blob: 3726f1a7c65392f9ba044bcaadde17cf4a85c976 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* A utility class which provides static methods for searching the {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}
* hierarchy for nodes that match {@link BySelector} criteria.
class ByMatcher {
private static final String TAG = ByMatcher.class.getSimpleName();
private UiDevice mDevice;
private BySelector mSelector;
private boolean mShortCircuit;
* Constructs a new {@link ByMatcher} instance. Used by
* {@link ByMatcher#findMatch(AccessibilityNodeInfo, BySelector)} to store state information
* that does not change during recursive calls.
* @param selector The criteria used to determine if a {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} is a match.
* @param shortCircuit If true, this method will return early when the first match is found.
private ByMatcher(UiDevice device, BySelector selector, boolean shortCircuit) {
mDevice = device;
mSelector = selector;
mShortCircuit = shortCircuit;
* Traverses the {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} hierarchy starting at {@code root}, and returns
* the first node to match the {@code selector} criteria. <br />
* <strong>Note:</strong> The caller must release the {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} instance
* by calling {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#recycle()} to avoid leaking resources.
* @param root The root {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} from which to start the search.
* @param selector The {@link BySelector} criteria used to determine if a node is a match.
* @return The first {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} which matched the search criteria.
static AccessibilityNodeInfo findMatch(UiDevice device, AccessibilityNodeInfo root,
BySelector selector) {
// TODO: Don't short-circuit when debugging, and warn if more than one match.
ByMatcher matcher = new ByMatcher(device, selector, true);
List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> matches = matcher.findMatches(root);
return matches.isEmpty() ? null : matches.get(0);
* Traverses the {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} hierarchy starting at {@code root}, and returns
* a list of nodes which match the {@code selector} criteria. <br />
* <strong>Note:</strong> The caller must release each {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} instance
* by calling {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#recycle()} to avoid leaking resources.
* @param root The root {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} from which to start the search.
* @param selector The {@link BySelector} criteria used to determine if a node is a match.
* @return A list containing all of the nodes which matched the search criteria.
static List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> findMatches(UiDevice device, AccessibilityNodeInfo root,
BySelector selector) {
return new ByMatcher(device, selector, false).findMatches(root);
* Traverses the {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} hierarchy starting at {@code root}, and returns
* a list of nodes which match the {@code selector} criteria. <br />
* <strong>Note:</strong> The caller must release each {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} instance
* by calling {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#recycle()} to avoid leaking resources.
* @param root The root {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} from which to start the search.
* @return A list containing all of the nodes which matched the search criteria.
private List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> findMatches(AccessibilityNodeInfo root) {
List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> ret =
findMatches(root, 0, 0, new SinglyLinkedList<PartialMatch>());
// If no matches were found
if (ret.isEmpty()) {
// Run watchers and retry
ret = findMatches(root, 0, 0, new SinglyLinkedList<PartialMatch>());
return ret;
* Traverses the {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} hierarchy starting at {@code node}, and returns
* a list of nodes which match the {@code selector} criteria. <br />
* <strong>Note:</strong> The caller must release each {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} instance
* by calling {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo#recycle()} to avoid leaking resources.
* @param node The root of the {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} subtree we are currently searching.
* @param index The index of this node underneath its parent.
* @param depth The distance between {@code node} and the root node.
* @param partialMatches The current list of {@link PartialMatch}es that need to be updated.
* @return A {@link List} of {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}s that meet the search criteria.
private List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> findMatches(AccessibilityNodeInfo node,
int index, int depth, SinglyLinkedList<PartialMatch> partialMatches) {
List<AccessibilityNodeInfo> ret = new ArrayList<AccessibilityNodeInfo>();
// Don't bother searching the subtree if it is not visible
if (!node.isVisibleToUser()) {
return ret;
// Update partial matches
for (PartialMatch partialMatch : partialMatches) {
partialMatches = partialMatch.update(node, index, depth, partialMatches);
// Create a new match, if necessary
PartialMatch currentMatch = PartialMatch.accept(node, mSelector, index, depth);
if (currentMatch != null) {
partialMatches = SinglyLinkedList.prepend(currentMatch, partialMatches);
// For each child
int numChildren = node.getChildCount();
boolean hasNullChild = false;
for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
AccessibilityNodeInfo child = node.getChild(i);
if (child == null) {
if (!hasNullChild) {
Log.w(TAG, String.format("Node returned null child: %s", node.toString()));
hasNullChild = true;
Log.w(TAG, String.format("Skipping null child (%s of %s)", i, numChildren));
// Add any matches found under the child subtree
ret.addAll(findMatches(child, i, depth + 1, partialMatches));
// We're done with the child
// Return early if we sound a match and shortCircuit is true
if (!ret.isEmpty() && mShortCircuit) {
return ret;
// Finalize match, if necessary
if (currentMatch != null && currentMatch.finalizeMatch()) {
return ret;
/** Helper method used to evaluate a {@link Pattern} criteria if it is set. */
static private boolean checkCriteria(Pattern criteria, CharSequence value) {
if (criteria == null) {
return true;
return criteria.matcher(value != null ? value : "").matches();
/** Helper method used to evaluate a {@link Boolean} criteria if it is set. */
static private boolean checkCriteria(Boolean criteria, boolean value) {
if (criteria == null) {
return true;
return criteria.equals(value);
* A {@link PartialMatch} instance represents a potential match against the given
* {@link BySelector}. Attributes of the current node itself have been evaluated, but any child
* selectors have not, since we must first visit the subtree under the node before we can tell
* if the child selectors were matched.
static private class PartialMatch {
private final int matchDepth;
private final BySelector matchSelector;
private final List<PartialMatch> partialMatches = new ArrayList<PartialMatch>();
* Private constructor. Should be instanciated by calling the
* {@link PartialMatch#accept(AccessibilityNodeInfo, BySelector, int, int)} factory method.
private PartialMatch(BySelector selector, int depth) {
matchSelector = selector;
matchDepth = depth;
* Factory method which returns a new {@link PartialMatch} if the node partially matches
* the {@code selector}, otherwise returns null.
* @param node The node to check.
* @param selector The criteria used to evaluate the node.
* @param index The index of this node underneath its parent.
* @param depth The distance between {@code node} and the root node.
* @return A {@link PartialMatch} instance if the node matches all non-child selector
* criteria, otherwise null.
public static PartialMatch accept(AccessibilityNodeInfo node, BySelector selector,
int index, int depth) {
return accept(node, selector, index, depth, depth);
* Factory method which returns a new {@link PartialMatch} if the node partially matches
* the {@code selector}, otherwise returns null.
* @param node The node to check.
* @param selector The criteria used to evaluate the node.
* @param index The index of this node underneath its parent.
* @param absoluteDepth The distance between {@code node} and the root node.
* @param relativeDepth The distance between {@code node} and the matching ancestor.
* @return A {@link PartialMatch} instance if the node matches all non-child selector
* criteria, otherwise null.
public static PartialMatch accept(AccessibilityNodeInfo node, BySelector selector,
int index, int absoluteDepth, int relativeDepth) {
if ((selector.mMinDepth != null && relativeDepth < selector.mMinDepth) ||
(selector.mMaxDepth != null && relativeDepth > selector.mMaxDepth)) {
return null;
// NB: index is not checked, as it is not a BySelector criteria (yet). Keeping the
// parameter in place in case matching on index is really needed.
PartialMatch ret = null;
if (checkCriteria(selector.mClazz, node.getClassName()) &&
checkCriteria(selector.mDesc, node.getContentDescription()) &&
checkCriteria(selector.mPkg, node.getPackageName()) &&
checkCriteria(selector.mRes, node.getViewIdResourceName()) &&
checkCriteria(selector.mText, node.getText()) &&
checkCriteria(selector.mChecked, node.isChecked()) &&
checkCriteria(selector.mCheckable, node.isCheckable()) &&
checkCriteria(selector.mClickable, node.isClickable()) &&
checkCriteria(selector.mEnabled, node.isEnabled()) &&
checkCriteria(selector.mFocused, node.isFocused()) &&
checkCriteria(selector.mFocusable, node.isFocusable()) &&
checkCriteria(selector.mLongClickable, node.isLongClickable()) &&
checkCriteria(selector.mScrollable, node.isScrollable()) &&
checkCriteria(selector.mSelected, node.isSelected())) {
ret = new PartialMatch(selector, absoluteDepth);
return ret;
* Updates this {@link PartialMatch} as part of the tree traversal. Checks to see if
* {@code node} matches any of the child selectors that need to match for this
* {@link PartialMatch} to be considered a full match.
* @param node The node to process.
* @param index The index of this node underneath its parent.
* @param depth The distance between {@code node} and the root node.
* @param rest The list of {@link PartialMatch}es that our caller is currently tracking
* @return The list of {@link PartialMatch}es that our caller should track while traversing
* the subtree under this node.
public SinglyLinkedList<PartialMatch> update(AccessibilityNodeInfo node,
int index, int depth, SinglyLinkedList<PartialMatch> rest) {
// Check if this node matches any of our children
for (BySelector childSelector : matchSelector.mChildSelectors) {
PartialMatch m = PartialMatch.accept(node, childSelector, index, depth,
depth - matchDepth);
if (m != null) {
rest = SinglyLinkedList.prepend(m, rest);
return rest;
* Finalizes this {@link PartialMatch} and returns true if it was a full match, or false
* otherwise.
public boolean finalizeMatch() {
// Find out which of our child selectors were fully matched
Set<BySelector> matches = new HashSet<BySelector>();
for (PartialMatch p : partialMatches) {
if (p.finalizeMatch()) {
// Return true if matches were found for all of the child selectors
return matches.containsAll(matchSelector.mChildSelectors);
* Immutable, singly-linked List. Used to keep track of the {@link PartialMatch}es that we
* need to update when visiting nodes.
private static class SinglyLinkedList<T> implements Iterable<T> {
private final Node<T> mHead;
/** Constructs an empty list. */
public SinglyLinkedList() {
private SinglyLinkedList(Node<T> head) {
mHead = head;
/** Returns a new list obtained by prepending {@code data} to {@code rest}. */
public static <T> SinglyLinkedList<T> prepend(T data, SinglyLinkedList<T> rest) {
return new SinglyLinkedList<T>(new Node<T>(data, rest.mHead));
public Iterator<T> iterator() {
return new Iterator<T>() {
private Node<T> mNext = mHead;
public boolean hasNext() {
return mNext != null;
public T next() {
T ret =;
mNext =;
return ret;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private static class Node<T> {
public final T data;
public final Node<T> next;
public Node(T d, Node<T> n) {
data = d;
next = n;