blob: 72022b9e8cbfbf4376c7263c8a9dfe13b84c864e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.testutils;
import static androidx.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayingAtLeast;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.test.espresso.InjectEventSecurityException;
import androidx.test.espresso.PerformException;
import androidx.test.espresso.UiController;
import androidx.test.espresso.ViewAction;
import androidx.test.espresso.action.CoordinatesProvider;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
* <p>A {@link ViewAction} that swipes the view on which the action is performed to the given
* top-left coordinates. It is required that the view moves along with the swipe, as it would list
* views (e.g., a RecyclerView). Can be instantiated and run independently of Espresso as well, by
* {@link #initialize(View) initializing} and then {@link #perform(Instrumentation) performing} the
* action.</p>
* <p>Provides two different ways to provide the target coordinates: either the center of the view's
* parent ({@link #swipeToCenter()} and {@link #flingToCenter()}), or fixed coordinates ({@link
* #swipeTo(float[])} and {@link #flingTo(float[])})</p>
public class SwipeToLocation implements ViewAction {
private static CoordinatesProvider sCenterInParent = new CoordinatesProvider() {
public float[] calculateCoordinates(View view) {
View parent = (View) view.getParent();
int horizontalPadding = parent.getPaddingLeft() + parent.getPaddingRight();
int verticalPadding = parent.getPaddingTop() + parent.getPaddingBottom();
int widthParent = parent.getWidth() - horizontalPadding;
int heightParent = parent.getHeight() - verticalPadding;
int widthView = view.getWidth();
int heightView = view.getHeight();
int leftMarginView = 0;
int topMarginView = 0;
ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = view.getLayoutParams();
if (params instanceof ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) {
ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams margins = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) params;
leftMarginView = margins.leftMargin;
topMarginView = margins.topMargin;
widthView += margins.leftMargin + margins.rightMargin;
heightView += margins.topMargin + margins.bottomMargin;
float[] coords = new float[2];
//noinspection IntegerDivisionInFloatingPointContext
coords[X] = (widthParent - widthView) / 2 + parent.getPaddingLeft() + leftMarginView;
//noinspection IntegerDivisionInFloatingPointContext
coords[Y] = (heightParent - heightView) / 2 + parent.getPaddingTop() + topMarginView;
return coords;
public String toString() {
return "center in parent";
private static class FixedCoordinates implements CoordinatesProvider {
private final float[] mCoordinates;
FixedCoordinates(float[] coordinates) {
mCoordinates = coordinates;
public float[] calculateCoordinates(View view) {
return mCoordinates;
public String toString() {
return String.format(Locale.US, "fixed coordinates (%f, %f)",
mCoordinates[X], mCoordinates[Y]);
private static final int X = 0;
private static final int Y = 1;
private final CoordinatesProvider mCoordinatesProvider;
private final int mDuration;
private final int mSteps;
// The view to move and to swipe on
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // package-protected to prevent synthetic access
View mView;
// The pointer location where we start the swipe, must be on the view
private float[] mSwipeStart;
// The view location where we want the view to end
private float[] mTargetViewLocation;
private SwipeToLocation(CoordinatesProvider coordinatesProvider, int duration, int steps) {
mCoordinatesProvider = coordinatesProvider;
mDuration = duration;
mSteps = steps;
* Swipe the view to the given target location. Swiping takes 1 second to complete.
* @param targetLocation The top-left target coordinates of the view
* @return The ViewAction to use in {@link
* androidx.test.espresso.ViewInteraction#perform(ViewAction...)}
public static SwipeToLocation swipeTo(float[] targetLocation) {
return new SwipeToLocation(new FixedCoordinates(targetLocation), 1000, 10);
* Fling the view to the given target location. Flinging takes 0.1 seconds to complete.
* @param targetLocation The top-left target coordinates of the view
* @return The ViewAction to use in {@link
* androidx.test.espresso.ViewInteraction#perform(ViewAction...)}
public static SwipeToLocation flingTo(float[] targetLocation) {
return new SwipeToLocation(new FixedCoordinates(targetLocation), 100, 10);
* Swipe the view to the center of its parent. Swiping takes 1 second to complete.
* @return The ViewAction to use in {@link
* androidx.test.espresso.ViewInteraction#perform(ViewAction...)}
public static SwipeToLocation swipeToCenter() {
return new SwipeToLocation(sCenterInParent, 1000, 10);
* Fling the view to the center of its parent. Flinging takes 0.1 seconds to complete.
* @return The ViewAction to use in {@link
* androidx.test.espresso.ViewInteraction#perform(ViewAction...)}
public static SwipeToLocation flingToCenter() {
return new SwipeToLocation(sCenterInParent, 100, 10);
public Matcher<View> getConstraints() {
return isDisplayingAtLeast(10);
public String getDescription() {
return String.format(Locale.US, "Swiping view to location %s", mCoordinatesProvider);
* Sets the action up to run on the given view.
* @param view The View that is moved and on which the swipe is performed
public void initialize(@NonNull View view) {
this.mView = view;
mSwipeStart = getCenterOfView(view);
mTargetViewLocation = mCoordinatesProvider.calculateCoordinates(view);
public void perform(UiController uiController, View view) {
performWithMotionInjector(new UiFacadeWithUiController(uiController));
* Performs this action manually instead of as a ViewAction. Must not be called from the main
* thread. Useful if performing the swipe as a ViewAction doesn't work because Espresso waits
* until the main thread is idle while you actually want to execute it now.
* @param instrumentation The Instrumentation object used to inject MotionEvents
public void perform(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
if (mView == null || mSwipeStart == null || mTargetViewLocation == null) {
throwWith(new IllegalStateException("SwipeToLocation must be initialized with a View "
+ "first. See SwipeToLocation.initialize(View view)"));
performWithMotionInjector(new UiFacadeWithInstrumentation(instrumentation));
private void performWithMotionInjector(UiFacade uiController) {
sendOnlineSwipe(uiController, mDuration, mSteps);
* Inject motion events to emulate a swipe to the target location. Instead of calculating all
* events up front and then injecting them one by one, perform the required number of steps and
* determine the distance to cover in the current step based on the current distance of the view
* to the target. This makes it robust against movements of the view during the event sequence.
* This is for example likely to happen between the down event and the first move event if we're
* interrupting a smooth scroll.
* @param uiController The controller to inject the motion events with
* @param duration The duration in milliseconds of the swipe gesture
* @param steps The number of move motion events that will be sent for the gesture
private void sendOnlineSwipe(UiFacade uiController, int duration, int steps) {
final long startTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
long eventTime = startTime;
final float[] pointerLocation = new float[]{mSwipeStart[X], mSwipeStart[Y]};
final float[] viewLocation = new float[2];
final float[] nextViewLocation = new float[2];
final List<MotionEvent> events = new ArrayList<>();
final Runnable updateCoordinates = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Update the view coordinates on the UI thread so the view is in a stable state
getCurrentCoords(mView, viewLocation);
try {
// Down event
MotionEvent downEvent = obtainDownEvent(startTime, pointerLocation);
injectMotionEvent(uiController, downEvent);
// Move events
for (int i = 1; i <= steps; i++) {
eventTime = startTime + duration * i / duration;
lerp(viewLocation, mTargetViewLocation, 1f / (steps - i + 1), nextViewLocation);
updatePointerLocation(pointerLocation, viewLocation, nextViewLocation);
MotionEvent moveEvent = obtainMoveEvent(startTime, eventTime, pointerLocation);
injectMotionEvent(uiController, moveEvent);
// Up event
MotionEvent upEvent = obtainUpEvent(startTime, eventTime, pointerLocation);
injectMotionEvent(uiController, upEvent);
} finally {
for (MotionEvent event : events) {
private static MotionEvent obtainDownEvent(long time, float[] coord) {
return MotionEvent.obtain(time, time,
MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, coord[X], coord[Y], 0);
private static MotionEvent obtainMoveEvent(long startTime, long elapsedTime, float[] coord) {
return MotionEvent.obtain(startTime, elapsedTime,
MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE, coord[X], coord[Y], 0);
private static MotionEvent obtainUpEvent(long startTime, long elapsedTime, float[] coord) {
return MotionEvent.obtain(startTime, elapsedTime,
MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, coord[X], coord[Y], 0);
private static void injectMotionEvent(UiFacade uiController, MotionEvent event) {
while (event.getEventTime() - SystemClock.uptimeMillis() > 10) {
// Because the loopMainThreadForAtLeast is overkill for waiting, intentionally only
// call it with a smaller amount of milliseconds as best effort
private void updatePointerLocation(float[] pointerLocation, float[] viewLocation,
float[] nextViewLocation) {
pointerLocation[X] += nextViewLocation[X] - viewLocation[X];
pointerLocation[Y] += nextViewLocation[Y] - viewLocation[Y];
private static float[] getCenterOfView(View view) {
Rect r = new Rect();
return new float[]{r.centerX(), r.centerY()};
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // package-protected to prevent synthetic access
static void getCurrentCoords(View view, float[] out) {
out[X] = view.getLeft();
out[Y] = view.getTop();
private static void lerp(float[] from, float[] to, float f, float[] out) {
out[X] = (int) (from[X] + (to[X] - from[X]) * f);
out[Y] = (int) (from[Y] + (to[Y] - from[Y]) * f);
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // package-protected to prevent synthetic access
static void throwWith(Throwable error) {
throw new PerformException.Builder().withActionDescription("Perform swipe")
* An interface to inject events and interact with the UI thread. This allows us to use either
* {@link UiController} when performed as a {@link ViewAction}, or use {@link Instrumentation}
* when performing the swipe action manually.
private interface UiFacade {
void injectMotionEvent(@NonNull MotionEvent event);
void loopMainThreadForAtLeast(long millisDelay);
void runOnUiThreadSync(@NonNull Runnable runnable);
* A {@link UiFacade} build from a {@link UiController}. Instantiated when {@link
* SwipeToLocation#perform(UiController, View)} is executed by Espresso. As Espresso runs
* perform() on the UI thread, all interactions with this implementation happen on the UI
* thread.
private static class UiFacadeWithUiController implements UiFacade {
private final UiController mUiController;
UiFacadeWithUiController(UiController uiController) {
mUiController = uiController;
public void injectMotionEvent(@NonNull MotionEvent event) {
try {
} catch (InjectEventSecurityException e) {
public void loopMainThreadForAtLeast(long millisDelay) {
public void runOnUiThreadSync(@NonNull Runnable runnable) {
// We're already on the UI thread;
* A {@link UiFacade} build from a {@link Instrumentation}. Instantiated when {@link
* SwipeToLocation#perform(Instrumentation)} is called manually. It is assumed that interactions
* with this implementation happen from another thread than the UI thread.
private static class UiFacadeWithInstrumentation implements UiFacade {
private final Instrumentation mInstrumentation;
private final Handler mHandler;
UiFacadeWithInstrumentation(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
mInstrumentation = instrumentation;
mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
public void injectMotionEvent(@NonNull MotionEvent event) {
public void loopMainThreadForAtLeast(long millisDelay) {
if (Looper.myLooper() != Looper.getMainLooper()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(UiFacadeWithInstrumentation.class.getSimpleName()
+ " cannot loop the main thread from the main thread itself");
if (millisDelay > 0) {
public void runOnUiThreadSync(@NonNull final Runnable runnable) {
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); Runnable() {
public void run() {;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {