blob: 8c36baedc649ed4419c1c8ca4985f977ae6691cc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.ui.layout
import androidx.compose.runtime.Applier
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.ReusableComposeNode
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.UiComposable
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode
import androidx.compose.ui.node.ModifierNodeElement
import androidx.compose.ui.node.NodeCoordinator
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.InspectorInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
* [LookaheadScope] creates a scope in which all layouts will first determine their destination
* layout through a lookahead pass, followed by an _approach_ pass to run the measurement and
* placement approach defined in [approachLayout] or [ApproachLayoutModifierNode], in order to
* gradually reach the destination.
* Note: [LookaheadScope] does not introduce a new [Layout] to the [content] passed in. All the
* [Layout]s in the [content] will have the same parent as they would without [LookaheadScope].
* @sample androidx.compose.ui.samples.LookaheadLayoutCoordinatesSample
* @param content The child composable to be laid out.
* @see ApproachLayoutModifierNode
* @see approachLayout
fun LookaheadScope(content: @Composable @UiComposable LookaheadScope.() -> Unit) {
val scope = remember { LookaheadScopeImpl() }
ReusableComposeNode<LayoutNode, Applier<Any>>(
factory = { LayoutNode(isVirtual = true) },
update = {
init { isVirtualLookaheadRoot = true }
set(scope) { scope ->
// This internal lambda will be invoked during placement.
scope.scopeCoordinates = { parent!!.innerCoordinator.coordinates }
content = { scope.content() }
* Creates an approach layout intended to help gradually approach the destination layout calculated
* in the lookahead pass. This can be particularly helpful when the destination layout is
* anticipated to change drastically and would consequently result in visual disruptions.
* In order to create a smooth approach, an interpolation (often through animations) can be used in
* [approachMeasure] to interpolate the measurement or placement from a previously recorded size
* and/or position to the destination/target size and/or position. The destination size is available
* in [ApproachMeasureScope] as [ApproachMeasureScope.lookaheadSize]. And the target position can
* also be acquired in [ApproachMeasureScope] during placement by using
* [LookaheadScope.localLookaheadPositionOf] with the layout's
* [Placeable.PlacementScope.coordinates]. The sample code below illustrates how that can be
* achieved.
* [isMeasurementApproachInProgress] signals whether the measurement is in progress of approaching
* destination size. It will be queried after the destination has been determined by the lookahead
* pass, before [approachMeasure] is invoked. The lookahead size is provided to
* [isMeasurementApproachInProgress] for convenience in deciding whether the destination size has
* been reached.
* [isMeasurementApproachInProgress] indicates whether the position is currently approaching
* destination defined by the lookahead, hence it's a signal to the system for whether additional
* approach placements are necessary. [isPlacementApproachInProgress] will be invoked after the
* destination position has been determined by lookahead pass, and before the placement phase in
* [approachMeasure].
* Once both [isMeasurementApproachInProgress] and [isPlacementApproachInProgress] return false, the
* system may skip approach pass until additional approach passes are necessary as indicated by
* [isMeasurementApproachInProgress] and [isPlacementApproachInProgress].
* **IMPORTANT**: It is important to be accurate in [isPlacementApproachInProgress] and
* [isMeasurementApproachInProgress]. A prolonged indication of incomplete approach will prevent the
* system from potentially skipping approach pass when possible.
* @sample androidx.compose.ui.samples.approachLayoutSample
* @see ApproachLayoutModifierNode
fun Modifier.approachLayout(
isMeasurementApproachInProgress: (lookaheadSize: IntSize) -> Boolean,
Placeable.PlacementScope.(lookaheadCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates) -> Boolean =
measurable: Measurable,
constraints: Constraints,
) -> MeasureResult,
): Modifier =
this then
isMeasurementApproachInProgress = isMeasurementApproachInProgress,
isPlacementApproachInProgress = isPlacementApproachInProgress,
approachMeasure = approachMeasure
private val defaultPlacementApproachInProgress:
Placeable.PlacementScope.(lookaheadCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates) -> Boolean =
private data class ApproachLayoutElement(
val approachMeasure:
measurable: Measurable,
constraints: Constraints,
) -> MeasureResult,
val isMeasurementApproachInProgress: (IntSize) -> Boolean,
val isPlacementApproachInProgress:
Placeable.PlacementScope.(lookaheadCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates) -> Boolean =
) : ModifierNodeElement<ApproachLayoutModifierNodeImpl>() {
override fun create() =
override fun update(node: ApproachLayoutModifierNodeImpl) {
node.measureBlock = approachMeasure
node.isMeasurementApproachInProgress = isMeasurementApproachInProgress
node.isPlacementApproachInProgress = isPlacementApproachInProgress
override fun InspectorInfo.inspectableProperties() {
name = "approachLayout"
properties["approachMeasure"] = approachMeasure
properties["isMeasurementApproachInProgress"] = isMeasurementApproachInProgress
properties["isPlacementApproachInProgress"] = isPlacementApproachInProgress
private class ApproachLayoutModifierNodeImpl(
var measureBlock:
measurable: Measurable,
constraints: Constraints,
) -> MeasureResult,
var isMeasurementApproachInProgress: (IntSize) -> Boolean,
var isPlacementApproachInProgress: Placeable.PlacementScope.(LayoutCoordinates) -> Boolean,
) : ApproachLayoutModifierNode, Modifier.Node() {
override fun isMeasurementApproachInProgress(lookaheadSize: IntSize): Boolean {
return isMeasurementApproachInProgress.invoke(lookaheadSize)
override fun Placeable.PlacementScope.isPlacementApproachInProgress(
lookaheadCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates
): Boolean {
return isPlacementApproachInProgress.invoke(this, lookaheadCoordinates)
override fun ApproachMeasureScope.approachMeasure(
measurable: Measurable,
constraints: Constraints
): MeasureResult {
return measureBlock(measurable, constraints)
* [LookaheadScope] provides a receiver scope for all (direct and indirect) child layouts in
* [LookaheadScope]. This receiver scope allows access to [lookaheadScopeCoordinates] from any
* child's [Placeable.PlacementScope]. It also allows any child to convert [LayoutCoordinates]
* (which can be retrieved in [Placeable.PlacementScope]) to [LayoutCoordinates] in lookahead
* coordinate space using [toLookaheadCoordinates].
* @sample androidx.compose.ui.samples.LookaheadLayoutCoordinatesSample
interface LookaheadScope {
* Converts a [LayoutCoordinates] into a [LayoutCoordinates] in the Lookahead coordinate space.
* This can be used for layouts within [LookaheadScope].
fun LayoutCoordinates.toLookaheadCoordinates(): LayoutCoordinates
* Returns the [LayoutCoordinates] of the [LookaheadScope]. This is only accessible from
* [Placeable.PlacementScope] (i.e. during placement time).
* Note: The returned coordinates is **not** coordinates in the lookahead coordinate space. If
* the lookahead coordinates of the lookaheadScope is needed, suggest converting the returned
* coordinates using [toLookaheadCoordinates].
val Placeable.PlacementScope.lookaheadScopeCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates
* Converts [relativeToSource] in [sourceCoordinates]'s lookahead coordinate space into local
* lookahead coordinates. This is a convenient method for 1) converting both [this] coordinates
* and [sourceCoordinates] into lookahead space coordinates using [toLookaheadCoordinates],
* and 2) invoking [LayoutCoordinates.localPositionOf] with the converted coordinates.
* For layouts where [LayoutCoordinates.introducesMotionFrameOfReference] returns `true` (placed
* under [Placeable.PlacementScope.withMotionFrameOfReferencePlacement]) you may pass
* [includeMotionFrameOfReference] as `false` to get their position while excluding the
* additional Offset.
fun LayoutCoordinates.localLookaheadPositionOf(
sourceCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates,
relativeToSource: Offset = Offset.Zero,
includeMotionFrameOfReference: Boolean = true,
): Offset =
coordinates = this,
sourceCoordinates = sourceCoordinates,
relativeToSource = relativeToSource,
includeMotionFrameOfReference = includeMotionFrameOfReference
/** Internal implementation to handle [LookaheadScope.localLookaheadPositionOf]. */
internal fun LookaheadScope.localLookaheadPositionOf(
coordinates: LayoutCoordinates,
sourceCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates,
relativeToSource: Offset,
includeMotionFrameOfReference: Boolean
): Offset {
val lookaheadCoords = coordinates.toLookaheadCoordinates()
val source = sourceCoordinates.toLookaheadCoordinates()
return if (lookaheadCoords is LookaheadLayoutCoordinates) {
sourceCoordinates = source,
relativeToSource = relativeToSource,
includeMotionFrameOfReference = includeMotionFrameOfReference
} else if (source is LookaheadLayoutCoordinates) {
// Relative from source, so we take its negative position
sourceCoordinates = lookaheadCoords,
relativeToSource = relativeToSource,
includeMotionFrameOfReference = includeMotionFrameOfReference
} else {
sourceCoordinates = lookaheadCoords,
relativeToSource = relativeToSource,
includeMotionFrameOfReference = includeMotionFrameOfReference
internal class LookaheadScopeImpl(var scopeCoordinates: (() -> LayoutCoordinates)? = null) :
LookaheadScope {
override fun LayoutCoordinates.toLookaheadCoordinates(): LayoutCoordinates {
return this as? LookaheadLayoutCoordinates
?: (this as NodeCoordinator).let {
// If the coordinator has no lookahead delegate. Its
// lookahead coords is the same as its coords
it.lookaheadDelegate?.lookaheadLayoutCoordinates ?: it
override val Placeable.PlacementScope.lookaheadScopeCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates
get() = scopeCoordinates!!()