51b2e23c2155f63694f3724defdd9be389ed914f
Tracked-On: https://jira01.devtools.intel.com/browse/AW-1169
Signed-off-by: wenshelx <wenshengx.wang@intel.com>
diff --git a/merrifield/ips/tangier/TngCursorPlane.cpp b/merrifield/ips/tangier/TngCursorPlane.cpp
index 8ce5af7..c229711 100644
--- a/merrifield/ips/tangier/TngCursorPlane.cpp
+++ b/merrifield/ips/tangier/TngCursorPlane.cpp
@@ -99,6 +99,11 @@
         cursorSize = w;
+    dstX = mModeInfo.hdisplay - dstX - cursorSize;
+    dstY = mModeInfo.vdisplay - dstY - cursorSize;
     uint32_t cntr = 0;
     if (64 <= cursorSize && cursorSize < 128) {
         cursorSize = 64;