blob: 515512b5a5361c3700ef9160d08c534576330195 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "goog_sensor_wrapper.h"
namespace android {
namespace camera_sensor_listener {
// Supported motion sensor types:
// ::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::SensorType::ACCELEROMETER
// ::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::SensorType::GRAVITY
// ::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::SensorType::GYROSCOPE
// ::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::SensorType::LINEAR_ACCELERATION
// ::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::SensorType::MAGNETIC_FIELD
enum class MotionSensorType : int {
// Motion sensor listener class.
// It will create a motion sensor listener whose event consists of three
// floating numbers corresponding to data in x, y, z axes. Please refer to
// Sensor Coorindate System section in
// to check definition of x, y, z axis.
// ACCELEROMETER sensor event data's measure unit is m/s^2:
// motion_vector_x: Acceleration force along the x axis (including gravity).
// motion_vector_y: Acceleration force along the y axis (including gravity).
// motion_vector_z: Acceleration force along the z axis (including gravity).
// GRAVITY sensor event data's measure unit is m/s^2:
// motion_vector_x: Force of gravity along the x axis.
// motion_vector_y: Force of gravity along the y axis.
// motion_vector_z: Force of gravity along the z axis.
// GYROSCOPE sensor event data's measure unit is rad/s:
// motion_vector_x: Rate of rotation around the x axis.
// motion_vector_y: Rate of rotation around the y axis.
// motion_vector_z: Rate of rotation around the z axis.
// LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor event data's measure unit is m/s^2:
// motion_vector_x: Acceleration force along the x axis (excluding gravity).
// motion_vector_y: Acceleration force along the y axis (excluding gravity).
// motion_vector_z: Acceleration force along the z axis (excluding gravity).
// MAGNETIC_FIELD sensor event data's measure unit is micro Tesla(uT):
// motion_vector_x: Geomagnetic field strength along the x axis.
// motion_vector_y: Geomagnetic field strength along the y axis.
// motion_vector_z: Geomagnetic field strength along the z axis.
// Sample usage:
// sp<GoogSensorMotion> sensor_ptr =
// GoogSensorMotion::Create(MotionSensorType::GYROSCOPE,
// /*sampling_period_us=*/20000,
// /*event_queue_size=*/20);
// std::function<void(const ExtendedSensorEvent& event)> callback =
// [](const ExtendedSensorEvent& event) {
// // customized operations.
// };
// // Customized event callback is optional.
// sensor_ptr->SetEventProcessor(callback);
// if (sensor_ptr->GetSensorenablingStatus()) {
// std::vector<int64_t> event_timestamps;
// std::vector<float> motion_vector_x;
// std::vector<float> motion_vector_y;
// std::vector<float> motion_vector_z;
// std::vector<int64_t> arrival_timestamps;
// sensor_ptr->GetLatestNSensorEvents(
// /*num_sample=*/5, &event_timestamps, &motion_vector_x,
// &motion_vector_y, &motion_vector_z, &arrival_timestamps);
// }
class GoogSensorMotion : public GoogSensorWrapper {
// Return a StrongPointer pointing to newly created GoogSensorMotion
// instance.
// Inputs:
// motion_sensor_type: sensor type defined in enum class MotionSensorType.
// sampling_period_us: gyro sampling period in us (1e-6s). Sampling period
// should be >= 2500us as system can only support up to 400Hz frequency.
// If sampling_period_us < 2500us, a nullptr will be returned.
// event_queue_size: size of event queue to hold incoming sensor events.
static sp<GoogSensorMotion> Create(
MotionSensorType motion_sensor_type,
int64_t sampling_period_us = kDefaultSamplingPeriodUs,
size_t event_queue_size = kDefaultEventQueueSize);
// Destructor.
// Destroy and free the resources of a GoogSensorMotion.
// Get whether sensor is enabled.
// Return true if sensor is enabled, false otherwise.
bool GetSensorEnablingStatus() const {
return IsEnabled();
// Get latest n sensor events' timestamps, event data and arrival times.
// If output vectors are not empty, they will be cleared first.
// If total samples in event_deque_ is smaller than num_sample, size of
// output vectors will be equal to event_deque_.size().
// Input:
// num_sample: number of latest samples to query.
// Outputs:
// latest_n_timestamps: pointer of vector to hold timestamps.
// motion_vector_x: pointer of vector to hold event data in x axis.
// motion_vector_y: pointer of vector to hold event data in y axis.
// motion_vector_z: pointer of vector to hold event data in z axis.
// latest_n_arrival_timestamps: pointer of vector to hold arrival times.
// Event timestamps, data and arrival timestamps are listed in chronological
// order, i.e., latest_n_timestamps[0], motion_vector_x[0],
// motion_vector_y[0], motion_vector_z[0], and latest_n_arrival_timestamps[0]
// hold the earliest data.
void GetLatestNSensorEvents(
int num_sample, std::vector<int64_t>* latest_n_timestamps,
std::vector<float>* motion_vector_x, std::vector<float>* motion_vector_y,
std::vector<float>* motion_vector_z,
std::vector<int64_t>* latest_n_arrival_timestamps) const;
// Query sensor events between between the range (start_time, end_time].
// Inputs:
// start_time: queried events' timestamps must be > start_time.
// end_time: queried events' timestamps must be <= end_time.
// Outputs:
// event_timestamps: pointer of vector to hold queried events' timestamps.
// motion_vector_x: pointer of vector to hold queried events' x axis data.
// motion_vector_y: pointer of vector to hold queried events' y axis data.
// motion_vector_z: pointer of vector to hold queried events' z axis data.
// event_arrival_timestamps: pointer of vector to hold arrival times.
// Event timestamps, data and arrival timestamps are listed in chronological
// order, i.e., event_timestamps[0], motion_vector_x[0],
// motion_vector_y[0], motion_vector_z[0], and event_arrival_timestamps[0]
// hold the earliest data.
void QuerySensorEventsBetweenTimestamps(
int64_t start_time, int64_t end_time,
std::vector<int64_t>* event_timestamps,
std::vector<float>* motion_vector_x, std::vector<float>* motion_vector_y,
std::vector<float>* motion_vector_z,
std::vector<int64_t>* event_arrival_timestamps) const;
const char* GetSensorName() const {
return GetSensorName(motion_sensor_type_);
// Get motion sensor handle.
virtual int32_t GetSensorHandle() final;
// Constructor.
// Create and initialize a GoogSensorMotion.
// Inputs:
// motion_sensor_type: sensor type defined in enum class MotionSensorType.
// sampling_period_us: gyro sampling period in us (1e-6s). Sampling period
// should be >= 2500us as system can only support up to 400Hz frequency.
// event_queue_size: size of event queue to hold incoming sensor events.
GoogSensorMotion(MotionSensorType motion_sensor_type,
int64_t sampling_period_us, size_t event_queue_size);
static const char* GetSensorName(MotionSensorType motion_sensor_type);
MotionSensorType motion_sensor_type_;
static constexpr size_t kDefaultEventQueueSize = 20;
static constexpr int64_t kDefaultSamplingPeriodUs = 20000; // = 50 Hz
static constexpr int64_t kMinSamplingPeriodUs = 2500; // = 400 Hz
} // namespace camera_sensor_listener
} // namespace android