blob: 9d4eb91d277448210b56dd68062b3422c9d25cd0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <EGL/eglext.h>
#include <GLES/gl.h>
#include <GLES3/gl3.h>
#include "base/Stream.h"
// #include "android/skin/rect.h"
#include <memory>
#include "DisplayVk.h"
#include "FrameworkFormats.h"
#include "Hwc2.h"
#include "RenderContext.h"
#include "snapshot/LazySnapshotObj.h"
class TextureDraw;
class TextureResize;
class YUVConverter;
// A class used to model a guest color buffer, and used to implement several
// related things:
// - Every gralloc native buffer with HW read or write requirements will
// allocate a host ColorBuffer instance. When gralloc_lock() is called,
// the guest will use ColorBuffer::readPixels() to read the current content
// of the buffer. When gralloc_unlock() is later called, it will call
// ColorBuffer::subUpdate() to send the updated pixels.
// - Every guest window EGLSurface is implemented by a host PBuffer
// (see WindowSurface.h) that can have a ColorBuffer instance attached to
// it (through WindowSurface::attachColorBuffer()). When such an attachment
// exists, WindowSurface::flushColorBuffer() will copy the PBuffer's
// pixel data into the ColorBuffer. The latter can then be displayed
// in the client's UI sub-window with ColorBuffer::post().
// - Guest EGLImages are implemented as native gralloc buffers too.
// The guest glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES() implementations will end up
// calling ColorBuffer::bindToTexture() to bind the current context's
// GL_TEXTURE_2D to the buffer. Similarly, the guest versions of
// glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES() will end up calling
// ColorBuffer::bindToRenderbuffer().
// This forces the implementation to use a host EGLImage to implement each
// ColorBuffer.
// As an additional twist.
class ColorBuffer :
public android::snapshot::LazySnapshotObj<ColorBuffer> {
// Helper interface class used during ColorBuffer operations. This is
// introduced to remove coupling from the FrameBuffer class implementation.
class Helper {
Helper() = default;
virtual ~Helper();
virtual bool setupContext() = 0;
virtual void teardownContext() = 0;
virtual TextureDraw* getTextureDraw() const = 0;
virtual bool isBound() const = 0;
// Helper class to use a ColorBuffer::Helper context.
// Usage is pretty simple:
// {
// RecursiveScopedHelperContext context(m_helper);
// if (!context.isOk()) {
// return false; // something bad happened.
// }
// .... do something ....
// } // automatically calls m_helper->teardownContext();
class RecursiveScopedHelperContext {
RecursiveScopedHelperContext(ColorBuffer::Helper* helper) : mHelper(helper) {
if (helper->isBound()) return;
if (!helper->setupContext()) {
mHelper = NULL;
mNeedUnbind = true;
bool isOk() const { return mHelper != NULL; }
~RecursiveScopedHelperContext() { release(); }
void release() {
if (mNeedUnbind) {
mNeedUnbind = false;
mHelper = NULL;
ColorBuffer::Helper* mHelper;
bool mNeedUnbind = false;
// Create a new ColorBuffer instance.
// |p_display| is the host EGLDisplay handle.
// |p_width| and |p_height| are the buffer's dimensions in pixels.
// |p_internalFormat| is the internal OpenGL pixel format to use, valid
// values
// are: GL_RGB, GL_RGB565, GL_RGBA, GL_RGB5_A1_OES and GL_RGBA4_OES.
// Implementation is free to use something else though.
// |p_frameworkFormat| specifies the original format of the guest
// color buffer so that we know how to convert to |p_internalFormat|,
// if necessary (otherwise, p_frameworkFormat ==
// It is assumed underlying EGL has EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image.
// Returns NULL on failure.
// |fastBlitSupported|: whether or not this ColorBuffer can be
// blitted and posted to swapchain without context switches.
static ColorBuffer* create(EGLDisplay p_display,
int p_width,
int p_height,
GLenum p_internalFormat,
FrameworkFormat p_frameworkFormat,
HandleType hndl,
Helper* helper,
bool fastBlitSupported);
// Sometimes things happen and we need to reformat the GL texture
// used. This function replaces the format of the underlying texture
// with the internalformat specified.
void reformat(GLint internalformat, GLenum type);
// Destructor.
// Return ColorBuffer width and height in pixels
GLuint getWidth() const { return m_width; }
GLuint getHeight() const { return m_height; }
GLint getInternalFormat() const { return m_internalFormat; }
// Read the ColorBuffer instance's pixel values into host memory.
void readPixels(int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
GLenum p_format,
GLenum p_type,
void* pixels);
void readPixelsScaled(int width,
int height,
GLenum p_format,
GLenum p_type,
int skinRotation,
void* pixels);
// Read cached YUV pixel values into host memory.
void readPixelsYUVCached(int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
void* pixels,
uint32_t pixels_size);
void swapYUVTextures(uint32_t texture_type, uint32_t* textures);
// Update the ColorBuffer instance's pixel values from host memory.
// |p_format / p_type| are the desired OpenGL color buffer format
// and data type.
// Otherwise, subUpdate() will explicitly convert |pixels|
// to be in |p_format|.
void subUpdate(int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
GLenum p_format,
GLenum p_type,
void* pixels);
// Completely replaces contents, assuming that |pixels| is a buffer
// that is allocated and filled with the same format.
bool replaceContents(const void* pixels, size_t numBytes);
// Reads back entire contents, tightly packed rows.
// If the framework format is YUV, it will read back as raw YUV data.
bool readContents(size_t* numBytes, void* pixels);
// Draw a ColorBuffer instance, i.e. blit it to the current guest
// framebuffer object / window surface. This doesn't display anything.
bool draw();
// Scale the underlying texture of this ColorBuffer to match viewport size.
// It returns the texture name after scaling.
GLuint scale();
// Post this ColorBuffer to the host native sub-window.
// |rotation| is the rotation angle in degrees, clockwise in the GL
// coordinate space.
bool post(GLuint tex, float rotation, float dx, float dy);
// Post this ColorBuffer to the host native sub-window and apply
// the device screen overlay (if there is one).
// |rotation| is the rotation angle in degrees, clockwise in the GL
// coordinate space.
bool postWithOverlay(GLuint tex, float rotation, float dx, float dy);
// Bind the current context's EGL_TEXTURE_2D texture to this ColorBuffer's
// EGLImage. This is intended to implement glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES()
// for all GLES versions.
bool bindToTexture();
bool bindToTexture2();
// Bind the current context's EGL_RENDERBUFFER_OES render buffer to this
// ColorBuffer's EGLImage. This is intended to implement
// glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES() for all GLES versions.
bool bindToRenderbuffer();
// Copy the content of the current context's read surface to this
// ColorBuffer. This is used from WindowSurface::flushColorBuffer().
// Return true on success, false on failure (e.g. no current context).
bool blitFromCurrentReadBuffer();
// Read the content of the whole ColorBuffer as 32-bit RGBA pixels.
// |img| must be a buffer large enough (i.e. width * height * 4).
void readback(unsigned char* img, bool readbackBgra = false);
// readback() but async (to the specified |buffer|)
void readbackAsync(GLuint buffer, bool readbackBgra = false);
void onSave(android::base::Stream* stream);
static ColorBuffer* onLoad(android::base::Stream* stream,
EGLDisplay p_display,
Helper* helper,
bool fastBlitSupported);
HandleType getHndl() const;
bool isFastBlitSupported() const { return m_fastBlitSupported; }
void postLayer(ComposeLayer* l, int frameWidth, int frameHeight);
GLuint getTexture();
const std::shared_ptr<DisplayVk::DisplayBufferInfo>& getDisplayBufferVk()
const {
return m_displayBufferVk;
bool importMemory(
#ifdef _WIN32
void* handle,
int handle,
uint64_t size, bool dedicated, bool linearTiling, bool vulkanOnly,
std::shared_ptr<DisplayVk::DisplayBufferInfo> displayBufferVk);
void setInUse(bool inUse);
bool isInUse() const { return m_inUse; }
void setSync(bool debug = false);
void waitSync(bool debug = false);
void setDisplay(uint32_t displayId) { m_displayId = displayId; }
uint32_t getDisplay() { return m_displayId; }
FrameworkFormat getFrameworkFormat() { return m_frameworkFormat; }
void restore();
ColorBuffer(EGLDisplay display, HandleType hndl, Helper* helper);
GLuint m_tex = 0;
GLuint m_blitTex = 0;
EGLImageKHR m_eglImage = nullptr;
EGLImageKHR m_blitEGLImage = nullptr;
GLuint m_width = 0;
GLuint m_height = 0;
GLuint m_fbo = 0;
GLenum m_internalFormat = 0;
GLenum m_sizedInternalFormat = 0;
// |m_format| and |m_type| are for reformatting purposes only
// to work around bugs in the guest. No need to snapshot those.
bool m_needFormatCheck = true;
GLenum m_format = 0; // TODO: Currently we treat m_internalFormat same as
// m_format, but if underlying drivers can take it,
// it may be a better idea to distinguish them, with
// m_internalFormat as an explicitly sized format; then
// guest can specify everything in terms of explicitly
// sized internal formats and things will get less
// ambiguous.
GLenum m_type = 0;
EGLDisplay m_display = nullptr;
Helper* m_helper = nullptr;
TextureResize* m_resizer = nullptr;
FrameworkFormat m_frameworkFormat;
GLuint m_yuv_conversion_fbo = 0; // FBO to offscreen-convert YUV to RGB
GLuint m_scaleRotationFbo = 0; // FBO to read scaled rotation pixels
std::unique_ptr<YUVConverter> m_yuv_converter;
HandleType mHndl;
GLsync m_sync = nullptr;
bool m_fastBlitSupported = false;
GLenum m_asyncReadbackType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
size_t m_numBytes = 0;
bool m_importedMemory = false;
GLuint m_memoryObject = 0;
bool m_inUse = false;
bool m_isBuffer = false;
GLuint m_buf = 0;
uint32_t m_displayId = 0;
bool m_BRSwizzle = false;
// Won't share with others so that m_displayBufferVk lives shorter than this
// ColorBuffer.
std::shared_ptr<DisplayVk::DisplayBufferInfo> m_displayBufferVk;
typedef std::shared_ptr<ColorBuffer> ColorBufferPtr;
class Buffer : public android::snapshot::LazySnapshotObj<Buffer> {
static Buffer* create(size_t sizeBytes, HandleType hndl) {
return new Buffer(sizeBytes, hndl);
~Buffer() = default;
HandleType getHndl() const { return m_handle; }
size_t getSize() const { return m_sizeBytes; }
Buffer(size_t sizeBytes, HandleType hndl)
: m_handle(hndl), m_sizeBytes(sizeBytes) {}
HandleType m_handle;
size_t m_sizeBytes;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Buffer> BufferPtr;