blob: c6005aa1352fbbc9d4b6ee6733a8d24a4333a45c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.ui.text
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.TextUnit
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.isSpecified
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.isUnspecified
private val DefaultLineHeight = TextUnit.Unspecified
* Paragraph styling configuration for a paragraph. The difference between [SpanStyle] and
* `ParagraphStyle` is that, `ParagraphStyle` can be applied to a whole [Paragraph] while
* [SpanStyle] can be applied at the character level.
* Once a portion of the text is marked with a `ParagraphStyle`, that portion will be separated from
* the remaining as if a line feed character was added.
* @sample androidx.compose.ui.text.samples.ParagraphStyleSample
* @sample androidx.compose.ui.text.samples.ParagraphStyleAnnotatedStringsSample
* @param textAlign The alignment of the text within the lines of the paragraph.
* @param textDirection The algorithm to be used to resolve the final text direction:
* Left To Right or Right To Left.
* @param lineHeight Line height for the [Paragraph] in [TextUnit] unit, e.g. SP or EM.
* @param textIndent The indentation of the paragraph.
* @param platformStyle Platform specific [ParagraphStyle] parameters.
* @param lineHeightStyle the configuration for line height such as vertical alignment of the
* line, whether to apply additional space as a result of line height to top of first line top and
* bottom of last line. The configuration is applied only when a [lineHeight] is defined.
* When null, [LineHeightStyle.Default] is used.
* @param lineBreak The line breaking configuration for the text.
* @param hyphens The configuration of hyphenation.
* @param textMotion Text character placement, whether to optimize for animated or static text.
* @see Paragraph
* @see AnnotatedString
* @see SpanStyle
* @see TextStyle
class ParagraphStyle(
val textAlign: TextAlign = TextAlign.Unspecified,
val textDirection: TextDirection = TextDirection.Unspecified,
val lineHeight: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified,
val textIndent: TextIndent? = null,
val platformStyle: PlatformParagraphStyle? = null,
val lineHeightStyle: LineHeightStyle? = null,
val lineBreak: LineBreak = LineBreak.Unspecified,
val hyphens: Hyphens = Hyphens.Unspecified,
val textMotion: TextMotion? = null
) {
@Deprecated("Kept for backwards compatibility.", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
@get:JvmName("getTextAlign-buA522U") // b/320819734
@Suppress("unused", "RedundantNullableReturnType", "PropertyName")
val deprecated_boxing_textAlign: TextAlign? get() = this.textAlign
@Deprecated("Kept for backwards compatibility.", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
@get:JvmName("getTextDirection-mmuk1to") // b/320819734
@Suppress("unused", "RedundantNullableReturnType", "PropertyName")
val deprecated_boxing_textDirection: TextDirection? get() = this.textDirection
@Deprecated("Kept for backwards compatibility.", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
@get:JvmName("getHyphens-EaSxIns") // b/320819734
@Suppress("unused", "RedundantNullableReturnType", "PropertyName")
val deprecated_boxing_hyphens: Hyphens? get() = this.hyphens
@Deprecated("Kept for backwards compatibility.", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
@get:JvmName("getLineBreak-LgCVezo") // b/320819734
@Suppress("unused", "RedundantNullableReturnType", "PropertyName")
val deprecated_boxing_lineBreak: LineBreak? get() = this.lineBreak
@Deprecated("ParagraphStyle constructors that take nullable TextAlign, " +
"TextDirection, LineBreak, and Hyphens are deprecated. Please use a new constructor " +
"where these parameters are non-nullable. Null value has been replaced by a special " +
"Unspecified object for performance reason.",
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
textAlign: TextAlign? = null,
textDirection: TextDirection? = null,
lineHeight: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified,
textIndent: TextIndent? = null,
platformStyle: PlatformParagraphStyle? = null,
lineHeightStyle: LineHeightStyle? = null,
lineBreak: LineBreak? = null,
hyphens: Hyphens? = null,
textMotion: TextMotion? = null
) : this(
textAlign = textAlign ?: TextAlign.Unspecified,
textDirection = textDirection ?: TextDirection.Unspecified,
lineHeight = lineHeight,
textIndent = textIndent,
platformStyle = platformStyle,
lineHeightStyle = lineHeightStyle,
lineBreak = lineBreak ?: LineBreak.Unspecified,
hyphens = hyphens ?: Hyphens.Unspecified,
textMotion = textMotion
"ParagraphStyle constructors that do not take new stable parameters " +
"like LineHeightStyle, LineBreak, Hyphens are deprecated. Please use the new stable " +
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
textAlign: TextAlign? = null,
textDirection: TextDirection? = null,
lineHeight: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified,
textIndent: TextIndent? = null
) : this(
textAlign = textAlign ?: TextAlign.Unspecified,
textDirection = textDirection ?: TextDirection.Unspecified,
lineHeight = lineHeight,
textIndent = textIndent,
platformStyle = null,
lineHeightStyle = null,
lineBreak = LineBreak.Unspecified,
hyphens = Hyphens.Unspecified,
textMotion = null
"ParagraphStyle constructors that do not take new stable parameters " +
"like LineHeightStyle, LineBreak, Hyphens are deprecated. Please use the new stable " +
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
textAlign: TextAlign? = null,
textDirection: TextDirection? = null,
lineHeight: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified,
textIndent: TextIndent? = null,
platformStyle: PlatformParagraphStyle? = null,
lineHeightStyle: LineHeightStyle? = null
) : this(
textAlign = textAlign ?: TextAlign.Unspecified,
textDirection = textDirection ?: TextDirection.Unspecified,
lineHeight = lineHeight,
textIndent = textIndent,
platformStyle = platformStyle,
lineHeightStyle = lineHeightStyle,
lineBreak = LineBreak.Unspecified,
hyphens = Hyphens.Unspecified,
textMotion = null
"ParagraphStyle constructors that do not take new stable parameters " +
"like LineBreak, Hyphens, TextMotion are deprecated. Please use the new stable " +
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
textAlign: TextAlign? = null,
textDirection: TextDirection? = null,
lineHeight: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified,
textIndent: TextIndent? = null,
platformStyle: PlatformParagraphStyle? = null,
lineHeightStyle: LineHeightStyle? = null,
lineBreak: LineBreak? = null,
hyphens: Hyphens? = null
) : this(
textAlign = textAlign ?: TextAlign.Unspecified,
textDirection = textDirection ?: TextDirection.Unspecified,
lineHeight = lineHeight,
textIndent = textIndent,
platformStyle = platformStyle,
lineHeightStyle = lineHeightStyle,
lineBreak = lineBreak ?: LineBreak.Unspecified,
hyphens = hyphens ?: Hyphens.Unspecified,
textMotion = null
init {
if (lineHeight != TextUnit.Unspecified) {
// Since we are checking if it's negative, no need to convert Sp into Px at this point.
check(lineHeight.value >= 0f) {
"lineHeight can't be negative (${lineHeight.value})"
* Returns a new paragraph style that is a combination of this style and the given [other]
* style.
* If the given paragraph style is null, returns this paragraph style.
fun merge(other: ParagraphStyle? = null): ParagraphStyle {
if (other == null) return this
return fastMerge(
textAlign = other.textAlign,
textDirection = other.textDirection,
lineHeight = other.lineHeight,
textIndent = other.textIndent,
platformStyle = other.platformStyle,
lineHeightStyle = other.lineHeightStyle,
lineBreak = other.lineBreak,
hyphens = other.hyphens,
textMotion = other.textMotion
* Plus operator overload that applies a [merge].
operator fun plus(other: ParagraphStyle): ParagraphStyle = this.merge(other)
"ParagraphStyle copy constructors that do not take new stable parameters " +
"like LineHeightStyle, LineBreak, Hyphens are deprecated. Please use the new stable " +
"copy constructor.",
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
fun copy(
textAlign: TextAlign? = this.textAlign,
textDirection: TextDirection? = this.textDirection,
lineHeight: TextUnit = this.lineHeight,
textIndent: TextIndent? = this.textIndent
): ParagraphStyle {
return ParagraphStyle(
textAlign = textAlign ?: TextAlign.Unspecified,
textDirection = textDirection ?: TextDirection.Unspecified,
lineHeight = lineHeight,
textIndent = textIndent,
platformStyle = this.platformStyle,
lineHeightStyle = this.lineHeightStyle,
lineBreak = this.lineBreak,
hyphens = this.hyphens,
textMotion = this.textMotion
"ParagraphStyle copy constructors that do not take new stable parameters " +
"like LineHeightStyle, LineBreak, Hyphens are deprecated. Please use the new stable " +
"copy constructor.",
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
fun copy(
textAlign: TextAlign? = this.textAlign,
textDirection: TextDirection? = this.textDirection,
lineHeight: TextUnit = this.lineHeight,
textIndent: TextIndent? = this.textIndent,
platformStyle: PlatformParagraphStyle? = this.platformStyle,
lineHeightStyle: LineHeightStyle? = this.lineHeightStyle
): ParagraphStyle {
return ParagraphStyle(
textAlign = textAlign ?: TextAlign.Unspecified,
textDirection = textDirection ?: TextDirection.Unspecified,
lineHeight = lineHeight,
textIndent = textIndent,
platformStyle = platformStyle,
lineHeightStyle = lineHeightStyle,
lineBreak = this.lineBreak,
hyphens = this.hyphens,
textMotion = this.textMotion
"ParagraphStyle copy constructors that do not take new stable parameters " +
"like LineBreak, Hyphens, TextMotion are deprecated. Please use the new stable " +
"copy constructor.",
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
fun copy(
textAlign: TextAlign? = this.textAlign,
textDirection: TextDirection? = this.textDirection,
lineHeight: TextUnit = this.lineHeight,
textIndent: TextIndent? = this.textIndent,
platformStyle: PlatformParagraphStyle? = this.platformStyle,
lineHeightStyle: LineHeightStyle? = this.lineHeightStyle,
lineBreak: LineBreak? = this.lineBreak,
hyphens: Hyphens? = this.hyphens
): ParagraphStyle {
return ParagraphStyle(
textAlign = textAlign ?: TextAlign.Unspecified,
textDirection = textDirection ?: TextDirection.Unspecified,
lineHeight = lineHeight,
textIndent = textIndent,
platformStyle = platformStyle,
lineHeightStyle = lineHeightStyle,
lineBreak = lineBreak ?: LineBreak.Unspecified,
hyphens = hyphens ?: Hyphens.Unspecified,
textMotion = this.textMotion
@Deprecated("ParagraphStyle copy constructors that take nullable TextAlign, " +
"TextDirection, LineBreak, and Hyphens are deprecated. Please use a new constructor " +
"where these parameters are non-nullable. Null value has been replaced by a special " +
"Unspecified object for performance reason.",
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
fun copy(
textAlign: TextAlign? = this.textAlign,
textDirection: TextDirection? = this.textDirection,
lineHeight: TextUnit = this.lineHeight,
textIndent: TextIndent? = this.textIndent,
platformStyle: PlatformParagraphStyle? = this.platformStyle,
lineHeightStyle: LineHeightStyle? = this.lineHeightStyle,
lineBreak: LineBreak? = this.lineBreak,
hyphens: Hyphens? = this.hyphens,
textMotion: TextMotion? = this.textMotion
): ParagraphStyle {
return ParagraphStyle(
textAlign = textAlign ?: TextAlign.Unspecified,
textDirection = textDirection ?: TextDirection.Unspecified,
lineHeight = lineHeight,
textIndent = textIndent,
platformStyle = platformStyle,
lineHeightStyle = lineHeightStyle,
lineBreak = lineBreak ?: LineBreak.Unspecified,
hyphens = hyphens ?: Hyphens.Unspecified,
textMotion = textMotion
fun copy(
textAlign: TextAlign = this.textAlign,
textDirection: TextDirection = this.textDirection,
lineHeight: TextUnit = this.lineHeight,
textIndent: TextIndent? = this.textIndent,
platformStyle: PlatformParagraphStyle? = this.platformStyle,
lineHeightStyle: LineHeightStyle? = this.lineHeightStyle,
lineBreak: LineBreak = this.lineBreak,
hyphens: Hyphens = this.hyphens,
textMotion: TextMotion? = this.textMotion
): ParagraphStyle {
return ParagraphStyle(
textAlign = textAlign,
textDirection = textDirection,
lineHeight = lineHeight,
textIndent = textIndent,
platformStyle = platformStyle,
lineHeightStyle = lineHeightStyle,
lineBreak = lineBreak,
hyphens = hyphens,
textMotion = textMotion
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is ParagraphStyle) return false
if (textAlign != other.textAlign) return false
if (textDirection != other.textDirection) return false
if (lineHeight != other.lineHeight) return false
if (textIndent != other.textIndent) return false
if (platformStyle != other.platformStyle) return false
if (lineHeightStyle != other.lineHeightStyle) return false
if (lineBreak != other.lineBreak) return false
if (hyphens != other.hyphens) return false
if (textMotion != other.textMotion) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = textAlign.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + textDirection.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + lineHeight.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + (textIndent?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + (platformStyle?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + (lineHeightStyle?.hashCode() ?: 0)
result = 31 * result + lineBreak.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + hyphens.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + (textMotion?.hashCode() ?: 0)
return result
override fun toString(): String {
return "ParagraphStyle(" +
"textAlign=$textAlign, " +
"textDirection=$textDirection, " +
"lineHeight=$lineHeight, " +
"textIndent=$textIndent, " +
"platformStyle=$platformStyle, " +
"lineHeightStyle=$lineHeightStyle, " +
"lineBreak=$lineBreak, " +
"hyphens=$hyphens, " +
"textMotion=$textMotion" +
* Interpolate between two [ParagraphStyle]s.
* This will not work well if the styles don't set the same fields.
* The [fraction] argument represents position on the timeline, with 0.0 meaning
* that the interpolation has not started, returning [start] (or something
* equivalent to [start]), 1.0 meaning that the interpolation has finished,
* returning [stop] (or something equivalent to [stop]), and values in between
* meaning that the interpolation is at the relevant point on the timeline
* between [start] and [stop]. The interpolation can be extrapolated beyond 0.0 and
* 1.0, so negative values and values greater than 1.0 are valid.
fun lerp(start: ParagraphStyle, stop: ParagraphStyle, fraction: Float): ParagraphStyle {
return ParagraphStyle(
textAlign = lerpDiscrete(start.textAlign, stop.textAlign, fraction),
textDirection = lerpDiscrete(
lineHeight = lerpTextUnitInheritable(start.lineHeight, stop.lineHeight, fraction),
textIndent = lerp(
start.textIndent ?: TextIndent.None,
stop.textIndent ?: TextIndent.None,
platformStyle = lerpPlatformStyle(start.platformStyle, stop.platformStyle, fraction),
lineHeightStyle = lerpDiscrete(
lineBreak = lerpDiscrete(start.lineBreak, stop.lineBreak, fraction),
hyphens = lerpDiscrete(start.hyphens, stop.hyphens, fraction),
textMotion = lerpDiscrete(start.textMotion, stop.textMotion, fraction)
private fun lerpPlatformStyle(
start: PlatformParagraphStyle?,
stop: PlatformParagraphStyle?,
fraction: Float
): PlatformParagraphStyle? {
if (start == null && stop == null) return null
val startNonNull = start ?: PlatformParagraphStyle.Default
val stopNonNull = stop ?: PlatformParagraphStyle.Default
return lerp(startNonNull, stopNonNull, fraction)
internal fun resolveParagraphStyleDefaults(
style: ParagraphStyle,
direction: LayoutDirection
) = ParagraphStyle(
textAlign = if (style.textAlign == TextAlign.Unspecified) TextAlign.Start else style.textAlign,
textDirection = resolveTextDirection(direction, style.textDirection),
lineHeight = if (style.lineHeight.isUnspecified) DefaultLineHeight else style.lineHeight,
textIndent = style.textIndent ?: TextIndent.None,
platformStyle = style.platformStyle,
lineHeightStyle = style.lineHeightStyle,
lineBreak = if (style.lineBreak == LineBreak.Unspecified) LineBreak.Simple else style.lineBreak,
hyphens = if (style.hyphens == Hyphens.Unspecified) Hyphens.None else style.hyphens,
textMotion = style.textMotion ?: TextMotion.Static
internal fun ParagraphStyle.fastMerge(
textAlign: TextAlign,
textDirection: TextDirection,
lineHeight: TextUnit,
textIndent: TextIndent?,
platformStyle: PlatformParagraphStyle?,
lineHeightStyle: LineHeightStyle?,
lineBreak: LineBreak,
hyphens: Hyphens,
textMotion: TextMotion?
): ParagraphStyle {
// prioritize the parameters to Text in diffs here
* textAlign: TextAlign?
* lineHeight: TextUnit
// any new vals should do a pre-merge check here
val requiresAlloc = textAlign != TextAlign.Unspecified && textAlign != this.textAlign ||
lineHeight.isSpecified && lineHeight != this.lineHeight ||
textIndent != null && textIndent != this.textIndent ||
textDirection != TextDirection.Unspecified && textDirection != this.textDirection ||
platformStyle != null && platformStyle != this.platformStyle ||
lineHeightStyle != null && lineHeightStyle != this.lineHeightStyle ||
lineBreak != LineBreak.Unspecified && lineBreak != this.lineBreak ||
hyphens != Hyphens.Unspecified && hyphens != this.hyphens ||
textMotion != null && textMotion != this.textMotion
if (!requiresAlloc) {
return this
return ParagraphStyle(
lineHeight = if (lineHeight.isUnspecified) {
} else {
textIndent = textIndent ?: this.textIndent,
textAlign = if (textAlign != TextAlign.Unspecified) textAlign else this.textAlign,
textDirection =
if (textDirection != TextDirection.Unspecified) textDirection else this.textDirection,
platformStyle = mergePlatformStyle(platformStyle),
lineHeightStyle = lineHeightStyle ?: this.lineHeightStyle,
lineBreak = if (lineBreak != LineBreak.Unspecified) lineBreak else this.lineBreak,
hyphens = if (hyphens != Hyphens.Unspecified) hyphens else this.hyphens,
textMotion = textMotion ?: this.textMotion
private fun ParagraphStyle.mergePlatformStyle(
other: PlatformParagraphStyle?
): PlatformParagraphStyle? {
if (platformStyle == null) return other
if (other == null) return platformStyle
return platformStyle.merge(other)