blob: abcb3bdc07956be26a4262dce937d211538421c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "hal_types.h"
#include "vendor_tag_interface.h"
namespace android {
namespace google_camera_hal {
namespace vendor_tag_utils {
// Returns the list of combined vendor tags. Returns an error if any tag IDs
// overlap, or if any vendor tag (section name + tag name) overlaps
status_t CombineVendorTags(const std::vector<VendorTagSection>& source1,
const std::vector<VendorTagSection>& source2,
std::vector<VendorTagSection>* destination);
} // namespace vendor_tag_utils
// Utility class to create vendor tag descriptors from a list of vendor tag
// sections, in order to provide to camera metadata framework. This class helps
// build a wrapper around vendor tag operations expected by the camera
// framework. These are eseentially the 'vendor_tag_ops_t' to be set by calling
// set_camera_metadata_vendor_ops(). This wrapper is a singleton because there
// could be only one set of callbacks set per camera provider. The HWL or HAL
// layers should use this wrapper instead of directly invoking
// set_camera_metadata_vendor_ops()
class VendorTagManager : public VendorTagInterface {
static VendorTagManager& GetInstance();
virtual ~VendorTagManager() = default;
// Add a set of vendor tags, combine them with any tags added earlier, and set
// callbacks for the camera metadata framework if they haven't been set
// already.
status_t AddTags(const std::vector<VendorTagSection>& tag_sections);
// Get the combined list of all tags that have been added so far.
const std::vector<VendorTagSection>& GetTags() const;
// Clears all the vendor tag data that was set via AddTags(), and resets
// the vendor tag operations previously set to the camera metadata framework
void Reset();
// Vendor tag operations needed by camera metadata framework, as defined in
// vendor_tag_ops_t struct.
int GetCount() const;
void GetAllTags(uint32_t* tag_array) const;
const char* GetSectionName(uint32_t tag_id) const;
const char* GetTagName(uint32_t tag_id) const;
int GetTagType(uint32_t tag_id) const;
// Disallow copy and assignment operators
VendorTagManager(VendorTagManager const&) = delete;
VendorTagManager& operator=(VendorTagManager const&) = delete;
// Get Tag info for the give tag id
status_t GetTagInfo(uint32_t tag_id, VendorTagInfo* tag_info) override;
// Get the tag id for the given section/name
status_t GetTag(const std::string section_name, const std::string tag_name,
uint32_t* tag_id) override;
VendorTagManager() = default;
// Map from vendor tag ID to VendorTagInfo. Used for camera framework
// vendor tag callbacks, protected by api_mutex_.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, VendorTagInfo> vendor_tag_map_;
using TagString = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
struct TagStringHash {
size_t operator()(const TagString& pair) const {
std::hash<TagString::first_type> h1;
std::hash<TagString::second_type> h2;
return h1(pair.first) ^ h2(pair.second);
std::unordered_map<const TagString, uint32_t, TagStringHash>
// Protects the public entry points into this class.
mutable std::mutex api_mutex_;
// Combined list of all tags added with AddTags().
std::vector<VendorTagSection> tag_sections_;
} // namespace google_camera_hal
} // namespace android