blob: 5e09a14a03d7323b0f3e094b752e47af4c9cd0b3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
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#include <va/va.h>
#include "VideoDecoderDefs.h"
#include "VideoDecoderInterface.h"
#include <pthread.h>
extern "C" {
#include "vbp_loader.h"
#ifndef Display
typedef unsigned int Display;
class VideoDecoderBase : public IVideoDecoder {
VideoDecoderBase(const char *mimeType, _vbp_parser_type type);
virtual ~VideoDecoderBase();
virtual Decode_Status start(VideoConfigBuffer *buffer);
virtual void stop(void);
//virtual Decode_Status decode(VideoDecodeBuffer *buffer);
virtual void flush(void);
virtual const VideoRenderBuffer* getOutput(bool draining = false);
virtual Decode_Status signalRenderDone(void * graphichandler);
virtual const VideoFormatInfo* getFormatInfo(void);
virtual bool checkBufferAvail();
// each acquireSurfaceBuffer must be followed by a corresponding outputSurfaceBuffer or releaseSurfaceBuffer.
// Only one surface buffer can be acquired at any given time
virtual Decode_Status acquireSurfaceBuffer(void);
// frame is successfully decoded to the acquired surface buffer and surface is ready for output
virtual Decode_Status outputSurfaceBuffer(void);
// acquired surface buffer is not used
virtual Decode_Status releaseSurfaceBuffer(void);
// flush all decoded but not rendered buffers
virtual void flushSurfaceBuffers(void);
virtual Decode_Status endDecodingFrame(bool dropFrame);
virtual VideoSurfaceBuffer* findOutputByPoc(bool draining = false);
virtual VideoSurfaceBuffer* findOutputByPct(bool draining = false);
virtual VideoSurfaceBuffer* findOutputByPts(bool draining = false);
virtual Decode_Status setupVA(int32_t numSurface, VAProfile profile);
virtual Decode_Status terminateVA(void);
virtual Decode_Status parseBuffer(uint8_t *buffer, int32_t size, bool config, void** vbpData);
static inline int32_t alignMB(int32_t a) {
return ((a + 15) & (~15));
Decode_Status mapSurface(void);
Decode_Status getRawDataFromSurface(void);
void initSurfaceBuffer(bool reset);
bool mInitialized;
pthread_mutex_t mLock;
VideoFormatInfo mVideoFormatInfo;
Display *mDisplay;
VADisplay mVADisplay;
VAContextID mVAContext;
VAConfigID mVAConfig;
bool mVAStarted;
uint64_t mCurrentPTS; // current presentation time stamp (unit is unknown, depend on the framework: GStreamer 100-nanosec, Android: microsecond)
// the following three member variables should be set using
// acquireSurfaceBuffer/outputSurfaceBuffer/releaseSurfaceBuffer
VideoSurfaceBuffer *mAcquiredBuffer;
VideoSurfaceBuffer *mLastReference;
VideoSurfaceBuffer *mForwardReference;
VideoConfigBuffer mConfigBuffer; // only store configure meta data.
bool mDecodingFrame; // indicate whether a frame is being decoded
bool mSizeChanged; // indicate whether video size is changed.
enum {
// TODO: move this to vbp_loader.h
// TODO: move this to va.h
VAProfileSoftwareDecoding = 0xFF,
// output by Picture Coding Type (I, P, B)
// output by Picture Order Count (for AVC only)
bool mLowDelay; // when true, decoded frame is immediately output for rendering
bool mRawOutput; // whether to output NV12 raw data
bool mManageReference; // this should stay true for VC1/MP4 decoder, and stay false for AVC decoder. AVC handles reference frame using DPB
OUTPUT_METHOD mOutputMethod;
int32_t mOutputWindowSize; // indicate limit of number of outstanding frames for output
int32_t mNumSurfaces;
VideoSurfaceBuffer *mSurfaceBuffers;
VideoSurfaceBuffer *mOutputHead; // head of output buffer list
VideoSurfaceBuffer *mOutputTail; // tail of output buffer list
VASurfaceID *mSurfaces; // surfaces array
VASurfaceAttrib *mVASurfaceAttrib;
VAExternalMemoryBuffers *mVAExternalMemoryBuffers;
uint8_t **mSurfaceUserPtr; // mapped user space pointer
int32_t mSurfaceAcquirePos; // position of surface to start acquiring
int32_t mNextOutputPOC; // Picture order count of next output
_vbp_parser_type mParserType;
void *mParserHandle;
void *mSignalBufferPre[MAX_GRAPHIC_NUM];
uint32 mSignalBufferSize;
void ManageReference(bool enable) {mManageReference = enable;}
void setOutputMethod(OUTPUT_METHOD method) {mOutputMethod = method;}
void setOutputWindowSize(int32_t size) {mOutputWindowSize = size;}