blob: 3ef62bc8c7a93cc64cf61067c41b095ec9702b62 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <C2Buffer.h>
#include <C2Component.h>
#include <Codec2Mapper.h>
#include <codec2/hidl/client.h>
#include <media/stagefright/bqhelper/GraphicBufferSource.h>
#include <media/stagefright/codec2/1.0/InputSurface.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/Mutexed.h>
#include <media/stagefright/CodecBase.h>
#include <media/ICrypto.h>
#include "InputSurfaceWrapper.h"
namespace android {
class CCodecCallback {
virtual ~CCodecCallback() = default;
virtual void onError(status_t err, enum ActionCode actionCode) = 0;
virtual void onOutputFramesRendered(int64_t mediaTimeUs, nsecs_t renderTimeNs) = 0;
virtual void onWorkQueued(bool eos) = 0;
* BufferChannelBase implementation for CCodec.
class CCodecBufferChannel
: public BufferChannelBase, public std::enable_shared_from_this<CCodecBufferChannel> {
explicit CCodecBufferChannel(const std::shared_ptr<CCodecCallback> &callback);
virtual ~CCodecBufferChannel();
// BufferChannelBase interface
virtual status_t queueInputBuffer(const sp<MediaCodecBuffer> &buffer) override;
virtual status_t queueSecureInputBuffer(
const sp<MediaCodecBuffer> &buffer,
bool secure,
const uint8_t *key,
const uint8_t *iv,
CryptoPlugin::Mode mode,
CryptoPlugin::Pattern pattern,
const CryptoPlugin::SubSample *subSamples,
size_t numSubSamples,
AString *errorDetailMsg) override;
virtual status_t renderOutputBuffer(
const sp<MediaCodecBuffer> &buffer, int64_t timestampNs) override;
virtual status_t discardBuffer(const sp<MediaCodecBuffer> &buffer) override;
virtual void getInputBufferArray(Vector<sp<MediaCodecBuffer>> *array) override;
virtual void getOutputBufferArray(Vector<sp<MediaCodecBuffer>> *array) override;
// Methods below are interface for CCodec to use.
* Set the component object for buffer processing.
void setComponent(const std::shared_ptr<Codec2Client::Component> &component);
* Set output graphic surface for rendering.
status_t setSurface(const sp<Surface> &surface);
* Set GraphicBufferSource object from which the component extracts input
* buffers.
status_t setInputSurface(const std::shared_ptr<InputSurfaceWrapper> &surface);
* Signal EOS to input surface.
status_t signalEndOfInputStream();
* Set parameters.
status_t setParameters(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<C2Param>> &params);
* Start queueing buffers to the component. This object should never queue
* buffers before this call has completed.
status_t start(const sp<AMessage> &inputFormat, const sp<AMessage> &outputFormat);
* Request initial input buffers to be filled by client.
status_t requestInitialInputBuffers();
* Stop queueing buffers to the component. This object should never queue
* buffers after this call, until start() is called.
void stop();
void flush(const std::list<std::unique_ptr<C2Work>> &flushedWork);
* Notify input client about work done.
* @param workItems finished work item.
* @param outputFormat new output format if it has changed, otherwise nullptr
* @param initData new init data (CSD) if it has changed, otherwise nullptr
* @param numDiscardedInputBuffers the number of input buffers that are
* returned for the first time (not previously returned by
* onInputBufferDone()).
void onWorkDone(
std::unique_ptr<C2Work> work, const sp<AMessage> &outputFormat,
const C2StreamInitDataInfo::output *initData,
size_t numDiscardedInputBuffers);
* Make an input buffer available for the client as it is no longer needed
* by the codec.
* @param buffer The buffer that becomes unused.
void onInputBufferDone(const std::shared_ptr<C2Buffer>& buffer);
enum MetaMode {
void setMetaMode(MetaMode mode);
// Internal classes
class Buffers;
class InputBuffers;
class OutputBuffers;
class QueueGuard;
* Special mutex-like object with the following properties:
* - At STOPPED state (initial, or after stop())
* - QueueGuard object gets created at STOPPED state, and the client is
* supposed to return immediately.
* - At RUNNING state (after start())
* - Each QueueGuard object
class QueueSync {
* At construction the sync object is in STOPPED state.
inline QueueSync() {}
~QueueSync() = default;
* Transition to RUNNING state when stopped. No-op if already in RUNNING
* state.
void start();
* At RUNNING state, wait until all QueueGuard object created during
* RUNNING state are destroyed, and then transition to STOPPED state.
* No-op if already in STOPPED state.
void stop();
Mutex mGuardLock;
struct Counter {
inline Counter() : value(-1) {}
int32_t value;
Condition cond;
Mutexed<Counter> mCount;
friend class CCodecBufferChannel::QueueGuard;
class QueueGuard {
QueueGuard(QueueSync &sync);
inline bool isRunning() { return mRunning; }
QueueSync &mSync;
bool mRunning;
void feedInputBufferIfAvailable();
void feedInputBufferIfAvailableInternal();
status_t queueInputBufferInternal(const sp<MediaCodecBuffer> &buffer);
bool handleWork(
std::unique_ptr<C2Work> work, const sp<AMessage> &outputFormat,
const C2StreamInitDataInfo::output *initData);
void sendOutputBuffers();
QueueSync mSync;
sp<MemoryDealer> mDealer;
sp<IMemory> mDecryptDestination;
int32_t mHeapSeqNum;
std::shared_ptr<Codec2Client::Component> mComponent;
std::string mComponentName; ///< component name for debugging
const char *mName; ///< C-string version of component name
std::shared_ptr<CCodecCallback> mCCodecCallback;
std::shared_ptr<C2BlockPool> mInputAllocator;
QueueSync mQueueSync;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<C2Param>> mParamsToBeSet;
Mutexed<std::unique_ptr<InputBuffers>> mInputBuffers;
Mutexed<std::list<sp<ABuffer>>> mFlushedConfigs;
Mutexed<std::unique_ptr<OutputBuffers>> mOutputBuffers;
std::atomic_uint64_t mFrameIndex;
std::atomic_uint64_t mFirstValidFrameIndex;
sp<MemoryDealer> makeMemoryDealer(size_t heapSize);
struct OutputSurface {
sp<Surface> surface;
uint32_t generation;
Mutexed<OutputSurface> mOutputSurface;
struct BlockPools {
C2Allocator::id_t inputAllocatorId;
std::shared_ptr<C2BlockPool> inputPool;
C2Allocator::id_t outputAllocatorId;
C2BlockPool::local_id_t outputPoolId;
std::shared_ptr<Codec2Client::Configurable> outputPoolIntf;
Mutexed<BlockPools> mBlockPools;
std::shared_ptr<InputSurfaceWrapper> mInputSurface;
MetaMode mMetaMode;
// PipelineCapacity is used in the input buffer gating logic.
// There are three criteria that need to be met before
// onInputBufferAvailable() is called:
// 1. The number of input buffers that have been received by
// CCodecBufferChannel but not returned via onWorkDone() or
// onInputBufferDone() does not exceed a certain limit. (Let us call this
// number the "input" capacity.)
// 2. The number of work items that have been received by
// CCodecBufferChannel whose outputs have not been returned from the
// component (by calling onWorkDone()) does not exceed a certain limit.
// (Let us call this the "component" capacity.)
// These three criteria guarantee that a new input buffer that arrives from
// the invocation of onInputBufferAvailable() will not
// 1. overload CCodecBufferChannel's input buffers;
// 2. overload the component; or
struct PipelineCapacity {
// The number of available input capacity.
std::atomic_int input;
// The number of available component capacity.
std::atomic_int component;
// Set the values of #input and #component.
void initialize(int newInput, int newComponent,
const char* newName = "<UNKNOWN COMPONENT>",
const char* callerTag = nullptr);
// Return true and decrease #input and #component by one if
// they are all greater than zero; return false otherwise.
// callerTag is used for logging only.
// allocate() is called by CCodecBufferChannel to check whether it can
// receive another input buffer. If the return value is true,
// onInputBufferAvailable() and onOutputBufferAvailable() can be called
// afterwards.
bool allocate(const char* callerTag = nullptr);
// Increase #input and #component by one.
// callerTag is used for logging only.
// free() is called by CCodecBufferChannel after allocate() returns true
// but onInputBufferAvailable() cannot be called for any reasons. It
// essentially undoes an allocate() call.
void free(const char* callerTag = nullptr);
// Increase #input by @p numDiscardedInputBuffers.
// callerTag is used for logging only.
// freeInputSlots() is called by CCodecBufferChannel when onWorkDone()
// or onInputBufferDone() is called. @p numDiscardedInputBuffers is
// provided in onWorkDone(), and is 1 in onInputBufferDone().
int freeInputSlots(size_t numDiscardedInputBuffers,
const char* callerTag = nullptr);
// Increase #component by one and return the updated value.
// callerTag is used for logging only.
// freeComponentSlot() is called by CCodecBufferChannel when
// onWorkDone() is called.
int freeComponentSlot(const char* callerTag = nullptr);
// Component name. Used for logging.
const char* mName;
PipelineCapacity mAvailablePipelineCapacity;
class ReorderStash {
struct Entry {
inline Entry() : buffer(nullptr), timestamp(0), flags(0), ordinal({0, 0, 0}) {}
inline Entry(
const std::shared_ptr<C2Buffer> &b,
int64_t t,
int32_t f,
const C2WorkOrdinalStruct &o)
: buffer(b), timestamp(t), flags(f), ordinal(o) {}
std::shared_ptr<C2Buffer> buffer;
int64_t timestamp;
int32_t flags;
C2WorkOrdinalStruct ordinal;
void clear();
void setDepth(uint32_t depth);
void setKey(C2Config::ordinal_key_t key);
bool pop(Entry *entry);
void emplace(
const std::shared_ptr<C2Buffer> &buffer,
int64_t timestamp,
int32_t flags,
const C2WorkOrdinalStruct &ordinal);
void defer(const Entry &entry);
bool hasPending() const;
std::list<Entry> mPending;
std::list<Entry> mStash;
uint32_t mDepth;
C2Config::ordinal_key_t mKey;
bool less(const C2WorkOrdinalStruct &o1, const C2WorkOrdinalStruct &o2);
Mutexed<ReorderStash> mReorderStash;
std::atomic_bool mInputMetEos;
inline bool hasCryptoOrDescrambler() {
return mCrypto != NULL || mDescrambler != NULL;
// Conversion of a c2_status_t value to a status_t value may depend on the
// operation that returns the c2_status_t value.
enum c2_operation_t {
status_t toStatusT(c2_status_t c2s, c2_operation_t c2op = C2_OPERATION_NONE);
} // namespace android