blob: bd6e3ead80dbb1ff083943e8727d5a766d66882e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.credentials
import android.os.Bundle
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.credentials.PublicKeyCredential.Companion.BUNDLE_KEY_SUBTYPE
import androidx.credentials.internal.FrameworkClassParsingException
import androidx.credentials.internal.RequestValidationHelper
import org.json.JSONObject
* A request to register a passkey from the user's public key credential provider.
* @param requestJson the request in JSON format in the
* [standard webauthn web json](
* @param clientDataHash a clientDataHash value to sign over in place of assembling and hashing
* clientDataJSON during the signature request; only meaningful when [origin] is set
* @param preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials true if you prefer the operation to return
* immediately when there is no available passkey registration offering instead of falling back to
* discovering remote options, and false (default) otherwise
* @param origin the origin of a different application if the request is being made on behalf of
* that application (Note: for API level >=34, setting a non-null value for this parameter will
* throw a SecurityException if android.permission.CREDENTIAL_MANAGER_SET_ORIGIN is not present)
* @property requestJson the request in JSON format in the
* [standard webauthn web json](
* @property clientDataHash a clientDataHash value to sign over in place of assembling and hashing
* clientDataJSON during the signature request; only meaningful when [origin] is set
class CreatePublicKeyCredentialRequest
private constructor(
val requestJson: String,
val clientDataHash: ByteArray?,
isAutoSelectAllowed: Boolean,
preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials: Boolean,
displayInfo: DisplayInfo,
origin: String? = null,
credentialData: Bundle = toCredentialDataBundle(requestJson, clientDataHash),
candidateQueryData: Bundle = toCandidateDataBundle(requestJson, clientDataHash),
) :
type = PublicKeyCredential.TYPE_PUBLIC_KEY_CREDENTIAL,
credentialData = credentialData,
// The whole request data should be passed during the query phase.
candidateQueryData = candidateQueryData,
isSystemProviderRequired = false,
isAutoSelectAllowed = isAutoSelectAllowed,
) {
* Constructs a [CreatePublicKeyCredentialRequest] to register a passkey from the user's public
* key credential provider.
* @param requestJson the privileged request in JSON format in the
* [standard webauthn web json](
* @param clientDataHash a hash that is used to verify the relying party identity
* @param preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials true if you prefer the operation to return
* immediately when there is no available passkey registration offering instead of falling
* back to discovering remote options, and false (default) otherwise
* @param origin the origin of a different application if the request is being made on behalf of
* that application (Note: for API level >=34, setting a non-null value for this parameter
* will throw a SecurityException if android.permission.CREDENTIAL_MANAGER_SET_ORIGIN is not
* present)
* @param isAutoSelectAllowed whether a create option will be automatically chosen if it is the
* only one available to the user (note that there is a chance that the crendeiatl provider
* does not support auto-select even if you turn this bit on)
* @throws NullPointerException If [requestJson] is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If [requestJson] is empty, or if it is not a valid JSON, or
* if it doesn't have a valid `` defined according to the [webauthn spec]
* (
requestJson: String,
clientDataHash: ByteArray? = null,
preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials: Boolean = false,
origin: String? = null,
isAutoSelectAllowed: Boolean = false,
) : this(
requestJson = requestJson,
clientDataHash = clientDataHash,
preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials = preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials,
displayInfo = getRequestDisplayInfo(requestJson),
origin = origin,
isAutoSelectAllowed = isAutoSelectAllowed,
* Constructs a [CreatePublicKeyCredentialRequest] to register a passkey from the user's public
* key credential provider.
* @param requestJson the privileged request in JSON format in the
* [standard webauthn web json](
* @param clientDataHash a hash that is used to verify the relying party identity
* @param preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials true if you prefer the operation to return
* immediately when there is no available passkey registration offering instead of falling
* back to discovering remote options, and false (preferably) otherwise
* @param origin the origin of a different application if the request is being made on behalf of
* that application (Note: for API level >=34, setting a non-null value for this parameter
* will throw a SecurityException if android.permission.CREDENTIAL_MANAGER_SET_ORIGIN is not
* present)
* @param preferDefaultProvider the preferred default provider component name to prioritize in
* the selection UI flows (Note: tour app must have the permission
* android.permission.CREDENTIAL_MANAGER_SET_ALLOWED_PROVIDERS to specify this, or it would
* not take effect; also this bit may not take effect for Android API level 33 and below,
* depending on the pre-34 provider(s) you have chosen)
* @param isAutoSelectAllowed whether a create option will be automatically chosen if it is the
* only one available to the user (note that there is a chance that the credential provider
* does not support auto-select even if you turn this bit on)
* @throws NullPointerException If [requestJson] is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If [requestJson] is empty, or if it doesn't have a valid
* `` defined according to the
* [webauthn spec](
requestJson: String,
clientDataHash: ByteArray?,
preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials: Boolean,
origin: String?,
preferDefaultProvider: String?,
isAutoSelectAllowed: Boolean,
) : this(
requestJson = requestJson,
clientDataHash = clientDataHash,
preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials = preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials,
displayInfo = getRequestDisplayInfo(requestJson, preferDefaultProvider),
origin = origin,
isAutoSelectAllowed = isAutoSelectAllowed,
init {
require(RequestValidationHelper.isValidJSON(requestJson)) {
"requestJson must not be empty, and must be a valid JSON"
internal companion object {
internal const val BUNDLE_KEY_CLIENT_DATA_HASH =
internal const val BUNDLE_KEY_REQUEST_JSON = "androidx.credentials.BUNDLE_KEY_REQUEST_JSON"
internal fun getRequestDisplayInfo(
requestJson: String,
defaultProvider: String? = null,
): DisplayInfo {
return try {
val json = JSONObject(requestJson)
val user = json.getJSONObject("user")
val userName = user.getString("name")
val displayName: String? =
if (user.isNull("displayName")) null else user.getString("displayName")
userId = userName,
userDisplayName = displayName,
credentialTypeIcon = null,
preferDefaultProvider = defaultProvider,
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw IllegalArgumentException(" must be defined in requestJson")
internal fun toCredentialDataBundle(
requestJson: String,
clientDataHash: ByteArray? = null,
): Bundle {
val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.putString(BUNDLE_KEY_REQUEST_JSON, requestJson)
bundle.putByteArray(BUNDLE_KEY_CLIENT_DATA_HASH, clientDataHash)
return bundle
internal fun toCandidateDataBundle(
requestJson: String,
clientDataHash: ByteArray?,
): Bundle {
val bundle = Bundle()
bundle.putString(BUNDLE_KEY_REQUEST_JSON, requestJson)
bundle.putByteArray(BUNDLE_KEY_CLIENT_DATA_HASH, clientDataHash)
return bundle
internal fun createFrom(
data: Bundle,
origin: String?,
candidateQueryData: Bundle
): CreatePublicKeyCredentialRequest {
try {
val requestJson = data.getString(BUNDLE_KEY_REQUEST_JSON)!!
val clientDataHash = data.getByteArray(BUNDLE_KEY_CLIENT_DATA_HASH)
val preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials =
val displayInfo =
try {
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
val isAutoSelectAllowed = data.getBoolean(BUNDLE_KEY_IS_AUTO_SELECT_ALLOWED, false)
return CreatePublicKeyCredentialRequest(
requestJson = requestJson,
clientDataHash = clientDataHash,
preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials = preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials,
displayInfo = displayInfo,
origin = origin,
isAutoSelectAllowed = isAutoSelectAllowed,
credentialData = data,
candidateQueryData = candidateQueryData,
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw FrameworkClassParsingException()