blob: df15a64e9de2263732dbaa1f594b809db201088e [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef __MMP_B52_SENSOR_H__
#define __MMP_B52_SENSOR_H__
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/gpio/consumer.h>
#include <media/v4l2-subdev.h>
#include <media/v4l2-ctrls.h>
#include <uapi/linux/v4l2-mediabus.h>
#include <media/mrvl-camera.h>
#include <media/b52_api.h>
#define MAX_SENSOR_FMT_NUM (4)
* if want to 5m delay, set regval_tab to
#define SENSOR_MDELAY (0xffff)
/* forward references */
struct b52_sensor;
#define to_b52_sensor(sd) container_of((sd), struct b52_sensor, sd);
#define b52_sensor_call(s, f, args...) \
(!(s) ? -ENODEV : (((s)->ops.f) ? \
(s)->ops.f((&(s)->sd) , ##args) \
enum b52_sensor_i2c_pos {
enum b52_sensor_type {
enum b52_sensor_gain_type {
B52_SENSOR_AG = 0,
enum b52_sensor_param_type {
struct regval_tab {
u16 reg;
u16 val;
u16 mask;
struct b52_sensor_regs {
struct regval_tab *tab;
u32 num;
struct b52_sensor_mbus_fmt {
enum v4l2_mbus_pixelcode mbus_code;
enum v4l2_colorspace colorspace;
struct b52_sensor_regs regs;
/*cropped for video*/
enum b52_sensor_res_prop {
/*HB >= 7% one line length, unit pixel */
/*not include exposure, gain and VTS cfg*/
struct b52_sensor_resolution {
u32 width;
u32 height;
u32 hts;
u32 min_vts;
enum b52_sensor_res_prop prop;
struct b52_sensor_regs regs;
struct sensor_prop_range {
u32 min;
u32 max;
struct b52_sensor_vcm {
const char *name;
enum b52_vcm_type type;
struct b52_sensor_i2c_attr *attr;
u16 pos_reg_msb;
u16 pos_reg_lsb;
/*suppose this property belongs to some module */
struct b52_sensor_regs id;
struct b52_sensor_regs init;
struct b52_sensor_module {
u32 id;
u32 apeture_size;
struct b52_sensor_vcm *vcm;
struct b52_sensor_otp {
u32 customer_id;
u32 module_id;
u32 lens_id;
u32 af_cal_dir;
u32 af_inf_cur;
u32 af_mac_cur;
u32 rg_ratio;
u32 bg_ratio;
u32 gg_ratio;
u32 golden_rg_ratio;
u32 golden_bg_ratio;
u32 golden_gg_ratio;
struct sensor_otp *user_otp;
u32 user_data[5];
u32 otp_ctrl;
enum OTP_TYPE otp_type;
struct b52_sensor_spec_ops {
/*pixel clk rate unit HZ*/
int (*get_pixel_rate)(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, u32 *rate, u32 mclk);
int (*get_dphy_desc)(struct v4l2_subdev *sd,
struct csi_dphy_desc *dphy_desc, u32 mclk);
int (*update_otp)(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, struct b52_sensor_otp *otp);
int (*s_power)(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int onoff);
enum sensor_i2c_len {
I2C_8BIT = 0,
struct b52_sensor_i2c_attr {
enum sensor_i2c_len reg_len;
enum sensor_i2c_len val_len;
u8 addr; /* 7 bit i2c address*/
struct b52_cmd_i2c_data {
const struct b52_sensor_i2c_attr *attr;
struct regval_tab *tab;
u32 num; /* the number of sensor regs*/
u8 pos;
struct b52_sensor_data {
char * const name;
enum b52_sensor_type type;
struct b52_sensor_spec_ops *ops;
struct b52_sensor_i2c_attr *i2c_attr;
int num_i2c_attr;
struct b52_sensor_regs id;
struct b52_sensor_regs global_setting;
struct b52_sensor_mbus_fmt *mbus_fmt;
int num_mbus_fmt;
struct b52_sensor_resolution *res;
int num_res;
struct b52_sensor_regs streamon;
struct b52_sensor_regs streamoff;
struct b52_sensor_regs esd;
*gain unit 0x10: 1 gain = 0x10;
*the precision is for B52 ISP: Q4
*NOTE: MIN range >= 0x10
#define B52_GAIN_UNIT (0x10)
struct sensor_prop_range gain_range[B52_SENSOR_GAIN_MAX];
/*if numerator = 100, denominator = 0x10
* iso = gain * 100 / 0x10 */
struct v4l2_fract gain2iso_ratio;
/*vts unit intergration line*/
struct sensor_prop_range vts_range;
/*expo unit intergration line*/
/*the precision is for B52 ISP: Q4*/
/*NOTE: MAX range < def VTS*/
struct sensor_prop_range expo_range;
struct sensor_prop_range frationalexp_range;
struct sensor_prop_range focus_range;
struct b52_sensor_module *module;
u32 num_module;
struct b52_sensor_regs expo_reg;
struct b52_sensor_regs frationalexp_reg;
struct b52_sensor_regs vts_reg;
struct b52_sensor_regs gain_reg[B52_SENSOR_GAIN_MAX];
struct b52_sensor_regs af_reg;
/* the bias must have 13 item*/
int *ev_bias_offset;
u8 gain_shift;
u8 expo_shift;
int calc_dphy;
u8 nr_lane;
u32 mipi_clk_bps;
u32 skip_top_lines;
u32 skip_frames;
struct b52_sensor_regs hflip;
struct b52_sensor_regs vflip;
int flip_change_phase;
int reset_delay;
struct b52_sensor_ops {
/*pixel clk rate unit HZ, mclk unit HZ*/
int (*get_pixel_rate)(struct v4l2_subdev *, u32 *rate, u32 mclk);
int (*get_dphy_desc)(struct v4l2_subdev *,
struct csi_dphy_desc *, u32 mclk);
int (*update_otp)(struct v4l2_subdev *, struct b52_sensor_otp *);
/*below func does not need to implement for each sensor*/
int (*init)(struct v4l2_subdev *);
int (*get_power)(struct v4l2_subdev *);
int (*put_power)(struct v4l2_subdev *);
int (*i2c_read)(struct v4l2_subdev *, u16 addr, u32 *val, u8 num);
int (*i2c_write)(struct v4l2_subdev *, u16 addr, u32 val, u8 num);
int (*detect_sensor)(struct v4l2_subdev *);
int (*detect_vcm)(struct v4l2_subdev *);
int (*g_cur_fmt)(struct v4l2_subdev *, struct b52_cmd_i2c_data *);
int (*gain_to_iso)(struct v4l2_subdev *, u32 gain, u32 *iso);
int (*iso_to_gain)(struct v4l2_subdev *, u32 iso, u32 *gain);
int (*to_expo_line)(struct v4l2_subdev *, u32 time, u32 *lines);
int (*to_expo_time)(struct v4l2_subdev *, u32 *time, u32 lines);
int (*g_cur_fps)(struct v4l2_subdev *, struct v4l2_fract *fps);
int (*s_flip)(struct v4l2_subdev *, int hflip, int on);
int (*g_band_step)(struct v4l2_subdev *,
u16 *band_50hz, u16 *band_60hz);
int (*g_param_range)(struct v4l2_subdev *,
int type, u16 *min, u16 *max);
int (*g_aecagc_reg)(struct v4l2_subdev *,
int type, struct b52_sensor_regs *);
int (*g_sensor_attr)(struct v4l2_subdev *,
struct b52_sensor_i2c_attr *);
int (*g_csi)(struct v4l2_subdev *, struct mipi_csi2 *);
int (*s_focus)(struct v4l2_subdev *, u16 val);
int (*g_focus)(struct v4l2_subdev *, u16 *val);
int (*s_expo)(struct v4l2_subdev *, u32 expo, u16 vts);
int (*s_gain)(struct v4l2_subdev *, u32 gain);
struct sensor_power {
struct regulator *af_2v8;
struct regulator *avdd_2v8;
struct regulator *dovdd_1v8;
struct regulator *dvdd_1v2;
struct gpio_desc *pwdn;
struct gpio_desc *rst;
int ref_cnt;
struct b52isp_sensor_ctrls {
struct v4l2_ctrl_handler ctrl_hdl;
struct v4l2_ctrl *hflip;
struct v4l2_ctrl *vflip;
struct b52_sensor {
const struct b52_sensor_data *drvdata;
struct b52_sensor_ops ops;
struct v4l2_subdev sd;
struct media_pad pad;
struct device *dev;
struct sensor_power power;
enum b52_sensor_i2c_pos pos;
struct b52_sensor_otp otp;
u32 mclk;
u32 pixel_rate;
struct mipi_csi2 csi;
struct b52isp_sensor_ctrls ctrls;
int cur_mod_id;
struct mutex lock; /* Protects streaming, format, interval*/
struct v4l2_mbus_framefmt mf;
struct b52_sensor_regs mf_regs;
u8 cur_i2c_idx;
u8 cur_res_idx;
u8 cur_mbus_idx;
struct clk *clk;
int i2c_dyn_ctrl;
int sensor_init;
atomic_t stream_cnt;
int board_prop_id;
struct blocking_notifier_head nh;
extern struct b52_sensor *b52_get_sensor(struct media_entity *entity);
extern int b52_cmd_read_i2c(struct b52_cmd_i2c_data *data);
extern int b52_cmd_write_i2c(struct b52_cmd_i2c_data *data);
extern int b52_isp_read_i2c(const struct b52_sensor_i2c_attr *attr,
u16 reg, u16 *val, u8 pos);
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_ov5642;
extern struct b52_sensor *b52_get_sensor(struct media_entity *entity);
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_ov13850_8M;
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_ov13850_13M;
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_ov13850r2a_13M;
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_imx219;
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_ov8858;
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_ov8858_front;
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_ov5648;
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_ov2680;
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_sr544;
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_hi551;
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_ov5670;
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_s5k3l2;
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_s5k5e3;
extern struct b52_sensor_data b52_s5k4h5;
extern const struct b52_sensor_data *memory_sensor_match(char *sensor_name);
extern void b52_init_workqueue(void *data);
/* this two api for SSG J1 only*/
int b52isp_set_focus_distance(u32 distance, int id);
int check_load_firmware(void);