blob: 38f5338bd671129b4e50c1ddf647f5d9f6d1d0ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.credentials
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.credentials.PrepareGetCredentialResponse
import android.os.Build
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.annotation.RequiresPermission
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting
* A response object that indicates the get-credential prefetch work is complete and provides
* metadata about it. It can then be used to issue the full credential retrieval flow via the
* [CredentialManager.getCredential] (Kotlin) / [CredentialManager.getCredentialAsync] (Java) method
* to perform the remaining flows such as consent collection and credential selection, to officially
* retrieve a credential.
* For now this API requires Android U (level 34). However, it is designed with backward
* compatibility in mind and can potentially be made accessible <34 if any provider decides to
* support that.
* This class should be constructed using the Builder (see below) for tests/prod usage.
* @property pendingGetCredentialHandle a handle that represents this pending get-credential
* operation; pass this handle to [CredentialManager.getCredential] (Kotlin) /
* [CredentialManager.getCredentialAsync] (Java) to perform the remaining flows to officially
* retrieve a credential.
* @property hasRemoteResultsDelegate whether the response has remote results
* @property hasAuthResultsDelegate whether the response has auth results
* @property credentialTypeDelegate whether the response has a credential result handler
* @property isNullHandlesForTest whether to support null handles for test
* @throws NullPointerException If [pendingGetCredentialHandle] is null at API level >= 34.
class PrepareGetCredentialResponse
private constructor(
val pendingGetCredentialHandle: PendingGetCredentialHandle?,
val hasRemoteResultsDelegate: HasRemoteResultsDelegate?,
val hasAuthResultsDelegate: HasAuthenticationResultsDelegate?,
val credentialTypeDelegate: HasCredentialResultsDelegate?,
val isNullHandlesForTest: Boolean,
) {
init {
// We don't have these values when we are testing so we should
// we should not ensure of their presence. Otherwise, enforce
// for Android U+.
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 34 && !isNullHandlesForTest) {
* Returns true if the user has any candidate credentials for the given {@code credentialType},
* and false otherwise.
* Note: this API will always return false at API level < 34.
fun hasCredentialResults(credentialType: String): Boolean {
if (credentialTypeDelegate != null) {
return credentialTypeDelegate.invoke(credentialType)
return false
* Returns true if the user has any candidate authentication actions (locked credential
* supplier), and false otherwise.
* Note: this API will always return false at API level < 34.
fun hasAuthenticationResults(): Boolean {
if (hasAuthResultsDelegate != null) {
return hasAuthResultsDelegate.invoke()
return false
* Returns true if the user has any candidate remote credential results, and false otherwise.
* Note: this API will always return false at API level < 34.
fun hasRemoteResults(): Boolean {
if (hasRemoteResultsDelegate != null) {
return hasRemoteResultsDelegate.invoke()
return false
* A handle that represents a pending get-credential operation. Pass this handle to
* [CredentialManager.getCredential] or [CredentialManager.getCredentialAsync] to perform the
* remaining flows to officially retrieve a credential.
* @param frameworkHandle the framework handle representing this pending operation. Must not be
* null at API level >= 34.
* @throws NullPointerException If [frameworkHandle] is null at API level >= 34.
class PendingGetCredentialHandle(
val frameworkHandle: PrepareGetCredentialResponse.PendingGetCredentialHandle?
) {
init {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 34) { // Android U
/** A builder for [PrepareGetCredentialResponse]. */
class Builder {
private var pendingGetCredentialHandle: PendingGetCredentialHandle? = null
private var hasRemoteResultsDelegate: HasRemoteResultsDelegate? = null
private var hasAuthResultsDelegate: HasAuthenticationResultsDelegate? = null
private var hasCredentialResultsDelegate: HasCredentialResultsDelegate? = null
private var frameworkResponse: PrepareGetCredentialResponse? = null
/** Sets the framework response. */
fun setFrameworkResponse(resp: PrepareGetCredentialResponse?): Builder {
this.frameworkResponse = resp
if (resp != null) {
this.hasCredentialResultsDelegate = this::hasCredentialType
this.hasAuthResultsDelegate = this::hasAuthenticationResults
this.hasRemoteResultsDelegate = this::hasRemoteResults
return this
private fun hasCredentialType(credentialType: String): Boolean {
return this.frameworkResponse!!.hasCredentialResults(credentialType)
private fun hasAuthenticationResults(): Boolean {
return this.frameworkResponse!!.hasAuthenticationResults()
private fun hasRemoteResults(): Boolean {
return this.frameworkResponse!!.hasRemoteResults()
/** Sets the framework handle. */
fun setPendingGetCredentialHandle(handle: PendingGetCredentialHandle): Builder {
this.pendingGetCredentialHandle = handle
return this
/** Builds a [PrepareGetCredentialResponse]. */
fun build(): androidx.credentials.PrepareGetCredentialResponse {
return androidx.credentials.PrepareGetCredentialResponse(
/** A builder for [PrepareGetCredentialResponse] for test use only. */
class TestBuilder {
private var hasRemoteResultsDelegate: HasRemoteResultsDelegate? = null
private var hasAuthResultsDelegate: HasAuthenticationResultsDelegate? = null
private var hasCredentialResultsDelegate: HasCredentialResultsDelegate? = null
/** Sets the credential type handler. */
fun setCredentialTypeDelegate(handler: HasCredentialResultsDelegate): TestBuilder {
this.hasCredentialResultsDelegate = handler
return this
/** Sets the has authentication results bit. */
fun setHasAuthResultsDelegate(handler: HasAuthenticationResultsDelegate): TestBuilder {
this.hasAuthResultsDelegate = handler
return this
/** Sets the has remote results bit. */
fun setHasRemoteResultsDelegate(handler: HasRemoteResultsDelegate): TestBuilder {
this.hasRemoteResultsDelegate = handler
return this
/** Builds a [PrepareGetCredentialResponse]. */
fun build(): androidx.credentials.PrepareGetCredentialResponse {
return androidx.credentials.PrepareGetCredentialResponse(
typealias HasCredentialResultsDelegate = (String) -> Boolean
typealias HasAuthenticationResultsDelegate = () -> Boolean
typealias HasRemoteResultsDelegate = () -> Boolean