blob: bd831c9285d5f6b1aa220d92d237dd26f765e536 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android/frameworks/sensorservice/1.0/ISensorManager.h>
#include <android/hardware/sensors/1.0/types.h>
#include "goog_gralloc_wrapper.h"
namespace android {
namespace camera_sensor_listener {
// GoogGryoDirect class will create gyro direct channel listener.
// It fetches gyro events (timestamp, azimuth, pitch, roll, fetching timestamp)
// from a shared buffer.
// Sample usage:
// std::unique_ptr<GoogGyroDirect> direct_ptr_ = GoogGyroDirect::Create(
// /*gyro_sampling_period_us=*/5000,
// /*event_queue_size=*/20);
// if (direct_ptr->GetSensorEnablingStatus()) {
// std::vector<int64_t> event_timestamps;
// std::vector<float> motion_vector_x;
// std::vector<float> motion_vector_y;
// std::vector<float> motion_vector_z;
// std::vector<int64_t> arrival_timestamps;
// // Get all available gyro events.
// direct_ptr->QueryGyroEventsBetweenTimestamps(
// /*start_time=*/0,
// /*end_time=*/LLONG_MAX,
// &event_timestamps,
// &motion_vector_x,
// &motion_vector_y,
// &motion_vector_z,
// &arrival_timestamps);
// }
class GoogGyroDirect {
// Create a new instance of GoogGyroDirect.
// Inputs:
// gyro_sampling_period_us: gyro sampling period in us (1e-6s).
// Direct channel only supports following rates:
// NORMAL, // nominal 50Hz
// FAST, // nominal 200Hz
// VERY_FAST, // nominal 800Hz
// gyro_sampling_period_us will be converted to closest rate level, i.e.,
// sampling_frequency = 1e6 / gyro_sampling_period_us,
// sampling_frequency < 110Hz -> RateLevel:NORMAL,
// 110Hz <= sampling_frequency < 440Hz -> RateLevel:FAST,
// sampling_frequency >= 440Hz -> RateLevel::VERY_FAST.
// Default sampling period is 5000us (200Hz -> RateLevel:FAST).
// event_queue_size: size of event queue to hold incoming sensor events.
// Default value is set to 20.
static std::unique_ptr<GoogGyroDirect> Create(
int64_t gyro_sampling_period_us = kDefaultSamplingPeriodUs,
size_t event_queue_size = kDefaultEventQueueSize);
// Destructor.
// Destroy and free the resources of a GoogGyroDirect.
// Get whether gyro direct channel is enabled.
// Return true if gyro direct channel is enabled, false otherwise.
bool GetSensorEnablingStatus() const {
return gyro_direct_enabled_;
// Query gyro events between between the range (start_time, end_time].
// Inputs:
// start_time: queried events' timestamps must be > start_time.
// end_time: queried events' timestamps must be <= end_time.
// Outputs:
// event_timestamps: pointer of vector to hold queried events' timestamps.
// motion_vector_x: pointer of vector to hold queried events' x axis data.
// motion_vector_y: pointer of vector to hold queried events' y axis data.
// motion_vector_z: pointer of vector to hold queried events' z axis data.
// event_arrival_timestamps: pointer of vector to hold arrival times.
// Event timestamps, data and arrival timestamps are listed in chronological
// order, i.e., event_timestamps[0], motion_vector_x[0],
// motion_vector_y[0], motion_vector_z[0], and event_arrival_timestamps[0]
// hold the earliest data.
// motion_vector_x, motion_vector_y, motion_vector_z are azimuth, pitch, roll
// respectively.
void QueryGyroEventsBetweenTimestamps(
int64_t start_time, int64_t end_time,
std::vector<int64_t>* event_timestamps,
std::vector<float>* motion_vector_x, std::vector<float>* motion_vector_y,
std::vector<float>* motion_vector_z,
std::vector<int64_t>* event_arrival_timestamps) const;
// Enable GoogGyroDirect to query events from direct channel.
// Return 0 on success.
status_t EnableDirectChannel();
// Disable GoogGyroDirect.
// Return 0 on success.
status_t DisableDirectChannel();
// Constructor.
// Create and initialize GoogGyroDirect.
// Inputs:
// rate_level: gyro sampling rate level.
// See definition at android/hardware/interfaces/sensors/1.0/types.hal.
// gyro_direct_buf_length: shared buffer length to hold gyro events.
GoogGyroDirect(::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::RateLevel rate_level,
size_t gyro_direct_buf_length);
// Whether gyro direct channel buffer is initialized.
bool gyro_direct_initialized_;
// Whether gyro direct channel is enabled.
bool gyro_direct_enabled_;
// Gyro events sampling rate level.
// See definition at android/hardware/interfaces/sensors/1.0/types.hal.
::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::RateLevel gyro_direct_rate_level_;
// Shared buffer length to hold gyro events.
size_t gyro_direct_buf_length_;
// Unique pointer to GoogGrallocWrapper.
std::unique_ptr<GoogGrallocWrapper> goog_gralloc_wrapper_ptr_;
// Strong pointer to IDirectReportChannel.
// Const pointer to direct channel native buffer handle.
const native_handle_t* gyro_direct_channel_native_buf_handle_;
// Gyro direct channel address.
void* gyro_direct_channel_addr_;
// Gyro sensor info.
::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::SensorInfo sensor_info_;
// Default sensor event queue size is set to 20.
static constexpr size_t kDefaultEventQueueSize = 20;
// Default sensor sampling period is set to 5000us(1e-6s), i.e. 200Hz.
static constexpr int64_t kDefaultSamplingPeriodUs = 5000;
} // namespace camera_sensor_listener
} // namespace android