blob: 0a9cdb659b9d4ebee5bb65340b34297f3c1ec125 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "base/HybridComponentManager.h"
#include "base/Lock.h"
#include "snapshot/common.h"
#include "GLcommon/GLBackgroundLoader.h"
#include "GLcommon/NamedObject.h"
#include "GLcommon/ObjectData.h"
#include "GLcommon/SaveableTexture.h"
#include "GLcommon/TranslatorIfaces.h"
#include <GLES/gl.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
typedef android::base::HybridComponentManager<10000, ObjectLocalName, NamedObjectPtr> NamesMap;
typedef std::unordered_map<ObjectLocalName, ObjectDataPtr> ObjectDataMap;
typedef android::base::HybridComponentManager<10000, unsigned int, ObjectLocalName> GlobalToLocalNamesMap;
typedef android::base::HybridComponentManager<10000, ObjectLocalName, bool> BoundAtLeastOnceMap;
class GlobalNameSpace;
// Class NameSpace - this class manages allocations and deletions of objects
// from a single "local" namespace (private to a context share
// group). For each allocated object name, a "global" name is
// generated as well to be used in the space where all
// contexts are shared.
// NOTE: this class does not used by the EGL/GLES layer directly,
// the EGL/GLES layer creates objects using the ShareGroup class
// interface (see below).
class NameSpace
NameSpace(NamedObjectType p_type, GlobalNameSpace *globalNameSpace,
android::base::Stream* stream,
const ObjectData::loadObject_t& loadObject);
// genName - creates new object in the namespace and returns its name.
// if genLocal is false then the specified p_localName will be used.
// This function also generate a global name for the object,
// the value of the global name can be retrieved using the
// getGlobalName function.
ObjectLocalName genName(GenNameInfo genNameInfo, ObjectLocalName p_localName, bool genLocal);
// getGlobalName - returns the global name of an object or 0 if the object
// does not exist.
unsigned int getGlobalName(ObjectLocalName p_localName, bool* found = nullptr);
// getLocaalName - returns the local name of an object or 0 if the object
// does not exist.
ObjectLocalName getLocalName(unsigned int p_globalName);
// getNamedObject - returns the shared pointer of an object or null if the
// object does not exist.
NamedObjectPtr getNamedObject(ObjectLocalName p_localName);
// deleteName - deletes and object from the namespace as well as its
// global name from the global name space.
void deleteName(ObjectLocalName p_localName);
// isObject - returns true if the named object exist.
bool isObject(ObjectLocalName p_localName);
// sets an object to map to an existing global object.
void setGlobalObject(ObjectLocalName p_localName,
NamedObjectPtr p_namedObject);
// replaces an object to map to an existing global object
void replaceGlobalObject(ObjectLocalName p_localName, NamedObjectPtr p_namedObject);
// sets that the local name has been bound at least once, to save time later
void setBoundAtLeastOnce(ObjectLocalName p_localName);
bool everBound(ObjectLocalName p_localName) const;
const ObjectDataPtr& getObjectDataPtr(ObjectLocalName p_localName);
void setObjectData(ObjectLocalName p_localName, ObjectDataPtr data);
// snapshot functions
void postLoad(const ObjectData::getObjDataPtr_t& getObjDataPtr);
void postLoadRestore(const ObjectData::getGlobalName_t& getGlobalName);
void preSave(GlobalNameSpace *globalNameSpace);
void onSave(android::base::Stream* stream);
ObjectDataMap::const_iterator objDataMapBegin() const;
ObjectDataMap::const_iterator objDataMapEnd() const;
ObjectLocalName m_nextName = 0;
NamesMap m_localToGlobalMap;
ObjectDataMap m_objectDataMap;
BoundAtLeastOnceMap m_boundMap;
GlobalToLocalNamesMap m_globalToLocalMap;
const NamedObjectType m_type;
GlobalNameSpace *m_globalNameSpace = nullptr;
// touchTextures loads all textures onto GPU
// Please only call it if the NameSpace is for textures
void touchTextures();
struct EglImage;
class TextureData;
// Class GlobalNameSpace - this class maintain all global GL object names.
// It is contained in the EglDisplay. One emulator has
// only one GlobalNameSpace.
class GlobalNameSpace
friend class NamedObject;
// The following are used for snapshot
void preSaveAddEglImage(EglImage* eglImage);
void preSaveAddTex(TextureData* texture);
void onSave(android::base::Stream* stream,
const android::snapshot::ITextureSaverPtr& textureSaver,
SaveableTexture::saver_t saver);
void onLoad(android::base::Stream* stream,
const android::snapshot::ITextureLoaderWPtr& textureLoaderWPtr,
SaveableTexture::creator_t creator);
void postLoad(android::base::Stream* stream);
const SaveableTexturePtr& getSaveableTextureFromLoad(unsigned int oldGlobalName);
SaveableTextureMap* getSaveableTextureMap() { return &m_textureMap; }
void clearTextureMap();
void setIfaces(const EGLiface* eglIface,
const GLESiface* glesIface) {
m_eglIface = eglIface;
m_glesIface = glesIface;
android::base::Lock m_lock;
// m_textureMap is only used when saving / loading a snapshot
// It is empty in all other situations
SaveableTextureMap m_textureMap;
std::shared_ptr<GLBackgroundLoader> m_backgroundLoader;
const EGLiface* m_eglIface = nullptr;
const GLESiface* m_glesIface = nullptr;