blob: 9ffb708355d32de8e2938a832e3a19647ae41bc5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
// C++ namespace: android::hardware::google::pixel::PixelAtoms
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "PixelAtoms";
* Please note that the following features are not currently supported by
* the IStats->reportVendorAtom implementation:
* - types outside of int, long, float, and string (ex. uint)
* - submessages within an atom
* - repeated fields - arrays must be unrolled
* - field # 1 - this will be occupied by the vendor namespace
/* Allocated atom IDs. */
message Atom {
oneof pushed {
// AOSP atom ID range starts at 105000
ChargeStats charge_stats = 105000;
VoltageTierStats voltage_tier_stats = 105001;
BatteryCapacity battery_capacity = 105002;
StorageUfsHealth storage_ufs_health = 105003;
F2fsStatsInfo f2fs_stats = 105004;
ZramMmStat zram_mm_stat = 105005;
ZramBdStat zram_bd_stat = 105006;
BootStatsInfo boot_stats = 105007;
WirelessChargingStats wireless_charging_stats = 105008;
DeviceOrientation device_orientation = 105009;
BatteryCapacityFG fg_capacity = 105010;
PdVidPid pd_vid_pid = 105011;
BatteryEEPROM battery_eeprom = 105012;
VendorSpeakerImpedance vendor_speaker_impedance = 105013; // moved from atoms.proto
StorageUfsResetCount ufs_reset_count = 105014;
PixelMmMetricsPerHour pixel_mm_metrics_per_hour = 105015;
PixelMmMetricsPerDay pixel_mm_metrics_per_day = 105016;
F2fsCompressionInfo f2fs_compression_info = 105017;
VendorChargeCycles vendor_charge_cycles = 105018; // moved from atoms.proto
VendorHardwareFailed vendor_hardware_failed = 105019; // moved from atoms.proto
VendorSlowIo vendor_slow_io = 105020; // moved from atoms.proto
VendorSpeechDspStat vendor_speech_dsp_stat = 105021; // moved from atoms.proto
VendorPhysicalDropDetected vendor_physical_drop_detected = 105022; // moved from atoms.proto
VendorUsbPortOverheat vendor_usb_port_overheat = 105023; // moved from atoms.proto
CmaStatus cma_status = 105024;
CmaStatusExt cma_status_ext = 105025;
VendorBatteryHealthSnapshot vendor_battery_health_snapshot = 105026; // moved from atoms.proto
VendorBatteryCausedShutdown vendor_battery_caused_shutdown = 105027; // moved from atoms.proto
F2fsGcSegmentInfo f2fs_gc_segment_info = 105028;
PowerMitigationStats mitigation_stats = 105029; // moved from atoms.proto
CitadelVersion citadel_version = 100018; // moved from vendor proprietary
CitadelEvent citadel_event = 100019; // moved from vendor proprietary
VendorSpeakerStatsReported vendor_speaker_stats_reported = 105030;
ChreHalNanoappLoadFailed chre_hal_nanoapp_load_failed = 105031;
ChrePalOpenFailed chre_pal_open_failed = 105032;
ChreApiErrorCodeDistributionTaken chre_api_error_code_distribution_taken = 105033;
ChreDynamicMemorySnapshotReported chre_dynamic_memory_snapshot_reported = 105034;
ChreEventQueueSnapshotReported chre_event_queue_snapshot_reported = 105035;
ChreApWakeUpOccurred chre_ap_wake_up_occurred = 105036;
BatteryHealthStatus battery_health_status = 105037;
BatteryHealthUsage battery_health_usage = 105038;
// AOSP atom ID range ends at 109999
/* Supported reverse domain names. */
message ReverseDomainNames {
optional string pixel = 1 [default = ""];
/* A message containing detailed statistics and debug information about a charge session. */
message ChargeStats {
/* Charge Adapter stats. */
enum AdapterType {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* Type of charge adapter, enumerated above. */
optional AdapterType adapter_type = 2;
/* Max negotiated voltage by charge adapter, in mV. */
optional int32 adapter_voltage = 3;
/* Max negotiated current by charge adapter current, in mA. */
optional int32 adapter_amperage = 4;
/* Stats at beginning of charge session. */
/* System State of Charge, in percent. */
optional int32 ssoc_in = 5;
/* Voltage in mV. */
optional int32 voltage_in = 6;
/* Stats at end of charge session. */
/* System State of Charge, in percent. */
optional int32 ssoc_out = 7;
/* Voltage in mV. */
optional int32 voltage_out = 8;
* These values are meant to represent status of the charging device, used
* to validate the charging algorithm and explain charging performances.
* Examples of the content of the register:
* - APDO, PDO (power capabilities of the device, eg. 5V3A, 9V2A, 20V2A) for wired charging
* - Wireless charging MFG code. This is the value of a register of the WLC integrated
* circuit to identify the vendor and type of WLC pad
* - Receiver operating frequency
* - Register status
optional int32 adapter_capabilities0 = 9;
optional int32 adapter_capabilities1 = 10;
optional int32 adapter_capabilities2 = 11;
optional int32 adapter_capabilities3 = 12;
optional int32 adapter_capabilities4 = 13;
* These are values which reports the state of the wireless receiver, which will help in
* debugging charging issues and alternate configurations.
optional int32 receiver_state0 = 14;
optional int32 receiver_state1 = 15;
/* AACR feature to record capacity */
optional int32 charge_capacity = 16;
/* A message containing stats from each charge voltage tier. */
message VoltageTierStats {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* Voltage tier number, custom to implementation, should be <= 3. */
optional int32 voltage_tier = 2;
/* Stats when entering voltage tier. */
/* State of charge, in percent. */
optional float soc_in = 3;
/* Coulomb count, in mAh. */
optional int32 cc_in = 4;
/* Battery temperature, in deciC. */
optional int32 temp_in = 5;
/* Time spent at various charge speeds, in seconds. */
optional int32 time_fast_secs = 6;
optional int32 time_taper_secs = 7;
optional int32 time_other_secs = 8;
/* Battery temperature stats, in deciC. */
optional int32 temp_min = 9;
optional int32 temp_avg = 10;
optional int32 temp_max = 11;
/* Battery current stats, in mA. */
optional int32 ibatt_min = 12;
optional int32 ibatt_avg = 13;
optional int32 ibatt_max = 14;
/* Input current limit stats, in mA. */
optional int32 icl_min = 15;
optional int32 icl_avg = 16;
optional int32 icl_max = 17;
* Efficiency number, receiver operating frequency in kHz for wireless charging
* (alignment)
optional int32 charging_operating_point = 18;
/* The minimum power out of the adapter at the given charging tier */
optional int32 min_adapter_power_out = 19;
/* The time-averaged power out of the adapter at the given charging tier */
optional int32 time_avg_adapter_power_out = 20;
/* The maximum power out of the adapter at the given charging tier */
optional int32 max_adapter_power_out = 21;
/* A message containing an alternate proprietary full battery capacity estimate. */
message BatteryCapacity {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* Sum of the change in coulomb count. */
optional int32 delta_cc_sum = 2;
/* Sum of the change in state of charge (battery level). */
optional int32 delta_vfsoc_sum = 3;
/* A message containing health values of UFS */
message StorageUfsHealth {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* The value of lifetimeA for UFS health */
optional int32 lifetime_a = 2;
/* The value of lifetimeB for UFS health */
optional int32 lifetime_b = 3;
/* The value of lifetimeC for UFS health */
optional int32 lifetime_c = 4;
/* A message containing filesystem stats of F2FS */
message F2fsStatsInfo {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* The value of dirty segments of f2fs */
optional int32 dirty_segments = 2;
/* The value of free segments of f2fs */
optional int32 free_segments = 3;
/* The times of checkpoint function called in foreground*/
optional int32 cp_calls_fg = 4;
/* The times of checkpoint function called in background */
optional int32 cp_calls_bg = 5;
/* The times of garbage collection function called in foreground */
optional int32 gc_calls_fg = 6;
/* The times of garbage collection function called in background */
optional int32 gc_calls_bg = 7;
/* The amount of blocks been moved by garbage collection in foreground */
optional int32 moved_blocks_fg = 8;
/* The amount of blocks been moved by garbage collection in background */
optional int32 moved_blocks_bg = 9;
/* The average of how many valid blocks is in a segment */
optional int32 valid_blocks = 10;
message ZramMmStat {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* The value of original memory size */
optional int64 orig_data_size = 2;
/* The value of compressed memory size */
optional int64 compr_data_size = 3;
/* The value of consumed memory size to store compressed memory */
optional int64 mem_used_total = 4;
/* The value of number of page filled with same elements data */
optional int64 same_pages = 5;
/* The value of number of incompressible page */
optional int64 huge_pages = 6;
/* The value of number of incompressible pages since boot */
optional int64 huge_pages_since_boot = 7;
message ZramBdStat {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* the number of pages in backing device */
optional int64 bd_count = 2;
/* The number of pages readed from backing device */
optional int64 bd_reads = 3;
/* The number of pages written to backing device */
optional int64 bd_writes = 4;
/* A message containing boot times */
message BootStatsInfo {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* The F2FS fsck time in secs */
optional int32 fsck_time_sec = 2;
/* The F2FS mounted time in secs */
optional int32 mounted_time_sec = 3;
/* The F2FS checkpoint=disable time in secs */
optional int32 checkpoint_time_sec = 4;
/* A message containing wireless charging health info. */
message WirelessChargingStats {
/* Captures if a google charger used when start wireless charging */
enum ChargerVendor {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
optional ChargerVendor charger_vendor = 2;
/* Current device Orientation */
message DeviceOrientation {
enum Orientation {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* Device orientation. */
optional Orientation orientation = 2;
/* Raw battery capacity stats */
message BatteryCapacityFG {
enum LogReason {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* Uevent logging reason, enumerated above. */
optional LogReason capacity_log_reason = 2;
/* The battery capacity reported from the FG (fuel gauge) hardware */
optional float capacity_gdf = 3;
/* The filtered system battery capacity reported to the UI */
optional float capacity_ssoc = 4;
/* The fuel gauge capacity curve midpoint FG (fuel gauge) value */
optional float capacity_gdf_curve = 5;
/* The fuel gauge capacity curve midpoint UI value */
optional float capacity_ssoc_curve = 6;
message PdVidPid {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* Vendor ID of wired charger */
optional int32 vid = 2;
/* Product ID of wired charger */
optional int32 pid = 3;
message BatteryEEPROM {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* The cycle count number; record of charge/discharge times */
optional int32 cycle_cnt = 2;
/* The current full capacity of the battery under nominal conditions */
optional int32 full_cap = 3;
/* The battery equivalent series resistance */
optional int32 esr = 4;
/* Battery resistance related to temperature change */
optional int32 rslow = 5;
/* Battery health indicator reflecting the battery age state */
optional int32 soh = 6;
/* The battery temperature */
optional int32 batt_temp = 7;
/* Battery state of charge (SOC) shutdown point */
optional int32 cutoff_soc = 8;
/* Raw battery state of charge (SOC), based on battery current (CC = Coulomb Counter) */
optional int32 cc_soc = 9;
/* Estimated battery state of charge (SOC) from batt_soc with endpoint limiting (0% and 100%) */
optional int32 sys_soc = 10;
/* Filtered monotonic SOC, handles situations where the cutoff_soc is increased and
* then decreased from the battery physical properties
optional int32 msoc = 11;
/* Estimated SOC derived from cc_soc that provides voltage loop feedback correction using
* battery voltage, current, and status values
optional int32 batt_soc = 12;
/* Field used for data padding in the EEPROM data */
optional int32 reserve = 13;
/* The maximum battery temperature ever seen */
optional int32 max_temp = 14;
/* The minimum battery temperature ever seen */
optional int32 min_temp = 15;
/* The maximum battery voltage ever seen */
optional int32 max_vbatt = 16;
/* The minimum battery voltage ever seen */
optional int32 min_vbatt = 17;
/* The maximum battery current ever seen */
optional int32 max_ibatt = 18;
/* The minimum battery current ever seen */
optional int32 min_ibatt = 19;
/* Field used to verify the integrity of the EEPROM data */
optional int32 checksum = 20;
/* Extend data for P21 */
/* Temperature compensation information */
optional int32 tempco = 21;
/* Learned characterization related to the voltage gauge */
optional int32 rcomp0 = 22;
/* For time to monitor the life of cell */
optional int32 timer_h = 23;
/* The full capacity of the battery learning at the end of every charge cycle */
optional int32 full_rep = 24;
/* A message containing an exceptional event from citadel. */
message CitadelEvent {
enum Event {
ALERT = 1;
ALERT_V2 = 4;
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
optional Event event = 2;
optional int32 reset_count = 3;
optional int64 uptime_micros = 4;
enum Priority {
LOW = 0;
HIGH = 2;
optional Priority priority = 5;
// ALERT-specific fields. These fields correspond to the interrupt status
// bits for alerts within citadel. When alerts fire one or more of these
// bits are set to indicate the alert source.
optional int32 intr_sts_0 = 6;
optional int32 intr_sts_1 = 7;
optional int32 intr_sts_2 = 8;
// REBOOTED-specific fields. These fields correspond to the details of how
// the hardware reboot occurred. A reboot is a noteworthy event for citadel,
// as it can be triggered by events like stack overflow or other software
// bugs.
optional int32 rstsrc = 9;
optional int32 exitpd = 10;
optional int32 which0 = 11;
optional int32 which1 = 12;
// UPGRADED-specific field. This field corresponds to the result of FW
// upgrade for citadel.
optional int32 upgrade_state = 13;
// ALERT_V2-specific field. This field corresponds to the GLOBALSEC Log
// which contains normal globalsec, camo, temp and buserr.
optional int32 alert_grp_0 = 14;
optional int32 alert_grp_1 = 15;
optional int32 alert_grp_2 = 16;
optional int32 alert_grp_3 = 17;
optional int32 camo_breaches_0 = 18;
optional int32 camo_breaches_1 = 19;
optional int32 temp_min = 20;
optional int32 temp_max = 21;
optional int32 bus_err = 22;
/* A message containing the citadel firmware version. */
message CitadelVersion {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
optional string version = 2;
/* A message containing the speaker impedance. */
message VendorSpeakerImpedance {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
optional int32 speaker_location = 2;
optional int32 impedance = 3;
* Logs the reported vendor speaker health stats.
* Logged from: hardware/google/pixel/pixelstats/SysfsCollector.cpp
message VendorSpeakerStatsReported {
/* Vendor reverse domain name (expecting "") */
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* The location of speaker; 0 = left , 1 = right */
optional int32 speaker_location = 2;
/* The speaker's impedance value (milliOhm) */
optional int32 impedance = 3;
/* The speaker's maximum temperature (milliDegree C) */
optional int32 max_temperature = 4;
/* The speaker's execursion length (micrometer) */
optional int32 excursion = 5;
/* The speaker's heart beat count */
optional int32 heartbeat = 6;
/* A message containing how many times of ufs host reset */
message StorageUfsResetCount {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* How many UFS error reset are triggered */
optional int32 host_reset_count = 2;
/* A message containing Pixel memory metrics collected hourly. */
message PixelMmMetricsPerHour {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
optional int64 free_pages = 2;
optional int64 anon_pages = 3;
optional int64 file_pages = 4;
optional int64 slab_reclaimable = 5;
optional int64 zspages = 6;
optional int64 unevictable = 7;
optional int64 ion_total_pools = 8;
optional int64 gpu_memory = 9;
/* A message containing Pixel memory metrics collected daily. */
message PixelMmMetricsPerDay {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
optional int64 workingset_refault = 2;
optional int64 pswpin = 3;
optional int64 pswpout = 4;
optional int64 allocstall_dma = 5;
optional int64 allocstall_dma32 = 6;
optional int64 allocstall_normal = 7;
optional int64 allocstall_movable = 8;
optional int64 pgalloc_dma = 9;
optional int64 pgalloc_dma32 = 10;
optional int64 pgalloc_normal = 11;
optional int64 pgalloc_movable = 12;
optional int64 pgsteal_kswapd = 13;
optional int64 pgsteal_direct = 14;
optional int64 pgscan_kswapd = 15;
optional int64 pgscan_direct = 16;
optional int64 oom_kill = 17;
optional int64 pgalloc_high = 18;
optional int64 pgcache_hit = 19;
optional int64 pgcache_miss = 20;
optional int64 kswapd_stime_clks = 21;
optional int64 kcompactd_stime_clks = 22;
/* A message containing CMA metrics collected from dogfooding only. */
message CmaStatus {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
optional int32 type = 2;
optional int64 cma_alloc_pages_attempts = 3;
optional int64 cma_alloc_pages_soft_attempts = 4;
optional int64 cma_fail_pages = 5;
optional int64 cma_fail_soft_pages = 6;
optional int64 migrated_pages = 7;
optional string cma_heap_name = 8;
/* A message containing CMA metrics (External). */
message CmaStatusExt {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
optional int32 type = 2;
optional int64 cma_alloc_latency_low = 3;
optional int64 cma_alloc_latency_mid = 4;
optional int64 cma_alloc_latency_high = 5;
optional string cma_heap_name = 6;
message F2fsCompressionInfo {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* Show the block count written after compression since mount */
optional int32 compr_written_blocks = 2;
/* Show the saved block count with compression since mount */
optional int32 compr_saved_blocks = 3;
/* Show the count of inode newly enabled for compression since mount */
optional int32 compr_new_inodes = 4;
* Log bucketed battery charge cycles.
* Each bucket represents cycles of the battery past
* a given charge point. For example, bucket 1 is the
* lowest 1/8th of the battery, and bucket 8 is 100%.
* Logged from:
* /sys/class/power_supply/bms/cycle_count, via Vendor.
message VendorChargeCycles {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_1 = 2;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_2 = 3;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_3 = 4;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_4 = 5;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_5 = 6;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_6 = 7;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_7 = 8;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_8 = 9;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_9 = 10;
optional int32 cycle_bucket_10 = 11;
* Logs the report of a failed hardware.
* Logged from:
* Vendor HALs.
message VendorHardwareFailed {
enum HardwareType {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
optional HardwareType hardware_type = 2;
* hardware_location allows vendors to differentiate between multiple
* instances of the same hardware_type. The specific locations are vendor
* defined integers, referring to board-specific numbering schemes.
optional int32 hardware_location = 3;
* failure_code is specific to the HardwareType of the failed hardware.
* It should use one of the enum values defined below.
enum HardwareErrorCode {
optional int32 failure_code = 4;
* Log slow I/O operations on the primary storage.
message VendorSlowIo {
// Classifications of IO Operations.
enum IoOperation {
READ = 1;
WRITE = 2;
UNMAP = 3;
SYNC = 4;
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
optional IoOperation operation = 2;
// The number of slow IO operations of this type over 24 hours.
optional int32 count = 3;
* Logs the reported speech DSP status.
* Logged from: Vendor audio implementation.
message VendorSpeechDspStat {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
// The total Speech DSP uptime in milliseconds.
optional int32 total_uptime_millis = 2;
// The total Speech DSP downtime in milliseconds.
optional int32 total_downtime_millis = 3;
optional int32 total_crash_count = 4;
optional int32 total_recover_count = 5;
* Log an event when the device has been physically dropped.
* Reported from the /vendor partition.
message VendorPhysicalDropDetected {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
// Confidence that the event was actually a drop, 0 -> 100
optional int32 confidence_pctg = 2;
// Peak acceleration of the drop, in 1/1000s of a g.
optional int32 accel_peak_thousandths_g = 3;
// Duration of freefall in ms
optional int32 freefall_time_millis = 4;
/** Represents USB port overheat event. */
message VendorUsbPortOverheat {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* Temperature of USB port at USB plug event, in 1/10ths of degree C. */
optional int32 plug_temperature_deci_c = 2;
/* Maximum temperature of USB port during overheat event, in 1/10ths of degree
* C. */
optional int32 max_temperature_deci_c = 3;
/* Time between USB plug event and overheat threshold trip, in seconds. */
optional int32 time_to_overheat_secs = 4;
/* Time between overheat threshold trip and hysteresis, in seconds. */
optional int32 time_to_hysteresis_secs = 5;
/* Time between hysteresis and active mitigation ending, in seconds. */
optional int32 time_to_inactive_secs = 6;
* Log battery health snapshot.
* Resistance, Voltage, Open Circuit Voltage, Temperature, and Charge Level
* are snapshotted periodically over 24hrs.
message VendorBatteryHealthSnapshot {
enum BatterySnapshotType {
BATTERY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_MIN_TEMP = 1; // Snapshot at min batt temp over 24hrs.
BATTERY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_MAX_TEMP = 2; // Snapshot at max batt temp over 24hrs.
BATTERY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_MIN_RESISTANCE = 3; // Snapshot at min batt resistance over 24hrs.
BATTERY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_MAX_RESISTANCE = 4; // Snapshot at max batt resistance over 24hrs.
BATTERY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_MIN_VOLTAGE = 5; // Snapshot at min batt voltage over 24hrs.
BATTERY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_MAX_VOLTAGE = 6; // Snapshot at max batt voltage over 24hrs.
BATTERY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_MIN_CURRENT = 7; // Snapshot at min batt current over 24hrs.
BATTERY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_MAX_CURRENT = 8; // Snapshot at max batt current over 24hrs.
BATTERY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_MIN_BATT_LEVEL = 9; // Snapshot at min battery level (SoC) over 24hrs.
BATTERY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_MAX_BATT_LEVEL = 10; // Snapshot at max battery level (SoC) over 24hrs.
BATTERY_SNAPSHOT_TYPE_AVG_RESISTANCE = 11; // Snapshot at average battery resistance over 24hrs.
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
optional BatterySnapshotType type = 2;
// Temperature, in 1/10ths of degree C.
optional int32 temperature_deci_celsius = 3;
// Voltage Battery Voltage, in microVolts.
optional int32 voltage_micro_volt = 4;
// Current Battery current, in microAmps.
optional int32 current_micro_amps = 5;
// OpenCircuitVoltage Battery Open Circuit Voltage, in microVolts.
optional int32 open_circuit_micro_volt = 6;
// Resistance Battery Resistance, in microOhms.
optional int32 resistance_micro_ohm = 7;
// Level Battery Level, as % of full.
optional int32 level_percent = 8;
* Log battery caused shutdown with the last recorded voltage.
message VendorBatteryCausedShutdown {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
// The last recorded battery voltage prior to shutdown.
optional int32 last_recorded_micro_volt = 2;
* Log mitigation statistics.
message PowerMitigationStats {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
// The last triggered count: batoilo.
optional int32 batoilo_count = 2;
// The last triggered count: vdroop1.
optional int32 vdroop1_count = 3;
// The last triggered count: vdroop2.
optional int32 vdroop2_count = 4;
// The last triggered count: smpl_warn.
optional int32 smpl_warn_count = 5;
// The last triggered count: ocp_cpu1.
optional int32 ocp_cpu1_count = 6;
// The last triggered count: ocp_cpu2.
optional int32 ocp_cpu2_count = 7;
// The last triggered count: ocp_gpu.
optional int32 ocp_gpu_count = 8;
// The last triggered count: ocp_tpu.
optional int32 ocp_tpu_count = 9;
// The last triggered count: soft_ocp_cpu1.
optional int32 soft_ocp_cpu1_count = 10;
// The last triggered count: soft_ocp_cpu2.
optional int32 soft_ocp_cpu2_count = 11;
// The last triggered count: soft_ocp_gpu.
optional int32 soft_ocp_gpu_count = 12;
// The last triggered count: soft_ocp_tpu.
optional int32 soft_ocp_tpu_count = 13;
// The last triggered capacity: batoilo.
optional int32 batoilo_cap = 14;
// The last triggered capacity: vdroop1.
optional int32 vdroop1_cap = 15;
// The last triggered capacity: vdroop2.
optional int32 vdroop2_cap = 16;
// The last triggered capacity: smpl_warn.
optional int32 smpl_warn_cap = 17;
// The last triggered capacity: ocp_cpu1.
optional int32 ocp_cpu1_cap = 18;
// The last triggered capacity: ocp_cpu2.
optional int32 ocp_cpu2_cap = 19;
// The last triggered capacity: ocp_gpu.
optional int32 ocp_gpu_cap = 20;
// The last triggered capacity: ocp_tpu.
optional int32 ocp_tpu_cap = 21;
// The last triggered capacity: soft_ocp_cpu1.
optional int32 soft_ocp_cpu1_cap = 22;
// The last triggered capacity: soft_ocp_cpu2.
optional int32 soft_ocp_cpu2_cap = 23;
// The last triggered capacity: soft_ocp_gpu.
optional int32 soft_ocp_gpu_cap = 24;
// The last triggered capacity: soft_ocp_tpu.
optional int32 soft_ocp_tpu_cap = 25;
* Log how many segments have been reclaimed in a specific GC mode.
message F2fsGcSegmentInfo {
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
/* Reclaimed segments in GC normal mode */
optional int32 reclaimed_segments_normal = 2;
/* Reclaimed segments in GC urgent high mode */
optional int32 reclaimed_segments_urgent_high = 3;
/* Reclaimed segments in GC urgent low mode */
optional int32 reclaimed_segments_urgent_low = 4;
* Logs an event indicating that a nanoapp loading has failed at the HAL.
message ChreHalNanoappLoadFailed {
// Vendor reverse domain name (expecting "").
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
enum Type {
// Corresponds to preloaded nanoapps on the device.
// Dynamic loading of a nanoapp (e.g. code download).
enum Reason {
// A generic error code that does not match any of the others.
// Failure at the connection between HAL<->CHRE.
// System ran out of memory.
// Nanoapp did not have the right signing for loading.
// The 64-bit unique nanoapp identifier of the nanoapp that failed.
optional int64 nanoapp_id = 2;
// The type of the load event.
optional Type type = 3;
// The reason for the failure.
optional Reason reason = 4;
* An enum describing a module within CHRE.
enum ChreModuleType {
CHRE_MODULE_TYPE_CHRE = 1; // Core CHRE framework
CHRE_MODULE_TYPE_PAL = 2; // PAL module (could be CHPP)
* An enum describing the CHRE PAL type.
enum ChrePalType {
* Logs an event indicating that a CHRE PAL open has failed.
message ChrePalOpenFailed {
// Vendor reverse domain name (expecting "").
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
enum Type {
// Initial open when CHRE starts.
// Any form of "reopen" event internally in the PAL.
// The PAL this failure event is for.
optional ChrePalType pal = 2;
// The type of failure observed.
optional Type type = 3;
* The type of CHRE API request.
enum ChreApiType {
* The type of CHRE API error.
enum ChreError {
// No error occurred.
// An unspecified failure occurred.
// One or more supplied arguments are invalid.
// Unable to satisfy request because the system is busy.
// Unable to allocate memory.
// The requested feature is not supported.
// A timeout occurred while processing the request.
// The relevant capability is disabled, for example due to a user
// configuration that takes precedence over this request.
* Distribution of CHRE API error codes.
message ChreApiErrorCodeDistributionTaken {
// Vendor reverse domain name (expecting "").
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
// The chreGetTime() value when this snapshot was taken, in milliseconds.
optional int32 snapshot_chre_get_time_ms = 2;
// The CHRE API type.
optional ChreApiType api_type = 3;
// Corresponds to the CHRE error code that occurred, as defined in the
// "enum chreError" field in chre_api/chre/common.h.
optional ChreError error_code = 4;
optional int32 num_errors = 5;
* Snapshot of the dynamic memory allocated in CHRE.
message ChreDynamicMemorySnapshotReported {
// Vendor reverse domain name (expecting "").
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
// The chreGetTime() value when this snapshot was taken, in milliseconds.
optional int32 snapshot_chre_get_time_ms = 2;
// The type of the module.
optional ChreModuleType module_type = 3;
// The unique 64-bit ID for a nanoapp, only used if the module_type is NANOAPP.
// If module_type is PAL, then it represents the ChrePalType enum. If the module_type
// is CHRE, then a zero value should be used.
optional int64 pal_type_or_nanoapp_id = 4;
// The max allocation amount of this module in bytes.
optional int32 max_allocation_bytes = 5;
// The current allocation amount of this module in bytes.
optional int32 current_allocation_bytes = 6;
* Snapshot of the event queue stats in CHRE.
message ChreEventQueueSnapshotReported {
// Vendor reverse domain name (expecting "").
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
// The chreGetTime() value when this snapshot was taken, in milliseconds.
optional int32 snapshot_chre_get_time_ms = 2;
// The maximum size the event queue got to (i.e. num pending events).
optional int32 max_event_queue_size = 3;
// The average size the event queue got to (i.e. num pending events).
optional int32 mean_event_queue_size = 4;
// The number of events that were dropped due to capacity limits.
optional int32 num_dropped_events = 5;
// The maximum amount of time it took for an event, from when it was received,
// to when it was delivered to all interested modules. This value represents
// the total delay within the CHRE subsystem.
optional int64 max_queue_delay_us = 6;
// The mean value of the delay in microseconds.
optional int64 mean_queue_delay_us = 7;
* Indicates that a nanoapp has woken up the AP.
message ChreApWakeUpOccurred {
// Vendor reverse domain name (expecting "").
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
// The 64-bit unique nanoapp identifier that describes the entity that has caused an AP wake-up
// from CHRE. Whenever this event occurs, this means that the nanoapp sent a message to
// the AP causing a transition between suspend/wake-up.
optional int64 nanoapp_id = 2;
* Snapshot of the current battery health of the device.
message BatteryHealthStatus {
// Vendor reverse domain name (expecting "").
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
// The algorithm that computes how the health status and health indexes are calculated.
optional int32 health_algorithm = 2;
enum HealthStatus {
UNKNOWN = 0; // The health status is unknown due to a SW limitation or issue
NOMINAL = 1; // The battery is operating as expected
MARGINAL = 2; // The battery may need replacement soon
NEEDS_REPLACEMENT = 3; // The battery needs replacement
FAILED = 4; // The battery has failed and no longer operates as expected
// HealthStatus calculated using health_index, health_perf_index.
optional HealthStatus health_status = 3;
// A percentage measure of the health of the battery with 100% being perfectly healthy.
optional int32 health_index = 4;
// A percentage measure of the battery capacity of the device, affected by cycle life degradation.
optional int32 health_capacity_index = 5;
// A percentage measure of the max performance of the device, affected by impedance growth with 100% being perfectly healthy.
optional int32 health_impedance_index = 6;
// An index that expresses the likelihood of swelling given the SOC residency stats.
optional int32 swelling_cumulative = 7;
// The battery capacity used to determine the health index. This is the reference value from b/223759710.
optional int32 health_full_capacity = 8;
// This is the Rslow (resistance) value used (in part) to determine the Perf Index. The activation impedance (b/223545817) can be calculated from it using the perf index.
optional int32 current_impedance = 9;
// The (hours) value of TimeH (0xb3), a register value, multiplied by 3.2 hours.
optional int32 battery_age = 10;
// The cycle count at the time of the log event.
optional int32 cycle_count = 11;
* Log battery SOC/temperature usage data.
* Each data represents cumulative time of the battery
* spent over a specific SOC and over a specific temperature
* while charging and while discharging in seconds.
* Logged from:
* /sys/class/power_supply/battery/swelling_data, via Vendor.
message BatteryHealthUsage {
// Vendor reverse domain name (expecting "").
optional string reverse_domain_name = 1;
// The temperature limit (deg C) used to accumulate the time above this value.
optional int32 temperature_limit_deci_c = 2;
// The SOC limit (%) used to accumulate the time above this value.
optional int32 soc_limit = 3;
// Time (s) accumulated only during charge at the given thresholds.
optional int32 charge_time_secs = 4;
// Time (s) accumulated only during discharge at the given thresholds.
optional int32 discharge_time_secs = 5;