Don\'t rebuild the boot image every time
am: 1d294cefde

* commit '1d294cefde931ee0b0c0f012d04414b57c7b25cd':
  Don't rebuild the boot image every time
diff --git a/ b/
index 56adcfe..97df35d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -44,17 +44,17 @@
 	$(hide) $(TARGET_OBJCOPY) -O binary -R .note -R .comment -S $(PRIVATE_ELF_FILE) $@
-# Then assemble the final bootstub file
-bootstub_full := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/$(BOOTSTUB_BINARY)
 	$(hide) ACTUAL_SIZE=`$(call get-file-size,$<)`; \
 	if [ "$$ACTUAL_SIZE" -gt "$(BOOTSTUB_SIZE)" ]; then \
 		echo "$<: $$ACTUAL_SIZE exceeds size limit of $(BOOTSTUB_SIZE) bytes, aborting."; \
 		exit 1; \
+	$(hide) touch $@
+# Then assemble the final bootstub file
+bootstub_full := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/$(BOOTSTUB_BINARY)
+$(bootstub_full) : $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE) $(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE).size_check
 	@echo "Generating bootstub: $@"
 	$(hide) cat $< /dev/zero | dd bs=$(BOOTSTUB_SIZE) count=1 > $@