blob: 5a4a96047c004ed2ceec7cbcd9357fe680b59cfe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.ui.node
import androidx.compose.runtime.collection.MutableVector
import androidx.compose.runtime.collection.mutableVectorOf
import androidx.compose.ui.ExperimentalComposeUiApi
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerInputFilter
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerInputModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.IntrinsicMeasurable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.IntrinsicMeasureScope
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutCoordinates
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Measurable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasurePolicy
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasureScope
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.ModifierInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.OnGloballyPositionedModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Placeable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Remeasurement
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LookaheadScope
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.LayoutState.Idle
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.LayoutState.LayingOut
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.LayoutState.Measuring
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.LayoutState.LookaheadLayingOut
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.LayoutState.LookaheadMeasuring
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.ViewConfiguration
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.simpleIdentityToString
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.SemanticsModifierCore.Companion.generateSemanticsId
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.outerSemantics
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.DpSize
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
* Enable to log changes to the LayoutNode tree. This logging is quite chatty.
private const val DebugChanges = false
* An element in the layout hierarchy, built with compose UI.
internal class LayoutNode(
// Virtual LayoutNode is the temporary concept allows us to a node which is not a real node,
// but just a holder for its children - allows us to combine some children into something we
// can subcompose in(LayoutNode) without being required to define it as a real layout - we
// don't want to define the layout strategy for such nodes, instead the children of the
// virtual nodes will be treated as the direct children of the virtual node parent.
// This whole concept will be replaced with a proper subcomposition logic which allows to
// subcompose multiple times into the same LayoutNode and define offsets.
private val isVirtual: Boolean = false,
// The unique semantics ID that is used by all semantics modifiers attached to this LayoutNode.
override val semanticsId: Int = generateSemanticsId()
) : Remeasurement, OwnerScope, LayoutInfo, ComposeUiNode,
Owner.OnLayoutCompletedListener {
val isPlacedInLookahead: Boolean?
get() = lookaheadPassDelegate?.isPlaced
private var virtualChildrenCount = 0
// the list of nodes containing the virtual children as is
private val _foldedChildren = MutableVectorWithMutationTracking(mutableVectorOf<LayoutNode>()) {
internal val foldedChildren: List<LayoutNode> get() = _foldedChildren.asList()
// the list of nodes where the virtual children are unfolded (their children are represented
// as our direct children)
private var _unfoldedChildren: MutableVector<LayoutNode>? = null
private fun recreateUnfoldedChildrenIfDirty() {
if (unfoldedVirtualChildrenListDirty) {
unfoldedVirtualChildrenListDirty = false
val unfoldedChildren = _unfoldedChildren ?: mutableVectorOf<LayoutNode>().also {
_unfoldedChildren = it
_foldedChildren.forEach {
if (it.isVirtual) {
} else {
internal val childMeasurables: List<Measurable>
get() = measurePassDelegate.childMeasurables
internal val childLookaheadMeasurables: List<Measurable>
get() = lookaheadPassDelegate!!.childMeasurables
// when the list of our children is modified it will be set to true if we are a virtual node
// or it will be set to true on a parent if the parent is a virtual node
private var unfoldedVirtualChildrenListDirty = false
private fun invalidateUnfoldedVirtualChildren() {
if (virtualChildrenCount > 0) {
unfoldedVirtualChildrenListDirty = true
if (isVirtual) {
this.parent?.unfoldedVirtualChildrenListDirty = true
* This should **not** be mutated or even accessed directly from outside of [LayoutNode]. Use
* [forEachChild]/[forEachChildIndexed] when there's a need to iterate through the vector.
internal val _children: MutableVector<LayoutNode>
get() {
return if (virtualChildrenCount == 0) {
} else {
* Update children if the list is not up to date.
internal fun updateChildrenIfDirty() {
if (virtualChildrenCount > 0) {
inline fun forEachChild(block: (LayoutNode) -> Unit) = _children.forEach(block)
inline fun forEachChildIndexed(block: (Int, LayoutNode) -> Unit) =
* The children of this LayoutNode, controlled by [insertAt], [move], and [removeAt].
internal val children: List<LayoutNode> get() = _children.asMutableList()
* The parent node in the LayoutNode hierarchy. This is `null` when the [LayoutNode]
* is not attached to a hierarchy or is the root of the hierarchy.
private var _foldedParent: LayoutNode? = null
* The parent node in the LayoutNode hierarchy, skipping over virtual nodes.
internal val parent: LayoutNode?
get() {
return if (_foldedParent?.isVirtual == true) _foldedParent?.parent else _foldedParent
* The view system [Owner]. This `null` until [attach] is called
internal var owner: Owner? = null
private set
* Returns true if this [LayoutNode] currently has an [LayoutNode.owner]. Semantically,
* this means that the LayoutNode is currently a part of a component tree.
override val isAttached: Boolean get() = owner != null
* The tree depth of the [LayoutNode]. This is valid only when it is attached to a hierarchy.
internal var depth: Int = 0
* The layout state the node is currently in.
* The mutation of [layoutState] is confined to [LayoutNode], and is therefore read-only
* outside LayoutNode. This makes the state machine easier to reason about.
internal val layoutState
get() = layoutDelegate.layoutState
* The lookahead pass delegate for the [LayoutNode]. This should only be used for measure
* and layout related impl during *lookahead*. For the actual measure & layout, use
* [measurePassDelegate].
private val lookaheadPassDelegate
get() = layoutDelegate.lookaheadPassDelegate
* The measure pass delegate for the [LayoutNode]. This delegate is responsible for the actual
* measure & layout, after lookahead if any.
private val measurePassDelegate
get() = layoutDelegate.measurePassDelegate
* [requestRemeasure] calls will be ignored while this flag is true.
private var ignoreRemeasureRequests = false
* Inserts a child [LayoutNode] at a particular index. If this LayoutNode [owner] is not `null`
* then [instance] will become [attach]ed also. [instance] must have a `null` [parent].
internal fun insertAt(index: Int, instance: LayoutNode) {
check(instance._foldedParent == null) {
"Cannot insert $instance because it already has a parent." +
" This tree: " + debugTreeToString() +
" Other tree: " + instance._foldedParent?.debugTreeToString()
check(instance.owner == null) {
"Cannot insert $instance because it already has an owner." +
" This tree: " + debugTreeToString() +
" Other tree: " + instance.debugTreeToString()
if (DebugChanges) {
println("$instance added to $this at index $index")
instance._foldedParent = this
_foldedChildren.add(index, instance)
if (instance.isVirtual) {
require(!isVirtual) { "Virtual LayoutNode can't be added into a virtual parent" }
instance.outerCoordinator.wrappedBy = if (isVirtual) {
// if this node is virtual we use the inner coordinator of our parent
} else {
// and if the child is virtual we set our inner coordinator for the grandchildren
if (instance.isVirtual) {
instance._foldedChildren.forEach {
it.outerCoordinator.wrappedBy = innerCoordinator
val owner = this.owner
if (owner != null) {
if (instance.layoutDelegate.childrenAccessingCoordinatesDuringPlacement > 0) {
internal fun onZSortedChildrenInvalidated() {
if (isVirtual) {
} else {
zSortedChildrenInvalidated = true
* Removes one or more children, starting at [index].
internal fun removeAt(index: Int, count: Int) {
require(count >= 0) {
"count ($count) must be greater than 0"
for (i in index + count - 1 downTo index) {
val child = _foldedChildren.removeAt(i)
if (DebugChanges) {
println("$child removed from $this at index $i")
* Removes all children.
internal fun removeAll() {
for (i in _foldedChildren.size - 1 downTo 0) {
private fun onChildRemoved(child: LayoutNode) {
if (child.layoutDelegate.childrenAccessingCoordinatesDuringPlacement > 0) {
if (owner != null) {
child._foldedParent = null
child.outerCoordinator.wrappedBy = null
if (child.isVirtual) {
child._foldedChildren.forEach {
it.outerCoordinator.wrappedBy = null
* Moves [count] elements starting at index [from] to index [to]. The [to] index is related to
* the position before the change, so, for example, to move an element at position 1 to after
* the element at position 2, [from] should be `1` and [to] should be `3`. If the elements
* were LayoutNodes A B C D E, calling `move(1, 3, 1)` would result in the LayoutNodes
* being reordered to A C B D E.
internal fun move(from: Int, to: Int, count: Int) {
if (from == to) {
return // nothing to do
for (i in 0 until count) {
// if "from" is after "to," the from index moves because we're inserting before it
val fromIndex = if (from > to) from + i else from
val toIndex = if (from > to) to + i else to + count - 2
val child = _foldedChildren.removeAt(fromIndex)
if (DebugChanges) {
println("$child moved in $this from index $fromIndex to $toIndex")
_foldedChildren.add(toIndex, child)
* Set the [Owner] of this LayoutNode. This LayoutNode must not already be attached.
* [owner] must match its [parent].[owner].
internal fun attach(owner: Owner) {
check(this.owner == null) {
"Cannot attach $this as it already is attached. Tree: " + debugTreeToString()
check(_foldedParent == null || _foldedParent?.owner == owner) {
"Attaching to a different owner($owner) than the parent's owner(${parent?.owner})." +
" This tree: " + debugTreeToString() +
" Parent tree: " + _foldedParent?.debugTreeToString()
val parent = this.parent
if (parent == null) {
// it is a root node and attached root nodes are always placed (as there is no parent
// to place them explicitly)
isPlaced = true
this.owner = owner
this.depth = (parent?.depth ?: -1) + 1
if (outerSemantics != null) {
// Update lookahead scope when attached. For nested cases, we'll always use the
// lookahead scope from the out-most LookaheadRoot.
mLookaheadScope =
parent?.mLookaheadScope ?: if (isLookaheadRoot) LookaheadScope(this) else null
_foldedChildren.forEach { child ->
forEachCoordinatorIncludingInner { it.attach() }
* Remove the LayoutNode from the [Owner]. The [owner] must not be `null` before this call
* and its [parent]'s [owner] must be `null` before calling this. This will also [detach] all
* children. After executing, the [owner] will be `null`.
internal fun detach() {
val owner = owner
checkNotNull(owner) {
"Cannot detach node that is already detached! Tree: " + parent?.debugTreeToString()
val parent = this.parent
if (parent != null) {
forEachCoordinatorIncludingInner { it.detach() }
if (outerSemantics != null) {
this.owner = null
depth = 0
_foldedChildren.forEach { child ->
placeOrder = NotPlacedPlaceOrder
previousPlaceOrder = NotPlacedPlaceOrder
isPlaced = false
private val _zSortedChildren = mutableVectorOf<LayoutNode>()
private var zSortedChildrenInvalidated = true
* Returns the children list sorted by their [LayoutNode.zIndex] first (smaller first) and the
* order they were placed via [Placeable.placeAt] by parent (smaller first).
* Please note that this list contains not placed items as well, so you have to manually
* filter them.
* Note that the object is reused so you shouldn't save it for later.
internal val zSortedChildren: MutableVector<LayoutNode>
get() {
if (zSortedChildrenInvalidated) {
zSortedChildrenInvalidated = false
return _zSortedChildren
override val isValid: Boolean
get() = isAttached
override fun toString(): String {
return "${simpleIdentityToString(this, null)} children: ${children.size} " +
"measurePolicy: $measurePolicy"
* Call this method from the debugger to see a dump of the LayoutNode tree structure
private fun debugTreeToString(depth: Int = 0): String {
val tree = StringBuilder()
for (i in 0 until depth) {
tree.append(" ")
forEachChild { child ->
tree.append(child.debugTreeToString(depth + 1))
var treeString = tree.toString()
if (depth == 0) {
// Delete trailing newline
treeString = treeString.substring(0, treeString.length - 1)
return treeString
internal abstract class NoIntrinsicsMeasurePolicy(private val error: String) : MeasurePolicy {
override fun IntrinsicMeasureScope.minIntrinsicWidth(
measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
height: Int
) = error(error)
override fun IntrinsicMeasureScope.minIntrinsicHeight(
measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
width: Int
) = error(error)
override fun IntrinsicMeasureScope.maxIntrinsicWidth(
measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
height: Int
) = error(error)
override fun IntrinsicMeasureScope.maxIntrinsicHeight(
measurables: List<IntrinsicMeasurable>,
width: Int
) = error(error)
* Blocks that define the measurement and intrinsic measurement of the layout.
override var measurePolicy: MeasurePolicy = ErrorMeasurePolicy
set(value) {
if (field != value) {
field = value
* The intrinsic measurements of this layout, backed up by states to trigger
* correct remeasurement for layouts using the intrinsics of this layout
* when the [measurePolicy] is changing.
internal val intrinsicsPolicy = IntrinsicsPolicy(this)
* The screen density to be used by this layout.
override var density: Density = Density(1f)
set(value) {
if (field != value) {
field = value
internal var mLookaheadScope: LookaheadScope? = null
private set(newScope) {
if (newScope != field) {
field = newScope
forEachCoordinatorIncludingInner { coordinator ->
* The layout direction of the layout node.
override var layoutDirection: LayoutDirection = LayoutDirection.Ltr
set(value) {
if (field != value) {
field = value
override var viewConfiguration: ViewConfiguration = DummyViewConfiguration
private fun onDensityOrLayoutDirectionChanged() {
// TODO(b/242120396): it seems like we need to update some densities in the node coordinators here
// measure/layout modifiers on the node
// draw modifiers on the node
// and draw modifiers after graphics layers on the node
* The measured width of this layout and all of its [modifier]s. Shortcut for `size.width`.
override val width: Int
get() = layoutDelegate.width
* The measured height of this layout and all of its [modifier]s. Shortcut for `size.height`.
override val height: Int
get() = layoutDelegate.height
internal val alignmentLinesRequired: Boolean
get() = {
alignmentLinesOwner.alignmentLines.required ||
lookaheadAlignmentLinesOwner?.alignmentLines?.required == true
internal val mDrawScope: LayoutNodeDrawScope
get() = requireOwner().sharedDrawScope
* Whether or not this [LayoutNode] and all of its parents have been placed in the hierarchy.
override var isPlaced: Boolean = false
private set
* The order in which this node was placed by its parent during the previous `layoutChildren`.
* Before the placement the order is set to [NotPlacedPlaceOrder] to all the children. Then
* every placed node assigns this variable to [parent]s [nextChildPlaceOrder] and increments
* this counter. Not placed items will still have [NotPlacedPlaceOrder] set.
internal var placeOrder: Int = NotPlacedPlaceOrder
private set
* The value [placeOrder] had during the previous parent `layoutChildren`. Helps us to
* understand if the order did change.
internal var previousPlaceOrder: Int = NotPlacedPlaceOrder
private set
* The counter on a parent node which is used by its children to understand the order in which
* they were placed.
* @see placeOrder
private var nextChildPlaceOrder: Int = 0
* Remembers how the node was measured by the parent.
internal var measuredByParent: UsageByParent = UsageByParent.NotUsed
* Remembers how the node was measured by the parent in lookahead.
internal var measuredByParentInLookahead: UsageByParent = UsageByParent.NotUsed
* Remembers how the node was measured using intrinsics by an ancestor.
internal var intrinsicsUsageByParent: UsageByParent = UsageByParent.NotUsed
* We must cache a previous value of [intrinsicsUsageByParent] because measurement
* is sometimes skipped. When it is skipped, the subtree must be restored to this value.
private var previousIntrinsicsUsageByParent: UsageByParent = UsageByParent.NotUsed
@Deprecated("Temporary API to support ConstraintLayout prototyping.")
internal var canMultiMeasure: Boolean = false
var isLookaheadRoot: Boolean = false
set(value) {
if (value != field) {
if (!value) {
mLookaheadScope = null
} else {
mLookaheadScope = LookaheadScope(this)
field = value
internal val nodes = NodeChain(this)
internal val innerCoordinator: NodeCoordinator
get() = nodes.innerCoordinator
internal val layoutDelegate = LayoutNodeLayoutDelegate(this)
internal val outerCoordinator: NodeCoordinator
get() = nodes.outerCoordinator
* zIndex defines the drawing order of the LayoutNode. Children with larger zIndex are drawn
* on top of others (the original order is used for the nodes with the same zIndex).
* Default zIndex is 0. We use sum of the values passed as zIndex to place() by the
* parent layout and all the applied modifiers.
private var zIndex: Float = 0f
* The inner state associated with [androidx.compose.ui.layout.SubcomposeLayout].
internal var subcompositionsState: LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState? = null
* The inner-most layer coordinator. Used for performance for NodeCoordinator.findLayer().
private var _innerLayerCoordinator: NodeCoordinator? = null
internal var innerLayerCoordinatorIsDirty = true
private val innerLayerCoordinator: NodeCoordinator?
get() {
if (innerLayerCoordinatorIsDirty) {
var coordinator: NodeCoordinator? = innerCoordinator
val final = outerCoordinator.wrappedBy
_innerLayerCoordinator = null
while (coordinator != final) {
if (coordinator?.layer != null) {
_innerLayerCoordinator = coordinator
coordinator = coordinator?.wrappedBy
val layerCoordinator = _innerLayerCoordinator
if (layerCoordinator != null) {
return layerCoordinator
* Invalidates the inner-most layer as part of this LayoutNode or from the containing
* LayoutNode. This is added for performance so that NodeCoordinator.invalidateLayer() can be
* faster.
internal fun invalidateLayer() {
val innerLayerCoordinator = innerLayerCoordinator
if (innerLayerCoordinator != null) {
} else {
val parent = this.parent
* The [Modifier] currently applied to this node.
override var modifier: Modifier = Modifier
set(value) {
if (value == field) return
require(!isVirtual || modifier === Modifier) {
"Modifiers are not supported on virtual LayoutNodes"
field = value
val oldShouldInvalidateParentLayer = shouldInvalidateParentLayer()
val oldOuterCoordinator = outerCoordinator
// TODO(lmr): we don't need to do this every time and should attempt to avoid it
// whenever possible!
forEachCoordinatorIncludingInner {
// TODO(lmr): lets move this to the responsibility of the nodes
// TODO(lmr): lets move this to the responsibility of the nodes
if (oldShouldInvalidateParentLayer || shouldInvalidateParentLayer())
// TODO(lmr): this logic is not clear to me, but we want to move all invalidate* calls
// to the responsibility of the nodes to avoid unnecessary work. Let's try to include
// this one as well since it looks like it will be hit quite a bit
// Optimize the case where the layout itself is not modified. A common reason for
// this is if no wrapping actually occurs above because no LayoutModifiers are
// present in the modifier chain.
if (oldOuterCoordinator != innerCoordinator ||
outerCoordinator != innerCoordinator
) {
* Coordinates of just the contents of the [LayoutNode], after being affected by all modifiers.
override val coordinates: LayoutCoordinates
get() = innerCoordinator
* Callback to be executed whenever the [LayoutNode] is attached to a new [Owner].
internal var onAttach: ((Owner) -> Unit)? = null
* Callback to be executed whenever the [LayoutNode] is detached from an [Owner].
internal var onDetach: ((Owner) -> Unit)? = null
* Flag used by [OnPositionedDispatcher] to identify LayoutNodes that have already
* had their [OnGloballyPositionedModifier]'s dispatch called so that they aren't called
* multiple times.
internal var needsOnPositionedDispatch = false
internal fun place(x: Int, y: Int) {
if (intrinsicsUsageByParent == UsageByParent.NotUsed) {
// This LayoutNode may have asked children for intrinsics. If so, we should
// clear the intrinsics usage for everything that was requested previously.
with(measurePassDelegate) {
) {
placeRelative(x, y)
* Place this layout node again on the same position it was placed last time
internal fun replace() {
if (intrinsicsUsageByParent == UsageByParent.NotUsed) {
// This LayoutNode may have asked children for intrinsics. If so, we should
// clear the intrinsics usage for everything that was requested previously.
try {
relayoutWithoutParentInProgress = true
} finally {
relayoutWithoutParentInProgress = false
internal fun lookaheadReplace() {
if (intrinsicsUsageByParent == UsageByParent.NotUsed) {
// This LayoutNode may have asked children for intrinsics. If so, we should
// clear the intrinsics usage for everything that was requested previously.
* Is true during [replace] invocation. Helps to differentiate between the cases when our
* parent is measuring us during the measure block, and when we are remeasured individually
* because of some change. This could be useful to know if we need to record the placing order.
private var relayoutWithoutParentInProgress = false
internal fun draw(canvas: Canvas) = outerCoordinator.draw(canvas)
* Carries out a hit test on the [PointerInputModifier]s associated with this [LayoutNode] and
* all [PointerInputModifier]s on all descendant [LayoutNode]s.
* If [pointerPosition] is within the bounds of any tested
* [PointerInputModifier]s, the [PointerInputModifier] is added to [hitTestResult]
* and true is returned.
* @param pointerPosition The tested pointer position, which is relative to
* the LayoutNode.
* @param hitTestResult The collection that the hit [PointerInputFilter]s will be
* added to if hit.
internal fun hitTest(
pointerPosition: Offset,
hitTestResult: HitTestResult<PointerInputModifierNode>,
isTouchEvent: Boolean = false,
isInLayer: Boolean = true
) {
val positionInWrapped = outerCoordinator.fromParentPosition(pointerPosition)
internal fun hitTestSemantics(
pointerPosition: Offset,
hitSemanticsEntities: HitTestResult<SemanticsModifierNode>,
isTouchEvent: Boolean = true,
isInLayer: Boolean = true
) {
val positionInWrapped = outerCoordinator.fromParentPosition(pointerPosition)
isTouchEvent = true,
isInLayer = isInLayer
* Invoked when the parent placed the node. It will trigger the layout.
internal fun onNodePlaced() {
val parent = parent
var newZIndex = innerCoordinator.zIndex
forEachCoordinator {
newZIndex += it.zIndex
if (newZIndex != zIndex) {
zIndex = newZIndex
if (!isPlaced) {
// when the visibility of a child has been changed we need to invalidate
// parents inner layer - the layer in which this child will be drawn
if (parent != null) {
if (!relayoutWithoutParentInProgress && parent.layoutState == LayingOut) {
// the parent is currently placing its children
check(placeOrder == NotPlacedPlaceOrder) {
"Place was called on a node which was placed already"
placeOrder = parent.nextChildPlaceOrder
// if relayoutWithoutParentInProgress is true we were asked to be relaid out without
// affecting the parent. this means our placeOrder didn't change since the last time
// parent placed us.
} else {
// parent is null for the root node
placeOrder = 0
internal fun clearPlaceOrder() {
// reset the place order counter which will be used by the children
nextChildPlaceOrder = 0
forEachChild { child ->
// and reset the place order for all the children before placing them
child.previousPlaceOrder = child.placeOrder
child.placeOrder = LayoutNode.NotPlacedPlaceOrder
// before rerunning the user's layout block reset previous measuredByParent
// for children which we measured in the layout block during the last run.
if (child.measuredByParent == LayoutNode.UsageByParent.InLayoutBlock) {
child.measuredByParent = LayoutNode.UsageByParent.NotUsed
internal fun checkChildrenPlaceOrderForUpdates() {
forEachChild { child ->
// we set `placeOrder` to NotPlacedPlaceOrder for all the children, then
// during the placeChildren() invocation the real order will be assigned for
// all the placed children.
if (child.previousPlaceOrder != child.placeOrder) {
if (child.placeOrder == LayoutNode.NotPlacedPlaceOrder) {
private fun markNodeAndSubtreeAsPlaced() {
isPlaced = true
// invalidate all the nodes layers that were invalidated while the node was not placed
forEachCoordinatorIncludingInner {
if (it.lastLayerDrawingWasSkipped) {
forEachChild {
// this child was placed during the previous parent's layoutChildren(). this means that
// before the parent became not placed this child was placed. we need to restore that
if (it.placeOrder != NotPlacedPlaceOrder) {
internal fun rescheduleRemeasureOrRelayout(it: LayoutNode) {
when (it.layoutState) {
Idle -> {
// this node was scheduled for remeasure or relayout while it was not
// placed. such requests are ignored for non-placed nodes so we have to
// re-schedule remeasure or relayout.
if (it.measurePending) {
it.requestRemeasure(forceRequest = true)
} else if (it.layoutPending) {
it.requestRelayout(forceRequest = true)
} else if (it.lookaheadMeasurePending) {
it.requestLookaheadRemeasure(forceRequest = true)
} else if (it.lookaheadLayoutPending) {
it.requestLookaheadRelayout(forceRequest = true)
} else {
// no extra work required and node is ready to be displayed
else -> throw IllegalStateException("Unexpected state ${it.layoutState}")
private fun markSubtreeAsNotPlaced() {
if (isPlaced) {
isPlaced = false
forEachChild {
* Used to request a new measurement + layout pass from the owner.
internal fun requestRemeasure(forceRequest: Boolean = false) {
if (!ignoreRemeasureRequests && !isVirtual) {
val owner = owner ?: return
owner.onRequestMeasure(this, forceRequest = forceRequest)
* Used to request a new lookahead measurement, lookahead layout, and subsequently
* measure and layout from the owner.
internal fun requestLookaheadRemeasure(forceRequest: Boolean = false) {
check(mLookaheadScope != null) {
"Lookahead measure cannot be requested on a node that is not a part of the" +
val owner = owner ?: return
if (!ignoreRemeasureRequests && !isVirtual) {
owner.onRequestMeasure(this, affectsLookahead = true, forceRequest = forceRequest)
* This gets called when both lookahead measurement (if in a LookaheadLayout) and actual
* measurement need to be re-done. Such events include modifier change, attach/detach, etc.
internal fun invalidateMeasurements() {
if (mLookaheadScope != null) {
} else {
internal inline fun ignoreRemeasureRequests(block: () -> Unit) {
ignoreRemeasureRequests = true
ignoreRemeasureRequests = false
* Used to request a new layout pass from the owner.
internal fun requestRelayout(forceRequest: Boolean = false) {
if (!isVirtual) {
owner?.onRequestRelayout(this, forceRequest = forceRequest)
internal fun requestLookaheadRelayout(forceRequest: Boolean = false) {
if (!isVirtual) {
owner?.onRequestRelayout(this, affectsLookahead = true, forceRequest)
internal fun dispatchOnPositionedCallbacks() {
if (layoutState != Idle || layoutPending || measurePending) {
return // it hasn't yet been properly positioned, so don't make a call
if (!isPlaced) {
return // it hasn't been placed, so don't make a call
nodes.headToTail(Nodes.GlobalPositionAware) {
* This returns a new List of Modifiers and the coordinates and any extra information
* that may be useful. This is used for tooling to retrieve layout modifier and layer
* information.
override fun getModifierInfo(): List<ModifierInfo> = nodes.getModifierInfo()
* Invalidates layers defined on this LayoutNode.
internal fun invalidateLayers() {
forEachCoordinator { coordinator ->
internal fun lookaheadRemeasure(
constraints: Constraints? = layoutDelegate.lastLookaheadConstraints
): Boolean {
// Only lookahead remeasure when the constraints are valid and the node is in
// a LookaheadLayout (by checking whether the lookaheadScope is set)
return if (constraints != null && mLookaheadScope != null) {
} else {
* Return true if the measured size has been changed
internal fun remeasure(
constraints: Constraints? = layoutDelegate.lastConstraints
): Boolean {
return if (constraints != null) {
if (intrinsicsUsageByParent == UsageByParent.NotUsed) {
// This LayoutNode may have asked children for intrinsics. If so, we should
// clear the intrinsics usage for everything that was requested previously.
} else {
* Tracks whether another measure pass is needed for the LayoutNode.
* Mutation to [measurePending] is confined to LayoutNodeLayoutDelegate.
* It can only be set true from outside of LayoutNode via [markMeasurePending].
* It is cleared (i.e. set false) during the measure pass (
* i.e. in [LayoutNodeLayoutDelegate.performMeasure]).
internal val measurePending: Boolean
get() = layoutDelegate.measurePending
* Tracks whether another layout pass is needed for the LayoutNode.
* Mutation to [layoutPending] is confined to LayoutNode. It can only be set true from outside
* of LayoutNode via [markLayoutPending]. It is cleared (i.e. set false) during the layout pass
* (i.e. in layoutChildren).
internal val layoutPending: Boolean
get() = layoutDelegate.layoutPending
internal val lookaheadMeasurePending: Boolean
get() = layoutDelegate.lookaheadMeasurePending
internal val lookaheadLayoutPending: Boolean
get() = layoutDelegate.lookaheadLayoutPending
* Marks the layoutNode dirty for another layout pass.
internal fun markLayoutPending() = layoutDelegate.markLayoutPending()
* Marks the layoutNode dirty for another measure pass.
internal fun markMeasurePending() = layoutDelegate.markMeasurePending()
* Marks the layoutNode dirty for another lookahead layout pass.
internal fun markLookaheadLayoutPending() = layoutDelegate.markLookaheadLayoutPending()
* Marks the layoutNode dirty for another lookahead measure pass.
internal fun markLookaheadMeasurePending() =
override fun forceRemeasure() {
val lastConstraints = layoutDelegate.lastConstraints
if (lastConstraints != null) {
owner?.measureAndLayout(this, lastConstraints)
} else {
override fun onLayoutComplete() {
innerCoordinator.visitNodes(Nodes.LayoutAware) {
* Calls [block] on all [LayoutModifierNodeCoordinator]s in the NodeCoordinator chain.
private inline fun forEachCoordinator(block: (LayoutModifierNodeCoordinator) -> Unit) {
var coordinator: NodeCoordinator? = outerCoordinator
val inner = innerCoordinator
while (coordinator !== inner) {
block(coordinator as LayoutModifierNodeCoordinator)
coordinator = coordinator.wrapped
* Calls [block] on all [NodeCoordinator]s in the NodeCoordinator chain.
private inline fun forEachCoordinatorIncludingInner(block: (NodeCoordinator) -> Unit) {
var delegate: NodeCoordinator? = outerCoordinator
val final = innerCoordinator.wrapped
while (delegate != final && delegate != null) {
delegate = delegate.wrapped
private fun shouldInvalidateParentLayer(): Boolean {
if (nodes.has(Nodes.Draw) && !nodes.has(Nodes.Layout)) return true
nodes.headToTail {
if (it.isKind(Nodes.Layout) && it is LayoutModifierNode) {
if (it.requireCoordinator(Nodes.Layout).layer != null) {
return false
if (it.isKind(Nodes.Draw)) return true
return true
* Walks the subtree and clears all [intrinsicsUsageByParent] that this
* LayoutNode's measurement used intrinsics on.
* The layout that asks for intrinsics of its children is the node to call this to request
* all of its subtree to be cleared.
* We can't do clearing as part of measure() because the child's measure()
* call is normally done after the intrinsics is requested and we don't want
* to clear the usage at that point.
internal fun clearSubtreeIntrinsicsUsage() {
// save the usage in case we short-circuit the measure call
previousIntrinsicsUsageByParent = intrinsicsUsageByParent
intrinsicsUsageByParent = UsageByParent.NotUsed
forEachChild {
if (it.intrinsicsUsageByParent != UsageByParent.NotUsed) {
* Walks the subtree and clears all [intrinsicsUsageByParent] that this
* LayoutNode's layout block used intrinsics on.
* The layout that asks for intrinsics of its children is the node to call this to request
* all of its subtree to be cleared.
* We can't do clearing as part of measure() because the child's measure()
* call is normally done after the intrinsics is requested and we don't want
* to clear the usage at that point.
private fun clearSubtreePlacementIntrinsicsUsage() {
// save the usage in case we short-circuit the measure call
previousIntrinsicsUsageByParent = intrinsicsUsageByParent
intrinsicsUsageByParent = UsageByParent.NotUsed
forEachChild {
if (it.intrinsicsUsageByParent == UsageByParent.InLayoutBlock) {
* For a subtree that skips measurement, this resets the [intrinsicsUsageByParent]
* to what it was prior to [clearSubtreeIntrinsicsUsage].
internal fun resetSubtreeIntrinsicsUsage() {
forEachChild {
it.intrinsicsUsageByParent = it.previousIntrinsicsUsageByParent
if (it.intrinsicsUsageByParent != UsageByParent.NotUsed) {
* Comparator allowing to sort nodes by zIndex and placement order.
val ZComparator = Comparator<LayoutNode> { node1, node2 ->
if (node1.zIndex == node2.zIndex) {
// if zIndex is the same we use the placement order
} else {
override val parentInfo: LayoutInfo?
get() = parent
internal companion object {
private val ErrorMeasurePolicy: NoIntrinsicsMeasurePolicy =
object : NoIntrinsicsMeasurePolicy(
error = "Undefined intrinsics block and it is required"
) {
override fun MeasureScope.measure(
measurables: List<Measurable>,
constraints: Constraints
) = error("Undefined measure and it is required")
* Constant used by [placeOrder].
internal const val NotPlacedPlaceOrder = Int.MAX_VALUE
* Pre-allocated constructor to be used with ComposeNode
internal val Constructor: () -> LayoutNode = { LayoutNode() }
* All of these values are only used in tests. The real ViewConfiguration should
* be set in Layout()
internal val DummyViewConfiguration = object : ViewConfiguration {
override val longPressTimeoutMillis: Long
get() = 400L
override val doubleTapTimeoutMillis: Long
get() = 300L
override val doubleTapMinTimeMillis: Long
get() = 40L
override val touchSlop: Float
get() = 16f
override val minimumTouchTargetSize: DpSize
get() = DpSize.Zero
* Describes the current state the [LayoutNode] is in. A [LayoutNode] is expected to be in
* [LookaheadMeasuring] first, followed by [LookaheadLayingOut] if it is in a
* LookaheadLayout. After the lookahead is finished, [Measuring] and then [LayingOut] will
* happen as needed.
internal enum class LayoutState {
* Node is currently being measured.
* Node is being measured in lookahead.
* Node is currently being laid out.
* Node is being laid out in lookahead.
* Node is not currently measuring or laying out. It could be pending measure or pending
* layout depending on the [measurePending] and [layoutPending] flags.
internal enum class UsageByParent {
* Returns [LayoutNode.owner] or throws if it is null.
internal fun LayoutNode.requireOwner(): Owner {
val owner = owner
checkNotNull(owner) {
"LayoutNode should be attached to an owner"
return owner
* Inserts a child [LayoutNode] at a last index. If this LayoutNode [LayoutNode.isAttached]
* then [child] will become [LayoutNode.isAttached] also. [child] must have a `null`
* [LayoutNode.parent].
internal fun LayoutNode.add(child: LayoutNode) {
insertAt(children.size, child)