blob: 25b14fe6e09e29e9a300bfc4db4698cfbfd445fe [file] [log] [blame]
# Write the dark theme magic to /misc partition.
service vendor.theme_set /vendor/bin/misc_writer --set-dark-theme
# Set dark boot flag when the device is provisioned.
on property:persist.sys.device_provisioned=1
start vendor.theme_set
# Set or clear the warm reset flag upon the change of system property. The flag itself is set
on init && property:ro.boot.slot_successful=no
write /sys/module/msm_poweroff/parameters/warm_reset 1
# by writing a sysfs file; and the file will be read by kernel.
on property:ota.warm_reset=1
write /sys/module/msm_poweroff/parameters/warm_reset 1
on property:ota.warm_reset=0
write /sys/module/msm_poweroff/parameters/warm_reset 0
on init
copy_per_line /dev/cpuctl/tasks /dev/cpuctl/system/tasks
# Migrate tasks again in case kernel threads are created during boot
on property:sys.boot_completed=1
copy_per_line /dev/cpuctl/tasks /dev/cpuctl/system/tasks