blob: dbbe5c6a6537c32c2990dc1ecf28dc9459af44fc [file] [log] [blame]
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or
// nondisclosure agreement with Intel Corporation and may not be copied
// or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement.
// Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Description: h264 bistream decoding
#include "h264.h"
#include "h264parse.h"
#include "viddec_parser_ops.h"
get_codeNum :Get codenum based on sec 9.1 of H264 spec.
@param cxt : Buffer adress & size are part inputs, the cxt is updated
with codeNum & sign on sucess.
Assumption: codeNum is a max of 32 bits
@retval 1 : Sucessfuly found a code num, cxt is updated with codeNum, sign, and size of code.
@retval 0 : Couldn't find a code in the current buffer.
be freed.
uint32_t h264_get_codeNum(void *parent, h264_Info* pInfo)
int32_t leadingZeroBits= 0;
uint32_t temp = 0, match = 0, noOfBits = 0, count = 0;
uint32_t codeNum =0;
uint32_t bits_offset =0, byte_offset =0;
uint8_t is_emul =0;
uint8_t is_first_byte = 1;
uint32_t length =0;
uint32_t bits_need_add_in_first_byte =0;
int32_t bits_operation_result=0;
//remove warning
pInfo = pInfo;
////// Step 1: parse through zero bits until we find a bit with value 1.
viddec_pm_get_au_pos(parent, &bits_offset, &byte_offset, &is_emul);
if ((bits_offset != 0) && ( is_first_byte == 1))
//we handle byte at a time, if we have offset then for first
// byte handle only 8 - offset bits
noOfBits = (uint8_t)(8 - bits_offset);
bits_operation_result = viddec_pm_peek_bits(parent, &temp, noOfBits);
temp = (temp << bits_offset);
bits_need_add_in_first_byte = bits_offset;
is_first_byte =0;
noOfBits = 8;/* always 8 bits as we read a byte at a time */
bits_operation_result = viddec_pm_peek_bits(parent, &temp, 8);
return MAX_INT32_VALUE;
if(temp != 0)
// if byte!=0 we have at least one bit with value 1.
while(((temp & 0x80) != 0x80) && (count <= noOfBits))
temp = temp <<1;
//At this point we get the bit position of 1 in current byte(count).
match = 1;
leadingZeroBits += count;
// we don't have a 1 in current byte
leadingZeroBits += noOfBits;
//actually move the bitoff by viddec_pm_get_bits
viddec_pm_get_bits(parent, &temp, noOfBits);
//actually move the bitoff by viddec_pm_get_bits
viddec_pm_get_bits(parent, &temp, count);
////// step 2: Now read the next (leadingZeroBits-1) bits to get the encoded value.
viddec_pm_get_au_pos(parent, &bits_offset, &byte_offset, &is_emul);
/* bit position in current byte */
//count = (uint8_t)((leadingZeroBits + bits_offset)& 0x7);
count = ((count + bits_need_add_in_first_byte)& 0x7);
leadingZeroBits --;
length = leadingZeroBits;
codeNum = 0;
noOfBits = 8 - count;
while(leadingZeroBits > 0)
if(noOfBits < (uint32_t)leadingZeroBits)
viddec_pm_get_bits(parent, &temp, noOfBits);
codeNum = (codeNum << noOfBits) | temp;
leadingZeroBits -= noOfBits;
viddec_pm_get_bits(parent, &temp, leadingZeroBits);
codeNum = (codeNum << leadingZeroBits) | temp;
leadingZeroBits = 0;
noOfBits = 8;
// update codeNum = 2 ** (leadingZeroBits) -1 + read_bits(leadingZeroBits).
codeNum = codeNum + (1 << length) -1;
viddec_pm_get_au_pos(parent, &bits_offset, &byte_offset, &is_emul);
viddec_pm_peek_bits(parent, &temp, 8-bits_offset);
return codeNum;
int32_t h264_GetVLCElement(void *parent, h264_Info* pInfo, uint8_t bIsSigned)
int32_t sval = 0;
signed char sign;
sval = h264_get_codeNum(parent , pInfo);
if(bIsSigned) //get signed integer golomb code else the value is unsigned
sign = (sval & 0x1)?1:-1;
sval = (sval +1) >> 1;
sval = sval * sign;
return sval;
} // Ipp32s H264Bitstream::GetVLCElement(bool bIsSigned)
/// Check whether more RBSP data left in current NAL
uint8_t h264_More_RBSP_Data(void *parent, h264_Info * pInfo)
uint8_t cnt = 0;
uint8_t is_emul =0;
uint8_t cur_byte = 0;
int32_t shift_bits =0;
uint32_t ctr_bit = 0;
uint32_t bits_offset =0, byte_offset =0;
//remove warning
pInfo = pInfo;
if (!viddec_pm_is_nomoredata(parent))
return 1;
viddec_pm_get_au_pos(parent, &bits_offset, &byte_offset, &is_emul);
shift_bits = 7-bits_offset;
// read one byte
viddec_pm_get_cur_byte(parent, &cur_byte);
ctr_bit = ((cur_byte)>> (shift_bits--)) & 0x01;
// a stop bit has to be one
if (ctr_bit==0)
return 1;
while (shift_bits>=0 && !cnt)
cnt |= (((cur_byte)>> (shift_bits--)) & 0x01); // set up control bit
return (cnt);
///////////// EOF/////////////////////